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Using Instagram for productivity

Using Instagram for productivity

I don’t have Instagram and had no desire to use it previously.

However, it is such a widespread platform now and that really struck home for me when my boss (in his 60s) is on it to keep up with evolving trends (eg his interest in art, theatre, fine dining, evolving trends in our industry)

My question is - can Instagram be used for productivity and in particular to be ‘ahead of the curve’ on evolving trends?

And if so, what are the channels worth subscribing to in each category?

News - ?Time
Business - ?Economist
Fashion / style - ?GQ
Fitness - ?
Food / Recipe - ?
Hobbies - ?
Is there a channel with quirky but interesting / topical news that would be great for initiating conversation?

If not instagram, is there another platform with this type of news to help us stay ‘ahead of the curve’ or even perhaps an audio channel to wake up to?

Using Instagram for productivity

none, instagram is garbage

Using Instagram for productivity

Maybe is you had crazy good willpower. I open the app with intentions to do marketing and 30 seconds later it's all #naturebums

Using Instagram for productivity

Social media is anti-productive.

Using Instagram for productivity

You could use it if you have a business related to it, like I think if you were a personal trainer you could have videos of training your clients or progress pictures of yourself or of traveling
I think theres alot of potential with pickup and using instagram or social media because its an easy way to hit up alot of girls at once faster than texting but not sure the optimal way to use it for that
but yeah like the other guys said it could be a huge waste of time

Using Instagram for productivity

If you're really interested in staying ahead of the trends for marketing purposes, you're best off using a data aggregator.

Instagram is great for marketing to the 18-34 crowd, but beyond that it's not good for much else. Part of the problem is the average attention span is so low, so trends continuously fluctuate.

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