Quote: (09-27-2018 07:50 PM)#_# Wrote:
you just started talking to random women or how does that work? I mean did you learn the game in practice or were you somewhat proficent already? even theoritically.
I started going to clubs and grinding up on women from behind.
When it comes to verbal game, I would start with "I just want to say you are very sexy."
If she is receptive I would just ask personal questions like her name, where she's from, what she's doing, etc. Figure out logistics. If she isn't doing anything I would try to pull/instant date her. If she is busy, I would try a number close.
Direct game is the best for newbies because it takes the focus away from irrelevant stuff (knowing what to say) and focuses on what's important (showing sexual intent without giving a fuck). The rest is getting to know her and chillin.
Eventually all of my pickup friends accused me of having zero game because all I did was go direct. But what they didn't understand was the frame behind the game. My frame was impenetrable due to years of escalating and going direct.
After ten years, I have distilled everything down to 3 steps.
1- Direct approach when she gives me proximity or eye contact
2- Get to know her
3- Escalate if she gives me a window
Approach, build rapport, and escalate. Nothing else exists outside of this. You might have to deal with last minute resistance, and some tests here and there but it is not worth writing about.
If you think about it, all three steps are a form of escalation.
1- You escalate from stranger to talking to her - breaking the ice is an escalation.
2- You escalate from stranger vibe to personal vibe. Making things personal is an escalation.
3- You sexually escalate
All I do is escalate. That's the name of the game. If you are not escalating and moving things forward, you are not doing anything. Or perhaps you are entertaining her and seeking validation.