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'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women


'Rape Day' computer game where players sexually assault and murder women amidst scenes of necrophilia and incest sparks outrage

Developer claims game is aimed at 'four per cent of sociopaths in the population'

It lets players control a menacing serial killer rapist during a zombie apocalypse
Gaming platform Steam reviewing game to see if it breaches its code of conduct

But Steam has a 'anything goes' policy and only bans 'illegal' or 'trolling' content

[Image: 10598318-6772707-image-a-17_1551787466875.jpg]

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

I have a game idea.

It's called, "RVF News Beat Off".

You join the forum and continuously post threads about outrageous news and not post much of anything else! When you beat the game, you get the "NewsBozzz" achievement .

5/5 IGN
9/10 Kotaku
9/10 Steam

Pure genius!

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Won't run on a Commodore 64, lame.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=8737514]

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Still a better love story then Twilight

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

No, no, no. You have it all wrong.

The inventor of the game was speaking with a slightly deaf journalist who mis-heard the name. It's actually called "Crepe Day," and awards points to whichever played concocts the most outlandish gourmet French cuisine. The inventor named it in honor of his girlfriend, Suzette.

Some screenshots:

[Image: 1024px-Cr%C3%A9pe_Suzette_001.jpg]

[Image: med106461how004b_0_horiz.jpg?itok=2aEpuI0L]

The soundtrack:


'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

But does it have a hard mode?

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Quote: (03-05-2019 08:16 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

But does it have a hard mode?

Every mode is hard mode.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women


'If people want my game to not exist... their best offense in my opinion would be to not talk about me, and not give me free press.

'If both my game is banned and I am banned, then I will ensure that a content platform for all kinds of legal, quality porn games exist.'

This guy is a based shitlord that dngaf

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

I am mildly entertained, but don't see the tie-in.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Technical question: does a single person make graphics on this level? I thought solitary developers were relegated to making shitty Candy Crush ripoffs on App Store.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

The game is made with a collection of still images. No animation. Japan has been making hentai games since forever. This is just a bit less cartoon-like so it got more attention.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Would negative rep this faggot OP if I could

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

When is release day?

Asking for a friend.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Something tells me that 3.5% of the "4% of the sociopaths" of the population who the game is aimed at are the same people who are reeeeeing over the game. Have fun with it, feminists and soyboys.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Guise, I made a lot of money as a storyboard consultant for this game.

Please support it so they make a sequel.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

The game doesn't care that you don't want to play it...it's going to make you play it.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

This reminds me of an old joke:

"9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape"

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Important questions every political correct person should ask:
So, which skin color can you choose for the player character?
If there is one missing, is this game racist?

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

'Rape Day' Computer Game Where Players Sexually Assault and Murder Women

Quote: (03-06-2019 03:21 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

The game is made with a collection of still images. No animation. Japan has been making hentai games since forever. This is just a bit less cartoon-like so it got more attention.

Actual those hentai games are actual entertaining with sex scenes. This seem to be some guy who got bored and made rape scenes into the game.

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