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Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

For instance, if you're in a relationship are fellas really holding on to a zero tolerance policy regarding compliments and validation in general? I think female nature is generally the same across the board but Im sure there are some women that won't become distant if the man whom the way worship gives the occasional compliment. In fact, I think women who have a decent sense of self worth(real self worth not artificial IG bullshit) would eventually grow tired of no reciprocation if the guy they adore never validates them. Note: I deliberately used the words "adore" and "self worth" "worship"

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

It should be calibrated, like anything else. If you never give any compliments or validation then it could cause problems.

Even IG bishes respond well (sometimes) to validation of their non-physical attributes. You can even make it up, and tell her that she has a good personality haha.

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

We said don't compliment a woman in a club or a girl you go on dates with.

Complimenting your girlfriend or wife is a different story.


Wear that red dress babe, (when she's ready for a date) oh yea.. you look hot mamacita.
Wear that naughty nun outfit I bought you, (she bends over) mmm. Look at those sexy Colombian titties.
Put your hair down, you look hotter and more feminine
Walking down the street and smacking her ass, and saying "who's ass is this."

Don't dote her constantly but if you want a woman to remain faithful and happy, you are gonna have to make her feel wanted and beautiful because when she gives up social media, like all wives should in my opinion, she's not going to get that validation elsewhere unless it's in the form of stares. Compliments go a long way.

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

As a man, in this context:

I think feedback is important, not compliments.

Actions are important, not words.

Confidence is important, not your specific expressions themselves.

Again, game is important, not logic.

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

I mean, if you're seriously dating a girl and never tell her when she does something good it's hard to strengthen her connection to you. Even in your daily game, it helps to sparingly sprinkle in little compliments here and there. It's never something planned and it's only done if I really think she did something to deserve it.

Girls tend to cherish that sort of thing in Asia. I guarantee that if you ask a girl out here what her favorite moment was with you, it'll always go back to some little off-hand thing you said after she did something good.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

LINUX hit the nail on the head.

Complements that come from a place of neediness come off very differently than those said from a point of abundance. If you feel confident saying what you want, are saying it because you feel like it, and genuinely don't give a shit how she reacts, then there is nothing wrong with it. Women can usually tell whether you're complementing her to get validation for yourself, or saying it from a point of comfort and abundance.

Agreed that if you're expecting your girlfriend/wife to stay loyal, you should make her feel wanted. Constantly "negging" her, or just never saying positive stuff in general, is going to get old over time (sometimes is ok, especially if its your personality). There's nothing "alpha" about never complimenting your girl.

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

I can't see anything wrong with complimenting a girl if you really like her appearance and it's congruent with what you think of her, saying e.g. that she is gorgeous, beautiful or cute, when you see her, if it's done sparsely. It depends on the delivery. It might backfire with some girls in their early 20s, though?

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

My LTR always appreciated nice compliments. They complimented me back. win win

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

There is a push pull dynamic. Tease and then reward, sparingly.

"I like what you wore for me tonight. "

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

Complimenting your woman (LTR) is fine as long as it's

- Specific: "You're so pretty" is bland and forgettable
- Positive: Compliments should reward her for and encourage her to please you
- Measured: Calling her perfect/hottest ever feeds the ego too much
- Infrequent: Otherwise it'll be taken for granted
- Genuine: Find something you truly like about her. If you can't, don't compliment her. Don't feel pressured.

PS: Not to nitpick but seeking self-validation in or from girls is a losing endeavor. I took the question to be about compliments specifically

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

Girls need attention which comes also in a way of compliments.
The longer you bang her, you are "allowed" more to compliment her. Up to a point.
Compliments are used as a tactic to get her to comply, or to lubricate her.

Second @Linux, @RDF and @MPD

"I love a fulfilling and sexual relationship. That is why I make the effort to have many of those" - TheMaleBrain
"Now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Spaceballs
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Where does the forum stand on validating women who validate you

Personally I think Linux is a bit too extreme, RDF is a bit more where I stand. Neediness is never a good thing. If you are confident, I don't think a compliment is a bad thing, even something like "you're fucking sexy." I agree specific is better, my compliments will normally be something about eyes, smile/dimples. etc. Girls are insecure, and attractive girls can be the most insecure at times.

My game is highly based on being genuine, confident and stating what's on my mind, so I think compliments are congruent with that as long as I truly am thinking it.

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