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How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

I don't know where to start because in one way I feel like I don't care because I've moved on but in another, it's hard and depressing to come to terms with the fact that this world contains much more immoral people than I had ever imagined.

I've always had the fetish to cuck another guy and bang his girlfriend ("alpha" what not). And after a couple of years of doing so, of course I'd never have imagined it happening to me when I finally decided to go into a LTR "because I had swallowed the red pill and already seen the truth about women apart from most other guys".

I've always hesitated to try and go into anything long term. The things I've seen out in the nightlife and promiscuousness of western women made me think I might as well sleep around like everyone else.

Then I met this girl in June and she came from a different background, had a low notch count and we had instant chemistry and all. Gave me the vibe to be conservative and I felt great in that I thought I had screened her out for not being a feminist and she had passed.

In the summer she had to move to another city to study, which she has lived in before. She told me how her ex funnily had contacted her again before she left (just seeing what's up). I had seen a picture of him and I actually laughed to myself that time. She's a bit of a dork and that guy looked like a complete dork, so what would I have to worry about now that she must have realized that she got a shot with someone way above her standards? Even though they were now going to live in the same cities again.

So we started to see each other less regularly. After 3 months something I felt that she had become more cold and distant and we had an argument and it wasn't the same anymore. So I broke up since "it" wasn't there anymore. After a month she begs me with several long messages to get on the phone and talk with me and there she cries that she misses me and needs me back and tells me how we can work things out now.

So I was retarded enough to give it another go. And in less than a month from I noticed her becoming colder again and showing me some disrespectful manners, even ignoring me. So I broke up and knew that this time it was definite.

I've had some troll accounts trying to add me on facebook and talking to me in the past that would turn out to be him. And today, the guy I recognized as her ex, contacted me and asked so many questions about her that I realized they had been in touch the whole time.
So I later got to speak with my ex on the phone and she admitted to fucking this ex for 8 fucking months, as soon as she got back.

So apparently she had also told him we were only keeping in touch, because we were living in different cities.

Then he started to question why we were still in touch for so long and he said he wanted nothing to do with her now because apparently, she had lied to him. He told me he looked at it as she kept me in the background because she wanted a future with me and not him in the end, while she wanted some dick every now and then while I was away.

I just felt disgusted but I ended up telling her, him and a friend of her (who know about it) that I was gonna kill myself and that they were gonna have to live with it. They asked me what they could do for me to not do so and we managed to arrange € 2500 that I got on my account.

I had also made some threats Mike Cernovich-style that I could make life completely miserable for them before I killed myself and that they were foolish if they didn't realize to the lengths that I was willing to go with this, and how they shouldn't underestimate me (but no, I'm not gonna kill myself ofc)...

At the beginning, first two months, I don't think there was really much I could have done to see it coming. The ex thought she had been a great actress as well, but I should have been out of there sooner.

Lessons I've learned

* Don't get foolish and think you're immune to get cheated on just because you've banged a couple of girls, cucked a few other guys and been thinking of yourself as alpha.

* Don't even considerlong distance relationships if you're not sure 200 % about the girl in every fucking possible way there is. She has to be more conservative than you are.

* Don't ever get into a LTR with someone who's had an emotional connection to an ex. They'll always be there somewhere in the background.

* If she watches porn. It's not just a red flag but a complete deal breaker, don't ever get involved with a girl who is into porn and especially heterosexual porn.

* Don't ever get involved with someone in a LTR who is anything but a virgin. This whore had a notch count of 2 (me included). Ok, as far as we know at least.

* If you happen to get cheated on, (after all, this is the only type of game I don't seem have to work on) - just make a huge scene.

Tell them you're about to kill yourself and that they're gonna have to live with it for the rest of your life. When they wonder if there's something they could do to make up for it, you pull out a number in cash.

And now I'll move on with my cheating cash, make a nice little trip somewhere and bang hotter women.

If anyone has bothered to read this through, thank you. Even more thanks if you'd like to try and make a valuable comment.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

One thing that I've sadly realized but still wishing for a light of hope. "They're all sluts!!"

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

OP, could you be any more petulant?

It’s attitudes and behaviours such as yours that tarnish the forum, because make no mistake, your Omega-esque behaviour is absolutely not condoned here.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

I'm confused by OP's username.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:19 AM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

OP, could you be any more petulant?

It’s attitudes and behaviours such as yours that tarnish the forum, because make no mistake, your Omega-esque behaviour is absolutely not condoned here.

Got any specific to point at?

How the fuck is a guy that just realized that he has been cucked for 8 months in what he thought was a meaningful relationship? Asshole.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I'm confused by OP's username.

I know right.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:30 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I'm confused by OP's username.

I know right.

Maybe you can change it to The Omega Virgin.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:43 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:30 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

I'm confused by OP's username.

I know right.

Maybe you can change it to The Omega Virgin.

? Sexual deviant. No, I havent cucked other guys with intention, never ever. I have morals.

But I can still admit it's a fantasy but now it went the opposite way.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Inb4 roosh close.

Im rooting for op I really am. I cast my vote to keep it open.

While were at it if this thread stays open ill post my opinion/experiences but mikecf,gmanifesto,and west coast were the best forum members and its gone down hill without them. No further comment on that.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-07-2018 11:53 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

* If she watches porn. It's not just a red flag but a complete deal breaker, don't ever get involved with a girl who is into porn and especially heterosexual porn.

I only get involved with girls who beat their kitty to tranny porn.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-07-2018 11:53 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

They asked me what they could do for me to not do so and we managed to arrange € 2500 that I got on my account.

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:47 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

I have morals.

[Image: giphy.gif]

No, you don't.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:58 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2018 11:53 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

They asked me what they could do for me to not do so and we managed to arrange € 2500 that I got on my account.

Quote: (03-08-2018 12:47 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

I have morals.

[Image: giphy.gif]

No, you don't.

After giving out my entire fucking soul to someone, sharing deep stuff about myself and treating her in best possible fucking way and not even just getting the favor returned but being fucking betrayed in about worst possible way you can do to another person, I was wrong for getting some money back even though I had spend money back on this whore?
Not considering all the fucking time I've invested that she just saw as validation? Whores should start being more responsible for their immoral actions.

Are you some kind of SJW who promotes the promiscuous lifestyle or something? In some more civilised countries, she'd be stoned to death at this point. So I'd say I was actually being nice and she was being lucky.

Dude, I'm a moral person. But if you try to screw me over, be evil to people that actually are moral and do pure evil stuff to me, I will from now on haunt you back 500 times more.

You'll even see it in the science of this. There's a misconception about high testosterone people and aggressiveness. They tend to actually only just be more aggressive than others when others first have made something immoral in the worst place. Possible to google it and lock it up.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Get professional help.

I mean that sincerely.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:11 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

In some more civilised countries, she'd be stoned to death at this point.

And what more civilized country would that be?

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:14 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Get professional help.

I mean that sincerely.

Nice way to avoid the argument btw.

Never do I see any longer thoughts outlined from you in a thread, but always just clickbait oneliners and gifs fishing for attention and likes, or stuff like that displaying intellectual dishonesty.
You could probably also do better in life than spending so much time on a forum doing that.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

[Image: giphy.gif]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

You sound unhinged if you are lying about committing suicide (or were you seriously having suicidal thoughts, this was not made clear) and making threats that you "could make life completely miserable for them before killing yourself" in order to extract money from people. Don't speak for Mike Cernovich if you are talking about some crazy shit like that.

Otherwise, apparently you missed a huge red flag when she mentioned that her ex bf "funnily contacted her" on the eve of her moving from your city to his city. This statement is meant to mess with your head and betrays her true nature as a trifling ass hoe. I would have assumed right then and there that chances were very low that she would not fuck him. In this situation I am by conscious decision no longer emotionally invested in the relationship.

Long distance relationships never work and are mostly for chodes in the first place.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:21 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

You could probably also do better in life than spending so much time on a forum doing that.

That's because I'm unemployed and live in my mother's basement. I spend most of the day playing Xbox, but from time to time post of the forum just to pass the time in between eating hotpockets that my mom warms up in the microwave.

I've never travelled or even been to China. I've definitely never had sex.

Naturally, I also have an incredibly tiny penis.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:18 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:11 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

In some more civilised countries, she'd be stoned to death at this point.

And what more civilized country would that be?

Stoning is called rajm (Arabic: رجم) in Islamic literature, and is a practice found in the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, northern Nigeria, Aceh Province of Indonesia, Afghanistan, and tribal parts of Pakistan, including northwest Kurram Valley and the northwest Khwezai-Baezai region.

Source: Wikipedia

Most of those can be visited for € 2500 or less.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:38 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:21 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

You could probably also do better in life than spending so much time on a forum doing that.

That's because I'm unemployed and live in my mother's basement. I spend most of the day playing Xbox, but from time to time post of the forum just to pass the time in between eating hotpockets that my mom warms up in the microwave.

I've never travelled or even been to China. I've definitely never had sex.

Naturally, I also have an incredibly tiny penis.

Yeah, it's cool that you've finally learned to make agree and amplify and spend 6 try-hard sentences on it after spending so much time on the internet. China? Wow, impressive.

But I withstand, I'm yet to have seen you actually provide much value to the forum. Still waiting for a post with more outlined thoughts for once.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

From the LTR/Marriage master thread.

Quote: (02-15-2018 03:03 PM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

So if anyone happens to care about earlier discussion I just broke up with her half hour ago.

I talked with her about the Instagram thing. I said I was out in the weekend and some old friends wanted to see pictures of her and I had handed out her Instagram. Then because this one dude has Instagram they checked through her profile and then they were taking the piss off me cause she was liking this dude (meanwhile I pretended it was not a big deal for me and just shrugged shoulders, like they were just joking) and tried to say that she was into this dude.
She seemed to believe it and just laughed and went on to say that she thinks it's cool to show attraction to people if they are celebrities. That was such a turn off for me so there was no possible return other go from there rather than to break up. Which I did in a nice and polite way, like that wasn't the issue.

I also mention in a light-hearted way how it was funny how she had liked so many attention whore girls on there with naked bodies that objectivies women when she had lately displayed some feminist viewpoints. And this girl watches porn.

There were also a couple of other red flags I haven't mentioned that played a slight role in the descision and the fact that it's been bad between us for like a month. But all the "magic" or what not just vanished with her Instagram-behaviour.

Because it has been bad between us she wasn't in that much of a shock even though it's the day after Valentine's day.
But we broke up on really good terms and she's going to be my first female friend now so it's all good.


* As soon as I had banged her I mentioned and talked a lot of bad about feminism in front of her in hope of screening her but she only agreed with me. So it came to my big surprise a bit later that she suddenly told me that she called herself a feminist. That's when things started to get downhill. I will screen that better in the future. We talked more open and honest tonight as we've ever done before and she said she admitted she thought it was a red flag that I liked Fox News (and I have never even said I do, just that some of it is more valid and it's mostly much better than CNN, which she don't agree with).

* Next time I'm meeting a girl with LTR potential I will also not forget to follow their online activity on social media. Not stalking but just "trust and verify". It's possible to make a fake account on there and become a follower and just see if it's another thot.

After all I still do think it's a red flag to like and follow and likes other guys online and admit being attracted to them.
I think best way is also to not look at this as her fault but it was (1) my fault for not doing proper screening and (2) there might have been stuff I could have done to make her more into so that she wouldn't feel the need to watch other guys. Sometimes a hoe is just a hoe but I wouldn't do me much good if I just became bitter and thought about all the negative things about her and so many women, so I will refuse to focus on anything but my own mistakes in the future.

Someone else can have her as a wife. But just like Strikeback wrote I need to work on becoming that man who becomes my woman's whole world next time I'm in a LTR.

Is this the same girl you supposedly dumped because she was following male celebrities on Instagram, and with whom you "broke up on really good terms and she's going to be my first female friend now so it's all good."

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 02:02 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:38 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 01:21 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

You could probably also do better in life than spending so much time on a forum doing that.

That's because I'm unemployed and live in my mother's basement. I spend most of the day playing Xbox, but from time to time post of the forum just to pass the time in between eating hotpockets that my mom warms up in the microwave.

I've never travelled or even been to China. I've definitely never had sex.

Naturally, I also have an incredibly tiny penis.

Yeah, it's cool that you've finally learned to make agree and amplify and spend 6 try-hard sentences on it after spending so much time on the internet. China? Wow, impressive.

But I withstand, I'm yet to have seen you actually provide much value to the forum. Still waiting for a post with more outlined thoughts for once.

You sure hit the bulls eye calling me out like this.

I have never contributed any real value to The Forum. I haven't dropped any datasheet, I've never written a post longer than 100 words and I'm at a complete loss to explain how I earned well over 200 rep points.

Actually, if you could help me understand where I got all those rep points, I'd be forever in your debt.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 02:05 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Is this the same girl you supposedly dumped because she was following male celebrities on Instagram, and with whom you "broke up on really good terms and she's going to be my first female friend now so it's all good."

You know it is. And in retrospect, I was right for doing so even though almost everyone, you included, tried to say it was a bad idea.

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 02:11 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2018 02:05 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Is this the same girl you supposedly dumped because she was following male celebrities on Instagram, and with whom you "broke up on really good terms and she's going to be my first female friend now so it's all good."

You know it is. And in retrospect, I was right for doing so even though almost everyone, you included, tried to say it was a bad idea.

In retrospect, it lead to you threatening suicide in order to scare your new first and best female friend into giving you €2500.

So, in retrospect, it was a very bad idea and everyone who told you it was a bad idea was right and you were wrong.

I'm the King of Beijing!

How I was cheated on for 8 months by her ex and ended up receiving € 2500 from them

Quote: (03-08-2018 02:18 AM)Suits Wrote:  

In retrospect, it lead to you threatening suicide in order to scare your new first and best female friend into giving you €2500.

So, in retrospect, it was a very bad idea and everyone who told you it was a bad idea was right and you were wrong.

I just think it's chinese autistics that would rather have an immoral female friend than € 2500 in cash.

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