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Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

Quote: (09-27-2018 05:44 PM)#_# Wrote:  

the thing is, whether I like or not I still find myself caring too much about girls, so fuck this, fuck women, until I get myself into an IDGAF mode I'm done being an emotional tampon. I've had it man and no chick is worth carrying emotional baggage. I'm out, temporarily.

Doing the opposite might be more beneficial... The more women you interact with, the less you'll give a fuck.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

I would agree with jackinMelbourne. Ignoring girls is reactive. Trying to get laid is proactive. The natural process of learning game will automatically desensitize you. It will burn off the hollywood romance ideas you've been programmed with. I work in business and learning game has made me a total IDGAF killer. I didn't reach this state by renouncing sex and becoming a monk.

In game, you will die a thousand deaths. Each reincarnation you come back stronger, wiser, and less reactive.

The biggest sticking point for newbies is that they don't want to let the game change them. They want to be their old reactive selves and have success. You are going to have to go through some personal transformations before it gets better. And the only way is by playing the game. The obstacle is the way.

The game has a way or revealing all of your insecurities and hangups and bullshit to your personality. Just swallow the damn pill and get on with it.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!


I meant being fed up with neediness, not the actual interactions. I like to think for myself but even roosh says in the first chapter of game that being non-needy is the first step.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

Quote: (09-27-2018 07:14 PM)#_# Wrote:  


I meant being fed up with neediness, not the actual interactions. I like to think for myself but even roosh says in the first chapter of game that being non-needy is the first step.

Neediness is a tricky one. Some guys would tell you to get a life, work on your career, have some hobbies, etc. But I have seen guys do that and are still needy towards women. In fact, I know a lot of guys who have everything but are the most needy.

The only way I got over being needy was trying to escalate on every woman. Neediness comes from needing validation and approval. Escalating on women erases that. How can you need their validation if you are trying to seduce them? It's called proactive non-neeediness. It's the only thing I've seen that works.

Get off the internet. Stop doing online game or texting women. Escalate on women in real life. If two guys are pursuing a woman and one guy is afraid of escalating because he doesn't want to lose her approval - that's neediness. But the second guy who escalates regardless of her approval - that's non-neediness. That's how women see it.

You gotta see the game from a woman's perspective. For them, there is no such thing as MTGTOW. They assume every guy is in the game. The only thing they see in their radar is "Does this guy need my validation?" If you can act like yourself "expressing your desires" without needing her approval, that is enough to be non-needy and attractive.

Over-escalation and plowing. That's how you get over validation seeking behavior.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

right in the feels. feels kinda harsh to imagine it but also nice to hear the truth. I can also see it work in practice, wont be easy though. I am sure that this neediness is the result of my shaky self esteem

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

Quote: (09-27-2018 07:28 PM)#_# Wrote:  

right in the feels. feels kinda harsh to imagine it but also nice to hear the truth. I can also see it work in practice, wont be easy though. I am sure that this neediness is the result of my shaky self esteem

Self esteem does not come from success or failure. It comes from having the balls to do the right thing. Escalating on every woman will make you feel like a beast. You won't even need success. You would be proud of yourself for just having the courage to expand your horizons. And with that new-found aura, success will suddenly come.

So as you can see, you actually control everything. I was once afraid of escalating on random women. But after I did it a few times, I no longer needed a wing. It didn't even matter that I was completely mis-calibrated and got rejected like the first 100 times. The power that came from not giving a damn and escalating was intoxicating. And that eventually led to mastery.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!


you just started talking to random women or how does that work? I mean did you learn the game in practice or were you somewhat proficent already? even theoritically. and escalating - you mean approaching or sexual escalation?

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

Quote: (09-27-2018 07:50 PM)#_# Wrote:  


you just started talking to random women or how does that work? I mean did you learn the game in practice or were you somewhat proficent already? even theoritically.

I started going to clubs and grinding up on women from behind.

When it comes to verbal game, I would start with "I just want to say you are very sexy."

If she is receptive I would just ask personal questions like her name, where she's from, what she's doing, etc. Figure out logistics. If she isn't doing anything I would try to pull/instant date her. If she is busy, I would try a number close.

Direct game is the best for newbies because it takes the focus away from irrelevant stuff (knowing what to say) and focuses on what's important (showing sexual intent without giving a fuck). The rest is getting to know her and chillin.

Eventually all of my pickup friends accused me of having zero game because all I did was go direct. But what they didn't understand was the frame behind the game. My frame was impenetrable due to years of escalating and going direct.

After ten years, I have distilled everything down to 3 steps.

1- Direct approach when she gives me proximity or eye contact
2- Get to know her
3- Escalate if she gives me a window

Approach, build rapport, and escalate. Nothing else exists outside of this. You might have to deal with last minute resistance, and some tests here and there but it is not worth writing about.

If you think about it, all three steps are a form of escalation.

1- You escalate from stranger to talking to her - breaking the ice is an escalation.
2- You escalate from stranger vibe to personal vibe. Making things personal is an escalation.
3- You sexually escalate

All I do is escalate. That's the name of the game. If you are not escalating and moving things forward, you are not doing anything. Or perhaps you are entertaining her and seeking validation.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

thanks for a lot of info. tomorrow morning im gonna hit the gym, lots of hotties there, might hit a few of them as well.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!

Quote: (09-27-2018 08:08 PM)#_# Wrote:  

thanks for a lot of info. tomorrow morning im gonna hit the gym, lots of hotties there, might hit a few of them as well.

No problem man. There is no reason to over-analyze it. At the end of the day, game is all about showing interest, getting to know a person, and escalating when she shows attraction. If you do this enough, you will be great at it years from now.

There is gym saying "If it was easy, everyone would do it. Be glad it's hard. Because you'll be one of the few who can handle it."

I feel the same way about game. Although it is simple and I can break it down to a level where a child could understand it, it is still hard enough to make grown men tremble. I am glad only the few get rewarded for the work they put in. It puts you into an exclusive club.

Girls end up hating me - is my game too tight?!


you are correct, I appreciate it.

the funny thing is I look at guys with underdeveloped brains that have their ways with girls, they're not educated in any way, never heard of the game, just natural confidence, I mean "I do what I want and I don't care if you like it or not" type of people, when I see them I think "how could any girl be with these monkeys" but they always seem to be getting what they want. I may sound butthurt, but honestly, I'm just making an observation, it all comes down to confidence. If I switch my brain into a new IDGAF phase, it should be much easier, because I know I'm a whole lot smarter and wittier then they will ever be.

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