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Loose Lips

Loose Lips

Dealing with close friends who have loose lips, and I'm not talking about chicks.

I'm talking about the guys who repeat everything like a parrot to anyone and everyone, especially after a drink or two.

Obviously not saying anything sensitive in the first place is the best way to prevent this issue but you'd think close friends would know to keep their mouth shut when you discuss personal matters (business/health/relationships etc)...

What's your preferred method of dealing with this? Do you cut them off? Restrict topics once you find out they have a big mouth? Knee cap them? (j/k)

Loose Lips

Loose lips sink ships.

Loose Lips

Quote: (10-02-2018 07:02 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Dealing with close friends who have loose lips, and I'm not talking about chicks.

I'm talking about the guys who repeat everything like a parrot to anyone and everyone, especially after a drink or two.

Obviously not saying anything sensitive in the first place is the best way to prevent this issue but you'd think close friends would know to keep their mouth shut when you discuss personal matters (business/health/relationships etc)...

What's your preferred method of dealing with this? Do you cut them off? Restrict topics once you find out they have a big mouth? Knee cap them? (j/k)

I had a friend that had this problem. He's dead now.

Not from me. He had a hard attack, but he did have that problem.

Loose Lips

Guys like that don't change. And the "loose lips" problem is only the outward symptom of someone weak, envious, and unreliable. Solution is to get better friends.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Loose Lips

I came here to discuss women with large vaginal lips.

Anyway -- Hard to say, other than you have to tighten what you say. If you know your friend has a big mouth, don't tell him shit.

So really, once you've identified someone as a big mouth, the responsibility is on you.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Loose Lips

Cut them off

Loose Lips

Quote: (10-02-2018 11:08 AM)NoMoreTO Wrote:  

I came here to discuss women with large vaginal lips.

[Image: 1383083799440.jpeg]

Loose Lips

No bueno.
You can keep them around but not as close friends.

Loose Lips

Watch what you say around them (which means they are shit friends)

Loose Lips

Quote: (10-02-2018 11:08 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Guys like that don't change. And the "loose lips" problem is only the outward symptom of someone weak, envious, and unreliable. Solution is to get better friends.

This for sure. If you bluntly state it, they get all butthurt about it and don't improve, that puts them in the cut out of your life category to me.

Loose Lips

Quote: (10-02-2018 07:02 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

I'm talking about the guys who repeat everything like a parrot to anyone and everyone, especially after a drink or two.

What's your preferred method of dealing with this? Do you cut them off? Restrict topics once you find out they have a big mouth?
Quote: (10-02-2018 11:08 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Guys like that don't change. And the "loose lips" problem is only the outward symptom of someone weak, envious, and unreliable. Solution is to get better friends.

Preferably, disassociate yourself from them.

If you still require association with these people, limit your conversational topics. If you have to talk about sensitive subjects, remain vague & let them dig their own hole. You should also find some friends that aren't "truth serum drunks" (ie. speak uninhibited truths in a drunken state).

[Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

There are some things that should remain unknown.

Loose Lips

Understand channels of information.

Tell each person you meet something personal but not too reputation damaging. Talk to the people they talk to, bring up a related subject and figure out if they have spilled the beans. Do not talk to people about sensitive info that betray confidentiality or your trust with small things.

Graduate from smaller things to larger things until you trust someone as close to 100% that you can with information. Know that almost everyone talks to someone, it's a complete anamoly you'll find someone that doesn't disclose sensitive information to someone. If they have a healthy outlet for it good, that usually means other people that "need to know" or that won't effect anything by knowing. Unhealthy outlets are prostitutes, anyone that will listen, new girlfriends, people that can set events into motion by knowing.

It's a rare set of circumstance, character, and intelligence that allows someone to keep, make use of, and not compromise sensitive information.

As a man It's your job to make these assessments and if someone tells something they shouldn't to someone they shouldn't - it's your fault

Loose Lips

Stop associating with them, because you will end up so pissed off one day you'll smack the shit out of them (and they'll press charges.)

Also in general keep your cards close to your chest. I have friends, then I have 2 brothers who have become family over years and years. The "friends" (very overused word often referring to aquantances) don't need to know how my mind works or any controversy.

Loose Lips

Quote: (10-02-2018 07:02 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Dealing with close friends who have loose lips, and I'm not talking about chicks.

I'm talking about the guys who repeat everything like a parrot to anyone and everyone, especially after a drink or two.

Obviously not saying anything sensitive in the first place is the best way to prevent this issue but you'd think close friends would know to keep their mouth shut when you discuss personal matters (business/health/relationships etc)...

What's your preferred method of dealing with this? Do you cut them off? Restrict topics once you find out they have a big mouth? Knee cap them? (j/k)

Personally if my close friends had loose lips I'd think of it as I had picked my close friends wrong.

You don't need to cut them off, it's not bad to have acquaintances, just restrict topics when they are around and dial down on how often you see them. And make new close friends.

Not being able to hold one's mouth means shit impulse control means untrustworthy/unreliable means you shouldn't be close friends.

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:18 AM)Bluey Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2018 11:08 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Guys like that don't change. And the "loose lips" problem is only the outward symptom of someone weak, envious, and unreliable. Solution is to get better friends.

This for sure. If you bluntly state it, they get all butthurt about it and don't improve, that puts them in the cut out of your life category to me.

+1 these, no point in calling them out just don't divulge too much. Smile and nod

“Our great danger is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed.” ― Rollo Tomassi

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