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Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

Now now...Lets try to see things from her point of view

[Image: bdd9994e442f68bc1b98350793c0d1c3.jpg]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

How's the kid doing now?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

Quote: (12-25-2018 04:25 PM)Mercedes Wrote:  

I hope I don’t come off too harsh, but it’s just the way society works. You can’t expect the world to change for you, you just have to work hard to come up on top. This also means that you need to step your game because Toronto women are the greatest in the world.

It's interesting to me how many times the phrase "financial hub" pops up in that rant.

Even as someone who enjoys finance, who gives a shit about living in a "financial hub" and who is so vapid that their "dreams come true" in an industry that consists primarily of pushing money around so that other people can do things?

Real cities have diverse economies and real dreams are about creating something substantive. I happen to love NYC, but only a true meat puppet would be so diseased inside that they love it because it's "prominent on the world stage" and being a tiny part of it makes them feel like the world finally owes them the respect they could never earn, and maybe a rich husband they can cheat on to boot - the only real "dream" such an empty soul would have.

Toronto, like London, isn't a city most people would pick if their career didn't force them to do so. Manhattan bankers don't congregate on the Upper East Side because it's the greatest place in the world to live, but because that's where bankers end up if they want to network. Detroit used to have the same problem: as soon as the one industry dragging smart people there croaked, everyone who could bolted overnight because at a basic level, it was crap and they literally had to be paid a fortune to overlook it.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

Quote: (12-27-2018 01:17 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

How's the kid doing now?

Probably not great. Apparently, he is not only autistic (clearly on the low-functioning/low IQ end as can be seen in the video Roosh added to the original post) but also has cerebral palsy and a "shunt in his brain to relieve fluid pressure." The females' bully levels just went up even more. It seems that a second Title IX incident occurred in October and, like with the first one, he was unable to defend himself and was essentially at the mercy of the court. Saddleback College eventually dropped both cases but did not take them off his record. I'm not stoked that the leftovers after paying their legal fees will be going to Autism Speaks (they are just a shady organization) but hopefully he can get himself off of what is basically the potential sex offender watch list.

Quote:Jetset Wrote:

It's interesting to me how many times the phrase "financial hub" pops up in that rant.

[Image: ?]

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump


I hope I don’t come off too harsh, but it’s just the way society works. You can’t expect the world to change for you, you just have to work hard to come up on top. This also means that you need to step your game because Toronto women are the greatest in the world.

How the hell did I miss this?

No...they are not. I guess it's theoretically possible that the greatest woman in the world lives in Toronto; I assume this rant is meant to imply both this and that the OP is that person.

The best women in the world are Eastern European women on aggregate. I'll admit that even not having settled with one of them.


Real cities have diverse economies and real dreams are about creating something substantive. I happen to love NYC, but only a true meat puppet would be so diseased inside that they love it because it's "prominent on the world stage" and being a tiny part of it makes them feel like the world finally owes them the respect they could never earn, and maybe a rich husband they can cheat on to boot - the only real "dream" such an empty soul would have.

I'm stealing this at some point. Your sentence describes a feeling I've been struggling to capture with words.

I live in one of those "major financial hubs" and there's a lot of people who think that way. My response (credit to George Carlin) is "you are all diseased". There's something psychotic about thinking that just living in a particular city somehow makes you better than other people. This mentality doesn't just stop at the city: It's why New Yorkers waste enormous amounts of time and money on things like getting Hamilton tickets, owning the latest Apple Watch, will stand in line for two hours to get a shake from the original shake shack (nevermind that there's other locations where you'll only have to wait a few minutes), and so on.

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

Quote: (08-29-2018 07:44 AM)puckerman Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2018 01:38 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  


I have lived in, then left, then moved back to the same college town, several times over the course of a few decades, and to see the cafes starting off as social hubs, where you had to go and talk to people or you ended up alone, and then slowly people started bringing their laptops in the early 90's, then ipods, and finally smart phones, it was like you could see people walling themselves off from human contact little by little in favor of the fantasy community of the something better that was out there waiting for you if you just spent a little more time in cyberland.

I look around the gym and often think I am the only person there who does not carry some type of device with me. I'm also not wearing anything on my head. It's been quite telling to see how people have slowly isolated themselves in places that used to be social. I wonder what would happen if they set off the fire alarm. Would all these people hear it over their head phones?

When I was stationed at Ft. Meade, I lived in a a barracks with soldiers (like me), marines, arimen and sailors. One year, around springtime, we had a monster t-storm. Power went out. So we all went down to the common area to check it out. It was after dark, so the lightning was awesome, and apocalyptic looking. And we were all laughing, having a good time, and getting along, even though we never even really cared about each other before that. Then the power came back on, and we all slid back to our respective boxes (rooms) with our computers/xboxes/ps3s waiting for us.

It was surreal. My experience has shown me that people only generally deal with each other if they don't have anything "better" to do. Or maybe I just have a skewed perception, because I'm that way most of the time.

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

Quote: (12-25-2018 04:25 PM)Mercedes Wrote:  

Autustic men like Roosh harm women. ROOSH V YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN CANADA!


Toronto is a global financial hub now, so either go back to school and get a good education, or move out of the city where rent control is lower. Whether you like it or not, important financial hubs are going to be expensive. Toronto is the 8th most important financial hub, world’s top 5 most liveable city; you want to live in a city like this, be prepared to pay up or move out. We’re still miles cheaper than NYC and London which ARE the world’s top financial hubs. As Toronto becomes more prominent on the world stage, prices will only rise from here. So you got two options: educate yourself for the benefit from the white collar salary that Toronto provides, or move to a blue collar city. And I’m not talking about any education that any guy off the street could do. Work hard to get into good program, some examples are: STEM programs at major universities like UofT, U of Waterloo, McMaster University etc. Or business programs at UofT, U of Waterloo, Laurier, York (Schulich).

I guarantee you that you will be able to afford rent after graduating from these programs. Our government has made pursuing an education achievable despite your economic status through OSAP loans, so don’t bring that up as an excuse. If you think you don’t have time, you’re sick etc etc, it’s just another excuse. Life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to give up.

My mom, Polish Holocaust survivor, came to Canada when she was 21 years old, gutted raw fish in the back on a Chinese restaurant until she made enough to pay for her education, and is now an exec at a Toronto company. You can do it, you just have to be willing to work hard enough and make the sacrifices. If you’re not prepared to do that, then you’re not fit to live in a city like Toronto where Canada’s best and brightest go to make their dreams come true. If you’re not made for Toronto, then you can always move to a blue collar city where costs of living are much cheaper. Expecting to live in a world class city and wanting to pay non-world class prices is quite unreasonable.

I hope I don’t come off too harsh, but it’s just the way society works. You can’t expect the world to change for you, you just have to work hard to come up on top. This also means that you need to step your game because Toronto women are the greatest in the world.

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[Image: 228-55f8fe75.jpg]

Female university student reports autistic male for trying to give her a fist bump

The guy was banned because his story wasn't too convincing.

Thing is in Vancouver and Toronto's market many Doctors and Professionals have come forward in media articles saying their income was in the $100,000 - $300,000 range and they still had trouble qualifying for mortgages or could only afford undesirable properties or crackshacks (that aren't necessarily safe to live in due to mold). Same is often true in San Francisco media despite that city having more higher income industries.

So the idea of that fish gutting mom turned executive somehow being able to afford Toronto when public executives can't doesn't past the smell test unless the poster is 35 and his mother is now 70+ (before the real estate bubble).

The biggest issues is multimillionaire Chinese (likely with illegal money) and real estate speculators has squeezed home ownership away from the vast majority of people including a lot of local born executives and other high-tier professionals. People with middle class incomes are forced to live hours away or be renters for life.

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