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What Body Parts Women Look At On Guys

What Body Parts Women Look At On Guys

It's the whole package. A great arse on a girl isn't great in and of itself, but because of the proportion to the rest of the body parts - a blocky waist, or wide prominent shoulders for example would ruin it. Likewise with face - some kind of green eyes that girls will sometimes go mad for are only noticed when the rest of the man's face is handsome.

A strong v-taper and thick biceps with prominent veins are probably the most obvious / easy to see sign that a man is in shape though in regular clothing.

What Body Parts Women Look At On Guys

For me. I've found the most success with being fit but not completely ripped.

When I had pure six, pack abs. I was was also slimmer.
Girls seem a bit nervous around super ripped guys. Intimidated if you will.
Uglier girls were more bold.

Now I'm just more fit overall but I've just got a solid core.

As long as you aren't flabby. You are alright.
I've been spending a lot of time at the beach lately and noticed the looks.

Now I feel like broad shoulders, and the v taper/Adonis belt whatever seems to get the most attention.

Also butts.
I don't know if it's the sign of the times.But women these days seem more and more interested in guys butts then anything else.
Plus it's a bit less straight forward than completely naked.

I've sent a couple chicks pictures of my butt, post work out.. And they've also creamed themselves.

I am the cock carousel

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