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Tunnel rat diaries

Tunnel rat diaries

This will be half blog half stream of thought when I get bored.

Andrew Tristan and me where baby killers in nam in kids against kids games. so if you see them just know they aren't lyng about nam. When /if I deploy to Europe I'll update delta force on how things are going here. Expect weekly kill counts and bank robbery war stories.
Jimmy milo is cool as fuck.just dont crash your fucking black hawk this time and make us recreate black hawk down as hunter put it.

That tate boy stabbed me in the stomach for to much of a black n mild. Gshit though Andrew I'm sorry for almost quitting on you in that op.dude but that snake trap shit scared the fuck out of me and i was taking point on that shit.

Tunnel rat diaries

Quote: (03-13-2019 11:44 AM)SteezeySteve Wrote:  

This will be half blog half stream of thought when I get bored.

Andrew Tristan and me where baby killers in nam in kids against kids games. so if you see them just know they aren't lyng about nam. When /if I deploy to Europe I'll update delta force on how things are going here. Expect weekly kill counts and bank robbery war stories.
Jimmy milo is cool as fuck.just dont crash your fucking black hawk this time and make us recreate black hawk down as hunter put it.

That tate boy stabbed me in the stomach for to much of a black n mild. Gshit though Andrew I'm sorry for almost quitting on you in that op.dude but that snake trap shit scared the fuck out of me and i was taking point on that shit.

Any particular reason for not just standing up a blog for your thoughtstream?

Tunnel rat diaries

Hunter go hit up karla gangstersqaud style and get off my thread.

Ask me or hunter questions about the middle east t biki dboi ops or Ron desantis team junkies ops.

The rates have full memory of nam if they wish to chime in.

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