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Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Comment why.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...


Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Yes. And surprise surprise, if you aren't a scumbag you can actually remain faithful!

As for if she is faithful to you, stick to communities that enforce it like church communities.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

A genuine interest in this topic since there seems to be a divide in opinions on this forum.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Personally, honesty is the most important thing for me. Unless I'm in a LTR, I'm single. As such, I'm always seeing multiple girls, and I let them all know about it (e.g. "listen, i'm single and gonna date around, if you don't like it the door is right there"), or when she confronts me about it, I'll tell her the truth. This has always worked out for me in the sense that the girls never leave because of my player attitude, they stick around (I assume because of the honesty) and respect me for it, because most guys would lie.

The only time it's become a problem (as can be seen in my recent thread) is when I stop the player attitude as per their request.

Keep playing the game you were playing when you met them and they'll stick around, seems to work that way for me. That's what attracted them in the first place.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-08-2018 01:50 AM)trio Wrote:  

A genuine interest in this topic since there seems to be a divide in opinions on this forum.

Most guys here who aren't faithful usually put so much in the relationship that their wives/lovers are happy. That is even if or if she doesn't know. From the stories on here, it seems many women don't ind being with a guy who's unfaithful, as long as he treats her right. Basically, women don't mind there being others in the race, as long as they're always numbered on

The faithful guys on here that I've seen are mostly retired players who settled down due to the thrill being gone. It became a chore to them so they settled down with somebody that made them happy.

With all that said, I believe there's a relationship thread.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

From my experience, many girls have been utterly submissive when they KNEW I was faithful to them. Three of them have deleted ALL their social media accounts as a sign of respect to me.

I think being faithful whilst keeping them in line by showing no fear to leave when things get bad, really works.

A woman who doesn't mind cheating, is cheating on you.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-08-2018 02:19 AM)trio Wrote:  

A woman who doesn't mind cheating, is cheating on you.

Interesting quote. I'm hesitant to sign that though.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-08-2018 02:19 AM)trio Wrote:  

From my experience, many girls have been utterly submissive when they KNEW I was faithful to them. Three of them have deleted ALL their social media accounts as a sign of respect to me.

I think being faithful whilst keeping them in line by showing no fear to leave when things get bad, really works.

A woman who doesn't mind cheating, is cheating on you.

Yeah this is pretty much it. If you want loyalty from a chick you got to give it. If she thinks you're fucking around then she's either gonna start straying too or she's gonna dump you. There was one guy on another thread a while back who said that any chick that you're plating is probably plating you too.

Your power in any relationship is the power to leave it if the girl doesn't demonstrate the same level of loyalty that you are. It's not rocket science.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Your power to leave is the key, not the faithfulness.....Many guys are faithful and deal with cheating gf all the time.

But I'm very anti relationship so my opinion is irrelevant.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

loyal?? I don't think it's the purpose of the forum.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

I've never cheated in a proper LTR, and I don't plan to in the future.

Reason: Several. First, these days I am only interested in LTRs with very traditionalist conservative girls. While it is true that women of some backgrounds will tolerate a little play on the side, these women are not those women. Note: I am not dating traditionalist girls from the Asian and Latin cultures that might, in certain cases, be more forgiving. Second, I have somewhat indoctrinated myself in to an ethical code that doesn't, in most circumstances, allow for unfaithfulness. Third, media and others are clearly pushing a pro-infidelity narrative. One of my many heuristics is that if the controlled mainstream tells you to do something, you should seriously consider not doing that thing. Finally, there is an element of long-term preservation to this. It is possible that within the next one or two or three LTRs I have, I may end up marrying and having children. As I alluded to in the thread on cheating, I have observed (through my research) the outcome of many, many cases of infidelity (in marriage specifically). In the long term, it is never positive. I'm not interested purposely handicapping my own life plans.

Notice that I didn't list my devotion to an LTR or future wife or anything like that.

Currently out of office.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Being faithful but showing her that you could cheat on her at any moment if you'd want.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Being faithful is nothing about her, it's about you and your values.

If you have a deal with an LTR that you are going to be monogamous and you bang around, then you are lying and breaking your word.

Values are important.

Lying, cheating and breaking your word mean you have no values of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness.

Who wants a man like that in their life? Who want to look in the mirror and see that guy every morning?

Are you going to destroy your value system, your honor over a fold of skin?

If you can't or don't want to be faithful, then that's ok, just stay single, bang around and tell women you are not going to be faithful - nothing wrong with that.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

I have always been loyal in every LTR, and of course my marriage. However, it's always obvious to my woman that other women throw IOIs my way. I'm loyal because I choose her (and she submits to me completely) and I'm an honourable man, despite the fact that I could get other women if I wanted to.

There are two kinds of loyalty from a man to his woman. One is because he has no option, and will be hopelessly single without her. The other is because he is happiest with her despite having plenty of options. Only one is attractive to women.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

I have noticed that my best sex experiences and relationships have been with women I showed loyalty to. They acted like proper feminine submissive women.

The girls I cheated on, well, those relationships had taken a major downfall and some of the worst I've been in.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Candidly, I have a few LTRs going right now.

I'm open about the fact that it's non-exclusive but we can have fun and hang out. I don't ask them what they're up to when I'm not around. I like different girls for different reasons, but I don't really have the time right now to be a husband.

As long as you're honest about it, do whatever you want.

Someday if I want a wife, I would be faithful.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Who actually has been in a 5+ year relationship, has lived at least a few years with their LTR and remained faithful the whole time? Was it hard for you?

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:46 PM)Lermontov Wrote:  

Who actually has been in a 5+ year relationship, has lived at least a few years with their LTR and remained faithful the whole time? Was it hard for you?


I was married for about 12 years; lived in the same house. Never cheated on her. She's a good gal.

Hard? Yeah, sometimes. Women leave hair in the drain, dishes in the sink, and shoes in random places.

You definitely will want to stray and wonder what's out there.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-09-2018 02:52 AM)trio Wrote:  

I have noticed that my best sex experiences and relationships have been with women I showed loyalty to. They acted like proper feminine submissive women.

The girls I cheated on, well, those relationships had taken a major downfall and some of the worst I've been in.
Exact opposite for me. The reasons are my fault and I deserved it. However, the damage is done.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:59 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  


I was married for about 12 years; lived in the same house. Never cheated on her. She's a good gal.

Hard? Yeah, sometimes. Women leave hair in the drain, dishes in the sink, and shoes in random places.

You definitely will want to stray and wonder what's out there.

Respectfully, Why did you divorce? Which of you initiated it?

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:46 PM)Lermontov Wrote:  

Who actually has been in a 5+ year relationship, has lived at least a few years with their LTR and remained faithful the whole time? Was it hard for you?

I did, and it wasn't that hard. First of all I didn't know anything then, was blue pill, thought monogamy was natural, normal, and moral. Second, more importantly, I didn't really have options at the time. This topic should really only be discussed among men who have the option of abundance and variety, otherwise it's meaningless.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Those that know me here know that I'm not the paragon of faithfulness. I just don't subscribe to the moral relevance of being sexually faithful in a relationship. It's bluepill rubbish to me. That said, I'm very respectful, never been caught and I would never do anything to overtly cause emotional trauma to someone I loved or cared about. Simply put im not a full blown dog. Most of my friends aren't faithful either and they are all good guys that love their women and don't have any concerning or paralyzing character flaws. They would take a bullet for me and none of us talk shit behind each other's back.

This ownership mentality regarding sex just isn't my thing and quite frankly I'd be perfectly fine with a woman behaving in a similar fashion to me if it didn't complete obliterate her emotional connection to me, but the nature of women doesn't allow for this. The nature of a man does.

I've been this way since college and all my friends have had this same mindset. Folks can start throwing around terms like morality, honor...etc all they want but i personally don't think it's that. I'm not a narcissist and neither are my friends. We are all generous and unselfish. The thing is a lotta of anti player sentiment comes from men who never had a lot of options to begin with. Take Calvin Harris for example, he was in a relationship with Taylor Swift when he fucked the shit out of my FWB. I saw not an ounce of remorse on his face as he took her, a non millionaire non pop start non idol, up to his penthouse presidential suite to fuck the shit out of her for a 10 minutes max.

Some of the greatest men in modern history have practiced infidelity...JFK, BK, Martin Luther King, Thomas Jefferson, politicans from both sides of the Isle...etc the list goes on and on. Somehow some of the gentlemen on this board who have contributed nothing to better society want to pass judgement on a man for simply getting a nut outside of his relationship. This is an insane level of self importance and self aggrandizing to me. I have cast no judgement on a man who chooses to be faithful but I have an issues with the judging of men from my ilk

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:46 PM)Lermontov Wrote:  

Who actually has been in a 5+ year relationship, has lived at least a few years with their LTR and remained faithful the whole time? Was it hard for you?

I did. It was 7 years total. It wasn't particularly hard for some reason, but I do regret being so faithful and will not do it again.

Is there ANYONE who is loyal to their LTR here?...

I spent some time today with a married 7, who was a great girl.

If she was single...

But, she's totally in love with her husband, they have a little kid, and if that guy's not faithful he's a sucker.

[Not being weak...made me think]

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