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Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

That blonde hair along with all that insane anger makes her look even older...

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

She claims he doesn’t deny the Armenian Genocide, but he doesn’t say it happened either. He may have denied it in the past. She caught a lot of flack from Armenians for it. This article says the Armenian student association protested her going on the UCLA campus to give a talk about social justice as she is on TYT show. Based on her comment, it sounds like she remembered and liked his online photos at the very least. She may also be attracted to him based on their common ethnic heritage. She married Christian Lopez in 2016. He probably does not want to imagine how his wife is attracted to Roosh.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Quote: (10-24-2018 06:16 PM)[email protected] Wrote:  

I've been watching TYT since the Bush days (also early YouTube days). Back then they sounded like the voice of reason...

Ideology has been moving to the poles in a slippery-slope fashion for some time now. I classify myself as left of center but I do not relate to the militant SJW types who seem to want to scapegoat straight-white-males and fixate on increasingly trivial things like manspreading and the excruciating pain of suffering through more than 5 seconds of male eye-contact. Studies keep talking about how most people are vaguely centrist but you'd never know it based on their shoot-first-ask-questions-later online chatter. It's very hard to know what flag to wave anymore.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

I'm shocked she is only 32. I guess the daily rage and venom spewing against the right really ages a person quickly.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

For anyone new to the scene, this is Cenk.

[Image: 1r79s3.gif]

And this is Kasparian helping him to get through a broadcast.

[Image: oMmtChR.gif]

Eat your bacon grease, Cenk!

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

They're just sad to be honest.

What I don't like with so many liberals is that they never try to sit down and try to understand different points of views and look at things objectively. She talked about that article about rape Roosh wrote and they talked about him being pro-rape when it should be clear for anyone who hasn't severe autism that the article is written as a thought experiment and tries to point out some logical fallacies in our culture today.

But they don't want to do that. They don't want to see what actual point he was trying to make and discuss it.
I assume they see politics etc. more as a boxing match. They see it as a way to gain social status, power over others and to feed their own egos. Then they can pretend that Roosh is pro-rape and all these things which are not true and play on that to try and put themselves above. I've seen the same thing with some leftists in my own life and I think it's very manipulative cause they know how to get away from the actual question and in the end you will just have to defend yourself from claims like you're racist, biggot or hate women whatever.

My ex was like this Ana Kasparian. She would post liberal memes on social media and get validation from all those likes and never bother to understand others viewpoints. I see that Ana Kasparian lives on the same validation on a bigger scale. She thinks she's SO smart when she sits on this Youtube because she has all these viewpoints about different topics and feeds on the likes and soyboys who compliment her.

This a very toxic type of people I've now learned to stay away from.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Quote: (10-24-2018 03:50 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

Roosh, she called you a "conservative" on her webcast. To an audience of dozens (honestly look at the watch-count for a month old vid - pathetic). Outrageous.

EDIT: I know this is elsewhere on the forum, but it seems appropriate to re-post here. These people have no right to the loud arrogance they espouse.

We can probably expect a new TYT election reaction video late on Nov. 6th. [Image: cool.gif]

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

I thought The Young Turds died or at least moved out of the country after Trump was elected.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

She was on NPR the other day, brought on as some kind of supposed political expert. I found that pretty amazing considering she called all women who voted for Trump to be "f-ing stupid". On the NPR show, despite her best efforts, she did not sound very credible or objective. Then again NPR lost all credibility years ago, so perhaps it's fitting.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person


Roosh? ..... Don't you mean ... douche?

[Image: tenor.gif]

Talk about the sickest of burns. There's no way Douche V could ever come back from that doozy.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

A few years ago, I met Cenk and Ana in Los Angeles. It was at a public event that I was attending (with another forum member). We didn't speak for long, and I don't know them beyond that.

It's a bit off topic, but somewhat germane to the general TYT bashing that is going on in the thread. They both seemed very uninformed. They were with another guy who worked for TYT (don't remember his name), and he was as dumb as a box of rocks. They, quite literally, didn't seem to know basic facts about things that were going on at the time. I remember that I brought up Trudeau (this was before he was running for leadership), and they seemed to have no idea what I was talking about.

Another complete tangent, but I think this may be the only forum on which someone can appreciate my thought, Cenk and Ana definitely were (are?) banging. It's total conjecture, and take the word of random internet guy with a grain of salt, but I have seen a lot of DL work FBs. They fit every trait. It was in the body language. They were banging.

Currently out of office.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

And the sucker that married her...

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBX_U8fQ5Ek4GFegyIyLx...zLbVYzhc7A]

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Husband has some alpha in him, probably because he is some kind of Latino mix:

The first year they dated, both were "seeing other people". When Ana realized she can't get a better guy to commit to her, "things moved quickly." He had that realization too. A modern love story!

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

So this Ana chick get a degree from Cal State Northridge and has never had a productive job in her life. She's just a YouTube political shill. Seriously, why do people pay any attention to her? It's not like she's hot and can at least get sttention that way.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

^ She's not Hot as Hell... and has a weird face... but that Body's Tight Man! Nicely complemented with Nice Fake Round Tits! Dissociating her from her political views and Hate (Unconscious Love) for Roosh... your Boner would probably be like : I would dump my load in this bitch, then bounce without saying a Goddamn word & still keep her in my rotation!

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

What a story. A guy walked up and she called him ugly. Totally doesnt sound like something a ten year old would say at recess.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

She insulted him first without having any idea what he was going to say, and then says that he's the insecure one.

Female lurkers, this is why you shouldn't vote. You're too emotional and insecure and stupid.

She does seem to be getting uglier very quickly, whereas Roosh is just getting more handsome with every passing day. Even Arnold the real pug is looking sharp. And me, well I've still got it.

Overall, it's a good day to be alive.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Quote: (10-25-2018 05:57 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Husband has some alpha in him, probably because he is some kind of Latino mix:

The first year they dated, both were "seeing other people". When Ana realized she can't get a better guy to commit to her, "things moved quickly." He had that realization too. A modern love story!

It doesn't matter how much alpha he has in him. Despite what others say about her, she is hot. But no one would question she is not wifey material. She qualifies at best as a side plate.

Perhaps the L.A. dating market is that fucked up.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Quote: (10-24-2018 01:42 PM)Aquiles_Baesta_Parada Wrote:  


[Image: hamster3.gif]

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

WD Roosh!! She must have been with 1000 guys since then but for some reason she remembers you!

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Cenk: "I didn't get laid either when I was younger"

lol duh, we already knew that.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

"No self-awareness"

It would help them to have satire-awareness.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Quote: (10-24-2018 12:55 PM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

Still with "he tried to get rape legalized" shite. Fuck all.

When I mention Roosh, or the forum and someone brings that article up I say:

"Dude, you've known me a long time. Do you think I would be friends with a rapist, or a "rape advocate"? Honestly, you think that 1000s of men (including me) with mothers, daughters, and sisters met up for a "rape rally"?

Is that what you really think or do you think it's more probable that feminists and people in the media don't like us because we're conservatives and talk badly about them? Which is more probably true? "Rape rally"? (in my left hand as if I'm balancing a scale), or "People in the news media lie."

If they try to dodge I cut them off and repeat "rape rally?" or "The Media lies."

After that they pretty much have only two choices. Call me a rapist to my face, or stfu.

Out of all the people I've used this bit on only one girl kept going and I said something along the lines of-

"Ok so you're ok with being friends with a guy who goes to rape rallies? (Talking about myself) Gross, I'd never be friends with someone like that. What does that say about you?"

She pretty much just stfu after that but tit only works well on friends and family.

If they're some freak or someone I don't give a fuck about I just say "Yea, for sure." and walk away.

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Her "Christian tell the audience how you proposed"

Him "Well a lot of credit goes to my sister who helped me plan it. Her and her wife..."

[Image: laugh7.gif]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Ana Kasparian still upset two years after I insulted her in person

Her voice is very annoying and makes me angry. I can't even listen to what she says because her voice is so masculinized.
She opens the engagement story vid with uptalk and that dude is a bitch that stays home and cleans her bathroom

two scoops
two genders
two terms

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