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Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

So Kanye West is dropping some truth bombs:


Kanye West shared a few thoughts on Thursday (Sept. 20) that have been sitting on his conscious for some time now. One is the negative impact of social media, which Yeezy believes is plaguing our youth. West even posted a conversation with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey regarding stripping the importance of follower counts on their app.

"We should be able to participate in social media without having to show how many followers or likes we have. Just like how we can turn off the comments we should be able to turn off the display of followers," he tweeted early Thursday. "This has an intense negative impact on our self-worth."

Yeezy followed up by posting a video of Denzel Washington urging the youth to stay away from the toxic environment that social media has created in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. "Social media can be good but we have to hold the heads responsible for the psychological damage it sometimes causes," West captioned.

[Image: insta.png]

If we ban "likes" and the visibility of "followers" on Instagram and Facebook, I'm very sure people would use social media in a different way. You would see fewer women showing their naked bodies because it will have no impact on their dopamine level and we would see more people using social media in a more of a conservative way.

In our local newspaper here we had this very topic about baning likes and they asked some women about it. Most women answered: "I don't think people will change, I just want to show travelling pictures and I don't care about likes". I'm sure honey. Sadly I'm sure they will never ban it. You would see women go out to the streets protesting it and a suicide rate increase.

Article source: Kanye West on banning likes...

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

9/20/2018 by Michael Saponara

"Kanye West shared a few thoughts on Thursday (Sept. 20) that have been sitting on his conscious..."

WTF? On his "conscious?" Wrong word, idiot. "Conscious" means you're "aware of your surroundings."

The correct word is "CONSCIENCE," which is defined as "an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior."

These are two different words, people. NOT the same word. It's like "jibe" and "jive." People use these interchangeably, but they're different words with different meanings.

And then they wonder why so few people respect mainstream media. This is a mistake an eighth grader would make. Adults in the field of journalism should know proper word usage.

More and more, people in the media get jobs because of cronyism and nepotism. Somewhere out there sits a great writer who tried to freelance at Billboard but never even got a reply from the editors. Ahem.

I did a screen grab of this mistake so it could be immortalized on the Web.
[Image: attachment.jpg40135]   

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

Worst part is that article probably went through at least one editor before being published. These people do this for a living

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

^ I found the journalist's website:

- Holds a master's in public relations.
- Reports on celebrity news.
- Calls himself a genius.

Not exactly the cream of the crop in journalism.

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

Quote: (09-25-2018 04:16 AM)BlueMark Wrote:  

Not exactly the cream of the crop in journalism.

Are they even any good journalist left?

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

The fuel of social media is "likes", "followers" and validation-seeking. Such platforms merely exacerbate a deeply rooted problem in the live's of most of its participants.

Most of the solid mentally healthy guys I know irl have grown tired of it a long time back (post-honeymoon) and pretty much stick to functional apps (whatsapp without posting status updates) or maintain a neat profile without allocating much of their time to it. If you want healthier individuals promote ethics and values not hedonism and blind consumption.

I find celebs complaining about this ironic

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

Remember when rep was banned from the forum?
There were multiple mental breakdown around here.
People felt their self worth being ripped from them because they didn't feel value... And we are suppose to be grown men that can handle our emotions.

Now remember just a while back

This porn star had a breakdown and cried in Twitter that her Instagram was deleted.

Let's multiple that by a hundred thousand Instagram thots...

I am the cock carousel

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

This sounds great. If this was done and you were a shrink, you would never have to worry about work. I also think you there were be a lot of activism of attractive people for likes, which would gather media attention.

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

Would help the SMV for all men instantly. I'm all for it.

Growth Over Everything Else.

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

While they're at it they should make a dating app where women can only match with one guy per week.

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

As usual, more thought fantasy. Like having affordable food without corn syrup.

Facebook and other social media was built on the idea of virtual validation. They would never take down this feature because that would mean the death of them.

If people were truly interested in social media without exhibitionism they would have used photobucket and not instagram. Guess which one is more popular?

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

I wonder how his wife feels about the idea?

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

Quote: (09-25-2018 09:38 AM)captain_shane Wrote:  

I wonder how his wife feels about the idea?

Exactly---swell idea, now start at home jackass.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Kanye West wants to ban "likes" on social media

This won't work.

Ban the amount of likes a post has, band the amount of followers/following a post has, is still missing one important thing.

That being, comments, there's THOUSANDS of comments on famous peoples stuff.

You'll still have comments on cool pics, thirsty thots, jacked dudes, people posting lavish lifestyles.

Even if you get rid of comments people with start obsessing of social media metrics and try to "outgame" the system.

At this point you can't stop social media, but even in yesteryears people were comparing themselves to others - it just happened to be their neighbors, family members or tribes.

"Comparison is the thief of joy" - Teddy Roosevelt said.

I agree with this statement, unless you're of course making yourself better off from comparisons.

Sourcecode is right when it comes to reps on the forum.

It's not like I go stroke my ego with the reps I've got and honestly I could care less if they were taken away tomorrow.

I read a newbies or low repped mans posts first before I check their posting history, then check their reps.

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