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A rocky road of a relationship

A rocky road of a relationship

I want to add one thing. Her specific actions don't sound that bad to me. She liked some posts from exes and/or other guys? So what?

There are a few people I've dated and am still friends with on Facebook -- I'll like their posts from time to time, with no romantic or sexual intent. And they'll like mine. Might even exchange a FB message or a text with some of them every now and then -- "Hey, how's it going? How's your mother?" Despite what you read on Roosh, not every interaction between a man and woman has to involve arranging a hookup for that night.

The part where she doesn't work may or may not be a problem -- there are three kids in the picture, two of whom are yours. Daycare would be expensive.

Making fun of your appearance? That's disrespectful, but could probably be ironed out with a combination of stronger frame and self-improvement.

I don't like the history of welfare, but what's done is done.

She doesn't sound that far out of line to me.

A rocky road of a relationship

Broken relationships have Rocky Roads, quality relationships usually feel pretty smooth and make your other burdens lighter. It's tough with the kid, and strategic position she has placed herself in being the primary caregiver. Start doing the legal research now about how you can best protect yourself and your child here.

A rocky road of a relationship

Quote: (10-01-2018 07:48 PM)WombRaider Wrote:  

I want to add one thing. Her specific actions don't sound that bad to me. She liked some posts from exes and/or other guys? So what?

There are a few people I've dated and am still friends with on Facebook -- I'll like their posts from time to time, with no romantic or sexual intent. And they'll like mine. Might even exchange a FB message or a text with some of them every now and then -- "Hey, how's it going? How's your mother?" Despite what you read on Roosh, not every interaction between a man and woman has to involve arranging a hookup for that night.

The part where she doesn't work may or may not be a problem -- there are three kids in the picture, two of whom are yours. Daycare would be expensive.

Making fun of your appearance? That's disrespectful, but could probably be ironed out with a combination of stronger frame and self-improvement.

I don't like the history of welfare, but what's done is done.

She doesn't sound that far out of line to me.

These aren't the disease, they're just the symptoms. And they're scary symptoms.

A rocky road of a relationship

Quote: (09-13-2018 12:25 AM)Checkmat Wrote:  

Since you have a kid with her and live together, I would advise couples counseling and everything you can do to see if things can improve. My marriage with my ex ultimately didn't work, but as gay as this sounds we got a lot of usefulness out of a book called The Five Love Languages.

If it were as simple as a girlfriend living with you, then yeah I'd agree with others and say to NEXT! her. But having the kid with her, to me that makes the relationship worth working on. I'm assuming you're already maximizing your looks/attractiveness, have cool hobbies and are in the gym religiously.

Couples counseling has a 99% failure rate. I would recommend any form of self improvement over that method. Would you trust something approved by the orthodoxy of current society to "fix" his relationship? He would just be paying to tag team himself with opponents instead of one that day.

A rocky road of a relationship


These aren't the disease, they're just the symptoms. And they're scary symptoms.

I don't exactly disagree, but you can't make life-changing decisions based on her liking some Instagram photos. Not when kids are involved. To me the problem was poor partner selection in the first place.

Get frame; get her in line.

A rocky road of a relationship

Do you have equity in your home?

Are you both on the deed and/or mortgage?

You are essentially fucked because you want it to work out. You will never be happy with this woman.

She will not carry her weight unless forced to by necessity.

The silver lining for you is that you are not married.

Your decision lies in whether you will try and eject with or without your common child.

You have put yourself in a position where the interests of your first child and your common child are not aligned. One could argue they are in opposition. Therefore, whatever you do, you're fucking over one of your children.

My personal perhaps not so popular opinion is that your priority is creating a stable home life for your first child, and then let everything else fall into place.

A rocky road of a relationship

Hey Bro. My advice's change everything( habit, mindset, style, hair...) on your life and become real man, alpha male. That will help you beautiful, sexy, knap, glamor... than. And she'll not have adultery in her mind. She never leave you.

A rocky road of a relationship

Mmmm, rocky road (in Homer Simpson voice).

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