I've currently in a LTR with a girl who has no red flags (~6 months in) and treats me very well.
Whilst things are great on the surface, deep down I feel like I have some sort of imposter syndrome; I just don't see why this girl is so in to me. I seem to have fairly low self-esteem and keep thinking she'll come to her senses and eventually leave and/or cheat - after all, aren't all women supposedly hypergamous?
The reason I care so much is that I genuinely think I could go the long haul with her - she has a similar outlook on life to me, is conservative, has a pleasant family, is willing to try different and new things, doesn't use social media at all, was a virgin before I met her etc.
I don't want to fuck this up by letting my insecurities get the better of me. How can I stop worrying about all this and just relax and enjoy the relationship?
Oh and if someone suggests "you need abundance" or something similar, I've never been one to live the player lifestyle; it's just not for me. I came to the forum to learn how I could live a better life - girls were always secondary.
Whilst things are great on the surface, deep down I feel like I have some sort of imposter syndrome; I just don't see why this girl is so in to me. I seem to have fairly low self-esteem and keep thinking she'll come to her senses and eventually leave and/or cheat - after all, aren't all women supposedly hypergamous?
The reason I care so much is that I genuinely think I could go the long haul with her - she has a similar outlook on life to me, is conservative, has a pleasant family, is willing to try different and new things, doesn't use social media at all, was a virgin before I met her etc.
I don't want to fuck this up by letting my insecurities get the better of me. How can I stop worrying about all this and just relax and enjoy the relationship?
Oh and if someone suggests "you need abundance" or something similar, I've never been one to live the player lifestyle; it's just not for me. I came to the forum to learn how I could live a better life - girls were always secondary.