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Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

I have a skinny fat build, am an endomorph (except I don't really put on muscle easily), and put on fat pretty easy.

I am also prone to overeating

A lot of people talk about the 'cheat meal' every week, yet I find when I do have one, the cravings for another a few days later are very strong.

Are there any guys who have a cheat meal every 2 weeks, or less often?

I'm starting to think that 10 days should be the least amount of days in should have between cheat meals

Bmi currently is 24.4

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Your first thing take care is to get your body into great shape so you can EARN a cheat meal.
Most of the people who do cheat meals once a week/month are in decent to great shape and eat a strict/healthy diet. So when the have a cheat meal they have earned that privilege.

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Quote: (10-04-2018 12:21 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

cheat meal

As long as it fits your macros.

Quote: (10-04-2018 12:21 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Bmi currently is 24.4

BMI is pretty useless over here. Your exact weight height and BF% is more useful

“Our great danger is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed.” ― Rollo Tomassi

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Quote:kinjutsu Wrote:

Your first thing take care is to get your body into great shape so you can EARN a cheat meal.
Most of the people who do cheat meals once a week/month are in decent to great shape and eat a strict/healthy diet. So when the have a cheat meal they have earned that privilege.

Totally agree about earning a meal

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

We are defeated one tiny, seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that chips away at who we should really be. It isn't that you wake up one day and decide that's it: I am going to be weak. No. It is a slow incremental process. It chips away at our will-it chips away at our discipline...

The cheat meal. The snooze alarm. I'm tired, sick, or sore. It's only "leg day," I can skip it. Too busy right now; I'll make up for it. I don't have time.

If you earn one; eat one. If you eat one; stay with just one, then back to work. Discipline.

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

If you have a sweet tooth and crave a dessert, try this. One part heavy cream, one part yoghurt, one part coconut milk, mix in some frozen berries, and put it in the freezer for half an hour. Relatively low carb, high fat and tasty as fuck.

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Do cheat meals once every other week. Not every week.

What I like:

- Sushi
- Rice and beans
- Sandwich with rye bread
- Hashbrowns
- Potato chips (Cape Cod)
- French fries
- Non-breaded wings

These things are at least gluten free, except for the sandwich.

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?


Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Coke zero, sparingly.

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Quote: (10-04-2018 09:11 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  


Once your diet is on point, you shouldn't be craving cheat meals. I will literally throw up anything like McDonalds now -- my stomach simply won't tolerate it. The most I can do now is rice, which you can substitute with Shirataki.

I'm at the point where scarfing down an entire can of tuna on Boston lettuce is a challenge. Tastes delicious with coconut aminos and a little bit of cottage cheese.

Your better bet is to eat fruit (apples, oranges, pears, avocados) on workout days, or a sweet potato / yam if need be.

Cheat meal for skinny fat/guys who put on weight easily?

Quote: (10-04-2018 09:33 AM)mickeyd Wrote:  

Coke zero, sparingly.

Better to do Pellegrino.

It's got minerals in it, and zero calorie. Very good for you. You can drink cases of it a day.

Coke Zero has all kinds of crazy stuff in it.

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