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Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

I want to point out some things here:

- Age
It's the number one factor of everything. If you're 20-25 and read this thread you'd be like "what are these fools talking about?". Pussy is important here cause it gives you massive satisfaction and unless you were that cool guy that by 18 had a harem and by 20 rotated girls then well by 25 you're still in that mindset when it comes to pussy. The more you age the more you understand the real meaningful things in life that aren't that clear earlier in your life because you might not be mature enough to understand or just don't fit in your priorities. You get older and look back at your life experiences and see that sure new pussy is great but what's the trade off, does it really give you satisfaction? Some guys here start to want more things than just pussy and thus threads like this. It's completely normal. This leads to:

- Stages of life.
While age is the primarily factor (when I say age also consider the life experiences that have come with it.) I believe that there is a specific time for everything in your life and you have to go through some life stages. While the normal is to chase pussy while younger then mature and get more money, more responsibilities and then maybe you settle down and have kids and eventually family is important and so on...some guys don't go through this in order. This is where we identify some "buckets" where types fall:

-- If your 18-25 stage didn't include lots of hot young pussy then you will miss this part and eventually it will come back to haunt you later. If you married at 20 and after the "honeymoon" phase ends...and you have banged only 2 women in your life at 28 (+/- 1-2 years) you will be hungry for new pussy that's "missing". Thus you see 30-40 and also 50 that are constantly into chasing pussy eventually. It's not bad per se, but I think you're trying to fill a void.

-- If your 18-25 was a pussy paradise then you realize that schooling/education, business, moneymaking, achievements are important and they take precedence and pussy becomes secondary. So now you move on to bigger things and you are happy with a strong relationship.

- Types of men.
Let's just admit that the player lifestyle is not for everyone. Also as we all know there are so many beta males out there that just dream of that one woman to make them happy...this is sometimes infectious and dangerous but...some men fall for this, even though they're not betas but the environment affects them. Also here some men are just the player in its core, it's in their personas, vibe, hell even no matter what they will be players for life and will keep telling that pussy is so satisfying they can't give it up and settle.

There is no right or wrong way to comes down to what do you want in life to make you happy...ask this question always and never ever settle for anything else you might read or see that goes against your true core belief.


Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

The only thing we are here for is to make babies.

Everything else is just noise.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

I really like Roosh's honesty, how he admitted that his prime driver for pursuing the game lifestyle is that he always found he struck out as a younger man. So he wanted to prove to himself that he can get the women. And after doing that for years, he was again honest in how he is now considering choosing a female and thinking about settling down. The tenor of his articles is certainly that he is jaded with pursuing the game lifestyle.

I think this is inevitable. It is just a question of time. Even for the guy for whom pursuing pussy is a preferred hobby biology will make no exception, testosterone will fall. With very minor exceptions like Maurizio Zafanti, a rather one dimensional street PR guy, most of the real players eventually settle down and choose an LTR with a woman. From Elvis to Sinatra and even Casanova himself, eventually the thirst does go away. It's just a question when.

Personally I have had the marriage experience with two children. My wife did not turn fat, did not refuse to have sex. When I met her she was 19 and beautiful. She is still slim and reasonably attractive for a 38 year old. However, with children a woman changes, the children become the priority. Your life revolves around the children as well. Even without children a woman's looks will fade, whether her name is Bardot, Gardner or Smith.

So the question is are you prepared to settle for one woman, no matter what she looks like, even if she prioritises the children, into older age? When her looks fade?

Or do you spend your resources, time and effort on going after more women?

Do you want to be cared for or to just have sex? Both have their price.

Personally I think it makes sense to do the game lifestyle for a while, to enable you to compare, and know what the market is. When I got married to my 19 year old I thought she was great, but now I know there is better still out there. The experience helps you to make informed choices and to keep frame.

However, you do not want to leave it too late to do the choice and LTR thing because then your cards are worse, if your SMV is substantially below hers. So timing of this choice is important too.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-03-2018 05:42 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

That makes sense...but in reality, Bible Belt girls have the same divorce rates as other Western women.

One of the problems with this is: what are you comparing it to? The divorce rate in Alabama is double that of New York, where nearly half pregnancies are aborted and the number of people who get married is much lower. So those who do get married are, lets say, naturally more conservative on the whole.

If I remember correctly, only about 20% of Democrats now marry, compared to about 80% of Republicans. Those Democrats who do marry must be quite convinced to go against the grain.

If you look at where divorce rates are lower (red outline):

[Image: Screenshot_at_2018_10_04_16_56_29.png]

As far as I'm concerned what makes the divorce rates lower in those countries is the culture (other people) not the individual. There's one image that shows the power of close-knit social groups on stopping divorce:

[Image: marriage-stability-wedding-attendance.png]

Most people behave in a largely reactionary way, being channeled and reacting to what's around them. This includes all these church goers. They are suppressing certain impulses, which means they don't control them.

A marriage is more likely to last if both parties have deeper reasons as to why they are married, beyond attraction, feeling good and the expectations of their peers. As attraction, feeling good and tradition fade so do the reasons to not pull out divorce rape.

The last point is that getting something you want usually comes along with things that you (really) don't want.

Humans have been evolving for a long time to raise families, to the extent that children can't support themselves in the world until they are older than most animals live. Those who didn't have that desire have left the gene pool.

As you hit about 40, the way society is and has been structured for a long time, the real jealousy inducing attribute is the appearance of good, happy family. This is particularly true of women, who have a much stronger nesting desire for evolutionary reasons. And this is why so many women would prefer to steal to top-tier (tested) husband than select a fresh bachelor.

The opposite side of this is that you can't really have a good, happy family (relatively speaking) if you want to continue the game. The hours you should be putting into getting paid and manning up little Johnny will be put into maintaining side pieces. And while you're not around, the wife will be banging the lawyer who rolls the whole thing up around your neck.

In life, the things that people want the most are those which are the hardest to obtain. Most satisfaction is derived in the constant pursuit of what you want. As soon as you have it, it becomes the new normal. And in the case of banging lots of women the repeated thrill of the chase leading to the new normal leaves you jaded. As you get the older the reality is you're zig-zagging down hill.

And as getting something you want involves getting something else you don't want, you gain bangs at the expense of notches on your lifespan, which you could be using to get things which satisfy you more.

The reason why having a top-tier family is the most rewarding is because it's so difficult and it doesn't end until you do. There aren't many people who will be prepared to give up all needed to do it and get all the required areas of their life in order. Most people aren't prepared for the patience, the giving up of time and other things you want to make it work better than it does for most other people. And that's why it's so rewarding. More effort + more difficult + more time = rare = highly desirable. It just doesn't seem that way as we've been so wired to look at more superficial attributes as desirable.

Getting something you don't want in life increases the chances of also getting something you really don't want. There are a lot of guys who recommend getting married and keep 3-4 girls on the side per year. These are two things that don't really go together so well. Do that and the chances of divorce rape are going up. You just can't have it all.

It's true in other areas of life:

For a woman, the more desirable her husband is, the more likely he will go on banging.
The more you push your body to peak condition, the more likely it is to break down in arthritis etc in old age.
The more you eat, the fatter you get.

You install a shitposter as President of the United States, you will unleash a deluge of liberal butthurt.

Oh, I guess with some things you do get everything you want.

[Image: trump-laughing.jpg]

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-03-2018 07:21 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

Having said that, the game never stops and you need to maintain frame, and as such I have been through dozens of women, all LTRS when they cross the line that are nexted.

Dozens? So your LTRs only last a two or three months to a year? In such case they would be STRs, but I guess it doesn't really matter what you call them as long as it works for you.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 10:54 AM)Jefferson Wrote:  

I really like Roosh's honesty, how he admitted that his prime driver for pursuing the game lifestyle is that he always found he struck out as a younger man. So he wanted to prove to himself that he can get the women. And after doing that for years, he was again honest in how he is now considering choosing a female and thinking about settling down. The tenor of his articles is certainly that he is jaded with pursuing the game lifestyle.

I think this is inevitable. It is just a question of time. Even for the guy for whom pursuing pussy is a preferred hobby biology will make no exception, testosterone will fall. With very minor exceptions like Maurizio Zafanti, a rather one dimensional street PR guy, most of the real players eventually settle down and choose an LTR with a woman. From Elvis to Sinatra and even Casanova himself, eventually the thirst does go away. It's just a question when.

Personally I have had the marriage experience with two children. My wife did not turn fat, did not refuse to have sex. When I met her she was 19 and beautiful. She is still slim and reasonably attractive for a 38 year old. However, with children a woman changes, the children become the priority. Your life revolves around the children as well. Even without children a woman's looks will fade, whether her name is Bardot, Gardner or Smith.

So the question is are you prepared to settle for one woman, no matter what she looks like, even if she prioritises the children, into older age? When her looks fade?

Or do you spend your resources, time and effort on going after more women?

Do you want to be cared for or to just have sex? Both have their price.

Personally I think it makes sense to do the game lifestyle for a while, to enable you to compare, and know what the market is. When I got married to my 19 year old I thought she was great, but now I know there is better still out there. The experience helps you to make informed choices and to keep frame.

However, you do not want to leave it too late to do the choice and LTR thing because then your cards are worse, if your SMV is substantially below hers. So timing of this choice is important too.

What age range are you? Did you marry before 30?

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

I'm 47. I married when I was 30 exactly.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-03-2018 06:35 PM)Hypno Wrote:  

There are a lot of guys in the over 40 thread who have been married and have kids, and don't want a LTR.

Only you can decide what is best for you. But marriage as an institution, especially in the West, is stacked against men. Its basically saying to a woman, I bet you half of everything I own that you will love me forever. Its unconscionable. But if you want to have children, which is a normal human desire, its very difficult to avoid.

It's amazingly easy to avoid. All players have the ability to have a quality girl crazily irrationally in love for at least a short time. And if you keep blasting bareback loads into her, you're going to be a father quickly whether you like it or not. Just pick one with good wife and mother qualities and you're off to the races.

The rest of it is just avoiding the mindfuck. For thousands of years, marriage laws served to strengthen families. We live in the first era where marriage actively works to de-stabilize families and gives your wife a quarter million dollar "signing bonus" to push you out you child's life and leave your daughter living with a stepfather who stares at her too long when she's coming out of the shower. Once you wrap your head around the fact that modern marriage hurts your children, it's gets really simple.

As long as you love your kids, and understand that modern marriage is the worst thing you could do to them, it's easy to stay strong and just say no. As long as your woman knows that you wouldn't be the only one to suffer in a divorce, that she would be the one losing her lifestyle if she broke up the family and took the children away from the father, you would be AMAZED at how many second chances and special treatment you'll get compared to your married chum(p)s.

I know it's a beautiful ceremony, and it's terrible that the feminists have taken that from us, but if you play your cards right, all you lose is a glorified prom, a word, and a piece of paper from the gov't, and in other respects you get to enjoys something like Grandpas marriage. If you get weak, and sign that slave contract, your odds for good "marriage" and family life go dramatically down. In theory, she has an advantage in a custody fight against an unmarried father, in reality, not being forced to pay for the nut-cutter lawyer she uses to take your kids away from you is such a massive factor it trumps everything else.

"But what if I'm just really into the marriage itself, for religious or social reasons or whatever".

If you're just THAT much into that piece of paper from the gov't, and you're financially secure enough that you could lose 80-90% of what you've got and not suffer too badly, go for it. But if you're going to be having kids, it's not just your future you're risking, you're putting THEIR futures at such terrible risk, it's just not responsible parenting. Always remember, Modern Marriage is anti-family, and it's just too dangerous to expose your children to it.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

The funny thing was, when I had the children I was married for 9 years. I was sure at that time that she would be the one to have children with. Six years later she had changed. I had changed. I no longer wanted to have children with her. Of course it was too late by then. Underestimating how you and the wife can change can be dramatic. It is a very expensive mistake. But there are no guarantees. You can be sure a woman is the one to have children with, and six years later you have both changed.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 03:40 PM)Jefferson Wrote:  

The funny thing was, when I had the children I was married for 9 years. I was sure at that time that she would be the one to have children with. Six years later she had changed. I had changed. I no longer wanted to have children with her. Of course it was too late by then. Underestimating how you and the wife can change can be dramatic. It is a very expensive mistake. But there are no guarantees. You can be sure a woman is the one to have children with, and six years later you have both changed.

In fairness to both you and your wife - you married when you were young. You stated in a previous post you were barely 19. Everyone knows that we continue to change rapidly even well into our 20s. I'd say from what I've witnessed both in myself and my peers, it wasn't until around the late 20s that we really crystallized into the people we were meant to be. From that point on, personality changes do occur but at a slower pace, and they tend to not be as drastic, at least not over short timespans.

My personal suggestion to those interested in marrying is to wait until your 30s. I know the forum leans towards finding girls as young as possible to marry, but I remain skeptical of the odds of success when the girl is super young, say < 25. She's most certainly goin to change, may realize she wants to ride the carousel for a while longer, etc...

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

RSD, while I usually do not agree with them, recently did a video on life after 40 and found out that the main thing is apathy. Life has beat you down so much that you just kind of give up at that age and realize it is not worth it to chase your wild dreams.

When you think about it in regards to both game and when game is not taken into account, it is borderline impossible to start fresh in your 40s in anything. A lot of careers are built in your 20s and so are a lot of the building blocks to your life.

I do want to point out the change in thinking we have seen in regards to life as a guy when you get older, at least with game.

At one point it was that a 30s are a man's "prime", there was not really any clarification given as to what it is a "prime" for but you're supposed to not get married or settle down in this age as you will be more attractive to women. My thoughts are that a guy in his 30s is more attractive for an LTR while a guy in his 20s is more attractive for a quick fling or hookup, the vibe I get from this forum kind of confirms that.

You are supposed to be playing the game in your 30s but now you are "filling a void" and didn't get laid enough when you were younger if you chase pussy in your 30s. I do think that a lot of younger guys were a little misled about life after 30 and the layers are slowly being peeled back on it. Happy about it myself because I want to know the truth but common sense would have led you down that path too.

Certain windows of opportunity for game just close when you get older.

A younger guy going out and gaming women to take home is seen as being "young and dumb" while the older guy is seen as being "creepy".

I know that the typical younger guy who is missing out on life or not living the life he wants is going to be a bit heartbroken to see that a lot of what they told you about life after 30 was misleading but at the same time, the truth shall set you free....

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 07:13 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

RSD, while I usually do not agree with them, recently did a video on life after 40 and found out that the main thing is apathy. Life has beat you down so much that you just kind of give up at that age and realize it is not worth it to chase your wild dreams.

When you think about it in regards to both game and when game is not taken into account, it is borderline impossible to start fresh in your 40s in anything. A lot of careers are built in your 20s and so are a lot of the building blocks to your life.

I do want to point out the change in thinking we have seen in regards to life as a guy when you get older, at least with game.

At one point it was that a 30s are a man's "prime", there was not really any clarification given as to what it is a "prime" for but you're supposed to not get married or settle down in this age as you will be more attractive to women. My thoughts are that a guy in his 30s is more attractive for an LTR while a guy in his 20s is more attractive for a quick fling or hookup, the vibe I get from this forum kind of confirms that.

You are supposed to be playing the game in your 30s but now you are "filling a void" and didn't get laid enough when you were younger if you chase pussy in your 30s. I do think that a lot of younger guys were a little misled about life after 30 and the layers are slowly being peeled back on it. Happy about it myself because I want to know the truth but common sense would have led you down that path too.

Certain windows of opportunity for game just close when you get older.

A younger guy going out and gaming women to take home is seen as being "young and dumb" while the older guy is seen as being "creepy".

I know that the typical younger guy who is missing out on life or not living the life he wants is going to be a bit heartbroken to see that a lot of what they told you about life after 30 was misleading but at the same time, the truth shall set you free....

Yea, but each person is different and has a different perspective on life.

I for once try to make the most while im still in my 20s but dont let the feelings of anxiety take the best of me.

Obviously would prefer to be in a LTR with my highschool sweetheart, but life happens and you have to change if you want to continue to live on this earth.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

^ Beer, I really don't understand why you keep saying shit like this. Most of those statements are extreme generalizations at best, and plain false at worst.

In countless other threads on this topic, there have been dozens of guys in their 30s and older who have posted about their stories of hooking up with plenty of chicks at that age. Do you think everybody is lying, or are they all just crazy exceptions to the rule?

If you keep your shit together, have good game (ie: you know how to fuck a girl who is looking at you as a "meal ticket"), and are willing to ADAPT, you can pull girls for a while. If you don't have any of those traits, you won't be fucking hot chicks in your 20s, 30s, or 40s. Statements like "A younger guy going out and gaming women to take home is seen as being "young and dumb" while the older guy is seen as being "creepy" are just bullshit.

As for "settling", a few thoughts:

- I would note that Roosh and Naughtynomad are unique among men. Each of them have fucked more women than 99% of men out there... if not 99.9%. Moreover, Roosh had a tragic death in his family, and has been fighting the crazed feminist mob for 3+ years now. That takes a toll. The "average" guy fucks <10 chicks and gets married, and works under flourescent lights for 7 hours a day.

- Burnout is a natural consequence of the player lifestyle. This is not "player hate", "misleading the young guys", or any of that bullshit. Sometimes, constantly pursuing new women to fuck just gets old. That's no different than anything else. I love a good carne asada quesadilla with guacamole, and when I was in Mexico for a week, I had one every day. By the end, I just did not want them anymore. If you've fucked 20 women/year for 10 years running, you may feel the same way.

- I don't really like the negative connotation of the word "settle". At the end of the day, anybody who gets married is "settling". There's literally billions of women out there, likely one of them is better than your current girl. But there's nothing wrong with that. Life is finite and if you meet a chick that you vibe with and who fits your timeline and criteria, there's nothing wrong with locking her up. It shouldn't be seen as something negative.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

For the sake of this not turning into another one of those "beer you just whine about your personal shit on threads" type of thread, I'll add the key point I was trying to make which is you have to try to live the life you want now because it does not get easier with age.

My post might have come across as depressing but the reality is that when you are young as a guy, you have a ton of energy. You can get by on little to no sleep, work super-long hours (70+) and have that hunger and ambition to just go get it. I am not saying it is impossible to live the kind of life you want as you get older but rather that everything in general gets tougher with age. My thoughts are that the whole young, hungry and ambitious attitude is gone for most men with age which is why it is much more rare to see a playboy past the age of 30 who is fucking a ton of randoms compared to a guy in his 20s who does it like it is natural.

As a younger guy, you can take those risks with life and chase whatever you want without as much consequences.

Even on here if some guy in his 30s was to talk about going out to bars, running night game and doing that shit then members would give him shit for it. People will tell him to "grow up" and this is arguably one of the lesser judgmental places out there.

My biggest beef was with this idea of men hitting their prime later in life, it makes younger guys more nonchalance and you can burn precious experiences, time and building blocks to life by doing this. I genuinely think this belief that men age like fine wine and have no biological clock is just really misleading.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 08:49 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Even on here if some guy in his 30s was to talk about going out to bars, running night game and doing that shit then members would give him shit for it. People will tell him to "grow up" and this is arguably one of the lesser judgmental places out there.

Where have you seen this on this forum? Please provide examples.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 08:52 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2018 08:49 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Even on here if some guy in his 30s was to talk about going out to bars, running night game and doing that shit then members would give him shit for it. People will tell him to "grow up" and this is arguably one of the lesser judgmental places out there.

Where have you seen this on this forum? Please provide examples.

Lets use a passive aggressive example from this page, nothing against anyone.


If your 18-25 stage didn't include lots of hot young pussy then you will miss this part and eventually it will come back to haunt you later. If you married at 20 and after the "honeymoon" phase ends...and you have banged only 2 women in your life at 28 (+/- 1-2 years) you will be hungry for new pussy that's "missing". Thus you see 30-40 and also 50 that are constantly into chasing pussy eventually. It's not bad per se, but I think you're trying to fill a void.

"Fill a void".

Even if the author said there is nothing wrong with it, this sort of thing is not exactly looked upon highly even on a game forum. Hence why I said passive aggressive sort of attack.

A 21 year old going out to bars to get laid is young and having fun, a 30 year old doing it is trying to "fill a void".

I know it is a soft example but lets consider that this forum should actually be the most lenient towards a man wanting to bust a load on the face of a hundred different hoes. If that man is trying to "fill a void" on here, imagine the amount of backlash that exists from normal society.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 09:10 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Lets use a passive aggressive example from this page, nothing against anyone.


If your 18-25 stage didn't include lots of hot young pussy then you will miss this part and eventually it will come back to haunt you later. If you married at 20 and after the "honeymoon" phase ends...and you have banged only 2 women in your life at 28 (+/- 1-2 years) you will be hungry for new pussy that's "missing". Thus you see 30-40 and also 50 that are constantly into chasing pussy eventually. It's not bad per se, but I think you're trying to fill a void.

"Fill a void".

Even if the author said there is nothing wrong with it, this sort of thing is not exactly looked upon highly even on a game forum. Hence why I said passive aggressive sort of attack.

A 21 year old going out to bars to get laid is young and having fun, a 30 year old doing it is trying to "fill a void".

I know it is a soft example but lets consider that this forum should actually be the most lenient towards a man wanting to bust a load on the face of a hundred different hoes. If that man is trying to "fill a void" on here, imagine the amount of backlash that exists from normal society.

C'mon man, you should know better than to generalize from just one example.

Roosh, the creator of this site, is himself almost 40. Much of his gaming happened when he was in his 30s. Same for Krauser and Terero.

Scotian, Linux, Moma and Rudebwoy - all no longer in their 20s. While they don't do nightgame exclusively, it's not something they shy away from either.

Point being - do what makes the most sense to you. Don't live according to a socially dictated calendar or you'll be miserable.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

I have mad respect for Roosh, he traveled to different countries after being fed up with the fucked culture in DC and then lived a life of fucking dime pieces in a foreign country. The entire travel forum was started for that purpose only for me to find threads where dudes say it is dumb to travel just so you can meet and fuck hot girls.

To some degree, what society does has a big impact on your game.

Image and perception matter a great deal when it comes to game and when you're in certain societies where being a bachelor past the age of 30 is looked at with shame, you're facing a setback when running game and targeting some of the better looking women out there. We talk about status and have even talked social circle game, a great deal of that is perception which is determined on the situation that society is in.

The game movement itself was a social movement built on by the fact that society became more lax towards people sleeping around, it wouldn't have happened during the time of the Puritans.

As a man you have to do the best with what you can control but what society does can either boost that or create obstacles in your effort. With the decline of the marriage rate and people prolonging their youth, the optimist in me cannot help but think that perhaps there is hope for an older bachelor to not feel like a total outcast.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 08:49 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

For the sake of this not turning into another one of those "beer you just whine about your personal shit on threads" type of thread, I'll add the key point I was trying to make which is you have to try to live the life you want now because it does not get easier with age.

My post might have come across as depressing but the reality is that when you are young as a guy, you have a ton of energy. You can get by on little to no sleep, work super-long hours (70+) and have that hunger and ambition to just go get it. I am not saying it is impossible to live the kind of life you want as you get older but rather that everything in general gets tougher with age. My thoughts are that the whole young, hungry and ambitious attitude is gone for most men with age which is why it is much more rare to see a playboy past the age of 30 who is fucking a ton of randoms compared to a guy in his 20s who does it like it is natural.

As a younger guy, you can take those risks with life and chase whatever you want without as much consequences.

Even on here if some guy in his 30s was to talk about going out to bars, running night game and doing that shit then members would give him shit for it. People will tell him to "grow up" and this is arguably one of the lesser judgmental places out there.

My biggest beef was with this idea of men hitting their prime later in life, it makes younger guys more nonchalance and you can burn precious experiences, time and building blocks to life by doing this. I genuinely think this belief that men age like fine wine and have no biological clock is just really misleading.

There's alot of good with this post. The thing about a man's prime is still the fact that, like most things in life, a man has to work for it, and it's not simply going to come about simply by time put in. The problem, I see, is that guys try to focus on self improvement to the detriment of taking chances, thinking that after enough work things will fall into their lap years or a decade later. You still need to take chances, and it doesn't change simply because you're more established in life.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-03-2018 08:24 PM)pitt Wrote:  

I think I am going through this stage right now. I am currently in Dominican Republic and I have noticed that I have changed a lot, I am not as hungry for the game like I was years ago, I don't approach as much as I used to, I am mostly focused in working hard and making money (I work online).

Maybe it's just a phase that I am going through but now I am starting to understand old forum members when they say very few could live this lifestyle forever without kids and family.

How long are you going to be out there? I'll be in Santiago de los Caballeros on Wednesday.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 09:54 AM)SeaFM Wrote:  

The only thing we are here for is to make babies.

Everything else is just noise.

[Image: potd.gif]

Quote: (10-04-2018 03:32 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

As long as you love your kids, and understand that modern marriage is the worst thing you could do to them, it's easy to stay strong and just say no.

But if you're going to be having kids, it's not just your future you're risking, you're putting THEIR futures at such terrible risk, it's just not responsible parenting. Always remember, Modern Marriage is anti-family, and it's just too dangerous to expose your children to it.

Brilliant and contrarian thinking... I had never previously looked at it from that perspective.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 02:02 AM)Meliorare93 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2018 02:01 AM)Luther Wrote:  

What does this mean? I don’t know.

That the grass is always greener on the other side ...

Or you need both: deep fulfilling LTR and casual sex on side. I believe that it's quite natural for males and it's much better than just an LTR or just casual sex.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

I've been thinking about that A LOT... But I'm still having moral problems with the cheating part... Not sure if I can or will do it but if the current dry spell isn't broken any time soon perhaps I will lol

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 09:10 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2018 08:52 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2018 08:49 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Even on here if some guy in his 30s was to talk about going out to bars, running night game and doing that shit then members would give him shit for it. People will tell him to "grow up" and this is arguably one of the lesser judgmental places out there.

Where have you seen this on this forum? Please provide examples.

Lets use a passive aggressive example from this page, nothing against anyone.


If your 18-25 stage didn't include lots of hot young pussy then you will miss this part and eventually it will come back to haunt you later. If you married at 20 and after the "honeymoon" phase ends...and you have banged only 2 women in your life at 28 (+/- 1-2 years) you will be hungry for new pussy that's "missing". Thus you see 30-40 and also 50 that are constantly into chasing pussy eventually. It's not bad per se, but I think you're trying to fill a void.

"Fill a void".

Even if the author said there is nothing wrong with it, this sort of thing is not exactly looked upon highly even on a game forum. Hence why I said passive aggressive sort of attack.

A 21 year old going out to bars to get laid is young and having fun, a 30 year old doing it is trying to "fill a void".

I know it is a soft example but lets consider that this forum should actually be the most lenient towards a man wanting to bust a load on the face of a hundred different hoes. If that man is trying to "fill a void" on here, imagine the amount of backlash that exists from normal society.

Here we go again... let's shit on the thread and just hear beer's what you're doing AGAIN!

PLEASE read my post again top to bottom and understand the logic in it starting from the age, stages of life and eventually the type of men. It's supposed to make sense as a WHOLE and not just the paragraphs you want to read.
You just generalize again and provide almost no value. Make no mistake (cause I know you will)...this is not a personal attack...but a mere advice (after countless that were given to you in other threads)...please stick to the thread and provide your thought value rather than beating on the same damn thing over and over.

Roosh taking a sabbatical, NaughtyNomad is retiring too... thinking about the same

Quote: (10-04-2018 03:47 PM)jselysianeagle Wrote:  

In fairness to both you and your wife - you married when you were young. You stated in a previous post you were barely 19. Everyone knows that we continue to change rapidly even well into our 20s. I'd say from what I've witnessed both in myself and my peers, it wasn't until around the late 20s that we really crystallized into the people we were meant to be. From that point on, personality changes do occur but at a slower pace, and they tend to not be as drastic, at least not over short timespans.

My personal suggestion to those interested in marrying is to wait until your 30s. I know the forum leans towards finding girls as young as possible to marry, but I remain skeptical of the odds of success when the girl is super young, say < 25. She's most certainly goin to change, may realize she wants to ride the carousel for a while longer, etc...

Just a small correction, I said I met my wife when she was 19, I was ten years older. We married a year later, when I was thirty.

So even waiting until the 30s is no guarantee because people change all the time, even after 30. In fact it's more likely because that's the age she will start focusing more and more on children if there are any.

In terms of choosing a wife though I actually think the younger the better. Yes, of course she will change, but she will after 30 too. And the advantage of a wife from 18-21 is that the ex-boyfriend baggage is minimal, ideally there is none.

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