Good flow on this ep. You really seem to be enjoying yourself too!
Cheers to that, and bigups to Arnold for the excellent puppet mastering.
Just to add to what you said about gays and trannies (who are basically extra, extra mentally ill gays) and their end goal of unfettered normalization for every sick behavior they can think to engage in...
I'm generally happy with an approach of "live and let live" but that doesn't mean that degenerate thing under the sun is equally acceptable and ought to be permitted just because it doesn't constitute acute physical harm to another human being.
I don't know how many of ya'll know this but here in Thailand it's tranny HQ.
I think it's probably the number one tranny country in the world (though they call them ladyboys which is a bit of a euphemism as they're neither ladies nor boys). And there are tons of garden variety (non trans) gays too. I've been told by Thai acquaintances that the older generation of Thais (the grandparents) view these behaviors, and the general trend of the society towards westernization and consumerism with repulsion and sadness. Assuming that's accurate, perhaps they understand intuitively that allowing degenerate behavior only begets more (and more extreme) degenerate behavior until all standards are so eroded that people can't tell the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, normal and insane.
The thing with homos is, that on an individual level, gays are primarily annoying to the average straight guy because they seem to relish provoking you with stares and subtle 'microaggressions' (for lack of a better term) like brushing up against you on the train, eyefucking you, being loud and obnoxious because they're so fabulous and everybody has to know it, which is all the easier as Thai people are generally too conflict-averse to tell them to shut their mouths.
They especially seem to enjoy the feeling that they got away with something and/or got under your skin when you fail to hide your disgust and contempt for them. I don't walk around actively fuming at gays but when there's a gay dude acting super gay right next to me I might make a face or something and they seem to scan for people who dislike them so they can get under their skin. And they're good at calibrating it to just shy of the point where you'd have to crack them in the face. On the whole they're an occasional annoyance and a small price to pay for living in such a generally awesome place.
But the trannies are just on another level of grotesqueness...
I mean...for a dude to plaster a fake pair of tits onto his chest and, in some cases, lop off his cock'n'balls and replace them with a faux vagina is completely incomprehensible to me. It's like traveling faster than the speed of light, how is it even fucking possible? And yet here it is, warp drive vagina all around.
This is number one bullshit and proof of a sick, disturbed mind. In addition to unconscionable anatomical mutilation, trannies in Thailand are also infamous for taking tons of hormones, illicit drugs, stealing, and getting into fist fights (and usually beating the shit out of whoever they're fighting because they're still dudes and some of them are fucking huge).
They're so ubiquitous in cities like Bangkok that you'll encounter them daily, whether as airport staff or restaurant servants or convenience store clerks, etc. For example:
I'm in the airport in Bangkok about to catch a flight, and I'm going through the security check where you put all of your stuff in a basket, scan it through the xray machine, and walk through the metal detector. I'm suited up and crucially for this story, not wearing any underwear.
So as I'm slowly moving forward in the queue towards the scanners I notice a gay guy next to me with penciled-on eyebrows and faggy mannerisms that make me want to distance myself. So I make a mental note to go into any of the 6 or so lines that the main queue branches off to, so long as it's not the one he goes too.
I rock up to the scanner and xray station and I'm greeted by a short tranny with glasses apparently in charge of ensuring that ll items are placed in the tray, belts removed, etc. So I remove my laptop, put all my shit in the basket and go to pass through the scanner. The ladyboy stops me and tells me to remove my belt which intentionally didn't know hoping nobody would notice or care because it makes me feel like a convict or some shit having to remove my belt. I've learned over the years not to make a big fuss about it because A) Thais don't respond well to fusses and B) it's more trouble than it's worth especially in a country where I'm a guest. So I went back, removed it and put my belt into the basket.
Just as I finish doing this, without a word of warning, the tranny reaches its hand out and pats and pinches the front of my pants. This is of course a perfect job for a ladyboy pervert freak because anytime it wants to get a nice handful of dick it can just reach out and grab it under the guise of checking for metal shit that would set off the detector and maintain plausible deniability.
I'm happy to say that the freak did not manage to come into contact with my penor because I very, very loudly said "EXCUSE ME, DON'T TOUCH ME. DON'T TOUCH ME". I'm also happy I didn't get myself into trouble because this incident got me SOO angry, I honestly don't remember getting that angry that quickly in a really long time. I guess I knew in the back of my mind that popping this dude with a straight right would have only created trouble, police would get involved, fines, delays, etc.
When I yelled at the tranny it caused a scene and the freak feigned surprise at this reaction even as I caught a twinkle in its deranged little eyes. That pissed me off even more.
I went through the scanner, got my shit while everybody stared in my direction and walked off in so agitated a state that I felt ashamed at letting myself get that out of control of my emotions. I parked myself at a Coffee Club and had a glass of wine to calm my ass down. I basically sat there fuming and wishing I had cracked the tranny, thinking maybe I should go report it (which would be wholly useless). In the end I decided that I handled that correctly in light of the social compact and so forth, but really felt like in a sane world this kind of behavior would be met with swift and painful retribution without fear of reprisal from the law.
The point is that just like in Islam it's explicitly stated that you should deceive your enemies and befool them, and in gay culture it's IMPLICITLY understood by all pederasts. In fact, outside of muslims I don't think I've ever met so consistently Machiavellian and fucked up a bunch as gays. And I've lived in San Francisco, New York, LA, Miami, Bangkok, etc., and have seen and interacted with enough of them to know what I'm talking about.
Live and let live worked when gays did their dirty business in private. Maybe back then the law had a more lenient view on vigilante justice as it concerns certain elements of society? Any older members care to chime in?
I think this might be a situation where libertarians get it wrong because you can't control this kind of phenomenon purely legally as it essentially amounts to having to resort to violence or threat of violence for bringing that kind of behavior out of the darkness and introducing it into normal, healthy society. If gays tried doing their little subtle gay stuff and got a punch in the mouth for their trouble, there'd probably be a lot less of it.
The legal / moral problem is that now you're essentially condoning violence when no overt violence has been done to you. Perhaps if the law was less heavy handed when it comes to fist fights and let that shit slide as the business of the people involved in the dispute that would be a happy medium. We've just become such a litigious and authority dependent society that your chances of avoiding legal ramifications if you punch somebody who deserves it are low, especially in the West.