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The power of Walking Away

The power of Walking Away

All of us know the strongest power a man has in any relation is the ability to walk away.
My question is how can you imply this in the courting phase and dating phase ? How can you let her know that you can walk away at any moment? Of course you can say explicitly but it will come off as threatening .

Could you share certain words or behaviors you say or you do so a girl will get the hint ?

Of course maximizing one's SMV( look, money, status) is one way, what else.

The power of Walking Away

The fact that you are asking this question means you are coming from the wrong frame of mind.

If you are willing to walk away, you don't give a fuck. If don't give a fuck, you have nothing to prove to her.

Make the jokes that you think are funny even if she doesn't like them. Maintain your opinions and be true to your beliefs even when facing resistance. Do what you want.

And most of importantly, if she shows signs of disrespect early in the relationship, just walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Don't look back.

The power of Walking Away

You show it by doing it when the situation calls for it. Any time you feel she's taking you for granted you walk away. Let her come find you or let her be gone.

If it won't matter in 30 years, it doesn't matter now.

My thoughts and memoirs:

The power of Walking Away

For starters, you don't tell her that you don't care and can walk away at any moment.

Actions speak exponentially louder than words, especially in the dating game.

The power of being able to walk away has nothing to do with SMV, it is all mindset. The power to walk away BOOSTS SMV.

For example, lets consider a situation where a man is talking to a girl in a night club in two parallel universes.

In universe A he gets into a groove in the conversation and everything is going great, so far. That is up until the point her friends show up. Friend B is alright looking and the other is a whale at 5'2" and 180 lbs.

"This club is soooo boring. Let's go and check out next door." the whale says.

She asks him to come along, and because he wants to get the bang he figures "What could go wrong?". He tells her after he wants to grab drinks at his place and she says that sounds good.

2 hours later the man is sitting there listening to them tell stories about the HR department they work in together. The fat friend couldn't reel in any guys desperate enough to get with her and the night is dwindling.

They notice it's getting late and the fat friend brings up that they have plans tomorrow and need to get going. Seemingly forgetting about everything earlier, they get up to go and she's so nice to give him her number, which ends up leading to nothing.

Enter Universe B.

Same situation where the fat friend wants to leave, but the man in Universe B knows his value. He knows that he's out to meet women and have a good time, and he is not going to let anyone get in the way of his plans.

When the land whale demands to leave the club, he says he doesn't think that the club is that boring and he tells them they need to lighten up. He tells the girl he's been talking to that she can go with them to check out whatever is next door, or she could stay here and keep having fun with him.

She tells her friends that she'll catch up later. Our man continues to run his game and long story short gets her back to his place and gets the notch.

The difference is in Universe B, the power to walk away removed the possibility of being strung into something undesirable. Sure, she can decide to go with her friends and leave him, but all that will do is free up the man to approach more girls.

A man who will do what he wants, no matter the consequences, signals strength. A man who will say and do what other people want in hopes of getting something in return is a weak follower.

The power of Walking Away

I prefer to sleep alone, so if I am at her place, I will usually leave after business has finished.
If she is at mine, I will get up and turn on my laptop and either do some work work, or play around with some Python.

The power of Walking Away

Quote: (11-05-2018 08:05 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

All of us know the strongest power a man has in any relation is the ability to walk away.
My question is how can you imply this in the courting phase and dating phase ? How can you let her know that you can walk away at any moment? Of course you can say explicitly but it will come off as threatening .

Could you share certain words or behaviors you say or you do so a girl will get the hint ?

Of course maximizing one's SMV( look, money, status) is one way, what else.

Eddie is absolutely right - you shouldn't be having to tell a girl that you'll walk away.

I do however check a girl once in awhile, I grin, slap her on the ass when she's acting sassy and tell her, "well looks like I'll be trading you in for a newer model soon won't I?"

The best way I've personally found to drill a point home is to treat her like a little sister and tease her about it.

"Well I could always find another girl to do X haha"

"Keep acting like that and you're gonna find yourself replaced"

You get the idea, keep it light hearted but funny, but also make it known there's some serious truth to that.

Here's the biggest thing, walking away HAS to be there from the get go:

-You're not afraid to walk away from a date
-You're not afraid to delete a new lead
-You've got plenty of girls on deck
-You've double booked dates just in case
-You're already spinning plates, so courting an LTR isn't a big deal

All this shows you don't give a fuck and you don't mind walking away.

Also in the beginning it should be apart of the conversation you have.

I've literally said, "Honestly I don't want to waste time on girls who just front and play game. I want to hang with whom I have a real and genuine connection with, otherwise, what's the point"

"I don't want to waste time on girls who aren't real, why bother"

"Getting dates and women were never a problem for me, in this day an age, a girl that raw and real is rare"

I've even used a story of a date I went on that I walked away in 15 minutes flat, explaining I wasn't going to waste my time on a girl that seemed X

X as in: occupied with her phone, boring, rude, late, etc

Once again shows you're not here to waste time.

You can use a combo of all these in your conversations.

It does a few things:

-Shows you have abundance
-Shows you're experienced and confident
-Makes the girl qualify herself

These are a good start into figuring out if a girl is worth your time.

Time is the biggest factor here, you don't want a woman raping your time.

You need to relay that to the date you're on or the girl you're courting.

The power of Walking Away

Is it okay to tell her this would be the last time to invite her out ?
Also not in a frustrated tone .
Not specific girl but in general .

The power of Walking Away

Recently I've been making sure that I end the first date (if it's obviously not going to result in a bang that night). I've had good results.

The power of Walking Away

Quote: (11-13-2018 03:54 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

Is it okay to tell her this would be the last time to invite her out ?
Also not in a frustrated tone .
Not specific girl but in general .

No, even that sounds angry and frustrated.

If you've attempted to invite a girl out a few times and she flakes or hasn't responded, then it's your job to walk away after that.

Remember, YOU'RE the prize, she should be chasing YOU.

Not the other way around.

She may or might not come back, that's on her.

After all you shouldn't be worried about it, you've got other girls to chase or girls to go on dates with right?

The power of Walking Away

This is why you should always have another option/plate around. If one flakes, it literally is no big deal, because you have someone who values you and can't wait to spend time with you and fuck you.

The power of Walking Away

TOP posts by kaotic here OP.

Quote: (11-13-2018 03:54 PM)Anchor Man Wrote:  

Is it okay to tell her this would be the last time to invite her out ?
Also not in a frustrated tone .
Not specific girl but in general .

What would you think if a girl texted you something along the lines of:

"Hey, let's go get drinks friday night. You already ditched me twice so this is your last chance."

My immediate thoughts would be:

1.) I really have this bitch by the reigns. Emotional responses indicate attachment. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but excessive attachment is an attraction killer.

2.) She's desperate if she's trying to leverage me into agreeing to hang out by bringing up the "last chance". Displays low SMV. She probably can't get anyone else to hang out with her.

3.) She doesn't have respect for herself. If you don't take yourself seriously, you entertain people who waste your time. Low SMV display. Why would I want to date someone that doesn't take themselves seriously?

The power of Walking Away

Quote: (11-14-2018 05:03 AM)lunchmoney Wrote:  

This is why you should always have another option/plate around. If one flakes, it literally is no big deal, because you have someone who values you and can't wait to spend time with you and fuck you.

It is good to have plates around for that reason. I have gradually moved my mindset away from the strictly "always spinning plates" approach though, because I used to find myself scrambling talking to too many girls at once in an attempt to stay grounded, pulling me off my game.

Even though I am spinning plates, I try to keep enough stuff going on in my life so that I am not prioritizing chasing girls. Work, lifting weights, brazilian jiujitsu, playing guitar, and intellectual pursuits like reading and writing keep me busy and grounded. Do stuff that you enjoy so pussy is not some ultimate goal of pleasure, rather a supplement to your already awesome life.

It's way too easy to get excited about the prospect of fucking a cute HB 8 you have a date set up for, but you need to build some mental fortitude.

I remind myself these things about a girl when I first start pursuing them:
1.) This is just one of BILLIONS of women. I didn't even know her more than a few days ago. I am not going to treat her any better than I would treat anyone else I do not know.
2.) Hypergamy has guaranteed that she is going to have feeble interest at first. Game is a MUST to build a solid foundation of attraction or it's on to the next dick, and trust me, there are plenty desperate guys for her to choose from.
3.) Our interactions will be on my terms at all times, or she can walk. I'm openly dominant and if a girl doesn't like my traditional ways, she's doing me a favor by leaving and sparing me from having to listen to her shit. I am the man, and I lead.

The power of Walking Away

Very good posts on the skill that so many men sadly lack because of thirst, insecurity or whatever.

You are a man on a mission who respects his time way more than some slut who came bitching on a date and late.
Chaotic and Winslow are on the point. While subtle dread game at times is very useful, saying that you are willing to walk away is akin to saying you don't give a fuck.
People who really don't give a fuck don't go proclaiming it to other people. They simply integrated the part so well that they don't give a fuck and have no need for explain it to people.
Saying to people you're not giving a fuck is giving a fuck that they know about your lack of fuckgiving.

The power of Walking Away


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