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Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request

Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request

I do photoshop and lately I've been getting into GIFS (Animated Photos). If you can think of anyone that has harmed you or tried to destroy your reputation wrongly, I would be willing to doctor them in an embarrassing photo or animated photo. There is one condition though, you first have to tell me what they did to wrong you (financially, physically, or verbally) , and you also have to give me information on who you would like them with in the photo and what background you would like me to use.

Disclaimer: I will not include nudity in my photos.

Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request

Seems legit.

Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request

You need to get laid

Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request


Can you do one of Lloyd Blankfein?

Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request

Get in on the NPC meme stuff

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Embarrassing Photoshops or GIFs On Request

This is not a doxing forum.

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