Quote: (09-22-2018 04:15 PM)scorpion Wrote:
The biggest problem is the sheer abundance of cheap junk food. The human brain was not designed to handle that sort of temptation. People get addicted to it because it tastes so good, it's easily affordable and legal. It's literally a cheap high that's perfectly legal and socially acceptable. If you locked fat people in work camps and only fed them meat and vegetables, their big-boned genetics would magically no longer be a factor and they'd slim down rapidly. But most people simply do not have the self-control necessary to reject the endless parade of junk food available at their fingertips 24/7. And the food these days is specifically engineered to be addictive, with just the right combination of fat and carbs to hit the sweet spot in our brains and give us that fleeting hit of dopamine reward. And again, it's dirt cheap. Even the poorest people in the West can easily afford to be addicted to junk food.
Look at the nutrition info for Little Debbie Zebra Cakes and a 2L of Coca-Cola:
A box of Zebra Cakes and the 2L of soda is 2500 calories and 360 grams of sugar. 360 grams is 4/5 of a pound. And together they cost about $3. People with low impulse control will go for that all day long, and then they quickly get addicted to the sugar and can't quit the junk food habit.
I am in favor of a literal ban on selling fat people junk food, the way that bartenders are supposed to cut off drunks once they hit a certain point. Also a strong campaign of public shaming and mockery of fat people. A fat tax would be another idea. But something must be done. The situation as it stands is only getting worse.
The problem with such heavy-handed approach is that I read globalist plans of wanting to do just that, but it would not be restricted to the obese. Yes- they intend to limit your steak-consumption because your wage-class does not deserve steak every second day.
So I would hate that kind of shit.
Better take a look at countries like Japan:
Sure - part of Japan's obesity rate of 3.5% is the very healthy traditional diet.
But other factors is the government which forces producers to adhere to a much higher standard with many additives that are forbidden there. In addition similar to the French they have certain limits on how much fast food joints can extend their greasy paws. The French for example don't give licences willy-nilly. Food is also more expensive, but of much higher quality. The US has likely the cheapest food per average income in the world. And that is not a good thing - at least not when food is concerned.
The corporations have essentially strong-armed both the medical lobby as well as Washington and pulled through so many things that they literally dominate the country's general diet.
American diets were not as healthy as in Japan, but as some said growing up in the 70s: "Everyone was thin, so we had lots of sex."
Something changed in the 1980s. I talked once with a guy who was friends with an old Nestle manager. And that guy told him that they knew exactly that all Westerners would grow fatter. They were changing portion sizes and ingredients, adding sugar and then HFCS every 1-2 years. They knew that they would sell more and the people would get hooked to buy more. It was simply an incremental change. In addition you have the lobby working on Washington 24/7.
As a shitlord you would have to tackle that first - force them to reduce portion sizes, make fast food joints much rarer, be scarce with licenses, get a large tax on clearly unhealthy foods, promote healthy options with low taxes, ban hundreds of addictive additives and preservatives (among others HFCS) etc.
I wouldn't want the government telling people what to buy or not to buy - once you give the sheisters that kind of power, then next you will hear: "What kind of peas or potatoes is it this week Mr. Plumber? You know that your wage class has rationed meat consumption unless you want to have that delicious pink slime?"