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First time airsofter - reality check

First time airsofter - reality check

I just played an airsoft match for the first time today.

First thing I'll say about it is that it's a blast! Really fun trying to shoot people while dodging BBs. Gets the adrenaline pumping a little. Very affordable too, even taking into account the fees for rental guns.

I'd recommend it to anyone who's looking for a fun day out. I only had my brother and one of his friends, in a team of about 10 v 10. All male environment so you already know you can hang with the guys and not have girls pissing you off.

Now on to the doom and gloom; if there were any kind of armed conflict in real life, I'd be one of the first casualties. I suck balls at this shooting game. Most of my deaths came from a guy I never spotted. Also shooting back fast enough to hit anything was impossible (for me)

Being able to sprint fast helps when dashing into cover, but even that isn't useful if you get riddled with BBs next time you peek out. Now imagine trying to spot enemies, while simultaneously aiming down sight as well as being aware of where your buddies are? That's multi tasking!

Basically, everything you see in movies and video games is what gets you killed in reality. Some of the rules were a little stupid however, like not being able to shoot at someone if they are at a straight angle below you and also not being able to shoot through any hole smaller than your head. A few cheaters not calling their hits as well.

I want to try doing airsoft again soon but I don't want to suck ass. Any tips (even real life ones) I can apply to increase my odds of success?

Finally, today has given me an appreciation of those who engage in real fire fights. It's already a rush knowing you can be hit at any moment. Now imagine doing this knowing that if you get caught it's lights out forever. It's terrifying to think about. Respect to any RVFers who've done the real deal.

First time airsofter - reality check

Keep in mind, in real fire fights, people get severely injured or killed. They don’t take risks that you take in airsoft.

First time airsofter - reality check

I was thinking about getting into airsoft. It looks really fun and you can go around larping in all that military gear. There are some youtube channels with players who GoPros who document their games.

There are also huge games where tanks and helicopters are involved also.

First time airsofter - reality check

Airsoft is badass. Never tried it but it's on my list of things to do one day.

Here's a vid from earlier this year where a German SWAT (equivalent) officer plays airsoft and kicks ass.


First time airsofter - reality check

Airsoft and paintball first of all really only works when the honesty system is respected by all players.
Especially when someone covered in paint and bruises still won't come off after taking hits from all different directions.

The ones who know what they are doing are the ones who progressively slip further into the other team's space undetected or are really good with their shots.

Never played airsoft but tried paintball as the equivalent.

Paintball guns fire in an arc pattern over a visibly limited range so you can predict how much you need to point up until you can hit some bastard in the head on the other side of the field.

I would never compare it to using live firearms in a shootout.

Quote: (09-09-2018 09:48 PM)Penta Sahi Wrote:  

Airsoft is badass. Never tried it but it's on my list of things to do one day.

Here's a vid from earlier this year where a German SWAT (equivalent) officer plays airsoft and kicks ass.

His opposition are playing like they're celebrating someone's birthday and just out there 'having fun'.

First time airsofter - reality check

Airsoft is basically LARPing for people who never joined the infantry of their nation's army. If you enjoy it or paintball as a fun afternoon out that you do now and again I would call that a healthy point of view and I give you my blessing.

But there are some guys into it who are really into and think they're tactical geniuses on par with Seal Team Six or the SAS. These extreme guys are dorks who typically either failed out of joining the army, joined but were something like a cook or clerk, or were too intimidated to even apply for the military. I can't tell you how many times I did a recruiting gig/PR event when I was in the army and had a huge number of overweight or skinny awkward dudes come up to the display and want to talk to us about tactics or strategy or tell me how great they are at airsoft. All the while considering themselves my buddy or equal because "We both get it, man. We're both warriors." Oh, yeah? You should join up then. I can get you an application form. "Oh...no, no thanks. I'm a lone wolf." Right, Wendel. Of course you are.

So go have fun with it, but don't see it as anything other than fun. Avoid those nerds with thousands of dollars worth of gear, uniforms, and accessories.

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 12:24 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

But there are some guys into it who are really into and think they're tactical geniuses on par with Seal Team Six or the SAS. These extreme guys are dorks who typically either failed out of joining the army, joined but were something like a cook or clerk, or were too intimidated to even apply for the military.

How dare you, sir...

[Image: FromtheInternet.jpg]

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 12:24 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

Airsoft is basically LARPing for people who never joined the infantry of their nation's army. If you enjoy it or paintball as a fun afternoon out that you do now and again I would call that a healthy point of view and I give you my blessing.

But there are some guys into it who are really into and think they're tactical geniuses on par with Seal Team Six or the SAS. These extreme guys are dorks who typically either failed out of joining the army, joined but were something like a cook or clerk, or were too intimidated to even apply for the military. I can't tell you how many times I did a recruiting gig/PR event when I was in the army and had a huge number of overweight or skinny awkward dudes come up to the display and want to talk to us about tactics or strategy or tell me how great they are at airsoft. All the while considering themselves my buddy or equal because "We both get it, man. We're both warriors." Oh, yeah? You should join up then. I can get you an application form. "Oh...no, no thanks. I'm a lone wolf." Right, Wendel. Of course you are.

So go have fun with it, but don't see it as anything other than fun. Avoid those nerds with thousands of dollars worth of gear, uniforms, and accessories.

Funny, I think people who don't join army to fight for corporate overlords and stick to games instead are the sane people. Maybe they were trying to find common ground with you and thought stuff like airsoft would be something you both can relate to. Because they thought you would not have more intellectual interests?

The LARPers today are fools who join for militaries of cucked nations like Canada hoping to be heroes, even hoping to get to kill someone legally. Do you have portrait of Trudeau in your barracks? Did you swore to protect him? How many illegal invaders have you expelled from your country? What are you fighting for? For gay rights and rights of soldier wives to divorce rape them? For women's education and birth control in middle east? For cheaper oil prices?

I can respect a man who is in military if his country has rock solid creed and values. I am afraid there is no such country today.Certainly not Canada.

You do recruiting gigs? Are you honest with recruits whom you make to join? Do you warn them about women in military, pussy pass and privilege? Do you explain to them that they fight for a cucked globalist government?

Unless, you have really good answers to these questions you don't impress me - military tough guy.

There is no argument about the fact that air-soft and paintball is not like real fighting. No person however is inferior to you because they chose a game rather then real killing for wrong reasons.

First time airsofter - reality check

I have heard of police and military units starting to use airsoft as training tools because its a lot cheaper than simmunition and live rounds. You can work close range tactics with airsoft, the only thing missing is really the range/accuracy a real gun can get. The airsoft guns now a days even have simulated recoil.

I think another thing is that airsoft is pretty popular worldwide especially in places where guns are illegal such as in Europe.

First time airsofter - reality check

Funny thing is that during period of when I was 15 to 17 I was obsessed with airsoft, couldn't wait for the age of 18 when I would finally be of legal age to try it. And finally I become 18, got some small amount of money (but enough for beginner level equipment) but I decide to not buy equipment or join one of the local clubs. Not sure why, but I think it was because there was a huge discrepancy between me and the members of clubs. They were all ex or still in military and police and I was just some weak kid.

Now, 6 years later I don't see what I was so fussed about. It simply doesn't interest me at all anymore.

First time airsofter - reality check

I’ve been once, and I’ve never been surrounded by so many with so few social skills as I was then.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 12:24 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

Airsoft is basically LARPing for people who never joined the infantry of their nation's army. If you enjoy it or paintball as a fun afternoon out that you do now and again I would call that a healthy point of view and I give you my blessing.

But there are some guys into it who are really into and think they're tactical geniuses on par with Seal Team Six or the SAS. These extreme guys are dorks who typically either failed out of joining the army, joined but were something like a cook or clerk, or were too intimidated to even apply for the military. I can't tell you how many times I did a recruiting gig/PR event when I was in the army and had a huge number of overweight or skinny awkward dudes come up to the display and want to talk to us about tactics or strategy or tell me how great they are at airsoft. All the while considering themselves my buddy or equal because "We both get it, man. We're both warriors." Oh, yeah? You should join up then. I can get you an application form. "Oh...no, no thanks. I'm a lone wolf." Right, Wendel. Of course you are.

So go have fun with it, but don't see it as anything other than fun. Avoid those nerds with thousands of dollars worth of gear, uniforms, and accessories.

The military is a job you're not allowed to quit if your boss is an asshole, or life threateningly incompetent.

You can be a warrior, without being stupid enough to subject yourself to those terms. And if you want to get good at marksmanship without that baggage, paintball/airsoft is pretty much all there is.

I'm not even talking about the "military is a tool for globalist corporatist overlords" angle, though that's valid too. From a personal point of view it's just stupid to join up, roll the dice and pray that your boss will be one of the good ones.

First time airsofter - reality check

Airsoft is not bad.
I have been playing that for about a year, when I was studying at military university and was tired of forever sitting at classroom. I joined a team, which was more like milsim and we have gone through nice "operations", which consisted of walking all weekend long and then not shooting a single shot. Anyway there were also child-like fungames, which consisted of heavy fights at 2 square kilometres.

But I never liked the community very much. A lot of guys are weird. They like to put themself into role of frogmen, but all they do is just spend a lot of daddy´s money for gear and pose for photos.
It´s normal to spend thousands dollars for gear, when you are in the army I have been at, but these guys spend much more than the most of the soldiers.

Airsoft itself is good way, but very limited, to simulate gunfight, in my opinion. Of course, there are a lot of disadvantages and gun´s range is the biggest, but on the other hand, you can feel shots hitting the trees around you. Laser simulators don´t provide this, but they have other advantages.
Basic rules for airsoft fight are probably the same as for gunfight. The one who has bigger firepower and better movement, wins. For example use for CQB training is very good.

I have just hooked up with group, that some of my friends are members of. They are not airsofters and they carry mostly real guns. They are preparing for situations when the shit hits the fan. This weekend I am going with them for the first time and I am really curious, because they seem to do the thing really well and their training are based on tactical publications used by specialized combat troops all around the world.

"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."

First time airsofter - reality check

I remember doing it years ago, and I was there in trench thinking just like OP "Could you imagine doing this shit for real and may be having no choice, insanity".

First time airsofter - reality check

Airsoft looks like a pain in the ass - I am sure a lot of guys who would give it a whirl for shits and giggles are put off by the LARPers kitted out in thousands of dollars of gear.

I used to organize paintball outings at my old job - lots of fun and the fear of physical pain was a good motivator. Those friggin' balls hurt, especially in a cold Canadian autumn.

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

First time airsofter - reality check

Yeah, most of the dudes who were playing with us brought their own gear. Our team had all the casual people (myself included) wearing normal clothes.

Like the above posters said, most of those dudes are lacking in social skills. I arrived on the scene and was easily the most masculine dude there. I won't knock the guys though, most of them were decent but some did take the game very seriously.

Personally, I wouldn't mix airsoft with any part of my social life or even bring it up around girls. I think it just has a stigma, similar to video gaming. Dries up pussy no matter how you present it.

In terms of training for gun fights, would airsoft have any decent carryover to reality? If yes, how would a guy go about improving his skills? (assuming no prior training)

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 12:50 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Funny, I think people who don't join army to fight for corporate overlords and stick to games instead are the sane people. Maybe they were trying to find common ground with you and thought stuff like airsoft would be something you both can relate to. Because they thought you would not have more intellectual interests?

And I think dickheads getting butthurt about someone else's military service aren't quite there in the head too. Maybe those nerds were reaching out for commonality. But I have advanced first aid and medical courses-- through the military-- and I don't walk up to doctors or paramedics and talk to them like we're the same. Maybe you shouldn't get your panties in a twist about this?


The LARPers today are fools who join for militaries of cucked nations like Canada hoping to be heroes, even hoping to get to kill someone legally. Do you have portrait of Trudeau in your barracks? Did you swore to protect him? How many illegal invaders have you expelled from your country? What are you fighting for? For gay rights and rights of soldier wives to divorce rape them? For women's education and birth control in middle east? For cheaper oil prices?

Gee, Dr Freud, you've got me there. That's exactly what I joined for. Go check my posting history where I talk about either military matters or Trudeau and you'll find that I am both extremely anti-Trudeau and suggest joining the military for a limited time to only advance yourself and gain skills and qualifications. But go ahead and feel free to invent a personality type and psychology for me.

Also try this on for size-- those extreme airsoft types tend to be really blue pill. They want to decimate the Mid East for zion, kill Putin, and think the world of John McCain. They just can't or won't join the army to do it for real. Meanwhile, not one of the guys I worked with ever listened to a word about the big bad Russians, or our "Humanitarian Commitment to Afghanistan."


I can respect a man who is in military if his country has rock solid creed and values. I am afraid there is no such country today.Certainly not Canada.

And what country would that be? Is there any? Russia? I'd say they come closest, but there is no fighting for a higher cause any military in this contemporary world. How about this, dummy, try respecting an individual man, in uniform or not, on his individual merits.


You do recruiting gigs? Are you honest with recruits whom you make to join? Do you warn them about women in military, pussy pass and privilege? Do you explain to them that they fight for a cucked globalist government?

I did some recruiting. When I was in. Years ago. And why yes, I sat down with them and read aloud passages from Alexander Dugin and Bang and Alain de Benoist and we talked deeply about the globalist neoliberal order. Actually, no. I gave them practical advice on how to make good choices and get what they want out of the system. Like a normal man.


Unless, you have really good answers to these questions you don't impress me - military tough guy.

And I am not impressed by your effeminate emoting- whiny butthurt pseudo-tough guy on an internet forum.


There is no argument about the fact that air-soft and paintball is not like real fighting. No person however is inferior to you because they chose a game rather then real killing for wrong reasons.

Actually, some nerdy airsoft guy who is obviously completely out of shape and lacking any sort of masculine bearing coming up to me and trying to be my pal is not my equal. Which is why I tried to sign them up-- he should go spend 3-5 years outside his mom's house working hard, getting some physical exertion, and learning social skills and possibly even getting some professional qualifications and he'll come out the other side a better man.

But I guess he shouldn't do that-- Joining the Zawg globohomo corps will just leave him a Trudeau worshipper, right, dickhead?

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 05:25 PM)The King Wrote:  

In terms of training for gun fights, would airsoft have any decent carryover to reality? If yes, how would a guy go about improving his skills? (assuming no prior training)

In either paintball or airsoft, the answer is some. There are tactics you can get away with in paintball or airsoft that would fail in an actual fight with real firearms. But it's not a complete wash. Which accounts for some of the popularity. The biggest obstacle to it helping you learn? Probably the cheating where guys don't honestly admit to being hit. And lack of range on the airsoft guns.

Want to improve your tactical skills? Become a firearms owner and join a range where there are members who are competitive shooters. A lot of 3 gun match competitors are quite skilled. That's individual skills, though. Competent real world squad/platoon tactics unfortunately can't really be taught anywhere but military. But if you join, I've been reliably told you're a fag-enabling, crypto-feminist Cuck.

First time airsofter - reality check

I've done paintball, and holy shit I was covered in welts and bruises for 2 weeks.

It was a great fun day out, but I won't be joining the army anytime soon.

First time airsofter - reality check

I hear what you guys are say about those autistic guys that go out with all the kit and are out of shape slobs. Personally I think all that gucci gear is really cool and thats speaking as someone who is ex military. Gear is super expensive though so there are actually companies now making knock off versions that mimic the real stuff for a fraction of the price.

I personally really want to buy a solid set of night vision goggles.

The most important thing however is looking cool.

First time airsofter - reality check

I thought it would be a fun thing to do, but the more I read on it people said the community is toxic and full of cheaters would wont abide by the honesty system. And I dont know enough people I trust to keep to my own circle. At least paintball it's easier to tell when someone is hit. I 9bviously dont view it as anything other than fun though. I've taken girls on paintball dates before, they loved it.

Mage, that attack seems completely out of left field.

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 06:09 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2018 05:25 PM)The King Wrote:  

In terms of training for gun fights, would airsoft have any decent carryover to reality? If yes, how would a guy go about improving his skills? (assuming no prior training)

In either paintball or airsoft, the answer is some. There are tactics you can get away with in paintball or airsoft that would fail in an actual fight with real firearms. But it's not a complete wash.

I've got a decent paintball kit, bought about six years ago now; can get lots of gear at army surplus stores. I'd wanted to play when I first heard about it in the early 90s. Anyway, your sentence about tactics made me smile. As former USMC 0321, my biggest learning curve with paintball was changing how I lead a target that's running - missed plenty of guys because I was leading my shots by inches instead of feet.

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 05:53 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

Quote: (09-10-2018 12:50 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Funny, I think people who don't join army to fight for corporate overlords and stick to games instead are the sane people. Maybe they were trying to find common ground with you and thought stuff like airsoft would be something you both can relate to. Because they thought you would not have more intellectual interests?

And I think dickheads getting butthurt about someone else's military service aren't quite there in the head too. Maybe those nerds were reaching out for commonality. But I have advanced first aid and medical courses-- through the military-- and I don't walk up to doctors or paramedics and talk to them like we're the same. Maybe you shouldn't get your panties in a twist about this?


The LARPers today are fools who join for militaries of cucked nations like Canada hoping to be heroes, even hoping to get to kill someone legally. Do you have portrait of Trudeau in your barracks? Did you swore to protect him? How many illegal invaders have you expelled from your country? What are you fighting for? For gay rights and rights of soldier wives to divorce rape them? For women's education and birth control in middle east? For cheaper oil prices?

Gee, Dr Freud, you've got me there. That's exactly what I joined for. Go check my posting history where I talk about either military matters or Trudeau and you'll find that I am both extremely anti-Trudeau and suggest joining the military for a limited time to only advance yourself and gain skills and qualifications. But go ahead and feel free to invent a personality type and psychology for me.

Also try this on for size-- those extreme airsoft types tend to be really blue pill. They want to decimate the Mid East for zion, kill Putin, and think the world of John McCain. They just can't or won't join the army to do it for real. Meanwhile, not one of the guys I worked with ever listened to a word about the big bad Russians, or our "Humanitarian Commitment to Afghanistan."


I can respect a man who is in military if his country has rock solid creed and values. I am afraid there is no such country today.Certainly not Canada.

And what country would that be? Is there any? Russia? I'd say they come closest, but there is no fighting for a higher cause any military in this contemporary world. How about this, dummy, try respecting an individual man, in uniform or not, on his individual merits.


You do recruiting gigs? Are you honest with recruits whom you make to join? Do you warn them about women in military, pussy pass and privilege? Do you explain to them that they fight for a cucked globalist government?

I did some recruiting. When I was in. Years ago. And why yes, I sat down with them and read aloud passages from Alexander Dugin and Bang and Alain de Benoist and we talked deeply about the globalist neoliberal order. Actually, no. I gave them practical advice on how to make good choices and get what they want out of the system. Like a normal man.


Unless, you have really good answers to these questions you don't impress me - military tough guy.

And I am not impressed by your effeminate emoting- whiny butthurt pseudo-tough guy on an internet forum.


There is no argument about the fact that air-soft and paintball is not like real fighting. No person however is inferior to you because they chose a game rather then real killing for wrong reasons.

Actually, some nerdy airsoft guy who is obviously completely out of shape and lacking any sort of masculine bearing coming up to me and trying to be my pal is not my equal. Which is why I tried to sign them up-- he should go spend 3-5 years outside his mom's house working hard, getting some physical exertion, and learning social skills and possibly even getting some professional qualifications and he'll come out the other side a better man.

But I guess he shouldn't do that-- Joining the Zawg globohomo corps will just leave him a Trudeau worshipper, right, dickhead?

So you are basicly telling that if a man is phisically and mentally weak and blue pill he should join military to gain his masculinity.

I doubt that subjecting oneself to military orders will create a red pill personality. If you trully were in it just to milk the system, like you say, you obviously were a red pill, highly motivated guy already before that. Military just gave you specific skills and qualifications. other highly motivated red pill men might choose other skills and qualifications to build their life upon outside military. That doesn''t makes them iferior to you.

Will a dumb, blue pill, out of shape guy came out of military better then he was before? Probably yould be in better shape, but doubt you can create ability to think for yourself, think smart and see hidden truths in military, if you didn''t have these qualities already before.

First time airsofter - reality check

Quote: (09-10-2018 12:24 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

Airsoft is basically LARPing for people who never joined the infantry of their nation's army. If you enjoy it or paintball as a fun afternoon out that you do now and again I would call that a healthy point of view and I give you my blessing.

But there are some guys into it who are really into and think they're tactical geniuses on par with Seal Team Six or the SAS. These extreme guys are dorks who typically either failed out of joining the army, joined but were something like a cook or clerk, or were too intimidated to even apply for the military. I can't tell you how many times I did a recruiting gig/PR event when I was in the army and had a huge number of overweight or skinny awkward dudes come up to the display and want to talk to us about tactics or strategy or tell me how great they are at airsoft. All the while considering themselves my buddy or equal because "We both get it, man. We're both warriors." Oh, yeah? You should join up then. I can get you an application form. "Oh...no, no thanks. I'm a lone wolf." Right, Wendel. Of course you are.

So go have fun with it, but don't see it as anything other than fun. Avoid those nerds with thousands of dollars worth of gear, uniforms, and accessories.

I don't know why you have to bash on other men because they did not join the military. I get it that in airsoft you see all kinds of men including "nerds" but why not let them have a fun hobby? At least they are outside with other men running around and having fun while bonding together.

Men need friendships with other men and unlike women, most of us can't just go for a coffee and gossip so we need a common ground/goal and in this case, for a lot of men it is playing airsoft. Maybe this dude just wanted to talk to you and thought the topic of guns/airsoft and tactics is something you are also interested in.

Your post sounds a bit like a post from Vice or Huffington shaming on men bonding together on a fun evening instead of using their privilege to get shot in a war to protect women. Just my 2 cents.

First time airsofter - reality check

I remember playing paintball as an early teen at a place that had airsoft as well, even then I thought look at these autistic faggots.

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