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Need some help closing

Need some help closing

Ok, so I don't have issues attracting female attention, Im good at that. I can get the ball rolling but yea, I overdo, or this or that. Im getting the new (Roosh book Game BTW).

I do good with initial attraction, but this is not a normal thing where you know the girl for a while, so the pickup thing is pretty new to me. Im good with joking and all that but I miss the mark, I have actually thought, "fuck the sex, I want a ''friend'', - bla bla, Im a dream (initial attraction) and nightmare for ''day game'' or night game. I should have opportunities comming up, but I need PRACTICE.

How do you practice your Game?

Any advice for initial attraction? I always seem to just be missing the mark.
I go to college towns for action BTW. Thx

Need some help closing

The general strategy for closing for daygame and nightgame is different. With daygame, typically you most likely are going to be getting a number rather than pulling. However, with nightgame, you have the reverse setup. If you are in a college town, you can do both methods.

With daygame, ideally you want to talk to each woman for over 7 or 8 minutes to increase the odds she won't flake. Basically, you are trying to balance rapport and comfort with the woman while also showing your sexual intent. After she has started investing in you by asking you questions and so on, you can decide to ask for the number or go on an instadate. An instadate is good if you can make it work because it will make it easier to take her out again leading to the bang later. However, if you get the number, you just followup to ask her out for drinks or coffee a few days later or whatever fits your schedule and go on from there. Tom Torero has a nice video on youtube that shows what he does on dates which is pretty helpful.

With nightgame, your goal is most often to take the girl home at the end of the night so you can be a lot more aggressive in your approach and will be quick to try to isolate the girl and/or escalate with her. Roosh has a nice little video of his own on how he picked up chicks at the bar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DjGxAcHCxk

With regard to your headspace, it is much easier to get a girlfriend after you have sex with the woman. So IMO I think even with your wanting to have a friend or girlfriend mindset, it will be easier to accomplish this if you focus on getting sex first. You basically just need to go approach a bunch of girls and get numbers to start. You will start to notice patterns of mistakes you are making and then you can go ask about them here or just use the search results as most things have been discussed already in some form or another.

Need some help closing

Perfect, yes, thanks. My problem is its one girl here, one there, where did she go?, she shows interest (day) I go back days later, no interest. There are bars etc so I will have to bite the bullet.

I do also talk to girls, then they think Im hitting on them and they ''front'' me, get in front of me, and I know whats up but Im not ready so I miss these opportunities.

Thanks for clarifying.

Need some help closing

Your initial post is a mess man, I can barely decipher what you are talking about. Is English your second language?

What do you define “closing” as?

Also knowing your age, experience in game and goal of this thread would be nice.

You mentioned your initial attraction being good a few times. What do you rate yourself as with looks? (realistic)

Need some help closing

Thanks, Im good for now.[Image: blush.gif]

Need some help closing

Quote: (11-21-2018 01:01 AM)Headbang Wrote:  

Ok, so I don't have issues attracting female attention, Im good at that. I can get the ball rolling but yea, I overdo, or this or that. Im getting the new (Roosh book Game BTW).

I do good with initial attraction, but this is not a normal thing where you know the girl for a while, so the pickup thing is pretty new to me. Im good with joking and all that but I miss the mark, I have actually thought, "fuck the sex, I want a ''friend'', - bla bla, Im a dream (initial attraction) and nightmare for ''day game'' or night game. I should have opportunities comming up, but I need PRACTICE.

How do you practice your Game?

Any advice for initial attraction? I always seem to just be missing the mark.
I go to college towns for action BTW. Thx

Are you a college student or do you just live in those towns? If I were in college I'd be hyper-aggressive in going for the make out asap and then bouncing her to my car for the bang.

Girls at that age are super horny and a lot of your competition is coming from either meek pansies or alpha'd-out dudes. You need to push hard asap.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

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