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Colombia vs. Peru vs. Ecuador! Need help choosing?

Colombia vs. Peru vs. Ecuador! Need help choosing?

@dulceacido agreed, for me BA is #1 without thinking twice. Read my last post again.. I wouldn’t argue that. But I’ll take a tier one backpacking city - cuzco or antigua- over s tier 3 ordinary city any day of the week. Also, your perception of hostel girls maybe applies to many hostels, but Cuzco, and less so Antigua, is an exception. Cuzco is on everyone’s bucket list and the hostels there- wild rover and Loki- have public bars. What hot girl do you know that doesn’t have that basic bitch Macchu Pichu photo on their IG? Where do you think they partied in Cuzco?

Antigua I’m maybe biased... I was going to meet up with a russian and a quebecois at a bar and ended up hooking up with a twin and 4 way kissing the twins and the Russian, so maybe my brain is skewed. But antigua is a really fun city and Guatemala has a ton to offer.

Colombia vs. Peru vs. Ecuador! Need help choosing?

Quote: (09-09-2018 12:42 AM)DigitalNomad Wrote:  

@dulceacido agreed, for me BA is #1 without thinking twice. Read my last post again.. I wouldn’t argue that. But I’ll take a tier one backpacking city - cuzco or antigua- over s tier 3 ordinary city any day of the week. Also, your perception of hostel girls maybe applies to many hostels, but Cuzco, and less so Antigua, is an exception. Cuzco is on everyone’s bucket list and the hostels there- wild rover and Loki- have public bars. What hot girl do you know that doesn’t have that basic bitch Macchu Pichu photo on their IG? Where do you think they partied in Cuzco?

Antigua I’m maybe biased... I was going to meet up with a russian and a quebecois at a bar and ended up hooking up with a twin and 4 way kissing the twins and the Russian, so maybe my brain is skewed. But antigua is a really fun city and Guatemala has a ton to offer.

Yep. Bugger. You're right. I didn't read your post carefully enough. I, now, see what you meant.

I'm with you on the Cuzco thing. And, the obligatory Machu Picchu photo is almost as common as the Marylin Monroe quote or being a dog mom to fur babies. Blech. Like dudes with photos of the fish they caught--does not impress most girls.

I think I'm just a little older now and I have done a lot of things and seen a lot of places. It takes a lot to coax me out of my comfort zone--not because it's frightening or too adventurous--it's just, fuck man, I grew up like that. I've made it away from that.

I went to Dublin on a whim with 2 coworkers. One was a "free spirit" hippy kind of guy. The other was kind of in the middle of the spectrum. I was more along the lines of, "We're in Europe on vacation. Why would I want to stay in a place with no hot water and live in a communal room with a bunch of strangers when we all make decent coin and there is no chance of us losing our jobs, we own nothing to pay for, nor have children, etc?" Needless to say, we (attempted) to stay one night in a hostel and then we all decided it was ridiculous and went to the Marriot. The thought was, to me, we suffer enough at work, why would we pay to go somewhere and intentionally put ourselves in a crappy situation? Made no sense and we stayed in hotels the whole time.

That's when it was readily available. Cuzco is a different story. I wouldn't be opposed to doing it--the length of stay (in this case 4 weeks) is a bit long. I can imagine enjoying it immensely for no more than 10 days, then I'd be ready to move on--but that's just speculation. Once you go there, your options are limited.
If I went to Bs As, I could have anything I wanted in either direction, as plush or rough as I choose. If I didn't like where I was, I could take the next cab that passes and go wherever I wanted. That's more appealing to me than being stuck. For the same reason, cruise ships don't appeal to me. Small, remote islands (sorry Kona) don't appeal to me for very long. That's a result of being stuck in Puerto Rico.... Being stuck in Guam.... Vacation destinations for a lot of people, but when you have to live there and can't leave, it starts to suck.

Colombia vs. Peru vs. Ecuador! Need help choosing?

Chia for sure. The comments about traffic in Bogota is right on, but just find a room in Chia or near. I am not all that good with Bogota, only go when I HAVE to, too many people for me. I think, not sure, but Chia is a upscale pueblo.

Colombia vs. Peru vs. Ecuador! Need help choosing?

Quote: (09-08-2018 10:48 PM)DigitalNomad Wrote:  

Antigua is actually a really cool city. Good party town, the local girls come in there on the weekends to bang foreigners.. and just a cool city overall with good hiking and stuff. Worth considering, personally I would take that over everywhere but BA. For 2nd place Cuzco wins the tiebreak because it has some of the best party hostels in the world.

Any suggestions on good party hostels in Antigua? I'm moving to Guatemala City this week

Colombia vs. Peru vs. Ecuador! Need help choosing?

I stayed at a hostel but I think Jungle is a good one there. Also Free Cerveza if you make a trip to Lake Atitlan. Definitely go to the “Pool” party rave on Saturday night in Antigua. Probably the 2nd best party in Central America.

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