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How to keep a positive attitude?

How to keep a positive attitude?

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Whenever I think I have nothing, I realise I always have leftist butthurt.

I generally feel pretty fired up after watching something like this.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

Yeah the world is a shitty place, but you know what, it always has been. Throughout history, the world has been brutal place for most people, worse than it is now. At least today you have modern conveniences that make everyday living an easy joke. Go back 50 years and see how much more work people had to put into their daily lives. No apps, no email, no internet, people back then had to plan their days out far more carefully in order to get things done. Go back 100 years and see how much harder that people had it with very few modern day conveniences. Even the simplest task of having daily meals and clean clothes required a lot of hard work. Lets not even talk about how medicine was back in those days. You got sick, you stood a good chance of dying.

The difference is that today, because everyday living is so, so easy now, people have time to focus on meaningless bs which makes everyone go crazy. People never had this amount of time on their hands to do things like constantly look for better dates than the person from last night, to go online and bitch about what this politician did or who just got banned from Twitter, etc. What I would tell you B-minus is to stop worrying about all of those things. You have no control over any of it. Just worry about your immediate world and focus on taking action to make that as good a place as you can make it. Your purpose should be to make your world an oasis from the world at large. Now I get it that the real world will intrude upon your world but your goal should be to make your world as resilient against the world at large. Take care of the stuff around you and don't worry about things like decreasing T levels. As long as your T levels are good, who the hell cares about everyone else's T levels. This way, because your so focused in making your life great, you'll be hardened and resilient enough to handle it when the real world does intrude which it will from time to time.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Easy way I think about this.....Tomorrow I(you)will be older , more wrinkles, slower metabolism , and lower sex drive ,(reguardless of technologie , IG , FB, etc ) seize the day. Eat, drink and screw while you can. You can not be sad with this mentality.

How to keep a positive attitude?

You are Soul immortal and God loves you.

How to keep a positive attitude?

By being extremely picky with what information you feed your mind with. The conditions on this planet for humanity are so much greater than what some perceive. The world is radically different from only a 100 years ago, even 50 years ago. Literacy, poverty, health, safety, access to information and freedom are all radically improved. Sadly we are being influenced / programmed to think otherwise. Yes there are lots of horror, unfairness and all kinds of crazy shit going on out here. But the negative shit accounts for only a few %, while the goodness represents the rest. Sadly the media focuses on the bad stuff - doesn't mean you should.

Focus on yourself and yourself only and never worry about things outside of your control. If you want to improve the world, you must first fully control your own world over time and steer yourself in a direction where your zone of control expands until you can influence others.

By enjoying nature. Surf, climb mountains, travel to experience cultures different than your own.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 02:53 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

Yeah the world is a shitty place, but you know what, it always has been. Throughout history, the world has been brutal place for most people, worse than it is now. At least today you have modern conveniences that make everyday living an easy joke. Go back 50 years and see how much more work people had to put into their daily lives. No apps, no email, no internet, people back then had to plan their days out far more carefully in order to get things done. Go back 100 years and see how much harder that people had it with very few modern day conveniences. Even the simplest task of having daily meals and clean clothes required a lot of hard work. Lets not even talk about how medicine was back in those days. You got sick, you stood a good chance of dying.

The difference is that today, because everyday living is so, so easy now, people have time to focus on meaningless bs which makes everyone go crazy. People never had this amount of time on their hands to do things like constantly look for better dates than the person from last night, to go online and bitch about what this politician did or who just got banned from Twitter, etc. What I would tell you B-minus is to stop worrying about all of those things. You have no control over any of it. Just worry about your immediate world and focus on taking action to make that as good a place as you can make it. Your purpose should be to make your world an oasis from the world at large. Now I get it that the real world will intrude upon your world but your goal should be to make your world as resilient against the world at large. Take care of the stuff around you and don't worry about things like decreasing T levels. As long as your T levels are good, who the hell cares about everyone else's T levels. This way, because your so focused in making your life great, you'll be hardened and resilient enough to handle it when the real world does intrude which it will from time to time.

Read your reply after mine and agree 100%. You explained my thoughts way better

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

It's your perspective that is keeping you down, once you change that you'll see that achieving a positive mindset is much easier.


Moral values are going

You're going to stand out when you live by a code. People will curiously ask you why, what's the motivation, and they're going to pick up on the fact that you're not like the rest.


mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products

It is easier to standout if you have a high testosterone level. There is now less competition for you.


job competition is so fierce

Motivation for you to work harder and not sit around. There is fierce competition for the top jobs/opportunities, so you can't afford to sit around.

Yeah, it's pretty bad when the world is not going in the direction you want, but you have to work with what the world gives you, not what you want it to give you. There will always be opportunities, you just have to adapt and be able to see them. This in turn gives you that positive mindset that you want.

Also, you don't always need to feel positive. Life throws a bunch of hardballs that are hard to anticipate and catch. We have our highs and lows, but that's life. Keep it real and stop pretending, and people will pick up on that since you're unlike the majority.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

None of this sounds like personal stuff, it all sounds like something you read online or saw on the news.

In your case, I'd say just turn off the TV/get off the internet.

If you'd said you were depressed because of family or relationship hardships, that's a different story.

Also, the economy's booming. I don't know how long it's going to last, we're overdue for a recession, but if you think the competition for jobs right now is fierce, wait until the economy tanks, it can get much, much worse. Not only that, this is the safest time in history to be alive, we're much less likely to die a violent death than at prior times, and many diseases that would have killed you or your loved ones are now held at bay.

It's not a Utopia, but there's never been one.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Great replies guys, good advice.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 09:20 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

None of this sounds like personal stuff, it all sounds like something you read online or saw on the news.

In your case, I'd say just turn off the TV/get off the internet.

If you'd said you were depressed because of family or relationship hardships, that's a different story.

Also, the economy's booming. I don't know how long it's going to last, we're overdue for a recession, but if you think the competition for jobs right now is fierce, wait until the economy tanks, it can get much, much worse. Not only that, this is the safest time in history to be alive, we're much less likely to die a violent death than at prior times, and many diseases that would have killed you or your loved ones are now held at bay.

It's not a Utopia, but there's never been one.

Agree with everything except the bolded. I think we had been in a depression to be honest since about 2008. We had tepid economic growth and that only due to stupidly low interest rates and ridiculous levels of government spending. Now that the shackles have been taken off of the economy in terms of taxes and regulation, you're seeing the economy start to boom. With Trump now trying to reverse our trade deficits and take back what we had essentially given away to China and other countries, I think we're in for a period of sustained growth. Very similar to what happened in the 80s but with technology today that was unavailable back then, I could quite honestly see economic expansion dwarfing what took place in the 80s. It's also good that interest rates are creeping back up to more normal levels, it'll help to control inflation. Sorry for the economic tangent but i believe that there is a lot reason to be optimistic in terms of the economy.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Great question!

We have the power to create our own reality. While we all know there is shitty things being done by shitty people, we can either choose to focus on that or focus on all the great people out there doing great things for others.

It can be tough when you read the news everyday. One of the reasons I seldom watch television.

Get out and interact with your neighbors. Help someone in need. You would be surprised how much more positive you feel just by sitting on the porch, with a cup of coffee, and watching the squirrels play.

Focusing on bad stuff will only end up making you feel bad. That doesn't mean you stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't happen. I'm saying that you decide that you want to be positive and surround yourself with positive experiences no matter how shitty things get. After some time you won't even notice you're choosing to be positive.

How to keep a positive attitude?

I'll back Spaniard88 up on this by stating that you should not, in any way, let life crush you to a pulp,
a lot of matter we discuss here only exist in our minds, at least some men don't acknowledge this reality and live way better than us.

Fuck this positive attitude shit, the only thing you need to do is to escape the grip of the beta life,
stop the depressing news, let go of fashion, give up on internet friends and cherish the live ones,
find a decent woman (there are plenty where you live if you know where to look for), make kids and raise them good
because there is no greater reward than seeing your kids strive and get further using what you taught them and while doing all of this FIGHT for what you believe in because if you keep focusing on the bad parts of life, the bad parts will only be what you'll get.

Schedule your life, cut the dead time (tv,web,SocialMedia) what you do each day is what matter and what defines you, when you do something each day you become an expert at it so give yourself 3 months time lap to see if you're stuck or not.
In any field you should go for the extra mile, take the entrepreneurship road when it present itself right away, don't think it away.

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

How to keep a positive attitude?

The simplest thing you can do is limit yourself to one hour of news a day, if that.

Watching the news/trolling on social media for it on either side too much is sure to make you a bitter, angry person. I've cut myself off for the most part. I'll only watch Tucker Carlson on certain nights (since he's the only one talking about the stuff we are here on a TV show).

The rest comes into place later, but, as has been said, you will become what you think about eventually. Don't let the news poison your thoughts.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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How to keep a positive attitude?

I'll keep it as short as possible:

- Clean your living space
- Exercise/Workout before you start your day
- Do not eat unhealthy when things are not going your way
- Do not spend money on things you do not need
- Socialize
- Plan your week

How to keep a positive attitude?

Stop caring about things that aren't within your control. You can't control what goes on in the world. You can control what goes on in your life. It's quite easy to maintain a positive mindset when you make good decisions and see your quality of life improve as a result.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Why do you want to be positive? What an outlandish idea. Be unapologetically negative! Anger and Sadness are the most important emotions in your life because they are great drivers (depression of course is a pathology - seek treatment). You don’t have to be a nice guy and a yes-man making lemonade when life sends lemons. Keep the anger, the hatred and the will to fight because it’s what motivates men. Picture your enemies hanging from the gallows. Be ready to kill and be ready to die. Contrary to women, men can bear negative emotions. In fact they thrive on them.

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

It is not that bad. Think how was living 900 years ago :-) that was bad. Even 200 or 100 years ago wasn't that good.

Today you have water in your house, how water to shower, light, plenty of food, internet. It isn't that bad...

Ah, if you want to know how to change your mindset... it's simple: it's all about your focus. You can focus of what is going bad - and that will bring you down even more. Or you can focus on what you have. It isn't about being optimistic, it's about knowing your resources (which you can use to get a better life).

How to keep a positive attitude?

Quote: (09-15-2018 04:04 AM)B-Minus Wrote:  

How do you guys keep a positive mindset when the world is going to shit. Moral values are going, the planet is littered with shit, mens testosterone levels are going down because of a million products, job competition is so fierce, etc... It makes it hard going through each day knowing this decline is happening and who knows what it will be like in the future because technology accelerates these things. I feel bad for kids being born now who knows what life will be like for them in 20 years? I think about this all the time and it severely depresses me.

Hey, at least you're aware of this. Imagine being some guy in his fourties who just realized his wife is a cheating bitch, he's in a dead-end job and his dreams will always be dreams.

At least you got that redpill.

How to keep a positive attitude?

As Doc Holliday put it, our ancestors lived through much, much worse living conditions than we have now.

Even if you think like I do, the way Peter Schiff thinks (unless the U.S. makes dramatic financial changes soon, there will be dire circumstances), even if you think our world is going to the shitter, you, me, and the rest of our species can deal.

Turn off the tv, close your twitter news feed, build something.

Go do something that will take your mind off of all that other shit.

- I bet if you signed up for an MMA fight for 3 weeks from now you wouldn't be worried about the U.S. monetary policies
- I bet if you decided to build a nice table you wouldn't be worried about the middle east

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

How to keep a positive attitude?

Some Tips for Maintaining Positive Attitude

1. You Determine Your Reality
2. Start Your Day Strong
3. Use Books, Audio And Videos To Overload Your Brain With Positivity
4. Your Language Shapes Your Thoughts
5. Hang Out With Positive People
6. Show Your Appreciation For Others
7.Garbage In, Garbage Out

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