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The End of Tumblr

The End of Tumblr

Tumblr a hotbed for sexual degeneracy and cultural marxism is banning ALL adult content from the site, this is likely a push to be more advertiser friendly, with Verizon probably trying to monetize what it can from the site, and make it more attractive to buyers.


Tumblr to ban most nudity, graphic sexual content

Microblogging service Tumblr says it is banning pictures of human genitals and female nipples in a bid to create a “better, more positive” experience for its users.

Tumblr CEO Jeff D’Onofrio revealed the changes Monday in a lengthy post published to the platform, saying the company believed banning most forms of graphic sexual content and nudity would make some people feel more comfortable using the service.

“There are no shortage of sites on the internet that feature adult content,” he wrote.

A separate post provided more details on the ban, which will take effect Dec. 17. Users with existing posts which do not meet the new guidelines will be given advance warning, as well as instruction on how to save their content off-Tumblr or appeal the decision to remove it.

Automated tools will be used to filter through content and flag anything inappropriate, D’Onofrio said, while human moderators will be used to weigh in on situations where additional context is needed, such as nudity at political protests or photographs of Michelangelo’s David.

Exceptions still allowed on Tumblr will include photos of female nipples “in connection with breastfeeding, birth or after-birth moments [or] health-related situations, such as post-mastectomy or gender confirmation surgery.” Nudity in art and sexually explicit written content will also be permitted, although “photorealistic” renditions that could be mistaken for human nudity will not.

“We won’t always get this right, especially in the beginning, but we are determined to make your experience a positive one,” D’Onofrio wrote.

Tumblr, which was purchased by Yahoo for US$1.1 billion in 2013, claims to have nearly 450 million individual microblogs receiving a total of more than 33 million posts per day.

A number of Tumblr users voiced frustrations with the policy change on Tumblr itself, often using the memes and GIFs typically associated with the platform. Others discussed whether users might be willing to move to a new site more accommodating of human nudity.

“Dear Tumblr, we liked you because you were a free place where we could express and show and share anything we felt like,” one user wrote.

“You are killing yourself. You are denying what made us choose you.”

This is going to kill the site, as a large chunk of it's traffic is based around adult content. Heavy auto-censors/moderation will probably result in over reach in deletion of content

The End of Tumblr

good riddance. place is literally the internet's breeding ground for self-identifying acronym"""people"""

The End of Tumblr

[Image: giphy.gif]

RIP to Tumblr, a glorified porn blogging website. Tumblr will never be the same when the porn purge occurs.

It would be interesting to find out what the total percentage of views on Tumblr are from the viewing of porn & other adult content.
"When will they learn not to get in the way of the rage of this era?" #210

The End of Tumblr

@ Built to fade

My guess is 60-90 percent. Maybe even higher

The End of Tumblr

Really? Tumblr has good pics?

What are some good tumblr blogs with hotties? [Image: smile.gif]

The End of Tumblr

I can honestly say I have never been to this site in my entire life.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

The End of Tumblr

They also are dope for finding old racecar pictures.so ill still use it when the shit goes south

The End of Tumblr

They're already banning conservative blogs, now adult content? All that's left is some feminist blogger who's too hideous to show her body.

The End of Tumblr

Yeah it’s gonna go downhill fast. It was nice because you could bypass proxies and cruise through a bunch of gifs instead of going to normal porn site with a bunch a dick enlargement pill and “hotties want to FUCK you NOW” ads

The End of Tumblr

What's funny about Tumblr eliminating the porn blogs is that some of these bloggers have taken to calling it a "right wing" censorship driven by wealthy white men. I think its funny that these people, whom I assume to be left of center, are pots calling the kettle black because they are getting a dose of their own medicine.

The End of Tumblr

Stop fucking watching porn, that shit ruins you.

The End of Tumblr

I wouldn't be surprised if Pinterest follows suit. It isn't as porn-laden as Tumblr, but there are still racy pics on it. Tumblr was practically built around porn, though officially only about 11% of the visits were to porn pages. Most of it was, of course, stolen without attribution.

Once Yahoo bought them the writing was on the wall for their "fuck you!" business model. They started filtering (described in the linked article as shadow banning); then Verizon took over and it's moved on to age verification. The author presents a couple of theories behind the shift:


A number of people have floated theories about why Tumblr suddenly decided to show smut the door. For some in the sex work community, FOSTA — an anti-trafficking law passed earlier this year that enabled harsh penalties for any website presumed to be promoting or harboring sex traffickers — seemed like a likely culprit (probably). Soon, the changes were perceived as an overzealous attempt to eradicate the slightest hint of sex work from its servers.

Others pointed to a recent conflict between Tumblr and Apple, suggesting that the ban might have been an overcorrection in response to the discovery of child porn being hosted on one of the site’s accounts (a discovery which led to Tumblr’s app being pulled from Apple’s App Store). (just imagine how much faster it would have happened if they were hosting Roosh's content)

But whatever the inciting incident, it’s hard to feel surprised by Tumblr’s decision to set adult content adrift. As the internet has gone from being a Wild West to a sanitized corporate playground, pornography has become vastly less welcome in most mainstream corners (the disconnect is insufferable. Has he never tried to find an HBO or Netflix offering WITHOUT a sex scene? Happy hunting.). Pornography may have helped Tumblr grow and build its audience and gain its billion-dollar valuation, but the minute Tumblr graduated into the corporate world, it was obvious that porn wouldn’t be welcome by its side for that much longer.

And in this regard, Tumblr is far from alone. Next year, the United Kingdom is slated to unveil a nationwide age verification system that’ll require all sites that contain adult content to verify visitors’ ages before allowing them on the site. It’s possible that social media sites that happen to have porn on them will be allowed to skirt the regulation. But it’s also possible that they’ll come under pressure to comply with the law by either verifying users’ ages or getting rid of the porn. (oh, the horror)

If it comes to that, Twitter and Reddit may join Tumblr in saying farewell to porn — and a culture that positions porn as a “public health crisis,” (obviously penned and scare-quoted by a bugman who probably subscribes to several porn sites and has a pussy hat in his closet) that sees censoring sex as preferable to acknowledging its existence, that treats nudity as wholly incompatible with the daily lives of human beings, will be the only thing we have to blame. (a tacit admission of his pathetic daily life)

Founder David Karp cashed out just in time. Surprise surprise, he's on the board of Planned Parenthood.

The End of Tumblr

Quote: (12-05-2018 12:44 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Stop fucking watching porn, that shit ruins you.

Never went to Tumblr for porn, went for the females who were there for porn.

Back in my younger days in HS, super anti-Harper Pro-Obama Liberal, tumblr made my male brain click, all this porn/romance curated for female eyes, holy shit they're just as horny and DTF as me. Met a lot of shy/alternative girls through my "artsy" blog, applied Nexopia/Myspace game shared by the generation of HSlers before me, first time seeing action, my buddys seeing all these girls our age from outside our school I was gaming rephrased Ludacris in saying "XXX got Tumblr hoes from different (school) district codes"

As my political views shifted, I stopped using Tumblr after noticing a huge shift for cultural marxist ideas that just didn't make natural sense, and onto other sites, in a search for "truth" and reconfirmation of game/behavior knowledge I was starting to develop. Eventually finding Roosh and his writings on game and Southern America.

While I hold a smile on my face seeing the demise of Toxic cultural marxist ideas coming out of Tumblr, I will also hold a smile for the coming of age memories that came from the site for myself, in addition to the fact that those under 24 and every new batch of 18yo coming online for the rest of us have been turned into DTF sex freaks looking for strong daddys thanks to tumblr.

[Image: hEkfXeD.gif]

The End of Tumblr

For all the talk about how porn is ruining millennial and generation Z (which I totally agree with btw), I always thought Tumblr is way worse when it comes to destroying the minds of an entire generation of young people, especially girls. If I had to make choice between a daughter of mine being allowed to view Pornhub vs. Tumblr I would choose the former every single time.

Every time I see a young girl who is a combination of being depressed, having some exotic gender, being a raging SJW, and just generally being a mish mash of every social trend that's slowly ruining the culture in the US, I can already predict that she is most likely a Tumblr user. Tumblr, more than any other medium has allowed these sort of ideas to run wild all over society and reached so many minds that would have otherwise been uninfected and would have be confined to some gender studies or sociology department at an university.

The End of Tumblr

Women did this to themselves.

Tumblr's new policy might not be directly related to #metoo, but that movement has created an atmosphere of paranoia and misplaced concern. This shows up in both the social realm and in the way companies now conduct business, since they're worried about liability and their public image.

With #metoo, women sought to constrain men's self-expression. If virtually anything can be considered sexual assault past and present, that severely limits what men can say and do.

But everything comes with a price. Now women's own "self-expression" is being shut down because of all this.

You can't on the one hand claim everything is potentially "unsafe" yet still have half-naked photos of women on your Web site, can you? Someone, somewhere will cry "exploitation!" and the CEO will get screwed.


All that said, what I see going on now reminds me a lot of the Moral Majority of the Reagan Era. This group of paranoid Christian saw "sin" and Satan everywhere -- including old films and harmless music, like ELO.

Today, sin is out of fashion, so they're making sex out to be evil by casting average men as potential rapists and women as "survivors," as if an unwanted sexual advance = The Holocaust.

The Moral Majority was conservative. #metoo is leftist. But both these social movements have an important element in common. They were/are fueled by bitter, dried-up older women looking to censor everyone else's self-expression and re-cast normal, healthy sexual relations between men and women as "wrong."

There's a lesson there. And it fully explains why in the old days "spinsters" were avoided and old single women were often called witches. It wasn't backward ignorance. It was the wisdom of the elders.

The End of Tumblr

I guess all the men in the Middle East and China, if they're too stupid to use a proxy, will have to fap to naked Amerindians videos of the Amazon (and shit is so fake cause you'll see the natives using iron pots and even cellphoines lol).

The End of Tumblr

Quote: (12-06-2018 04:39 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

You can't on the one hand claim everything is potentially "unsafe" yet still have half-naked photos of women on your Web site, can you?

Sure you can, thanks to cognitive dissonance.

Quote: (12-06-2018 04:39 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Today, sin is out of fashion, so they're making sex out to be evil by casting average men as potential rapists and women as "survivors," as if an unwanted sexual advance = The Holocaust.

What feminists want is not puritanical limits on sex but rather to institute very precise controls over male (and ONLY male) sexual behavior.

It's all about power, not a debate about objectification or sexualization or hedonism. This is why #ThotAudit is considered bad by feminists because it's not considered exploitation or dehumanizing as long as sluts keep their money.

When women have all the power they can have all the benefits of being the center of sexual attention without any of the burden of dealing with catcalling, creepers, and low-quality suitors. The hope is that the state and social justice mob-rule will eventually cull those out.

The End of Tumblr

Too many laughs these days.

This week Canada banned the song, "Baby, Its Cold Outside".

Next week it will be Drake.

Then its all R & B. Then Hip Hop. Then Rap.

Tumblr was a hive for degenerate misfits to cry into each others blogs and wallow in pity and narcissistic support. In the process, these misfits also shared an insane amount of black and white photos of strong men comforting, holding and fucking women in dresses, lingerie and high heels.

So in a round about way, the left has brought in a new era of Puritanism.

The End of Tumblr

Tumblr is degeneracy, plain and simple. It had to be purged.

As for the feminists using the anti-porn wave to push their goal of restricting male behavior, I promise you this will backfire bigly. If anything, feminist behavior and hypocrisy is what will enable White Sharia to happen in the first place, and feminists themselves will be the first victims of their crusade because everyone now knows of their hypocrisy!

The End of Tumblr

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a push by the (((PR0N))) industry on this behind the scenes.

Sites like tumblr are decentralized and not exactly strict on copyright.

The big boy pornographers in the industry (MindGeek, Xhamster) wants everyone on their sites, this way they can control and push whatever degeneracy they want.
I figure they are scrambling on how to control the decentralization of XXX content to the creators (thot audit).

[Image: 1541708564834.png]
[Image: 1509066599183.jpg]

Don't fall for their tricks !

No Porn !
No Fap!

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