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Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Let me share a quick tip I discovered that works a treat.

We've all been there, the first date going well, and she feels the need to virtual signal by dropping the "I hate trump" comment in some form or another.

Now this pisses you off, and you got two options:
1) Have a argument about it
2) Ignore it and go for the lay anyway.

But what I have been doing lately is a different approach:

Me - "Oh not you as well"
Her - "What do you mean"
Me - "Infected with 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'"

Now you have to hold frame, and this flips her virtue signal of righteousness into a display of "infected sheeple media drone" If you can hold that line, and make out she's just droning what the media tell her, being fashionable etc etc

She is going to try regain control by getting you to "defend Trump" - but don't take a single step down that path my friend.

Keep the frame by holding her in the position to try and justify he mindless trendy position. You are not committing to either position, she is the one that has to qualify herself to you. Remain switzerland.

This may piss her off, but weirdly I have found this working most of the time.

It sets you up a a free thinker, intelligent, DGAF, "above the masses" kind of guy, and this gets her interested/attracted.

Try it, it just works. (you have to hold frame and spit game as usual)

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I imagine this isn't virtue signalling as such, more so Trump or conservatives/K in general "triggers" or overloads the amygdala of r people. r/leftists are relatively narcissist, so they don't understand that others don't feel averse to Trump at all(rather, they think everyone "knows" how bad Trump is, but are deliberately pushing him to make them miserable).

I haven't found much success dealing with r girls, they're too much of a headache for me to deal with. I like to develop a connection with girls and to do that both parties need to let their guard/wall down and really be open with each other, and they're just too scared to do that. I can't imagine how fucking insane it is that people just walk on eggshells to try to prevent a triggering of the atrophied amygdala.

I live in NZ and I believe Aus(if I recall correctly, that's where you're from?) has a similar problem. To me it seems countries like the US, guys have success having the "free thinker, alpha, think for yourself" vibe. Roosh wrote in Don't Bang Denmark that the opposite is true, the guys who do the best are "beta" guys who don't trigger girls or challenge what they think. That seems to be what's going on here. I imagine particularly for r girls in Aus/NZ it's more effective to pretend that the drivel she says actually has meaning.

I wouldn't advise trying to be "above the masses" in Aus/NZ.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Girls have to fit in so they all hate Trump. It's not about r and K.

To be honest if a girl brings up Trump when I'm first meeting her I just give her a blank stare like I'm an idiot who doesn't care about politics. I just laugh off whatever she says and talk about something else.

A few months later when she's in love with me though, I can tell her what I want about Trump and she will agree with me even if she hated him before.

Quote: (08-25-2018 11:12 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

I wouldn't advise trying to be "above the masses" in Aus/NZ.

This just makes me want to try it.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Quote: (08-26-2018 01:22 PM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Girls have to fit in so they all hate Trump. It's not about r and K.

To be honest if a girl brings up Trump when I'm first meeting her I just give her a blank stare like I'm an idiot who doesn't care about politics. I just laugh off whatever she says and talk about something else.

A few months later when she's in love with me though, I can tell her what I want about Trump and she will agree with me even if she hated him before.

Quote: (08-25-2018 11:12 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

I wouldn't advise trying to be "above the masses" in Aus/NZ.

This just makes me want to try it.

Yeah I would do the same, say something like "You really pay attention to that stuff?" or "I stopped following politics years ago"

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I would agree with her get the bang and next her. Fuck politics.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

You don't even need to respond to it. I find just staring at her as if you're expecting her to keep talking and elaborate on her Trump hate comment works pretty well.

She blurts out "Trump is an asshole!" and you just look at her to keep going, normally she doesn't have anything to say and it fizzles out. "yeah I hate him, what a monster" At this point you can just quietly chuckle at her thoughtless 'opinion' and bring up something to talk about. Women can't lead conversations very well, especially when they don't know what they're talking about. You shouldn't be letting her dictate the subject of conversation anyway, it makes you look weak, needy and supplicating.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

So what I'm about to share is almost like motorcycle game. Could get fast lays but you could end up in the hospital. Fair point is I've never closed but now that I write this it's up to me to come back with a lay report. I have gotten into shouting matches with people, gotten made fun of, nearly tackled a couple times so you've been warned.

Just wear Trump gear at moderately safe places (the gym comes to mind and is my favorite). Whenever I do this I get eye fucked hard and at that point it's all about sealing the deal. At best this hot Russian/Ukranian girl high fived me on the street one time. I think it has a lot to do with Trump's masculine frame or a bad boy effect. Let me see if I have some time to do everything I said since I personally think people (not just girls) that hate Trump are mentally unstable and you don't want pricks like that. That's what I mean by forget trying to deal with shit testing or whatever you want to call it, just show some balls and support Trump altogether and go for the kill ASAP. If you support Trump and are attractive (KEY: not a neckbeard or social outcast) you will get laid like crazy. I personally have tattoo sleeves, have great skin, and am leaned out. Like I said I'll try to write up a lay report since I hate cold approach, getting numbers, going on dates (all of which are not effective). Just get eye fucked on a Friday night at the gym, call the girl out on it, and bring the girl back to my car for a fun time. I still live with my folks and am too cheap to want to rent a hotel. I'll just have to get the car wash bros to wash my car haha.

Common question: I workout at my primary gym with business colleagues how can I still do this?
Either go to the suburbs at a mall or do day passes at another gym. Boxing gyms like Title are good too. You'll see if people call you out or kick you out. If not we found a winner haha [Image: smile.gif]

You have been warned though: Like getting a motorcycle you could get badly hurt. A great example is Rufio Panman the Proud Boy that knocked out that Antifaggot. Rufio is probably swimming in pussy but at any moment Antifa could come out from behind the bushes and smack him. Like I said, this stuff is like motorcycle game. Dangerous but could get some interestinf results.

Edit: Man I'm just thinking about railing a hot girl in my car so badly on a Friday night. I will come back to this thread at least by next month. Will update.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Guys where I'm from get the shit bashed if they are caught wearing a Maga hat. I have literally seen it twice happen. But why mix politics and bangs. Chicks will switch to whatever you are into. That is what a vagina do.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I spent last summer in NYC and racked up a few notches from women who bitched about Trump and knew I voted for him. I would never bring politics up first but as a straight white dude who had just gotten out of the military and probably gives off a conservative/traditional vibe I think they would assume even before asking that I was a Trump supporter.

You have to remember that assuming you're in a major US or other western city 90% of these women don't think for themselves, they hate Trump because everyone else in their bubble hates Trump, if asked why they can probably give the typical rationalizations but don't really understand what they're saying. So because everyone in their bubble hates Trump and in a lot of cases they've never even met anyone who was an open Trump supporter, this leads to two factors at play:

1. She rebels against her friends/family by banging someone who supports "Literally Hitler"

2. They assume that anyone who supports Trump is a racist illiterate inbred hillbilly missing half their teeth, by blowing this stereotype out of the water you confuse her but simultaneously turn her on by not being the typical skinny jeans wearing soy boy she typically meets

But that's just my theory, YMMV.

I got my Magnum condoms, I got my wad of hundreds, I'm ready to plow!

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment


I just ordered some more MAGA gear and like I said I will rapidly lay some girls looking for a fun time. In certain places I (you) can't be too overt about my (your) support but like I said I will put my money where my mouth is. Once I do post up a lay report I obviously will omit critical details and obviously no pictures. I already outlined a vast portion of my method and the risks. I repeat you could get badly and physically hurt if not outright doxxed and fired.

But it's like I said and you said girls dig the bad boy effect, but for the love of God it will NOT work if you look like a hobo, a gamer nerd, or a hick. High school doesn't end and this is the equivalent of the senior smoking cigarrettes on the corner. If you're reasonably attractive it will lead to lays. Get a tan, get your teeth whitened, work out, etc.

I have gotten eye fucked by some cuties (kind of my fault since I don't have a place to pull but now I have a car) and gotten those hey he's not a hick why's that cutie support Trump. For the latter I obviously will try to pull but I'm more in the camp of supporting Trump and fucking the girls that eye fuck you will lead to fast lays. I don't think curiosity is the same thing as being in the mood but I could be wrong. I've never been eye fucked by a hot chick while wearing Trump gear AND close them but that may change. Like I said I will report back.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I like Trump and tap loads of girls that hate him.

No point in talking about it until you've banged them 3+ times in my opinion. The girls that I get into rotation are usually reasonable and can discuss such matters. Funny enough I find Eastern European and East Asian girls like Trump more than don't. Black girls and liberal arts white girls typically don't. So I guess know your audience too haha

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment


I will vouch for the black girls part as some have told me they hope Trump is paying me. The Candace Owens (bangeable) of the world are rare. Fortunately I'm not too into black chicks. No clue about East Asian girls, can kind of vouch for hot EE/Russian girls as some them definitely gossip about me (how do you remember me months down the line?).

Older/cat lady types definitely hate Trump. I have met an elderly lady that loves Trump and said W Bush wasn't bad (bitches be crazy haha!). Like I said I will update this soon, just have to figure out a way to cover my bases and make sure everything is all set. I actually have some time later tonight. You can't win them all and obviously you may get doxxed or get your ass kicked if you do what I do. Just find a safe space not only for you but for the girl and you should be good. Obviously don't wear a Trump hat at a bar as you will get your ass kicked.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

There is nothing more hot then being attractive to a girl that is on the other side of political spectrum and fucking her. Political difference is hot to girls. Even though she always say that she would never be with a Trump fan etc. actually she would, but only if he is attractive enough.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

She blurts out something negative about Trump.

Me: "That's what you think about all day?"

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Girls want a guy who sticks up for what he believes in. Girls also want excitement. Arguing about politics accomplishes both.

In liberal cities, there's nothing more boring than the 100th blue pill dude she been on a date on, who tells her how awesome Bernie is.

You will meet women who are straight up intolerant about someone who is conservative and there's not much you can do about that.

Girls like a little mystery too, so it's not like you have to give them all your political opinions on a first date. I usually just joke around when Trump comes up and tell them not to say the God Emporer's name and that he's the greatest president ever. (I like him but not that much)

I got into a heated political argument one day with a girl I was dating a few months back, then we went back to her place and fucked, and after I finished she was like "Thank You". Youre welcome dear!

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

“When I am President, how much money would I need to pay you to not do a tell-all about our sexual adventures?”

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I was looking at 2016 exit polls. Among single women, Clinton supporters outnumbered Trump supporters 2:1. Among 18-29 year olds, the ratio was 3:2. It gets only worse on university campuses and with college grads so arguably it is as much as a 75% chance that the chick you are flirting with voted Clinton.

While it is possible to bang a girl after calling her out on her Trump hatred, I doubt that the tactic will lead to better results in the short run than just ignoring it, moving on, and closing for the bang. If your frame is tight enough to pull it off, you would probably get laid anyways.

At a later time, once you have established something ongoing, you will have more airtime to lay out why Trump hating is nonsensical. As a plate or FB her knees will be less likely to jerk and she will be more isolated from the sheeple who mindlessly parrot that. At that point you can decide to go politically agnostic, lesser of two evils, or straight on Trump support. As with so-called "intellectual" conversations, it is better left as a way to solidify your relationship rather than initiating one.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I don't know if it's cultural or not, but here, in France, I never had a girl who spoke about politic during a date... Never had to deal bad comments about Trump or Le Pen..

I found it "weird" to talk politic during a date, girls who do that seem kind of crazy for me ^^

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Just agree and move the conversation along. I swear all these posts should be in the newbie forum, you're all over thinking. It drives me nuts but I love it.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Had this come up on holiday and mid-pull just prior to bouncing with a,1st time bang. Stayed somewhat neutral and commented on his hair / tan rather than directly answering her question "What do you think of him?". Changed topics soon after.

I generally try and avoid anything political with a target/date unless a) she brings it up and b) she doesnt mind politically incorrect jokes or banter.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I don't talk about politics with women. Do you talk politics with children? What is the point.

If asked, I don't back down and say something consistent with my frame/persona (business man). "If you understood the economy like a businessman, then you would like Trump too." It subtly suggests that Trump and I know what we are talking about, and she doesn't. If they persist (none have), I will ask her why doesn't Venezuela just offer all of their starving citizens a living wage?

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I usually just say 'I think the media exaggerates for viewership, he used to be a democrat -'.

Worked for me every time and a lot of girls also surprisingly that I banged secretly liked him. Some said 'I would never say this with my mexican friends but I think he's a good leader etc.'.

I read a study and it was saying that political affiliation doesn't affect compatibility but rather political rigor. Eg) far rights and far lefts often are attracted to each other rather than moderate who don't care that much. I'm more moderate so I attract moderates. You seem pretty into politics to want to bring this up so you and the leftoids might low key be feeling each other?

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

This will work if the girl doesn’t know much and is indeed just following trend. If she’s in college forget it, she will genuinely hate Trump, and it’ll just start a conversation of her telling you about it.

How do you stop that? Maybe it’s best to wait until after you’ve fucked her to tell her you like Trump: avoiding any conversation about him beforehand.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

I was gaming an American girl here yesterday. Pretty leftist but non-SJW. Interestingly American leftists seem to have their head screwed on straighter than Kiwi moderates. Conversation went to Trump and arrogance. I said how Trump seems to have made the economy better and created a bunch of new jobs and made America great again, she seemed to agree that Trump's got a lot of really great policies and done well economically but she doesn't like him "as a person". I said I liked how he's so entertaining and she admits he's the most entertaining president in a long time. The whole time she was smiling and laughing.

It's super interesting to me because many Kiwis actually seem to be under the impression that Trump's made the US worse and is a terrible president and would've melted down over innocuous things I'd said, but this leftist chick was laughing and happy even at the idea of me saying relatively pro-Trump stuff.

Sample size N=1, but I'm more and more convinced being pro-Trump in the US would not be punished and the girl would "respect you for having balls"- and I can see what you Americans are talking about. But yeah you really cannot afford to trigger Kiwi girls like that or they will simply melt down and refuse to talk to you.

Date Tip: Dealing with the Trump Hate Comment

Why are you assholes talking politics before you smash?

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