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Russian suburbs vs. 2nd tier cities: Which is better for girls?

Russian suburbs vs. 2nd tier cities: Which is better for girls?

My perspective is that the major cities like Moscow and St. petersburg can be played out for the traveling player. This is due to the increase to tourism, exposure to foreigners, more wealth, competition among the many factors that make big cities a tough nut to crack. It more than mitigates the potential benefits of the large population and dating pool. Of course, it would make no sense either to go to a small town where barely anyone speaks english and quality of life is lower and less dating options. That leaves pursing women in either the suburbs and surrounding areas of major cities or 2nd tier cities.

The nice thing about finding girls in the suburbs is that they are perhaps less gold digger, less attitude and don't do the nightlife scene as much as the the big city girls. You also could still the benefit of living in the big city or close to it. But how much better are girls in suburbs really? And how do you find places to do pick up in the suburbs since there is much less hangouts and places where girls hang out and gather?

Another alternative that sounds good are lesser known big cities. I heard places like Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-On-Don and Krasnodar may have potential. Populations of around a million people offers a large enough dating pool and decent city life. Much fewer foreign tourists and visitors can have exotic appeal. Some sophisticated women while less stuck up. But will there be enough english language speakers? Will it get boring to live there after a while?

What have been your experiences and what do you prefer?

Russian suburbs vs. 2nd tier cities: Which is better for girls?

Most Russian girls worth their salt seek to move to Moscow if they have any ambition. There will always be a fresh crop of provincial/lower tier girls who have left the Tomsks, Nizhnys, and Serguts of Russia to find more opportunities be it at upper tier Russian Universities or in occupational pursuits. They will go home at New Year and in the Summer to visit family, posting pics of hugging mom and siblings (dad often absent). I highly doubt Moscow will ever be “played out.” Once you leave the tourist areas, the amount of foreigners drops off exponentially. Moscow is the gravatational center of an immense country and attracts the above with great pull. When I met true Moscow born and raised girls, my interest level dropped immensely. It was always one of my favorite lead questions to ask if they were from Moscow or another city. I had the best relationships with women in Moscow who had the intellect and ambition to make it in Moscow yet still held the family and world view of the lesser tier cities they were raised in.

If Moscow ever becomes “played out,” I’ll become MGTOW and move into a basement. Neither will ever happen.

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