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A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

I would like to know what you guys think about it, he has good amount of success.

He said treat a girl like a male friend, don't treat her like a female. Show/tell her that you are seeing/talking to other girls.

is this a good stratergy.

on the other hand, how does this work on girls who are out of your league.

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

That you are seeing/talking to other girls should be implied, it should be obvious to her by how you carry yourself. Don't actually tell her, and if she asks about it directly, agree and amplify then laugh it off (but still don't confirm or deny it). When you have options, it will automatically show by your lack of neediness in interactions.

Talk to her like you would talk to a male friend, but that doesn't mean to treat her the same way as a male friend 100%. You do need to make her feel like a woman and seduce her.

What your friend probably means is that you shouldn't change your demeanor or the way you speak/interact with people just for one girl. Girls have a sixth sense for that incongruency. When you talk to your friend, you are most likely your true and most confident self. That's the state you need to be in when talking to girls also.

In a way, "just be yourself" is actually good advice. But it only works if you are unapologetic about it and are truly yourself. Outcome independence, yadda yadda.

Also, stop viewing girls as being out of your league. Instead, improve yourself as that is the only factor you have direct control over. There are always going to be girls who are "out of your league" or who just aren't interested in what you have to offer. Doesn't mean they are somehow higher value than you or that they should be put on a pedestal. Try interacting with them like you would interact with a girl you're not attracted to.

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

It works for a certain kind of girl and for a certain kind of guy.

Just depends on if you're that kind of guy and want that kind of girl.

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

Hm... it depends, for instance with Latinas I would do it in a more subtle way, let her discover that you talk to other girls, without saying it. Once they ask you something about it agree&amplify. As for European women, in there you should tell her you talk and meet other women.

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

Your friend is right.

It is about mindset. When talking to a male friend you are not trying to impress him. You feel free to tell lame jokes. You are not uncomfortable when there is a silence. You do not feel ashamed when you say something dumb.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

Quote: (10-22-2018 10:46 PM)Maximummax Wrote:  

He said treat a girl like a male friend, don't treat her like a female. Show/tell her that you are seeing/talking to other girls.

This is a good mindset but it alone won't be enough.

And yes, its particularly good on girls out of your league.

It works for two reasons. First, it avoids the mistake a lot of guys make of putting a girl on pedastal. With very hot girls this is especially easy to do.

Second, you will intrigue her. Why isn't he interested in me, every other guy is.

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

Quote: (10-23-2018 12:10 AM)Winston Wolfe Wrote:  

That you are seeing/talking to other girls should be implied, it should be obvious to her by how you carry yourself. Don't actually tell her, and if she asks about it directly, agree and amplify then laugh it off (but still don't confirm or deny it). When you have options, it will automatically show by your lack of neediness in interactions.

Talk to her like you would talk to a male friend, but that doesn't mean to treat her the same way as a male friend 100%. You do need to make her feel like a woman and seduce her.

What your friend probably means is that you shouldn't change your demeanor or the way you speak/interact with people just for one girl. Girls have a sixth sense for that incongruency. When you talk to your friend, you are most likely your true and most confident self. That's the state you need to be in when talking to girls also.

In a way, "just be yourself" is actually good advice. But it only works if you are unapologetic about it and are truly yourself. Outcome independence, yadda yadda.

Also, stop viewing girls as being out of your league. Instead, improve yourself as that is the only factor you have direct control over. There are always going to be girls who are "out of your league" or who just aren't interested in what you have to offer. Doesn't mean they are somehow higher value than you or that they should be put on a pedestal. Try interacting with them like you would interact with a girl you're not attracted to.
Really? I thought most girls dont want to date a player? Maybe i just had a bad experience because I went on a date with a girl.. And then the next friday she wanted to hangout but on my whatsapp i posted a picture of my fancy drink and another drink. And the girl got pissed and stopped talking to me. and said im a player.
Ever since then i dont post pics of me on clubbing on the weekends or fancy drinks... because its to obvious that i am on a date with someone else since i am new to the country i am visiting.

i would like to hear more opinons on this.. a girl doesnt get crossed out that you cant see her friday night because you have plans.. you post pics of you and two drinks... and you at a night club. then tell her saturday to see her lol. she wouldnt be pissed? serious question....
because i know if a a girl is flakey and tells me she is busy and i see her instagram stories of her in a club. i get disgusted in the whore and dont bother to chase... etc.
[Image: huh.gif]

a girl wants to see me friday. i shouldnt lie to her and say im tired how about saturday ? and go out wiht her saturday and see another girl friday???

i should instead tel lher im busy and post pics of me partying friday night lol..

A friend of mine gave me this suggestion.

Quote: (11-13-2018 10:50 PM)27YearOldAverageGame Wrote:  

. And then the next friday she wanted to hangout but on my whatsapp i posted a picture of my fancy drink and another drink. And the girl got pissed and stopped talking to me. and said im a player.
Ever since then i dont post pics of me on clubbing on the weekends or fancy drinks... because its to obvious that i am on a date with someone else since i am new to the country i am visiting.

i would like to hear more opinons on this.. a girl doesnt get crossed out that you cant see her friday night because you have plans.. you post pics of you and two drinks... and you at a night club. then tell her saturday to see her lol. she wouldnt be pissed? serious question....

How old was she?

Let me guess. The girl in question was older than 25 yo.

To a younger girl your being on date with another girl is, in short, a type of social validation...sort of like a Yelp for your game and your dick

To an older chick who's been phucked and chucked more times than she cares to remember it's just an unwanted reminder of her looming obsolescence.

She aint got time to try and tame a "player" anymore cause she aint got time

Quote: (11-13-2018 10:50 PM)27YearOldAverageGame Wrote:  

because i know if a a girl is flakey and tells me she is busy and i see her instagram stories of her in a club. i get disgusted in the whore and dont bother to chase... etc.
[Image: huh.gif]

Youre looking for a relationship arent you?

Hear that sound? Thats neediness leaking. If that shit leaks into your game your dead in the water with young chicks. If I can see that I guarantee girls can see it.

Better fix that sound

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

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Joseph Campbell

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