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French ethics committee backs IVF for gay, single women

French ethics committee backs IVF for gay, single women

French ethics committee backs IVF for gay, single women.

- 'Mommy, mommy, why some kids brought to the school show moms with beards speaking with low voices?', asked a boy tugging on the owner's leather trousers.
- 'They aren't their moms', the owner said as she rolled her eyes.
- 'What are they, then?', the boy kept asking.
- 'Some... disposable things, they don't matter anyway.'
- 'Like.... like the toys you put away in a closet you don't want to play with anymore??
- 'Yeah, pretty much', answered the owner with a grimace on her face.'


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

French ethics committee backs IVF for gay, single women

On the subway to work the train is plastered with IVF clinic adverts targeting gays and lesbians. You would think half the planet was gay based on modern advertising.

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