Quote: (11-07-2018 08:49 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:
Quote: (11-07-2018 08:08 AM)HustleNomad Wrote:
I've had to deal with a few now, they seem to often operate in the realm of plausible deniability, kinda like a girl, and when you confront them they will sometimes try to play dumb or get "emotional" (all fake but can be quite convincing). You have to make it very clear you aren't buying their bullshit and they need to fuck right off - key is unshakeable frame and complete conviction in what you are saying. Assume they can read you like a book so you really need to be prepared to follow through.
Yes, this is exactly what has happened.
Tough call.
So many things can go wrong with this plan. Remember, they have manipulated your family member onto their side. If they tell the family member you have threatened them, it will now be the sociopath and your family member against you.
You could lose the sociopath and the family member, and is it worth that?
It's a real dilemma.
The only way to beat them may be to become like them, and do you want to do that?
They are probably better at it than you.
That's the problem with sociopaths, they can make other people do crazy things.
I have known a couple of these, women both of them, keeping their entire extended family in check by crybullying: Boss everyone around until someone stands up to them, and then they pretend to get cancer or threaten suicide.
In two cases, I have seen good, upright, solid family men get pushed to the point where they took the sociopath aside and offered to help her do the suicide right.
It didn't change anything except that these two dudes went against their own values, so the sociopath still won.
I don't know if your advice is carry out violence or to bluff convincingly, but this sounds like taking a fight with a great white shark from land to deep water.
I guess it depends on how much the sociopath is taking from the relative. I had a family member being manipulated by a sociopath female tenant, and all she did was pay less rent than she should have and take up space (storage) that she shouldn't have.
I tried to talk with the relative, but he was totally besotted with the much younger tenant and I realized it was hopeless and left it alone till the property was sold a few years later and she had to leave.
This is not an easy question. If it were me, and my relative were really being messed up, I would find a professional psychologist with experience with socipaths to guide me.
From what I remember, most experts say the only solution is to get as far away as possible.
I used to listen to a podcast about dealing with sociopaths by a criminal and forensic psychologist named Robert Schug, and he is easily found online, still teaching. Maybe you could contact him.
Here is his podcast:
Here is the website of the organization he is associated with:
Neither of these are being updated anymore, but you could probably find some answers there if you are willing to dig around a bit. You could almost certainly find someone to contact about your situation.
I would at least consult with someone like Schug before doing anything.