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Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:51 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Fat people just need to one thing: eat less. Skip meals. Forget exercise, which is vastly overrated. Yet doctors don't dare suggest this to fatties.

You have people in EE and SEA with lean bodies who have never seen the inside of a gym.

This is true. Weight loss doesn't necessarily come from exercise per se.

But there is a connection when it comes to lifestyle. If you run and lift, you're more likely to engage in more activities since you're body is in good shape. This, in turn, leads to burning calories since you're out and about.

Walking to mail a letter or to go to the store might not mean much on its own. But when you contrast all this with the fatties who need to drive everywhere, then it does make a difference. The numbers add up cumulatively.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-21-2018 02:09 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 12:00 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Even the title's font is fat.

The polite term is that the title "has a tremendous presence".

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:51 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Fat people just need to one thing: eat less. Skip meals. Forget exercise, which is vastly overrated. Yet doctors don't dare suggest this to fatties.

You have people in EE and SEA with lean bodies who have never seen the inside of a gym.

According to the article, the laws of thermodynamics do not apply to the obese. If they eat less and move more, their bodies continue to function without actually burning any of their fat reserves for fuel.

It's a true scientific paradox, to be sure.

Whoever finds a way to tap into that source of energy will become a very rich man.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:37 AM)John Silva Wrote:  

That's what's pernicious about this kind of message, because being fat, whatever the reason, is indeed dangerous, unhealty and can get you killed.


Is it reasonable to point out that someone who is overweight can still be generally fit and in overall good health? Sure.

Is it reasonable to say that people who are overweight shouldn't be treated disrespectfully? Sure.

Yet bullshit like this encourages the kind of people who weigh 300 pounds and are on the verge of heart failure, eating a dozen donuts alone on the toilet, spending twenty minutes circling the parking lot so they can find a spot that doesn't require much walking, and using the elevator instead of the stairs in a three-story building, insisting that this means that they, too, are secretly fit and in good health, and that their doctor is somehow abusing them by telling them otherwise. It does not follow, and that kind of dishonesty should not be treated with respect.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:37 AM)John Silva Wrote:  

What really impressed me was, a few months before he died, he asked me a lift somewhere, not far, you could easly walk, I was a litlle surprised because it was a very short distance, but then I remembered that for him, that small distance was like running a marathon.

I work with a fat girl and our offices are on the third floor. We occasionally have meetings on the ground floor. A couple years ago she started wearing a Fitbit. When the meetings would end I would head to the staircase while she would take a couple of steps to get to the elevator. It seems like some people think the Fitbit will actually do the work for them and just having it on is good enough. Two years later the Fitbit is gone, guessed it, she's still fat.

I didn't read the HuffPost article (I prefer not to subject myself to their brand of "journalism"), but even in all their righteousness I doubt they addressed the real issue - that obesity and especially morbid obesity is a physical symptom of a psychological problem. Getting to that level of giganticness is the result of many decisions over time. Once you have to get a completely new set of clothes that should signal something, but they plow ahead until they go through that set of clothes and need a new one all the while never thinking to change their behavior.

I would guess that in most of these cases there's some kind of lingering trauma or abuse and when forced to confront it they just gorge themselves instead of addressing the issue. This is not to excuse the fatness. It's quite the opposite. If our society is going to get physically healthier then we're going to need to get our shit together psychologically. So instead of complimenting massive fat people for being beautiful we should really encourage them to face whatever the real issue is and take back control over their lives.

Psychological and physical health are one and the same. It shouldn't be surprising that as our society becomes more mentally unhealthy as isolation increases (fueled by social media, etc.) our obesity rates continue to skyrocket.

Now for a "lighter" moment. You can just think of this whenever you see a big porker bumbling down the hallway towards the pizza in the break room:


Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

And obviously you cannot even trust their shitty studies cited, since my guess is that they compared highly different age groups. Fat people die much sooner, so even if you compare all age groups, then you get faulty results.

Plust - the real meaningful alternative doctors all say the same - only because you pass certain blood-tests and are not sick right now, that does not mean that you are really healthy. Your body is operating at a very unhealthy rate either by lugging too much fat around, stressing all your organs or being malnourished (many obese are over-fed and malnourished at the same time). Comparing that only to people who are malnourished while slim to make you feel better is not going to cut it.

There are no obese 80-100+ year olds. And there are only few fat 80-year-olds who grew fat only in the last years which is different to lugging that fat around for ages.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-21-2018 12:24 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

One guy I knew had a heart attack back in March. A girl I knew has had a myriad of health problems I couldn't begin to describe. Both look 10-15 years older than they really are.

I just found out yesterday about a co-worker that died. She was a super sweet black lady that ballooned up as she got older - she had to be around 250 before she died. And she couldn't have been more than 50.

Obesity is dangerous.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 12:07 PM)Sisyphus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:37 AM)John Silva Wrote:  

What really impressed me was, a few months before he died, he asked me a lift somewhere, not far, you could easly walk, I was a litlle surprised because it was a very short distance, but then I remembered that for him, that small distance was like running a marathon.

I work with a fat girl and our offices are on the third floor. We occasionally have meetings on the ground floor. A couple years ago she started wearing a Fitbit. When the meetings would end I would head to the staircase while she would take a couple of steps to get to the elevator. It seems like some people think the Fitbit will actually do the work for them and just having it on is good enough. Two years later the Fitbit is gone, guessed it, she's still fat.

The problem with things like Fitbit or buying an exercise bike for the home is that if you can't be bothered to exercise without these things the problem isn't lack of fitbit or exercise bike, the problem is not wanting to exercise.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

The biggest problem is the sheer abundance of cheap junk food. The human brain was not designed to handle that sort of temptation. People get addicted to it because it tastes so good, it's easily affordable and legal. It's literally a cheap high that's perfectly legal and socially acceptable. If you locked fat people in work camps and only fed them meat and vegetables, their big-boned genetics would magically no longer be a factor and they'd slim down rapidly. But most people simply do not have the self-control necessary to reject the endless parade of junk food available at their fingertips 24/7. And the food these days is specifically engineered to be addictive, with just the right combination of fat and carbs to hit the sweet spot in our brains and give us that fleeting hit of dopamine reward. And again, it's dirt cheap. Even the poorest people in the West can easily afford to be addicted to junk food.

Look at the nutrition info for Little Debbie Zebra Cakes and a 2L of Coca-Cola:

A box of Zebra Cakes and the 2L of soda is 2500 calories and 360 grams of sugar. 360 grams is 4/5 of a pound. And together they cost about $3. People with low impulse control will go for that all day long, and then they quickly get addicted to the sugar and can't quit the junk food habit.

I am in favor of a literal ban on selling fat people junk food, the way that bartenders are supposed to cut off drunks once they hit a certain point. Also a strong campaign of public shaming and mockery of fat people. A fat tax would be another idea. But something must be done. The situation as it stands is only getting worse.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Not sure what is gonna happen in this country in 10 to 20 years, either a huge change where we kick out the corrupt gangsters and jail the criminal Ag/food companies and their buddies in Pharma who sell the cures or we are gonna be near 75% obesity and 100% overweight.

As a newbie here, I seriously do not understand how guys game in the States...I have pretty much given up on it. An average girl now is literally a 7 plus if she is NOT overweight, its beyond fucking stupid!! If you are like me an you are a bit older and looking at early to mid 30s women the stats are even worse....and once they get fat they age super fast.

I just got back from Japan last week, one of the lowest rates of obesity anywhere where as the U.S. is near the top of the list. So many of the women there are at least half way decent just because they are NOT fat.

I work pretty hard to eat clean, lift, yoga, swimming and cardio and now longer fasts between meals. At 5'11" and 178 lbs I still consider myself at least 10 lbs overweight. 50 years ago I would probably be the average chick in America weighs that...WHAT THE FUCK!!??

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:52 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 01:51 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Fat people just need to one thing: eat less. Skip meals. Forget exercise, which is vastly overrated. Yet doctors don't dare suggest this to fatties.

You have people in EE and SEA with lean bodies who have never seen the inside of a gym.

This is true. Weight loss doesn't necessarily come from exercise per se.

But there is a connection when it comes to lifestyle. If you run and lift, you're more likely to engage in more activities since you're body is in good shape. This, in turn, leads to burning calories since you're out and about.

Walking to mail a letter or to go to the store might not mean much on its own. But when you contrast all this with the fatties who need to drive everywhere, then it does make a difference. The numbers add up cumulatively.

I went from 283-237 (at last weigh in) this summer, I started a thread in fitness and pretty much went with the first thing that sounded reasonable. (Dulceiando gave some advice.) Basically I barely eat now (simple way to put it.)

I'm also working out less than I was at 283, I've been dealing with nagging shoulder injuries that restrict me to cardio and leg machines. These finally seem to be getting better.

So yeah fuck getting on the excercise bike for an hour when you could just not eat the calories burned in the first place.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:15 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

The biggest problem is the sheer abundance of cheap junk food. The human brain was not designed to handle that sort of temptation. People get addicted to it because it tastes so good, it's easily affordable and legal. It's literally a cheap high that's perfectly legal and socially acceptable. If you locked fat people in work camps and only fed them meat and vegetables, their big-boned genetics would magically no longer be a factor and they'd slim down rapidly. But most people simply do not have the self-control necessary to reject the endless parade of junk food available at their fingertips 24/7. And the food these days is specifically engineered to be addictive, with just the right combination of fat and carbs to hit the sweet spot in our brains and give us that fleeting hit of dopamine reward. And again, it's dirt cheap. Even the poorest people in the West can easily afford to be addicted to junk food.

Look at the nutrition info for Little Debbie Zebra Cakes and a 2L of Coca-Cola:

A box of Zebra Cakes and the 2L of soda is 2500 calories and 360 grams of sugar. 360 grams is 4/5 of a pound. And together they cost about $3. People with low impulse control will go for that all day long, and then they quickly get addicted to the sugar and can't quit the junk food habit.

I am in favor of a literal ban on selling fat people junk food, the way that bartenders are supposed to cut off drunks once they hit a certain point. Also a strong campaign of public shaming and mockery of fat people. A fat tax would be another idea. But something must be done. The situation as it stands is only getting worse.

The problem with such heavy-handed approach is that I read globalist plans of wanting to do just that, but it would not be restricted to the obese. Yes- they intend to limit your steak-consumption because your wage-class does not deserve steak every second day.

So I would hate that kind of shit.

Better take a look at countries like Japan:

Sure - part of Japan's obesity rate of 3.5% is the very healthy traditional diet.

But other factors is the government which forces producers to adhere to a much higher standard with many additives that are forbidden there. In addition similar to the French they have certain limits on how much fast food joints can extend their greasy paws. The French for example don't give licences willy-nilly. Food is also more expensive, but of much higher quality. The US has likely the cheapest food per average income in the world. And that is not a good thing - at least not when food is concerned.

The corporations have essentially strong-armed both the medical lobby as well as Washington and pulled through so many things that they literally dominate the country's general diet.

[Image: 1973-sorority-girls.jpg]

American diets were not as healthy as in Japan, but as some said growing up in the 70s: "Everyone was thin, so we had lots of sex."

Something changed in the 1980s. I talked once with a guy who was friends with an old Nestle manager. And that guy told him that they knew exactly that all Westerners would grow fatter. They were changing portion sizes and ingredients, adding sugar and then HFCS every 1-2 years. They knew that they would sell more and the people would get hooked to buy more. It was simply an incremental change. In addition you have the lobby working on Washington 24/7.

As a shitlord you would have to tackle that first - force them to reduce portion sizes, make fast food joints much rarer, be scarce with licenses, get a large tax on clearly unhealthy foods, promote healthy options with low taxes, ban hundreds of addictive additives and preservatives (among others HFCS) etc.

I wouldn't want the government telling people what to buy or not to buy - once you give the sheisters that kind of power, then next you will hear: "What kind of peas or potatoes is it this week Mr. Plumber? You know that your wage class has rationed meat consumption unless you want to have that delicious pink slime?"

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 05:26 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  



Glad I could help. It's pretty easy to help people when they follow the advice given to them. You've put in the work. You deserve all the benefits! That's a life-changing amount of weight in many cases.

I'll be interested to know when you get to where you want to be. Should be close now already, if your goals haven't changed. Keep us posted.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"


Also Useful Idiots : "DON'T FAT SHAME!"

[Image: confused.gif]

The human body does not generate fat from nothing...

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Let them be fat, die off and remove themselves from the gene pool.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-22-2018 04:15 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

The biggest problem is the sheer abundance of cheap junk food. The human brain was not designed to handle that sort of temptation. People get addicted to it because it tastes so good, it's easily affordable and legal. It's literally a cheap high that's perfectly legal and socially acceptable. If you locked fat people in work camps and only fed them meat and vegetables, their big-boned genetics would magically no longer be a factor and they'd slim down rapidly. But most people simply do not have the self-control necessary to reject the endless parade of junk food available at their fingertips 24/7. And the food these days is specifically engineered to be addictive, with just the right combination of fat and carbs to hit the sweet spot in our brains and give us that fleeting hit of dopamine reward. And again, it's dirt cheap. Even the poorest people in the West can easily afford to be addicted to junk food.

Look at the nutrition info for Little Debbie Zebra Cakes and a 2L of Coca-Cola:

A box of Zebra Cakes and the 2L of soda is 2500 calories and 360 grams of sugar. 360 grams is 4/5 of a pound. And together they cost about $3. People with low impulse control will go for that all day long, and then they quickly get addicted to the sugar and can't quit the junk food habit.

This right here. Just like a sports team is only as good as it’s worst player, a society is only as good as it’s worst/dumbest/least self controlled person. There is a reason illegal drugs are illegal. There is a reason we need simple repetitive manufacturing jobs. All the libertarian bullshit of “just have self control” and “just get retraining” being applied at a society wide level is intentionally misleading bullshit intended to collapse our societies no different than the left tries. People individually should try to be the best they can be, but you can’t use this to govern a society.

You drive down the street in the states and fast food is absolutely everywhere at a low cost. For the most part incredibly unhealthy (There are some exceptions, like Subway, but even then you have to be quite educated and aware to still get something that isn’t bad for you).

My mom always cooked for me growing up. When I moved out for the first time I remember the challenges of grocery shopping, learning to cook, and cooking on my own, and seeing other young single professionals in the same boat. Both guys and girls. I thought to myself “no wonder so many people are fat and unhealthy.” It’s tough nowadays. Couple this with the fact that the people who are fortunate to have jobs are getting worked to death and barely have time to even do these things. You don’t come home to a wife and a home cooked meal. There used to be a good system in place that made it easier for everyone (daughters learning to cook from their mothers, and only moving out once they were married). Feminism has caused a lot of problems and obesity is absolutely one of them.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Michael Hobbes, the Author

[Image: attachment.jpg40123]   

Fine piece of Journalism from Huff Post catch some of his other works such as
The Epidemic of
Gay Loneliness

Obviously a reputable, trusted news source also to quote, recently. "Amazon banned the books after HuffPost reached out to ask whether Obama’s content was in violation of the company’s content guidelines for self-published material"

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Does anyone remember this guy? Amazing. "It's probably the largest", my G.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"


Just for the record, I see my fat friends and relatives with much worse habits than eating mere junk food.

I'd love to describe the food they eat, but I actually can't because it's the kind of massively heavy, large-portioned stuff that I never think about anymore. It's the meals people ate when my folks were growing up and everyone died of heart attacks by age 50.

From what I remember, it's things like casseroles, Hamburger Helper, meatloaf, plus sausages and pancakes for breakfast. It's as if these people live in a diner.

What's worse is that they consume MASSIVE quantities of this and they eat this way every day. You could bench press their dinners. They don't seem to understand that quantity matters.

And I think this sort of lack of intuitive intelligence is what causes fat people to be fat. They come up with bizarre "theories" about what's good and what isn't, not realizing that if you eat a lot of almost anything, you're going to have problems.

They also tend to think of fresh vegetables as ingredients you need to cook, rather than things you should eat per se. I can indulge in the occasional Little Debbie because my main diet each day is mostly fresh vegetables and fruits.

(I'm NOT a vegetarian by the way; it's just that this is what agrees with me, keeps me thin, and gives me energy. If I'm out, I'll have the occasional burger. Your body type might be different.)

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Everything we know about obesity is right. Decades of medical research > the fantasy world designed to assuage hurt feelings.

This feels like phase 2 of the plan. First was to try and convince society that "every [woman] is beautiful". Now it's a variation of the Chewbacca defense to confuse people regarding obesity and health. Not everyone who is obese dies early, how do you know, are you her doctor? Etcetera.

It all really comes down to how our society raises women to think of themselves as unaccountable, beautiful princesses yet strong, independent women. Anyone who criticizes them is doing some form of -shaming.

This narcissism rears it's ugly head when it shows how bitter these women are that they aren't at the top of the SMV food chain (pun intended). Like all of these articles, this one has an obese woman complain about how people look at her when she's with her thin boyfriend. Sure, it's a crime to not find obese women attractive, but she likes thin guys [Image: dodgy.gif]

Women who are not loved and 'chased' (the word used by the fat girl from that Louie episode) by desirable men, face rejection, and have to deal with the outcomes, congratulations. You are now like 99% of men. The difference is the world expects us to deal with it and adapt accordingly, as it should.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-21-2018 12:24 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Several grossly overweight people I went to high school with posted this on Facebook, as if it were some righteous justification for their obesity.
Growing up in Italy it was very uncommon to see fat kids around.
There was this fat motherfucker in my school, let's call him Fat Tony, which was the most flabby ball of lard I have ever seen (before visiting America that's it).
Fat Tony got bullied from the rest of the school for 3 years straight, being called all sort of names. I feel bad now looking back but kids are kids what you gona do?

Now I reconnect with Fat Tony on social media a few years back, which to my surprise lost all the fat and got in fucking great shape (put my non bodybuilder body to shame). The son of a bitch even joined the Italian army and got deployed to Afghanistan. I bumped into (no more)Fat Tony last year walking around my city and he was holding hand with one tight piece of ass. Really felt good for the guy after all he had to go through as a kid.

Now I am wondering if fat shaming was needed in Fat Tony life to move his ass and do good with his health?
And one of the reason you have so many fatties in the states might be that fat shaming is thrown upon and medias are all about that body acceptance bullshit?

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-23-2018 06:31 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

And I think this sort of lack of intuitive intelligence is what causes fat people to be fat. They come up with bizarre "theories" about what's good and what isn't, not realizing that if you eat a lot of almost anything, you're going to have problems.

Ding ding. Americans in general have no concept of serving size, which further complicates matters.

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-24-2018 02:06 PM)trippin_squares Wrote:  

Quote: (09-23-2018 06:31 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

And I think this sort of lack of intuitive intelligence is what causes fat people to be fat. They come up with bizarre "theories" about what's good and what isn't, not realizing that if you eat a lot of almost anything, you're going to have problems.

Ding ding. Americans in general have no concept of serving size, which further complicates matters.
True, first time I was there me and my cousin were shocked on how appetizers were bigger than main meals back home...
And all those fucking sauces you guys put on everything like why would you stick fried calamari in garlic sauce is behind my understanding!

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

Quote: (09-21-2018 11:43 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

Today's LOL comes from a lengthy article against social and medical "fat-shaming":

...and yet:


Yes, nearly every population-level study finds that fat people have worse cardiovascular health than thin people. But individuals are not averages: Studies have found that anywhere from one-third to three-quarters of people classified as obese are metabolically healthy. They show no signs of elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance or high cholesterol. Meanwhile, about a quarter of non-overweight people are what epidemiologists call “the lean unhealthy.”

This could just as easily be written to read...

"Studies have found that two-thirds of people classified as obese are metabolically unhealthy, compared to only about a quarter non-overweight people."

If you click through, be prepared for glamour shots of large women.

Oh wow. The fatties are taking over!

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

This is just statistics 101.

The difference in height between the tallest man in the world and the shortest man in the world is bigger than the difference between the average male height and the average female height.

The differences in health metrics between the least healthy obese person and the most healthy obese person ("person classified as obese") is going to be greater than the difference in the average obese person and the average normal weight person.

I thought we all knew this. Even so, I'm guessing if you grouped these people classified as obese and divided them into those with unhealthy metrics vs healthy metrics, it would be pretty easy to guess which group was which.

Fat slobs (ie people classified as obese who have poor health metrics) live unhealthy lives. Even if this is caused by predisposition, there are plenty of people who struggle with their weight who live healthy lives. The fat slobs are simply the ones unlucky enough to draw the genetic fat gene and are also living an unhealthy life.

This is one of those pointless articles that doesn't really say anything. In other news:

"Some women gravitate STEM"

"Pit bulls can be great family dogs"

"Men sometimes get laid without initiating contact"

Give this person the Pulitzer.

(I am a bit biased on the subject though)

There's this weird thing going on where people say "don't judge a book by it's cover", and we say ok, right, I get that. We all get that. But practically, fatter books are longer. And they go "YEAH BUT THAT's NOT ALWAYS TRUE". Right, I know. We can all agree on that. But practically it's true. Reminds me of this:
[Image: horse-blinders.jpg?433]

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Huffington Post: "Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong"

What strikes me is that the article claims to cite footnotes, but while the article claims 33-75% of obese people are still healthy, the linked article says the range is 5-75% among studies in general, and 10-50% on studies with a good response rate. The Huffpost author literally did not read the scientific article he was quoting.

This article is, plain simply, liberal bullshit. People are responsible for their actions, and actions do have consequences. I wish liberals would stop trying to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

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