Quote: (01-22-2017 09:04 PM)weambulance Wrote:
There's a lot of good stuff there, and I think he's right on many counts.
Where I think he's wrong is regarding the left's tolerance for violence. I think virtually none of these morons on the left have a clue about real world violence.
There's an enormous gulf between rioting, sucker punching someone, maybe kicking a guy while he's down with ten other people... and facing competent fighters with guns who are no longer hesitant to hurt you.
These aren't hard, blooded partisans. They're snowflakes with a tiny core of professional rioters.
It's funny you mentioned this, because the first thing I thought of was an event that happened last year.
Long story short: white nationalist/anti-immigrant "Traditionalist Workers Party" gets a permit to march in Sacramento, antifa shows up to be annoying shitheads, and a full-on fight broke out. TWP folks were outnumbered 10 to 1; yet when they fought, they still won, supposedly stabbing antifa folks with their own knives. Warmed my heart.
If you read that article while keeping in mind how fucking horribly biased Wikipedia is, you realize how shit it makes antifa look.
So I'd like to believe that Antifa has numbers and that's it, a little pushback would shatter their paradigm; and maybe something as simple as strengthening anti-mask laws, which are supposedly on the books in most states and Washington DC but didn't stop anybody? Did they evade the law because their eyes were exposed? Get the law to snag anyone who's covering any part of their face and antifa would look a lot less brazen. And if they did go out there to protest with their faces exposed, it'd provide ample opportunity for an enterprising citizen to get them on camera for later doxxing/retaliation... if there was a group that wanted to strike back in that sort of way.
I mean, check this video from their "protesting" at NPI 2016 (at least the first minute or so):
Yeah the latter half has a more mainstream protest of people with exposed faces, but what about the first half? Mouth covered, acting extremely aggressive. Is that a peaceful protest? What would've happened if they'd actually come across one of the white supreeeeeeeeeeemists attending NPI? Ban their ability to do that mouth-covering shit and would they still maintain their same level of brazenness?
Though if they wanted to be innovative, then they'd start protesting/rioting in burkas, religious-protecting face covering. That would be funny.
Two tweets that caught my eye out of all of that:
As much shit as they did, there wasn't enough that happened on January 20 to get "righties to kick the shit out of lefties". As for the second tweet, I like the optics after Chicago and San Jose, those were the big two in the primary season and am always on board with something that red pills normies.
Now think about this: a black person is shot by a cop (I used to have to say "white cop", now it doesn't even matter). The locals protest/riot for a day or two, or three. How much did a BLM-supportive federal government - specifically a BLM-supportive president, attorney general and department of justice (civil rights division) - have in limiting the amount of "protesting" that would happen? Deray and other senior BLM leaders went to the White House to meet personally with Obama, after all.
How would the same scenario play out knowing there's a President Trump, a department of justice that doesn't micro-manage local police jurisdictions, and a government that's siding firmly on the side of law and order? This, combined with BLM's increasing belligerence and coalescing support among all these other leftist organizations, could amplify and extend the protest/rioting; a protest against police can easily get lumped into a broader protest against white supremist power structures and the Trump white house. Conversely, police departments may now be focused on actually fighting back and arresting perpetrators of illegal activity rather than keeping defensive postures/letting people riot unobstructed in what are basically designated riot zones...
It's been a while since the media's pumped up a "innocent black person dies after being shot by police" story; just waiting for the next round of that, what happens, and what the reactions of various parties are to it.
Man, 2017 is going to be interesting.