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Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

This is a random thing that has been happening to me consistently for the last year or so - girls will leave stuff like earrings and thongs at my crib.

Not a big issue, I was just wondering if it was just negligence on their part or if there was some reason they did it - like giving me an excuse to see them again.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Chicks are'nt negligent when it comes to that shit man..they definitely want you to have an excuse to contact them again.Looks like you've got some FWB prospects just waiting to be taken advantage of [Image: smile.gif]

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I wonder why that bothers you, when it's actually a privilege! What better way to ensure a repeat customer?

Game is a necessary evil

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 04:31 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

This is a random thing that has been happening to me consistently for the last year or so - girls will leave stuff like earrings and thongs at my crib.

Not a big issue, I was just wondering if it was just negligence on their part or if there was some reason they did it - like giving me an excuse to see them again.

Fat chance! Your panties are mine, babe.

Sure there is a reason....they are marking their territory.

Sometimes it is just tissue with some lipstick on it...so any other chick coming over will find it.

I'll never forget the time my girlfriend got out of bed with the last chicks earring stuck to her back.....nor watching another chicks lipstick roll out from under the front seat right between another girls legs....after I spent 30 mins going over the car to make sure there was no incriminating evidence left behind.

Maybe I'm being paranoid but I actually believe that some colombian women pull their hair out so they can leave it behind.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I'd say about half the time, it's a mistake. The other half, it's because they don't think they'll see you again otherwise (ball's in your court AND you have the higher value). I've got a special hidden drawer just for the shit chicks leave behind. [Image: lol.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Save the stuff. When the girl comes back over leave what she left exactly in the same place.
Put item X in a box and mark it with a note where it was left.

I have a pair of earrings that have been all over my house. The girl who's been here a lot keeps finding them and getting pissed.
The last time she was here I was in my bathroom smoking and she slid them under the door so I put them in a cup with change.
She came back into my bathroom later and asked why am I saving those? I said well, she may want them back. So I took them and put them under my pillow and later when she wanted to fuck she pushed the pillow up and fell the earrings. You should had seen her face!

We have a thread about this thats good already. Be proud of the of those trophys. Collect them and make a pussy shrine one day you can pray to during a dryspell..

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 08:07 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Save the stuff. When the girl comes back over leave what she left exactly in the same place.
Put item X in a box and mark it with a note where it was left.

I have a pair of earrings that have been all over my house. The girl who's been here a lot keeps finding them and getting pissed.
The last time she was here I was in my bathroom smoking and she slid them under the door so I put them in a cup with change.
She came back into my bathroom later and asked why am I saving those? I said well, she may want them back. So I took them and put them under my pillow and later when she wanted to fuck she pushed the pillow up and fell the earrings. You should had seen her face!

We have a thread about this thats good already. Be proud of the of those trophys. Collect them and make a pussy shrine one day you can pray to during a dryspell..

Hahaha you're fucking hilarious.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

This is definitely not an accident even if it seems like it may be--women are hardwired to do this even if they don't realize it. The posts in this thread so far demonstrate how universal the behavior is.

Although it's interesting to think that men generally have no comparable trait where they leave shit at a girl's house.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territory_(animal)


Territorial animals defend areas that contain a nest, den or mating site and sufficient food resources for themselves and their young. Defense rarely takes the form of overt fights: more usually there is a highly noticeable display, which may be visual (as in the red breast of the robin), auditory (as in much bird song, or the calls of gibbons) or olfactory, through the deposit of scent marks.


In species that do not form pair bonds, male and female territories are often independent, in the sense that males defend territories only against other males, and females only against other females; in this case, if the species is polygynous, one male territory will probably contain several female territories, while in some polyandrous species such as the Northern Jacana, this situation is reversed.

Quote:el mechanico Wrote:

We have a thread about this thats good already.

Do you remember the thread title so I can search for it?

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 08:47 AM)Vitriol Wrote:  

This is definitely not an accident even if it seems like it may be--women are hardwired to do this even if they don't realize it. The posts in this thread so far demonstrate how universal the behavior is.

Although it's interesting to think that men generally have no comparable trait where they leave shit at a girl's house.

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territory_(animal)


Territorial animals defend areas that contain a nest, den or mating site and sufficient food resources for themselves and their young. Defense rarely takes the form of overt fights: more usually there is a highly noticeable display, which may be visual (as in the red breast of the robin), auditory (as in much bird song, or the calls of gibbons) or olfactory, through the deposit of scent marks.


In species that do not form pair bonds, male and female territories are often independent, in the sense that males defend territories only against other males, and females only against other females; in this case, if the species is polygynous, one male territory will probably contain several female territories, while in some polyandrous species such as the Northern Jacana, this situation is reversed.

Quote:el mechanico Wrote:

We have a thread about this thats good already.

Do you remember the thread title so I can search for it?
I tried to copy it but its called " The leave behind"

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I wrote about the "leave behind" back in June.


Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 04:31 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

This is a random thing that has been happening to me consistently for the last year or so - girls will leave stuff like earrings and thongs at my crib.

Not a big issue, I was just wondering if it was just negligence on their part or if there was some reason they did it - like giving me an excuse to see them again.

Fat chance! Your panties are mine, babe.

Whores mark territory a hell of a lot more than men do. And no, it's not accidental or incidental.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 04:31 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

This is a random thing that has been happening to me consistently for the last year or so - girls will leave stuff like earrings and thongs at my crib.
Not a big issue, I was just wondering if it was just negligence on their part or if there was some reason they did it - like giving me an excuse to see them again.

This is just instinct - they mark the territory to signify you're taken. Just throw all that stuff to the garbage. I haven't yet heard of chicks leaving iPads to mark the territory.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

That's not enough. If they think another chick will come over they will make a surprise visit on that day and leave their hair all over the place.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 06:28 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2011 04:31 AM)youngmobileglobal Wrote:  

This is a random thing that has been happening to me consistently for the last year or so - girls will leave stuff like earrings and thongs at my crib.

Not a big issue, I was just wondering if it was just negligence on their part or if there was some reason they did it - like giving me an excuse to see them again.

Fat chance! Your panties are mine, babe.

Whores mark territory a hell of a lot more than men do. And no, it's not accidental or incidental.

Generalizations like that are inaccurate. There are accidents.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 06:47 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

This is just instinct - they mark the territory to signify you're taken. Just throw all that stuff to the garbage. I haven't yet heard of chicks leaving iPads to mark the territory.

Maybe for Pussycrook.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (09-14-2011 07:04 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2011 06:47 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

This is just instinct - they mark the territory to signify you're taken. Just throw all that stuff to the garbage. I haven't yet heard of chicks leaving iPads to mark the territory.

Maybe for Pussycrook.

I can assure you , we live in two different worlds. I for one am not taken, and I see it quite often. Maybe we should give these bitches a bit more credit when it comes to plotting.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I think chicks are just dumb. Once I had a girl leave her birth certificate, in a hotel room. I'm sure the housekeeper made good use of it.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I guess I'm the only one who throws that shit out.

Frankly, I'm tired of it. I don't have time to play these kinds of games.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I used a leave behind to piss off my ex once. Asked her if a bracelet was hers she glares at me and says no. I tell her the last girl to be in my room was her sister so she should ask her. She didn't even know how to respond HAHAHAH.

I had a girl leave a belt once as she left in the morning. She stayed for like 2 hours after we got up till her friend phoned her and wanted to get stuff from belt girls place. I text her the next day saying she left her belt and she should get it. She responds telling me that she'd get it some time. Never did. One day I just text her saying "your belt isnt thaaat ugly just pick it up you're going to need something to keep your pants from droping. i guess if you dont want it i can always add it to my collection... i should start a thrift store with all the stuff i have"

I think they leave it either because they're stupid or want to see you again, but its confusing when the situation like I described happened. Eventually you just get pissed off and are sick of seeing the certain item.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Since the first thread started I've been making photo record of these treasures. I have about 20 pictures so far. I told this one girl to take all her shit and she refused and piles more on every visit.

This girl came over a while back and after we fucked I went into the bathroom to smoke and check the forum on my Iphone..When I came out she had every strange article of girl stuff piled on my bed and she told me "Tell that whore you've been fucking that I want my nightgown back" This girl hasn't been here in about a year.

If anyone wants or thinks it's a good idea to start a gallery here for research purposes I have a pile to load on.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I'd have a few items. Maybe there are trends in what they leave behind or what kind of date lead to her leaving it behind.

Plus some of this stuff might be worth something. Who knows those earrings might be real diamonds or that bracelet might be platinum and then you have $100 in your pocket.

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Quote: (11-05-2011 01:51 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

I'd have a few items. Maybe there are trends in what they leave behind or what kind of date lead to her leaving it behind.

Plus some of this stuff might be worth something. Who knows those earrings might be real diamonds or that bracelet might be platinum and then you have $100 in your pocket.
Nope! Never good stuff. That platinum bracelet costed her a lot of pussy.
This is about the best bracelet in my inventory

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

Two words: Pawn shop.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Chicks leaving stuff at your crib

I honestly don't see how a chick can leave her thong behind by accident. How often have YOU gotten up, pulled on your pants but forgot to put your drawers on? HA HA! An earring can conceivably be an accident, but not underwear. This is straight-up turf marking, with the hopes that if another chick comes by SHE'LL find it and fuck your game up. You have to go CSI when a chick leaves to make sure she hasn't left behind anything that will incriminate you.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

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