We’ll have to agree to disagree on the coffee dates. The success rate is probably lower than for more unconventional dates and I’m sure I’ve lost out on bangs as a result, but they can still be extremely effective if your game is tight.
There’s also no substitute convenience-wise for being able to go downstairs from the office at 2pm on a work day, spend an hour meeting a new girl, then go back to work like nothing happened. If it was a dud I’ve lost nothing except an hour of my workday, and if she’s promising I’ll queue up a second date where I can close the deal.
There have even been a few times where I got the bang later that day, or in one case we met for coffee at 5pm, and by 6pm I was fucking her in the storage room in the basement of my condo building. You don’t need to take a girl go-karting to establish attraction and comfort...
There’s also no substitute convenience-wise for being able to go downstairs from the office at 2pm on a work day, spend an hour meeting a new girl, then go back to work like nothing happened. If it was a dud I’ve lost nothing except an hour of my workday, and if she’s promising I’ll queue up a second date where I can close the deal.
There have even been a few times where I got the bang later that day, or in one case we met for coffee at 5pm, and by 6pm I was fucking her in the storage room in the basement of my condo building. You don’t need to take a girl go-karting to establish attraction and comfort...