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Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

I’ve been lurking on the RVF for a while now and thought it was about time I try giving something back. Don’t really consider myself a player or too much into game, but I do like to travel as much as possible and obviously tap the local talent while visiting a new place. My idea was to whip up a datasheet about a city I’ve lived in and know well, but given that my Lithuanian adventure is still fresh in my mind I decided to go for a flag-capturing mission instead. Hopefully you find this datasheet useful, and if so, let me know and I’ll try writing up more datasheets from other cities I’m far more knowledgeable about.

I was in Vilnius for ten days in summer 2017. Unfortunately, I got food poisoning for part of my stay, so wasn’t able to go out as much as I had planned originally. Having said that, you really don’t need much time to familiarise yourself with the city and its women. A ten-day stint with two weekends is more than enough.

You can reach Vilnius from pretty much every European capital on a cheap flight (Ryanair for the Brits, Germans and Italians; Small Planet Air for the Meds and Wizz Air for everyone else). Hotels are cheap and plentiful, but you really want a flat in/or around the Old Town to maximize your chances of capturing that sweet Lithuanian flag. Before flying in I considered buying a travel card for the public transportation, but this is entirely unnecessary. The place is small enough you can walk everywhere.

Given its small size Vilnius has a rather cosy, welcoming vibe. The Old Town is certainly charming, but step out and you’ll immediately be reminded that this place is part of the FSU. Although reserved and a bit cold at first (as you would expect in these latitudes) people could be described as friendly and open to foreigners. There’s not much to do during the day, but if you are happy to sit around with a drink watching the world go by, this place provides some suitable eye candy. Speaking of which…

I’ve read the other posts on the country, as well as Roosh’s Bang Lithuania, and I don’t entirely agree with the “shampoo commercial” hype. Yes, Lithuanian girls have nice hair and they grow it long, but unless you’re coming from the feminazi paradise of Copenhagen or the disgusting hipster enclaves in the Anglo world, it really is nothing to crow about.

Having said that, Lithuanian chicks do have beautiful hair and generally beautiful facial features as well. They are mostly in shape, with only a small minority in the overweight category. Obesity among young women is almost non-existent. The only serious drawback, for me at least, is that they seldom have any curves. Breast sizes range from A-C cups, which for a boobs guy like myself is very disappointing. Those of you who are into asses will fare no better. Lithuania is simply not a place where you’ll find much curves.

I also disagree with Roosh that “the most dominant hair color is blonde”. Sure, you do see loads of dyed blondes walking around, but if that were the only metric half of American women would be considered blonde too. My own subjective appraisal is: brunettes (55%), blondes (35%), black (5%), red (4%), other (1%). I must point out for all those ging-ming pervs out there, that that is a quite a decent percentage for anywhere outside the British isles. Overall in terms of looks, I would say that they are a good mix between Polish, Russian and Scandi girls.

As mentioned earlier, I got food poisoning for part of my trip so I didn’t go out as much as I had originally intended. Also, I managed to capture my Lithuanian flag within the first 72 hours, and it developed into a mini-relationship, so I didn’t have as much time to venture out solo in recce missions. Before I go on to specific spots, I should mention that Vilnius is strictly a Friday to Saturday night affair. Some places are open Thursday, but you’re unlikely to find much of a scene. Any other day there is hardly a place to drink past 11pm.

Pabo Latino (club): This is hook-up central for Lithuanian chicks on the prowl for foreigners. It has a couple of bars, dance and sit-down areas, as well as a terrace, spread over two floors. The crowd is up for a good time and you really should have no problem scoring that Lithuanian flag in here. Crowd is mostly mid-20s to early-30s. It advertises itself as a Latino-themed place, but really, this is the Baltics and you can probably count the Latinos in Vilnius with one hand.

Salento (club): A slightly trashier version of Pabo Latino. Actually, if you can’t manage to score here, you really should book a flight to Thailand or the Philippines and don’t come back until you grow a pair. One of the Lithuanians chicks I banged said that she hates it, as its full of local girls trying to land a rich foreigner. Enough said.

Mojo Lounge (club): At the end of Vokiečių gatve, which is in itself a great place for day gaming. The gold diggers you’ll find here are decidedly of an entirely different class. Be ready to make it rain or don’t even bother showing up. Dumb tourists are unlikely to make it past face control, but once inside you are in for a treat. I went in with an Amazonian blonde (whom I couldn’t bang) that fitted in swimmingly with the rest of the 8s and 9s on display. If you have what it takes, this is the place to go.

Distilerija (bar): On a prime corner on Vilnius gatve, this became my favourite drinking den and a great place to escape the tourists and mix with the locals. A more upscale crowd and hardly a foreigner on site, so if you’re rolling solo it could pose some challenge, but the quality is indisputably better than at the clubs.

Alchemikas (bar): Just up the road from Distilerija, good cocktail bar with a crowd that appreciates such things. You will need seriously good game to land anything here, but it’s a great place to start the night with a prospective 8 or 7.

Wall Street (rest/bar): Another good place to start the night on Vilnius gatve. A bit OTT, with a faux-Wall Street theme, but decent food and good liquor selection. Take the girls you couldn’t bang the first night off PL or Salento here and they’ll be putty in your hands. There’s also a waitress there whom I still fantasise about, exquisite boobs and a fuck-me look that still makes me hard just thinking about her.

Sprotai (bar): Local dive bar, open most days of the week. Incredibly cheap liquor. I think I got wrecked here under a tenner. On the edge of the Old Town and definitely a local spot where your foreign status can go either terribly wrong or incredibly right. Buy everyone a round of shots and hope for the best.

Terasas (bar): Not the name of an actual place, but a type of place very common in Vilnius. Basically, an outside bar ideal to soak in the sights of the summer. Located all over the Old Town, my favourites are on Vokiečių gatve, where you’ll find plenty of yummy mummies and younger little princesses trying to avoid looking bored from life. Approachability is surprisingly good.

I managed to check out a couple of other spots while in town, but can no longer recall their names. Keep it simple and head for Vilnius gatve where you’ll find plenty of choice. Either PL or Solento should be your first port of call. Once you’ve taken your flag, you can explore a bit. I never ventured out of Old Town, but from the chicks I talked to it seems that the outer areas might provide some interesting opportunities, especially for day gaming in malls (if you’re into that sort of thing).

Flag Acquisition Feasibility
Before setting off, I didn’t have high hopes for a quick bang and hence the 10-day investment. The flag fell in less than 72hours, but it did require two dates (the last of which began at my flat, so I reckon I could have pushed for an earlier bang, but ultimately glad I did not). In total there were four bangs, two Lithuanians, one Polish and one Finn. The last two were opportunistic and required little effort. The first two did involve some work, but less than anticipated.

With regards to the local talent that can be easily tapped, I agree completely with Roosh that 6 seems to be the cut-off for most foreign dudes. I managed to land a Lithuanian 7 and a 6, but this in no way should suggest typical results for the average RVF reader. I probably just got lucky. On the other hand, I don’t generally have too much difficulty accessing the top shelf if I put in the effort. Overall, I think a Lithuanian 6 is doable for most guys and is a perfectly respectable result, especially if you come from an Anglo country where that Lithuanian 6 is more like an American or British 7.5/8. If you’re used to EE or FSU levels, that Lithuanian 6 might not be worth the trouble, but in the end a flag is flag.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

I've been to almost every country in Europe and South America with few exceptions like (Slovenia, Slovakia, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, few others I can't remember) this city Vilnius have the best girls I have ever seen in my life.

My type is like, 5'8 (1.75 cm) or taller, blonde, blue or green eyes. This city is full of them. I went there more than 10 times already and stayed there 2 weeks to 6 weeks every time I went.

City is pretty cheap. Girls are out of the world for me. Plus, there's not much competition as well. I think this city has everything for me.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-16-2017 11:06 AM)Rossi Wrote:  

I've been to almost every country in Europe and South America with few exceptions like (Slovenia, Slovakia, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, few others I can't remember) this city Vilnius have the best girls I have ever seen in my life.

My type is like, 5'8 (1.75 cm) or taller, blonde, blue or green eyes. This city is full of them. I went there more than 10 times already and stayed there 2 weeks to 6 weeks every time I went.

City is pretty cheap. Girls are out of the world for me. Plus, there's not much competition as well. I think this city has everything for me.


Do the girls really have no ass or tits and you just dont care? Or is that an exaggeration?

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-16-2017 12:14 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  


Do the girls really have no ass or tits and you just dont care? Or is that an exaggeration?

The one I banged last time had D tits actually.

I like them, tall. They are. I like them blonde and blue eyes, they got it. Plus, cheap city. It's for me.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet


"Salento (club): A slightly trashier version of Pabo Latino. Actually, if you can’t manage to score here, you really should book a flight to Thailand or the Philippines and don’t come back until you grow a pair. One of the Lithuanians chicks I banged said that she hates it, as its full of local girls trying to land a rich foreigner. Enough said. "

Can't say I agree with you on the comment about Salento or the comment that Vilnius is only happening Friday-Saturday. It is actually happening every night (even Monday) if you know the right places and Salento is unfortunately one of them. However, to say that if one can't get laid here they should go to SEA is pure bullshit. Every time i've been here the ratio has been whack with way too many guys and not enough girls. Last year I brought a girl to this place who I met at Cactus Bar (a much better old town bar) and every time I would leave her to get a drink or to go to the bathroom I had to come back and fend off horny foreign guys who all reeked of desperation. Also, i've seen many stag parties here of guys making total fulls of themselves and LT girls completely ignoring them.
Finally, one cannot judge a place from being there only 1 times, as in your case. I've been here probably around 8 or 9 times over the last decade and only seen this place be good one time and I assume because I visited when Univ was starting and was full of Erasmus girls.To be honest, Mojo Lounge, Paparazzi, or Cocaine are way better places to hook up.

Finally, I gotta agree with Roissi in terms of looks. LT girls are some of the most beautiful in the world and Roosh is totally right that they are a "walking shampoo commercial" with perfect hair (though I may be a bit biased as I'm Lithuanian-American).

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-16-2017 08:30 PM)TripleG Wrote:  


"Salento (club): A slightly trashier version of Pabo Latino. Actually, if you can’t manage to score here, you really should book a flight to Thailand or the Philippines and don’t come back until you grow a pair. One of the Lithuanians chicks I banged said that she hates it, as its full of local girls trying to land a rich foreigner. Enough said. "

Can't say I agree with you on the comment about Salento or the comment that Vilnius is only happening Friday-Saturday. It is actually happening every night (even Monday) if you know the right places and Salento is unfortunately one of them. However, to say that if one can't get laid here they should go to SEA is pure bullshit. Every time i've been here the ratio has been whack with way too many guys and not enough girls. Last year I brought a girl to this place who I met at Cactus Bar (a much better old town bar) and every time I would leave her to get a drink or to go to the bathroom I had to come back and fend off horny foreign guys who all reeked of desperation. Also, i've seen many stag parties here of guys making total fulls of themselves and LT girls completely ignoring them.
Finally, one cannot judge a place from being there only 1 times, as in your case. I've been here probably around 8 or 9 times over the last decade and only seen this place be good one time and I assume because I visited when Univ was starting and was full of Erasmus girls.To be honest, Mojo Lounge, Paparazzi, or Cocaine are way better places to hook up.

Finally, I gotta agree with Roissi in terms of looks. LT girls are some of the most beautiful in the world and Roosh is totally right that they are a "walking shampoo commercial" with perfect hair (though I may be a bit biased as I'm Lithuanian-American).

Yes, you are right on Salento being open throughout the week, but as you would probably agree most places aren’t and you do need some local knowledge if you’re to find decent hunting grounds on a Tuesday or Wednesday night in Vilnius. I also agree with your comment on “horny foreign guys who all reeked of desperation” being in abundance here, though I actually see that as a positive since you can easily stand out.

My comment on SEA was for dramatic purposes, not to be taken literally. I’m still not budging on the "walking shampoo commercial" hype, though I entirely agree with you that Lithuanian girls are some of the most beautiful in the world. Don’t think anyone can possibly argue otherwise.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Anna Mesha is another club that people should check out too. I've seen some of the most beautiful girls in my life there but so many of them are snobby.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Accurate description of Salento, but it was one of the best options I found late nights mid-week. Pantera was the best club on the weekends for me there. Loads of quality there, check out their FB-page for pictures "Kokteilių baras Pantera". I also remember some late nights at "Endless", which was a late afterhours club that got it's name because the place never shuts down on weekends, lol.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Salento is the only option mid-week if you're looking for a place to party late night. It's a young crowd and mainly foreigners.

The new "it" place is Bardakas on Vilniaus g. I went on the weekend and it's got good talent and the layout is mainly standing-only, which is good for socializing. They supposedly have face control, but I saw a few fatties who made it in.

The top tier Lithuanian girls are still stunning and there are still plenty, but I find there are fewer these days because of fast food and emigration.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-18-2017 11:02 AM)edlefou Wrote:  

Salento is the only option mid-week if you're looking for a place to party late night. It's a young crowd and mainly foreigners.

The new "it" place is Bardakas on Vilniaus g. I went on the weekend and it's got good talent and the layout is mainly standing-only, which is good for socializing. They supposedly have face control, but I saw a few fatties who made it in.

The top tier Lithuanian girls are still stunning and there are still plenty, but I find there are fewer these days because of fast food and emigration.

When you say mainly foreign, I hope you dont mean foreign girls. We're coming for local beauties.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-18-2017 05:41 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

When you say mainly foreign, I hope you dont mean foreign girls. We're coming for local beauties.

Salento is full of foreign guys and the Lithuanian girls that thirst after them. Along with Pabo Latino they are the two spots in town everyone goes for this type of hook up. At least that was my impression when I visited and that of every single Lithuanian girl I mentioned either of those two clubs to. Sure, you’ll see some foreign girls, but they’re far outnumbered by the local talent. Another positive here is that, as Triple G mentioned, the competition is mostly hopeless. There’s no reason why anyone with some game shouldn’t be able to pull here.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Great datasheet.

I'll be in Vilnius 7/24 - 7/31 if anyone wants to meet.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-16-2017 12:45 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2017 12:14 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  


Do the girls really have no ass or tits and you just dont care? Or is that an exaggeration?

The one I banged last time had D tits actually.

I like them, tall. They are. I like them blonde and blue eyes, they got it. Plus, cheap city. It's for me.

We have the same taste bro, maybe we could hang around sometime...

by the way 5'8 = 173 cm.. 5'9 = 175 cm.

I find the hottest women to be 5'9-5'11.. 175-180 cm.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-18-2017 05:41 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Quote: (07-18-2017 11:02 AM)edlefou Wrote:  

Salento is the only option mid-week if you're looking for a place to party late night. It's a young crowd and mainly foreigners.

The new "it" place is Bardakas on Vilniaus g. I went on the weekend and it's got good talent and the layout is mainly standing-only, which is good for socializing. They supposedly have face control, but I saw a few fatties who made it in.

The top tier Lithuanian girls are still stunning and there are still plenty, but I find there are fewer these days because of fast food and emigration.

When you say mainly foreign, I hope you dont mean foreign girls. We're coming for local beauties.

Depends what type of foreigners, I wouldnt mind having some Scandinavian, Dutch, German or Estonian tall busty blonde over there either.....not if you mean drunk english stag parties... please no..

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (07-22-2017 02:05 PM)TigerTim Wrote:  

We have the same taste bro, maybe we could hang around sometime...

by the way 5'8 = 173 cm.. 5'9 = 175 cm.

I find the hottest women to be 5'9-5'11.. 175-180 cm.

I'm not there yet but I'll be there in few weeks. Are you from there?

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Plus 1 for your contribution to Vilnius Intel. I just arrived and this info will come in handy.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

I will be traveling to Vilnius next year. When is the best time of year to go and why?

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (08-06-2017 03:25 PM)wonderer1 Wrote:  

I will be traveling to Vilnius next year. When is the best time of year to go and why?

Not winter.

I'd say not summer, though when I was there one year ago it didn't seem a city that totally died down due to university.

But fall and spring are probably your best bets.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (08-07-2017 12:42 AM)This Is Trouble Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2017 03:25 PM)wonderer1 Wrote:  

I will be traveling to Vilnius next year. When is the best time of year to go and why?

Not winter.

I'd say not summer, though when I was there one year ago it didn't seem a city that totally died down due to university.

But fall and spring are probably your best bets.

I was there for a few days, mid-week in the summer. Old-town is filled with elderly tourists. Perhaps many of the young hot girls left the city for vacation, but I was disappointed with the talent in Vilnius. The best looking girls that I saw were working in cafes. I did not see the type of "Eastern European talent" that I had expected.

One observation worth noting is that this is the only city where I saw women in their 30s who rivaled the looks of the younger generation of women. I saw quite a few MILFS who were in shape, dressed in skirts and heels and displayed feminine qualities. Women in their early 20s on average, were heavier and adopted a more hipster look. This indicates that the quality was better a decade ago and essentially is in decline.

In any event, consider my impressions based on a short stay during the summer. Perhaps the talent on the ground is better when University is in session.

Also, be aware that the airport is closed for the summer.

A shout out to Edlefou for his hospitality.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (08-07-2017 01:37 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

I was there for a few days, mid-week in the summer. Old-town is filled with elderly tourists. Perhaps many of the young hot girls left the city for vacation, but I was disappointed with the talent in Vilnius. The best looking girls that I saw were working in cafes. I did not see the type of "Eastern European talent" that I had expected.

One observation worth noting is that this is the only city where I saw women in their 30s who rivaled the looks of the younger generation of women. I saw quite a few MILFS who were in shape, dressed in skirts and heels and displayed feminine qualities. Women in their early 20s on average, were heavier and adopted a more hipster look. This indicates that the quality was better a decade ago and essentially is in decline.

In any event, consider my impressions based on a short stay during the summer. Perhaps the talent on the ground is better when University is in session.

Also, be aware that the airport is closed for the summer.

A shout out to Edlefou for his hospitality.

Good observation. I have noticed this hipster look creeping in even in Minsk. I was on a date with a bird on Friday night and if she just ditched the hipster look, she would easily come up one full notch up to a 7+

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (08-07-2017 01:37 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

Quote: (08-07-2017 12:42 AM)This Is Trouble Wrote:  

Quote: (08-06-2017 03:25 PM)wonderer1 Wrote:  

I will be traveling to Vilnius next year. When is the best time of year to go and why?

Not winter.

I'd say not summer, though when I was there one year ago it didn't seem a city that totally died down due to university.

But fall and spring are probably your best bets.

I was there for a few days, mid-week in the summer. Old-town is filled with elderly tourists. Perhaps many of the young hot girls left the city for vacation, but I was disappointed with the talent in Vilnius. The best looking girls that I saw were working in cafes. I did not see the type of "Eastern European talent" that I had expected.

One observation worth noting is that this is the only city where I saw women in their 30s who rivaled the looks of the younger generation of women. I saw quite a few MILFS who were in shape, dressed in skirts and heels and displayed feminine qualities. Women in their early 20s on average, were heavier and adopted a more hipster look. This indicates that the quality was better a decade ago and essentially is in decline.

In any event, consider my impressions based on a short stay during the summer. Perhaps the talent on the ground is better when University is in session.

Also, be aware that the airport is closed for the summer.

A shout out to Edlefou for his hospitality.

Hey guys need a few tips, Im thinking about doing a Baltic sweep within 1 or 1 and a half weeks mid September early October. Plan on spending the least amount of time , 2 ,3 days max in Riga so wont do any night game as it has low ROI it seems. What do you guys think about nightgame in Vilnius vs daygame? Roosh was in Kaunas and said daygame was far superior, same thing over there? Also whats the best way for intra capital transport? Seems Estonia might be the best for the longer part of the week.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Ok I'm thinking beginning of May

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Quote: (08-07-2017 01:37 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

Also, be aware that the airport is closed for the summer.

Only in EE [Image: banana.gif]

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

Vilnius Airport is closed for the summer, I think they're using Kaunas airport at the moment.

Vilnius, Lithuania Datasheet

OP might have seen more brunettes because there is a significant Russian population in Vilnius.

There will be more blondes in Kaunas (or at least there was when I went there a lot 10 years ago).

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