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How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

In a recent debate with a woman who is actually red pilled herself, she managed to define being red pilled in a way that I found succinct. More or less, do not "respect" women in the way that blue pill men do. This is basically a requirement IMO and what sets apart blue pilled PUAs and men who have their head screwed on straight.

You can rationalize it all you want, that you do in fact respect women, but whatever, let's move on.

Point being, is how would you quantify the percentage of your actual competition?

When you're at the club, you're in a location jammed full of red pilled men. But in your town, what percentage would share your ethos? How would you estimate it?

Curious if any of you guys ever found a number you and others felt confident in. I've felt 20%, but she seemed to think the number was higher and I was gobstruck by this. Probably because she surrounds herself with dick, but regardless, here we are.

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

What difference does it make?

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

Quote: (03-22-2019 01:07 PM)Noir Wrote:  

What difference does it make?

There are literally two places on the internet that we can organize and assemble knowledge on this on the internet. Some of that knowledge is academic in nature, some of it is strictly pragmatic.

Your reply could equally be inserted into any discussion about child support by country etc. All of this stuff is helpful in building towards being a more knowledgeable and more competitive man.

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

It's hard to say since there are degrees of awareness of red pill values - rejecting the feminist propaganda, understanding hypergamy and other evo-psych concepts, embracing masculinity and alpha-male characteristics, etc.

You also have groups like MGTOW and MRAs who tend to be more purple pilled with a more mixed set of beliefs. You have evo-psych experts who can somehow still fail to see the big picture. You also have incels who are black pilled and literally hate women, but don't really understand why they fail with them (always blaming looks).

Overall I'd estimate the number of truly red-pilled men who have a realistic understanding of female behavior and general sexual dynamics to be about 10% or less. Not even everyone on this forum is. I mean it takes a long time to fully decondition yourself from the increasingly ubiquitous feminist ideals that are shoved down your throat on a daily basis.

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

Noir is right - it doesn't matter. Red pilled men are naturally adverse to authority anyway.

If you look at societal trends over the past thousand years, there's always been a much greater proportion of Betas to Alphas. This is good for society, because without the obedience of authority, society falls apart. Look at the Roman Empire for example - as more generals tried to assert themselves as the Emperor, the power of the crown degraded and so did the society with it. This was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen.

In fact, I would argue that the more true "Alphas" society has, the more likely said society is to be on the decline.

I would estimate less than 2% of men globally are truly "redpill" even though I hate that word. If you figure there are 4.1b men in the world, and 2% of them have red-pill values, you have over 82 million men.

For comparison, that is equal to the population of Turkey, Iran, and Germany.

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

OP, I know you didn't explicitly state it, but do you believe the majority of male night club patrons are red pilled?

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

Everyone is born with these values. They are conditioned out of you by society at large, the media, and the educational system. Those that are 'finding' the redpill are simply finding what they have always known deep down to be true.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

How would you quantify the percentage of men who have red pill values?

Quote: (03-22-2019 02:49 PM)Investment Bro Wrote:  

Noir is right - it doesn't matter. Red pilled men are naturally adverse to authority anyway.

If you look at societal trends over the past thousand years, there's always been a much greater proportion of Betas to Alphas. This is good for society, because without the obedience of authority, society falls apart. Look at the Roman Empire for example - as more generals tried to assert themselves as the Emperor, the power of the crown degraded and so did the society with it. This was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen.

In fact, I would argue that the more true "Alphas" society has, the more likely said society is to be on the decline.

I would estimate less than 2% of men globally are truly "redpill" even though I hate that word. If you figure there are 4.1b men in the world, and 2% of them have red-pill values, you have over 82 million men.

For comparison, that is equal to the population of Turkey, Iran, and Germany.

Places like Columbia are going to be red pill hotspots though, so IDK about 2%.

Quote: (03-22-2019 03:04 PM)Snag87 Wrote:  

OP, I know you didn't explicitly state it, but do you believe the majority of male night club patrons are red pilled?

It'd be dense, but IDK to be honest. I came up with a blue pill diagnostic, and I'd say that at least 50% of men in those clubs are still blue pill.

Blue pill males

Men who prefer monogamous relationships, which they believe they have a high chance of success through strategy and performance, or finding a partner who is trustworthy and reliable who they can share a future with because such risk is worth taking.

For polygamouspolyamorous males, a relationship orientation which seeks cooperation with women.


But another way to think of this, is some 20-30% of relationships have male domestic violence in them, 70% of people who report one way DV are men (meaning their wife assaults them and they do nothing).

So I mean... at LEAST 70% of the population is blue pill. But what about that remaining 20-30%?

It's not 2%. There's a lot of guys that get it. Just that they cluster in the clubs and other pickup spots.

So far, I'm willing to estimate it around 12% but I'm trying to pin it down. I think it's higher than the percentage of narcissistic men but lower than 30%.

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