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Exorcism of the Left

Exorcism of the Left

I'd post a gif of the exorcist but that sh*t is disgusting so I will refrain.

The Trump-era has been a mass exorcism of a demon in America, and all the political upheavals we are witnessing is the host (the left) writhing in pain at the sight of the cross. If we continue to follow the path of truth, I think we can purge this demon out of here, at least for the time-being, and restore our Democracy.

Any of you think about this as an ongoing spiritual crisis?

Exorcism of the Left

I just consulted my ouija board and it told me that this post is not thread worthy.

Exorcism of the Left

On topic I guess: My mom refers to the Democrats as the Demon Rats.

Exorcism of the Left

Oops, yea this should have been posted in EE. My bad.

Haha demon rats. But yes, I believe that really this political conflict is a manifestation of a deep spiritual divide in the country more than anything else. We are seeing the effects of nearly a century of nihilism. Like a wound that becomes infected, the absence of religion was a perfect moment for Satanic control.

Exorcism of the Left

I will go out on a limb here and answer your question honestly despite what people might think of my views.

First, you question seems to be fighting against itself, as if you believe a certain thing but are too afraid of fully communicating that belief... in regards to the spiritual relm.

I know many spiritual leaders believe that spirits or demons do influence countries, groups of people, cities....locations... ever been a certain place and just “knew” something was in the “air”. I believe the same. I think there is a spiritual side of things. We don’t know what we don’t know, and this applies to the spiritual relm more then anything...

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