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Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

I have terrible logistics

I want to game ethnic/migrant girls in Melbourne but I don't want to live in those shit hole areas with lots of crime

Anyone ever day gamed a girl and taken them to a motel? (whether it be same day lay, or date)

Edit: I thought I was on the 'game' forum. Feel free to move it there if it is out of place here.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Quote: (10-11-2018 11:53 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

I have terrible logistics

I want to game ethnic/migrant girls in Melbourne but I don't want to live in those shit hole areas with lots of crime

Anyone ever day gamed a girl and taken them to a motel? (whether it be same day lay, or date)

This isn't a P4P type place I think you've got the wrong idea about us, bub.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

I wasn't discussing p4p. I am not wanting to do that. The fact is I live 40 mins from the women I want to game.
I am talking about having a place to bang them.

The fuck is wrong with some of you higher post members and your bad judgment/condescension

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Just tell them you're married and you can't take them to your house.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Now that is a good answer @spokepoker, thanks.

Can say I am working in the area and I live with family/lots of people etc

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Be creative Rorogue, make an excuse and push to go to the chicks house, e.g. take her to her door and ask her to use the bathroom. If something like that is not possible then stay with her till sunset and take her to a low-key park, get some head then try bang in a bush/abandoned house. If she is not that adventurous you could ask a friend to let you smash her and say my house is being renovated so I am staying here. If you are lucky enough to have friends like that make sure to do them a big favour after or at the very least get them beers.

Ultimately, if none of that is available you can risk it and book an airbnb in a cheap place but this would be good on a 3rd date for example where she's less likely to flake.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Quote: (10-11-2018 12:15 PM)Mikestar Wrote:  

Be creative Rorogue, make an excuse and push to go to the chicks house, e.g. take her to her door and ask her to use the bathroom. If something like that is not possible then stay with her till sunset and take her to a low-key park, get some head then try bang in a bush/abandoned house. If she is not that adventurous you could ask a friend to let you smash her and say my house is being renovated so I am staying here. If you are lucky enough to have friends like that make sure to do them a big favour after or at the very least get them beers.

Ultimately, if none of that is available you can risk it and book an airbnb in a cheap place but this would be good on a 3rd date for example where she's less likely to flake.

Mike you're the real MVP. Thank god for this. The number of times i've sacrificed my place for some friend and then later have him act like it's no big deal, "it's not really a favor, friends do that to each other" kind of response. Ok it's just 2 times, but it's the principle. Fuck me, man. Ungrateful fucks.

Last time I've had to stay outside 3 hours in the cold wait for the morning bus, to then go stay at some friends place and sleep on a shitty mattress that killed my back, so this guy could seal the deal and fuck the girl at my place. This is what a true wingman will do, so far never experienced someone returning this favor for me. It better be coming soon.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

You are a businessman who regularly travels to town for work, and always stay at this hotel, which is close to work.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

One of the guys outline a system where he has one of the hotel apps on his phone, they have drinks at the hotel bar, and he rents the room while he's in the bathroom if he knows he's getting lucky. And once you're in the hotel, there is almost always an excuse to got to your room - " Next rounds on me! Wait a minute, the rest of my money is my room". Gets you both in the room quickly. Would also scan the hotels in the area ahead of time, often there is one offering some kind of rock cheap price worthwhile for a home base, or something offering a last minute cancellation policy.

Deepdiver outlined another system where you know ahead of time you'll be using the room (multiple SA and WYP candidate lined up if IIRC) and how to stock up the room (champagne and bath robes and such). It's almost a crime not to finish the bubbly once it's been opened and it hits FAST. He bought the champagne budget, not at the hotel, looks high end, but costs almost nothing. Had a good routine with His and Hers bathrobes too, going to the bathroom and telling her he's putting his bathrobe on, and for her to put her on too. Then he shuts the door so there isn't even the possibility of an argument.

Happy Hunting!

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

This is easier in asia and/or south america where you can rent "motel" rooms (for sex) by the hour rather than by the night.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Quote: (10-11-2018 11:53 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

I have terrible logistics

I want to game ethnic/migrant girls in Melbourne but I don't want to live in those shit hole areas with lots of crime

Anyone ever day gamed a girl and taken them to a motel? (whether it be same day lay, or date)

Edit: I thought I was on the 'game' forum. Feel free to move it there if it is out of place here.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Ask anyone who is 'worth their salt', and they'll incessantly stress to you the importance of good logistics. You're always going to be faced with an uphill battle in regards to getting same day bangs. Additionally, a motel is not a good play. You'll come across as desperate/creepy and turn most women under a 4 off.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Quote: (10-17-2018 12:14 PM)JonVonstroke Wrote:  

Quote: (10-11-2018 11:53 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

I have terrible logistics

I want to game ethnic/migrant girls in Melbourne but I don't want to live in those shit hole areas with lots of crime

Anyone ever day gamed a girl and taken them to a motel? (whether it be same day lay, or date)

Edit: I thought I was on the 'game' forum. Feel free to move it there if it is out of place here.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Ask anyone who is 'worth their salt', and they'll incessantly stress to you the importance of good logistics. You're always going to be faced with an uphill battle in regards to getting same day bangs. Additionally, a motel is not a good play. You'll come across as desperate/creepy and turn most women under a 4 off.
Motels in Oz and Motels in the US are 2 different Animals.Whores are legal here so they are at the brothel or massage parlour..Motels here are not dive places with drug users or homeless.They are pretty clean .

Alot of chicks in their 20s here still live with their parents due to high rents here.

OP put Wotif app on your phone...Have $400 set aside as some apartments want a deposit to cover damages.

You are better off getting a couple of mates and Airbnb in the city for a few days.

Better still get your own room in a backpacker hostel.

Move to a share house near the beach if in Qld or NSW.
Share house inner city Melb, Richmond or Brunswick.This would be better long term

Basically you are fucked in Oz without logistics..

And what migrant girls??If you want migrant girls DHV by having logistics in the city.Unless you are a total fuck boy then you don't need it.

Taking girls you day game to a motel?

Quote: (10-17-2018 08:21 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Whores are legal here so they are at the brothel or massage parlour.

/bla bla bla/

Have $400 set aside as some apartments want a deposit to cover damages.

Let's do some math with that:

Migrant girls + Legal whores = Go to whorehouse for 1/2 to 1/3 of $400.

Jokes aside (not joking), which migrant girls are you after and where in Melbourne do you live? There are plenty of migrant areas that aren't "dangerous" unless you're into Sudanese chicks...

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