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How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

The average person in 2018 is so ignorant of history before 1900, it's terrifying.

Before 1900 women wanted one thing and one thing only...a strong, aggressive husband, because the alternative was starvation. There was no government, no charity, no food banks. People starved every single day. Children without enough food died in their mother's arms...most women would bear 6-8 children and HALF of them would die before 4 years old.

Those women endured such heartbreak that would crush any of us alive. They could CARE FUCKING LESS about the vote, male oppression, women's rights, or any of that bullshit. They lived in small towns and villages that would never see a single government official, except tax collectors, in their entire lives. People could only travel on horseback, on dirt roads. Voting meant NOTHING to their day to day lives because the government only fought wars and managed the armies...that was literally the only functions of government. As a normal citizen, you got zero, nada, nothing. Those women were relentlessly practical.

The only "women's rights" they cared about was NOT STARVING. One tiny mistake, one drought or hurricane, and they were living in the dirt, with dead children, with their equally-starving neighbors trying to steal what tiny scraps of food they had left. Her parents could not help...shit, they would be depending on HER to feed THEM. Old people routinely starved too. Entire towns could be wiped off the map, and nobody, anywhere, would even know.

In that world, which existed for hundreds of thousands of years of human history until about 1900, there was only one shining hero in the story: a husband who would fight and die, be burned by heat and have his fingers frozen off in the snow, in the relentless fight to find food for his children and protect from savage nature. If a husband died from battle or the hazards of hunting, the woman would INSTANTLY seek out another husband, any man she could find. The lack of husband meant horror for her, her children, and her parents. Women who refused to find husbands were immediately shunned by every neighbor, who knew that eventually the stupid slut and her whelps would be starving and trying to steal THEIR food.

THIS is the true history of women. THAT is the true history of the human race that no history class at any university in the western world will teach. That is the true narrative that feminists have ripped from the history texts.

Men are heroes, always have been. Feminists have perverted that narrative and made men into oppressors, and average women, lulled into utter stupidity by their fat factory-made food and security (created by men), have bought into that insanity. It's the greatest act of historical revisionism ever. And it's the most vile act of gender treason and betrayal in the history of the human species, that will result inevitably in a war that will leave western white women in chains and oppression more profound than any can imagine. American women before feminism used to be the strongest, proudest, most free and most respected women in the world, but now under the influence of Satan's feminism, they are quickly heading towards utter degradations and ultimately a a social conflict that will leave them in utter enslavement to men.

Feminists hate strong women, hate moral women, have always hated them. Feminists created feminism to lead the great western women into degradation, KNOWING that this would eventually force men to take over with an iron hand. Feminists are charting a course towards exactly the world they want: a world in which women are slaves, in which men are rampantly and completely oppressive, in which Feminists make big bankrolls as lawyers and arms dealers in the war of the sexes that they created.

Western men in the past had the least levels of misogyny in history, and now feminism is going to force them into the strongest misogyny in history. And there won't be a man in the western world who will have the slightest sympathy. We are disgusted with our women, and boy do they deserve it.

We can't prevent the coming war, it's inevitable now like the swinging of a pendulum, but we can do this: make sure that, in that war, every single Feminist and lesbian who thinks they are going to enjoy their status as arms-dealers, is instead, wiped from the face of the planet, with their names made into a whisper of evil that people of the future avoid saying. We can't stop the war but we can make damn sure that the Feminists face their Nuremberg Trials.

Of course that war is still years away. Meanwhile we men have to watch our backs ever second.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

MrLemon making lemonade.

[Image: 3555_game438lemonsmash.jpg]

But, seriously, all true on the academic revisionist part. I don't have the crystal ball to tell me how this all ends. But, they have mostly completed their long march through the institutions. Burn it down I say. And, as always, don't send your kids to college.

Currently out of office.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Nietzsche back in 1893 wrote that in the coming war with feminism men should not fight feminism, because that would only make it stronger.

Is this still an option in our time? If we do nothing, will feminism not be even more influential?

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

I believe the long term goal of feminism is to eventually segregate the average man from women. Essentially create an enormous harem for the elite of which they can pick whatever they want. The “communion of women” that Karl Marx theorized, but of course only for the elite. Reproduction will be accomplished by artificial insemination, natural reproduction illegal for the peasants. Men will slave away at work and be held over with porn and sex robots.

Pretty depressing.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-09-2018 02:41 PM)Tiger Man Wrote:  

MrLemon making lemonade.

[Image: 3555_game438lemonsmash.jpg]

But, seriously, all true on the academic revisionist part. I don't have the crystal ball to tell me how this all ends. But, they have mostly completed their long march through the institutions. Burn it down I say. And, as always, don't send your kids to college.

That looks exactly like me.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Nietzsche was an incel. Feminism is cancer.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Honestly world war forced us to push women into the workplace and make them men.

A lot of women will actually agree that they want to be women not these lesbian dikes. Unfortunately the mass media is influencing most women who are sheep just listening to what they are told. There are still countries where women are and want to be women but that’s because the women there aren’t influenced by Western propaganda telling them they should be the same as men.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:34 PM)Quays2 Wrote:  

Honestly world war forced us to push women into the workplace and make them men.

A lot of women will actually agree that they want to be women not these lesbian dikes. Unfortunately the mass media is influencing most women who are sheep just listening to what they are told. There are still countries where women are and want to be women but that’s because the women there aren’t influenced by Western propaganda telling them they should be the same as men.

But nobody ever taught them the script. The younger they are, the further they stray from the feminine wiles of yester-year.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

It's all men's fault because over the millennia we increasingly made the world women and child safe. Now a woman can hold a job whilst dumping her kids at a daycare center. She doesn't need a man to protect and feed her and her offspring anymore as the State has taken over that responsibility. Cooking, cleaning, healing, caring, supporting, loving - all her most feminine traits have been outsourced.

So we are officially screwed as we are the first generation of men in human history that is facing a situation where everything we have been bred for and we're good at has effectively been rendered obsolete; and perhaps worse is now frowned upon if not demonized. Toxic masculinity is only one step removed from falling into 2nd class citizen status. In effect some of that is already happening among young white males and once those have been systematically emasculated and pacified it'll be extended into everyone else. So if you think you're safe because you're not White, then think again.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Sometimes I wish I was gay as it would solve so many problems. If women had to fight for a man to support them then maybe they would get off their thrones.

Unfortunately I’m stuck with women.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:52 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:34 PM)Quays2 Wrote:  

Honestly world war forced us to push women into the workplace and make them men.

A lot of women will actually agree that they want to be women not these lesbian dikes. Unfortunately the mass media is influencing most women who are sheep just listening to what they are told. There are still countries where women are and want to be women but that’s because the women there aren’t influenced by Western propaganda telling them they should be the same as men.

But nobody ever taught them the script. The younger they are, the further they stray from the feminine wiles of yester-year.

I read a very sad post in a woman's blog yesterday. She's 40 and not married. The title was "But nobody told me to get married and have kids". It was a rare moment of honesty in a sea of denial. Heartbreaking actually.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-10-2018 01:37 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:52 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:34 PM)Quays2 Wrote:  

Honestly world war forced us to push women into the workplace and make them men.

A lot of women will actually agree that they want to be women not these lesbian dikes. Unfortunately the mass media is influencing most women who are sheep just listening to what they are told. There are still countries where women are and want to be women but that’s because the women there aren’t influenced by Western propaganda telling them they should be the same as men.

But nobody ever taught them the script. The younger they are, the further they stray from the feminine wiles of yester-year.

I read a very sad post in a woman's blog yesterday. She's 40 and not married. The title was "But nobody told me to get married and have kids". It was a rare moment of honesty in a sea of denial. Heartbreaking actually.

The culture of "Perpetual Childhood" steals fifteen years from us all. 18-33, we waste our time on unproductive pursuits; burning up energy pursuing a stream of women, trying to appear to be Somebody by paying too much for cars, or waiting in line at the club; failing to build a career because we're waiting for that magic break through that the movies promised us.

Fifteen of our best years flushed down the drain. It's bad for us men. For women, it steals their entire life. Time we can never get back.

I'm not saying my twenties were a total waste - I accomplished a lot during them, I made myself into the man I am today. But there were nevertheless a number of false-starts and rabbit trails, poor decisions that never would have been allowed or encouraged amongst the youth of previous generations. In 1950, you had the Church dance; an opportunity for the young to meet and form bonds, leading to marriage. Today you have the night club, where nobody truly meets, and you return every week to give the owner more of your money, pursuing a lost youth.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-10-2018 01:37 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:52 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (11-10-2018 12:34 PM)Quays2 Wrote:  

Honestly world war forced us to push women into the workplace and make them men.

A lot of women will actually agree that they want to be women not these lesbian dikes. Unfortunately the mass media is influencing most women who are sheep just listening to what they are told. There are still countries where women are and want to be women but that’s because the women there aren’t influenced by Western propaganda telling them they should be the same as men.

But nobody ever taught them the script. The younger they are, the further they stray from the feminine wiles of yester-year.

I read a very sad post in a woman's blog yesterday. She's 40 and not married. The title was "But nobody told me to get married and have kids". It was a rare moment of honesty in a sea of denial. Heartbreaking actually.

If you're talking about the Lori Alexander post (referencing the Dennis Prager show), you're sentiments are in the right place. That's what a lot of this is about. I have a number of female childhood friends who are unmarried and in their 30s. When they used to express their frustrations to me that nobody told them it would be "this difficult" to lock a guy in to marriage (once you're both 36 or whatever), I would dismiss it as bullshit. They had their fun, rode the carousel, and now they don't want to settle for a guy who they consider beneath them. Right? But they were telling the truth. Nobody ever told them that. In fact, they were told the exact opposite. Have fun, develop your career, do what you want, "Lean In". Because the good guys will wait around to marry you and give you children on your schedule.

If there is one small glimmer of hope (and I fear it is a false hope), it is in some of these based Christian grandma blogs and websites. The readership appears to be mostly young women. And, these old broads pull no punches. They tell the girls how it really is. Stop slutting around. Guys don't want to marry a masculine career woman. Etc. Etc.

There seems to be a line of thinking in that "sphere" that things are changing for women. Mychael Klajic has written about it a few times. From the beginning of the wideband application of sexual revolution mores until ~ 201x, women had it best. They might be able to approach "having it all". You could act like a pro bono prostitute, have some bullshit "career", and blow all your (and your parent's) money throughout your 20s, and there would still be a guy willing to wife you up at the end of it all. People like Klajic are portending that the party is over. She may still be able to get a guy, but he might never marry her, and he might run the clock out on her, biologically-speaking. And, as Klajic comments, the women "totally deserve it".

Seeing the beginning of some of these trends, like the harsh decline in marriage rates, is why I am unwilling to guess at what happens next. Feminist re-engineering of relationships, marriage, and sex have so altered the script as to render any prognostication useless. Do we end up with population decline so bad that we decide to import much of the third-world in to our countries? Maybe. Or, do we react to that decline by electing anti-immigrant populists who close the borders and decide to go out like Japan. Do we continue with the college (and now earlier) indoctrination camps, or do the institutions finally start to break down? Do men become some collective low-T Scandi boys who answer to the beck and call of increasingly nasty "female" members of the population, or, as MrLemon alluded to, is there a push back or new influence that causes men to take dictatorial dominance over women? I think it could be any of these things, or none of them.

Currently out of office.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

What Mr Lemon said about women being depending on men and dying without them is still true for a lot of the third world. My parents were from a village in India and most of their siblings died as children. The average village woman finds the idea of a woman having a job and not staying home to raise the kids preposterous.

Western women do not realise how good they have it. However, I do think that feminists will lose some power when they realise how deluded their policies are - being pro-tranny has come back to bite them in the arse and refugees and Islamic immigration is bad for them too.

On the bright side I have a 14 year old niece in UK who told me that she wants to be married and have kids by 25. She is also making sure she learns how to cook from her mum so that she can feed her future kids. She doesn't like LGBT stuff and stopped watching Dr Who because they changed a character who has been male for 50 years into a woman. There's still some good girls out there.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-10-2018 01:19 PM)Quays2 Wrote:  

Sometimes I wish I was gay as it would solve so many problems. If women had to fight for a man to support them then maybe they would get off their thrones.

Unfortunately I’m stuck with women.

Da fuck

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Since children most often rebel their parents, how likely is it that the children of globohomos will become conservative?

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

Quote: (11-10-2018 02:11 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

The culture of "Perpetual Childhood" steals fifteen years from us all. 18-33, we waste our time on unproductive pursuits; burning up energy pursuing a stream of women, trying to appear to be Somebody by paying too much for cars, or waiting in line at the club; failing to build a career because we're waiting for that magic break through that the movies promised us.

15 years is the new 6 months.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

I feel like we’re seeing a counter revolution to the right with America and Brazil.

How Feminists have wiped the history books, and why this leads to female subjugation.

I keep wondering if big age gaps will come back strong, since the percentage of mid-20s and lower that will have anything anytime soon is essentially nil, even in the USA. At least according to expectations, which is another way of stating the problem.

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