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"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

The article links to his Instagram page, and it's so saddening to scroll through and see what those sick fuckers are doing to the child. There's no way you can tell me that this is all his idea and he's not being coached to be a pedophile's wet dream.

Only click on this video if there is nobody else around, and only if you're not prone to outbursts of rage. Actually I'm past being angered by this shit - it just makes me sad. It's a sick and twisted way to raise a young boy. Poor kid.


There's no way a normal adult could watch that and appreciate his dance moves like they would appreciate their child's ballet recital. It's not cute and his parents are not brave. He is a ten year old child being trained to be a highly sexualised fantasy object.

There is no difference between this and the bacha bazi dancing boys of Afghanistan, who are kept by wealthy men as sexual companions and entertainment until they are discarded when they get too old. This kid may be basking in the adulation of sick fucks now, but it won't be long until he's just a washed up freak like the rest of them.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Depressing stuff! could someone write a list of countries where outrageous gay shit like that would be legal, just to have an idea of which countries are lost forever? Canada, USA, maybe Berlin? no other countries I hope?

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 11:49 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2018 11:19 AM)the-dream Wrote:  

How is this not illegal? The US government frequently take parents' children away from them for much less severe violations than this, without any fame and without batting an eyelid. Even all the gays and drag queen fans in the comments of his videos are outraged.

Even in hardcore gay circles, most people are not going to support outright, obvious and blatant rape of children. However there WILL be enough radicals opposing ANY limitations on gay adoption that they're effectively immune to Child Protective Services on a lot of topics.

This is especially ridiculous when you consider that if you took took one of those female child beauty pageant contestants, and had her put on a sexy show in adult club serving alcohol and wherre she would be exposed to a lot of "heavy petting" sexual activity in the crowd, people would go batshit crazy.

There are also some pretty obvious and easy solutions to the most common risks of gay adoption. How about gay men can only adopt daughters? It nips a lot of this right in the bud and they can still adopt if they genuinely want to have a child. They just don't get to adopt a potential sex slave.

Gay couples would sill abuse girls in in any number of ways, including sexual molestation. Gays shouldn't be around kids - end of story.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

I live on the border of Eastern and Western Europe, but rather whole western world. Everytime I see some thread like this, only one things comes on my mind:
We need to build really high wall on the borders with "western world" and cut ourselves from this. And maybe send some nukes.

"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 11:41 AM)scotian Wrote:  

As for the kid, his parents should be tarred and feathered for subjecting their kid to abuse just to get attention on social media, disgusting.

I think you're being EXTREMELY naive if you think their goal is attention on social media. They're showing video of the kid, obviously pretty doped out, in front of a painting with the word "Rohypnol" - (the notorious date raped drug that leaves no memory). They may as well have written "Escort Service, call for prices, discretion guaranteed by drugs.". And they're getting massive amounts of free advertising, and it's open enough that nobody could have any doubts about what they're offering. What do these guys do for work? If they're even bother to have straight jobs anymore.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 12:03 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

I think you're being EXTREMELY naive if you think their goal is attention on social media. They're showing video of the kid, obviously pretty doped out, in front of a painting with the word "Rohypnol" - (the notorious date raped drug that leaves no memory). They may as well have written "Escort Service, call for prices, discretion guaranteed by drugs.". And they're getting massive amounts of free advertising, and it's open enough that nobody could have any doubts about what they're offering. What do these guys do for work? If they're even bother to have straight jobs anymore.

As a former NYC East Village resident/club goer in the 90s I can tell you the guy on the right was notorious in his day. A big time club promoter in the 90s, His name is Michael Alig. Alig served a little over 15 years in prison for killing a fellow gay "club kid" over drugs. In fact he chopped him into pieces and threw him in the river. He just got out of prison a couple of years ago, and surely does nothing but grift and hustle. He has no skills whatsoever and certainly is incapable of holding down a steady job. That this kids parents would allow him to hang out with Alig is pretty sickening. (There have been a couple of movies done about that degenerate, who knows why)

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Too late for me to edit, but Michael Alig is the guy on the left.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"


There are also some pretty obvious and easy solutions to the most common risks of gay adoption. How about gay men can only adopt daughters? It nips a lot of this right in the bud and they can still adopt if they genuinely want to have a child. They just don't get to adopt a potential sex slave.

I think this is mistaken in two ways:

1) children need healthy examples of both sexes in their development. with homosexual adoption you get neither healthy (all of them are in a state of arrested development at best, and seriously mentally ill and evil at worse), nor both sexes.

2) it misunderstands the nature of these people. homosexuals are not exclusive in their perversion to the same sex. they just seek to corrupt and defile. of course they have a preference towards the same sex because it is completely anti-natural, but they still fuck women (when they want to corrupt them) and they would still sexually abuse female children, even if not in the same way.

So I think it would be criminal to allow it even with those limitations.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

This child drag queen nonsense is becoming popular. This is a from a post I made last year.

Quote: (11-01-2017 03:10 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

I guess this is a good thread for this clip. I saw this kid on Tosh.0, he's a EIGHT year old drag queen. That's vile enough, but check out his parents. The mom is a typical stage mom and the "dad" looks like a gay biker. Notice the way he's staring and smiling at the kid at the 2:27ish mark.

Here's a post I made about Liev Schreiber:

Quote: (07-25-2017 04:28 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Thought this might work in this thread:

Liev Schrieber Takes His Son to Comic-Con...his SON.

[Image: EsGGY2N.jpg?1]

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 11:49 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

There are also some pretty obvious and easy solutions to the most common risks of gay adoption. How about gay men can only adopt daughters? It nips a lot of this right in the bud and they can still adopt if they genuinely want to have a child. They just don't get to adopt a potential sex slave.

Are you posing this rhetorical as a stop gap issue to slowly roll back the issue of gays adopting and abusing children (pushing the overton window)?

Or are you proposing this as a complete solution to the issue?


"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 05:01 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2018 11:49 AM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

There are also some pretty obvious and easy solutions to the most common risks of gay adoption. How about gay men can only adopt daughters? It nips a lot of this right in the bud and they can still adopt if they genuinely want to have a child. They just don't get to adopt a potential sex slave.

Are you posing this rhetorical as a stop gap issue to slowly roll back the issue of gays adopting and abusing children (pushing the overton window)?

I proposed a solution that would eliminate 100% of the molestation of young boys by their adoptive male parents, nothing more, nothing less.


Or are you proposing this as a complete solution to the issue?

I addressed whether it was supposed to be a complete solution to anything in the specific wording of my post.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 04:44 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

This child drag queen nonsense is becoming popular. This is a from a post I made last year.

Just a couple of weeks ago I saw that there were drag queens teaching preschoolers about "difference" or some other nonsense you hear the NPCs prattling on about.

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"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 06:31 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2018 04:44 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

This child drag queen nonsense is becoming popular. This is a from a post I made last year.

Just a couple of weeks ago I saw that there were drag queens teaching preschoolers about "difference" or some other nonsense you hear the NPCs prattling on about.

Around here you have drag fags reading books about "acceptance" to children at the library. Parents are thinking their kids are being taught something useful, then find out it's a 3 hour indoctrination field trip.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Until someone comes up with the 9 year old drag queen.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-15-2018 08:32 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2018 06:31 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Quote: (10-15-2018 04:44 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

This child drag queen nonsense is becoming popular. This is a from a post I made last year.

Just a couple of weeks ago I saw that there were drag queens teaching preschoolers about "difference" or some other nonsense you hear the NPCs prattling on about.

Around here you have drag fags reading books about "acceptance" to children at the library. Parents are thinking their kids are being taught something useful, then find out it's a 3 hour indoctrination field trip.

Yes, that's what I was talking about.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
My Blog | Twitter

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Blue pill, NPC's around me: "Jesus, Danny. Why are you STILL so distrustful of the LGBT[QRSTUV123.467] movement?"

Me: "Because they refuse to police the paedophile streak that has been growing and gaining mainstream acceptance in their ranks. Just like most of the left, they won't condemn their fringe elements. Children will be hurt by this."

BP NPCs: "There's absolutely no evidence of that! None whatsoever!"

Me: "No? Kids going to Pride Parades in Toronto and Montreal get exposed to naked fat dudes doing lecherous things in public. Young boys are being dressed up in drag by their awful parents for 'fashion shows' so that they can be used as masturbation fodder to a room full of horny pederasts. This is not normal."


This is how badly the culture war has been lost. Young boys are being fed to pederasts and paedophiles and if you point it out, you get called names. If the gay community ever wants my support, they better clean this disgusting mess up. But they won't. They can't say "no".

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

How does it come no one is doing anything about this?

1. A gay murderer ex-convict adopts a kid with another gay guy
2. post videos of the boy queer dressed and apparently lethargic on youtube
3. subtle mentions of a date rape drug in the background

Each one of those warrants immediate intervention and investigation on their own. The three happen at the same time and people limit themselves to post disaproving messages online?

NYPD should be getting spammed and pressured with this, like it happened with that Judge of the swimmer fratboy """rape""" case instead. Justice system ignoring something like this is one of the few cases where I'd approve vigilante initiative.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

I never could see the appeal of this whole drag thing. Do what you want but IMO it's whack and shouldn't be celebrated. However involving children takes it to a whole 'nother level of depravity. Disgusting

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Liberals: It's none of your business how these parents raise their kid!
Also Liberals: Homeschooling should be banned!

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Quote: (10-16-2018 12:57 PM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

How does it come no one is doing anything about this?

1. A gay murderer ex-convict adopts a kid with another gay guy
2. post videos of the boy queer dressed and apparently lethargic on youtube
3. subtle mentions of a date rape drug in the background

Each one of those warrants immediate intervention and investigation on their own. The three happen at the same time and people limit themselves to post disaproving messages online?

NYPD should be getting spammed and pressured with this, like it happened with that Judge of the swimmer fratboy """rape""" case instead. Justice system ignoring something like this is one of the few cases where I'd approve vigilante initiative.

Well, you've got to think of how stressed police manpower is right now, and how much extra work it would take to throughly investigate each and every...one of these blatant homophobes making complaints! Opps, thought I was in Britain for a minute...thank God I'm back to the land of the First Amendment.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

10-Year-Old Boy Dances On Stage For Money At Adult Gay Bar In New York

[Image: Screen-Shot-2018-12-14-at-12.37.21-PM.png]


“Drag Kid” Desmond Is Amazing delivered a headlining performance at a sleazy Brooklyn gay bar on Dec. 1, where the ten-year-old boy danced on stage in a crop top and full face of makeup as a throng of adult men in the audience showered him in dollar bills.

The event, called Club Whoa! was hosted at Brooklyn gay bar 3 Dollar Bill and was promoted on social media. Desmond also celebrated the performance on his own Instagram page, which has 105,000 followers. Adults who wished to watch a half naked child dance in a bar could buy tickets on an Eventbright page in which the venue described itself as “queer owned & operated we foster a safe space from love. we respect all human persons as long as those human persons are also respectful to the ones around them.”

Photos of the event show Desmond in a blond wig, makeup, and crop top collecting monetary tips from adult men in the audience, like a stripper, as other half naked adult drag queens, some in panties and fishnet stockings, stood on stage nearby.
YouTuber Yosef Ozia of Ozia Media called attention to the disturbing performance in a video he posted Friday afternoon.

A day after the performance, one reviewer on Yelp! wrote: “I left after seeing a child dance on stage for money at nighttime. This was on Saturday night and I have been feeling disturbed ever since.”

Another reviewer said the club has a “weird no cell phone policy.”

Desmond Is Amazing, a Brooklyn native, has become a celebrity in the drag queen world and LGBT community, and a little darling of leftwing media and gay lobbying groups. His parents have come under harsh criticism for their questionable parenting style. He became famous after video of him dancing sexually in a gay pride parade went viral. Desmond appears to spend most his time with adult gay men and crossdressers, with the full support and encouragement of his parents.

Last December, the child even appeared on a YouTube show hosted by drag queen Michael Alig, who was just released from a 17 year prison sentence for killing and dismembering his drug dealer. Alig was the subject of the 2003 film Party Monster staring Macaulay Culkin. In that video, Desmond is seated directly beneath a piece of artwork with the word “Rohypnol” is painted largely. Rohypnol, known as “roofies,” is a date rape drug.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

I get kicked off of YouTube, and this shit is allowed:

The pictures are bad enough, but this video really made it sink in for me. This poor child, still learning to enunciate, exposed to these vile creeps. My heart aches for him.

He should be talking about Ninja Turtles and Minecraft; not Drag Con.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

Lord have mercy on that kids soul.

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"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

This is the kind of shit that would make even the Antichrist give his heart to God.

I know we always made fun of fEmInisTS who claimed they got ptsd from being trolled online, but all this Eyes Wide Shut-style kid torture is unironically breaking down my psyche and traumatizing me more and more.

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

"He’s a 10-year-old drag performer, and he’s cooler than you"

How many years until we see him on talk shows and out with a book describing the abuse?
Obvious failure of Child Protective Services or whatever.

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