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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 02:22 PM
We all know that these that things are reaching a dangerous level of stupidity now and it doesn't seem accidental because if you go on something like the BBC news website (the British government controlled news), then it's all basically propaganda pushing these things.
My question is why are the governments, media and powerful families/big players in the society of the West pushing this onto the people and what is their end game?
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 02:30 PM
Divide and conquer distracts us from top down manipulation, we all kill each other and the elites pick up the pieces with a drastically reduced population.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 02:47 PM
Strong men with healthy families are a huge threat. As they will do what needs to be done to protect them, even if it means rising up with other men and challenging the narrative.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 03:02 PM
Read anonymousconservative's r/K theory, it explains why these r selected traits come into existence.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 03:15 PM
Divide and rule. It's that simple.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 03:39 PM
I think Roosh has said that a society composed of nuclear families is the only one that can resist tyranny. So, the elites will do anything to break up the traditional family while still keeping us working/consuming/spending/paying taxes.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 05:21 PM
Feminism is an extremely easy answer: more money for consumerism. I can see examples of this in a few ways:
1. More independent women working leads to more of their money towards frivolous purchases: clothes, "experiences", expensive food, overpriced drinks, nightlife. I'm relatively happy with a book and some grilled chicken, women (in NYC at least) always need the most instagrammable event.
2. More single people leads to more male money being spent on these same frivolous purchases: clothes, dinner dates, nightclub cover, VIP bottles, basically anything that leads to more pussy. Every date I go on is about $50 for food/drinks, I go on a few a week. Add in the costs of clothes, haircuts, upkeep, etc, and its a few hundred a week being spent towards getting laid.
Without a partner to be financially accountable towards, less money is saved and more is being spent "in the moment." The increasing price of pussy leads to more and more money shelled out by successful males in the form of nightlife and clothes.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 09:08 PM
Feminism, gay accommodation, and broken families all benefit consumerism, as has been pointed out. The System wants people so tied to consuming that they don't stop to think why they're spending all this money, a.k.a. the moment that there was such a thing as two-income households was the day it became inevitable that you would need two incomes to even run a household at all. Single mothers, as The Last Psychiatrist has pointed out, are the System's perfect woman: they have no choice but to go all-in on the hamster wheel of consumerism.
False rape advocacy is accommodated more out of feminism's idiocy than anything else. The demand that we believe all rape accusations is a religious belief for people who have no religion. This sort of person is the kind of idiot who thinks that the falsely accused don't matter - the kind of person who rationalises it by saying that being falsely accused of such a crime can be an enlightening experience for that person. They're like the cop who, thanks to working with walking shit for most of their lives, carries the dark believe that everybody's guilty of something. Certain professions, certain jobs, certain belief systems have the capability to shift a person's moral centre, to stop them thinking of other people as human.
Islam, though, is accommodated I think because the System needs a low labor cost workforce, at least until AI and T-800s are perfected at which point we're all fucked anyway. The Muslims coming through are not doctors or high-end business types, they're shonky kebab-store owners, delivery drivers, taxi drivers, etc. The system wants them because they thought they were getting people who have just enough brains to work for the system but not enough brains to figure out how to challenge them. What the System didn't understand is that it was getting people who have just enough brains to take Islam literally but not enough brains to allow anyone to question it. The System thought it was getting bodies, and instead it's getting an entire culture that, sadly, is highly resilient and intolerant. As Nassim Taleb points out: all other things being equal, it takes an intolerant minority of only 4% of the population to dictate if not overwhelm a tolerant majority, also see why every food carton for sale has a kosher symbol on it even though Jews amount to roughly 0.5% of America's population.
Remissas, discite, vivet.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 09:36 PM
Very good post and I agree with your conclusions. Just a minor clarification that Jews are 2% of the American population. The point still stands, of course. Its just as remarkable to have the certification whether the population is 2% or. 0.5% .
On the other hand the manufacturerers also have the certification partly because many non Jewish consumers associate Kosher products with higher quality. Sausages/ hot dogs being one example. The cost / benefit makes financial sense , I imagine getting that Kosher stamp is not very expensive.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 09:36 PM
To add on to that, things like the false rape accusations seem to be judged by effect. If they're helpful to the overall goal of breaking down the society and facilitating remodeling it to a collectivist vision then those trends are given a helping shove to accelerate them. Otherwise they're stonewalled and shut out.
That's the difference between MRA's and PUA's. Both are men's movements, but the PUAs are focused primarily on facilitating degenerate behavior that furthers Western eugenics. MRA's are (as much as I dislike them) having a negative effect by undermining post-modernist and social marxist talking points that relate to gender relations; consequently they're actively mocked and attacked.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 09:56 PM
I think it's an excuse to implement an oppressive police state.
Restrictions on movement and total survellience 24/7.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 11:11 PM
A lot of good answers above, but the Islam one is a little more complex. You would need terror attacks on a mass and consistent and personal level to justify discarding all the hard won freedoms we've gained over the years. Only close proximity to the worst Islam has to offer can achieve this. No, don't look at the much less expensive examples from Hungary and Japan of simply not letting the people sworn to tear down your country into it, the only way is let them in en masse and then throw all your Western freedoms on a funeral pyre. This gives you the 2 most important things you need.
1 - a sophisticated police state capable of completely controlling the flow of information and any possible dissidents to their control
2 - an insane hatred of Islam that makes Western countries willing to turn their nations to glass if they threaten anyone we're friendly with in the Middle East, but leave their hands clean, and us only furether subject to guilt trip control.
The Muslims are pawns that are going to be sacrificed, they're not players themselves (anymore). Someone is going to win this game, but it won't be Islam or us. I suggest we not play this game.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-06-2018, 11:19 PM
To enslave people you have to control every aspect of their reality. Family, community, racial identity give people allegiances beyond the state.
Hence everything from boyscouts to dating has to be forcibly altered until you kneel in submission to their bullshit. White males are the biggest threat to them so they figure they'll deal with the others later.
Obviously things like cashless, traceable currency and a disarmed population are also necessary. I bought a new phone this week I was amazed at all the data it tried to milk from me just for fucking turning it on.
I'm personally amazed at how many willing true believers they created while enacting their global enslavement. Guess goyim means 'cattle' after all...
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-07-2018, 12:30 AM
Because it removes power from evil white men.
...Not evil white men like George Soros, the Koch Brothers, the Rothschilds or any of the white men in Hollywood mind you, white men like me and you.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
10-07-2018, 05:47 PM
Quote: (10-06-2018 11:11 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:
A lot of good answers above, but the Islam one is a little more complex. You would need terror attacks on a mass and consistent and personal level to justify discarding all the hard won freedoms we've gained over the years. Only close proximity to the worst Islam has to offer can achieve this. No, don't look at the much less expensive examples from Hungary and Japan of simply not letting the people sworn to tear down your country into it, the only way is let them in en masse and then throw all your Western freedoms on a funeral pyre. This gives you the 2 most important things you need.
1 - a sophisticated police state capable of completely controlling the flow of information and any possible dissidents to their control
2 - an insane hatred of Islam that makes Western countries willing to turn their nations to glass if they threaten anyone we're friendly with in the Middle East, but leave their hands clean, and us only furether subject to guilt trip control.
The Muslims are pawns that are going to be sacrificed, they're not players themselves (anymore). Someone is going to win this game, but it won't be Islam or us. I suggest we not play this game.
Quote: (10-06-2018 03:39 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:
I think Roosh has said that a society composed of nuclear families is the only one that can resist tyranny. So, the elites will do anything to break up the traditional family while still keeping us working/consuming/spending/paying taxes.
And along with the destruction of the family, the destruction of traditional faith in the West (Christianity) and of ethnic identity and community structure.
This social engineering has been done through the mass media (Leave it to Beaver>>>Modern Family), through k-12-Uni indoctrination, government policies (welfare for single moms) and urban development (shipping migrants and turning vibrant city centers into ghettos, happening now in Europe and happened in the 1960-70s in the US).
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
01-18-2019, 04:50 AM
Contrary to technoutopia illusion, I think that globalists actually try to bring down western societies by overburdening their financial and social systems. Ever heard about the convergence doctrine? East and West become so similar, that NWO, One World, becomes possible.
Almost immediately after the collapse of communism, mass asylum immigration started (no economic arguments anymore, this is neither workers nor consumer immigration), Sweden being the best example. Collapse of economy, IQ lowering - all that means that we are going towards no technoutopia. By the way, society with high-level military technic and low-level consumer technic can exist - that was Soviet Union.
You could look at the Western society as, of example, Sweden, as a low-entropy society. However, in the coming world of resources running low, it will be hard to keep low-entropy society running, since keeping low entropy demands high energy input. So we are crashing towards high-entropy society.
The problem with technological society is that it is not a static one, it must move forward. It is not feasible anymore in the world of scarce resources. Technology was supposed to be a bit like Euro currency was supposed to work: by creating pressure to move upwards, Greece was supposed to become so efficient like Germany, Third World countries were supposed to become like Sweden or UK. Well, we know how it all turned out. The system dynamics is towards higher, not lower entropy.
The Roman Emperor Vespasian once bought plans of a technical invention in order to destroy it, since he believed that this invention would take jobs and destroy a stable social structure.
I wonder how deeply entrenched economical explanations are in the Western mindset. An example: after it became kind of hard to believe that mass immigration is just new workforce, the new meme has appeared that immigrants are primarily new consumers because of low birth rate in the West. Really? Women surely felt to be extremely respected and pandered to, knowing that society is ready to go to such extremes just to protect her 'freedom of the womb'. That such explanation (taking low birth rates for granted) could ever be mounted simply shows how laughable all that is, but also how powerful women became in the West. Well, since low birth rates are neither really granted nor inevitable, nothing which follows from this presumption, whether immigration, consumerism, can be really a truthful argument, right?!
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
01-18-2019, 06:53 AM
I read some of the works of early 20th century eugenicists. Elites are terrified by the possibility of being taken down and killed by the common men which happened with French Revolution and Bolshevism.
The elites of the era Harriman, Rockefeller and Carnegie donated huge sums of money to the eugenists in order to get rid of the genes of the people who are deemed unfit for civilization. What's happening today might be another strategy to weaken the society so that the elites get to keep their elite status without facing a revolution, losing their power and getting killed.
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How do feminism, gays, Islam, false rape, broken families etc benefit Western elite?
01-18-2019, 08:44 AM
There is this theory, created in Lyndon LaRouche movement, that conservation movement etc is a conspiracy of British - Venetian - Byzantine (phanariots) elites in order to hinder development of America. I can understand the British, but I wonder why there are so keen on Venice and Byzantium.
Anyway, the more credible part of this theory is that elites want to rule through stasis, i.e. kind of unsolvable, festering conflict which results in social stagnation. One of the interesting parts of this theory is that modern multiculturalism has its origins in the East India Company governance system of India: different laws for different peoples, conservation of caste social system etc. It was something rather different than the late Victorian "white man burden".
Remember, until the 1857 Indian Mutiny, India was a private, corporate state ruled by a shareholder company. And what is USA now? Isn't, for example, the Council on Foreign Relations, something like a board of directors ?
The day I realized that Britain is not what it seems like is when I learnt that Crown's Privy Council is actually a standing, parallel government in waiting which has almost the same powers as Her Majesty Goverment.
I find the theory interesting, especially as multiculturalism started in Anglo countries (Britain is now India, hm?). And the British, whether East India Company, or Aldous Huxley, or public schools, seem to be especially keen on the caste system. And the British Crown is still standing, whereas the American, the French, the Russian revolutions lost. Sad.
The only hope that this system sometimes backfires, like in 1857 in India.