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Snapchat Game

Snapchat Game

Does Snapchat have this thing like Facebook where other people can see your friends commenting on your stories? Main reason I deleted Facebook, fuck that shit.

Also, can anyone who has your phone number find you on Snapchat?

Snapchat Game

Quote: (12-12-2016 05:42 AM)augen sehen Wrote:  

Does Snapchat have this thing like Facebook where other people can see your friends commenting on your stories? Main reason I deleted Facebook, fuck that shit.

Also, can anyone who has your phone number find you on Snapchat?

No, nobody can see people commenting on your stories because there is no commenting feature. People can directly message you from your story - thats it.

Yes, if you link your phone number to your snapchat account during the initial setup process.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

Snapchat Game

1 thing I like about snapchat is that if you start to type something up in a dm it sends a notification "TrifeLife is typing..." This stays around even if you delete the message and don't send anything. If you have a girl's interest you can have her head spinning with curiosity as to what you were going to say but decided not to.

Snapchat Game

Quote: (12-20-2013 02:21 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

I have app i paid a dollar for called Supersnap.

You can import pictures straight into it an send it through snapchat
example..Take a cool picture early in the day..snap chat it to a chick days later.
I take pictures when im doing interesting shit and save them..when i send them to new chicks or other chicks...it seems like im doing interesting shit at that moment.
The girls that are into snapchat are more likely to wanna meet afterwards...

It also bypasses he snapchat system and saves incoming snaps without notifying anyone.
ever snap you get goes right into a folder on your phone without the other party knowing...
aka..save all those nudes [Image: tongue.gif]

This app is either dead or iPhone only. Anyone have something comparable that currently works on Android? Just lost a bang because I didn't have Snapchat, time to put a little effort into this.

Quote: (12-11-2016 05:59 PM)Sam Malone Wrote:  


Before going to Snapchat, if you take a screenshot of whatever pic you want to upload, that screenshot time will be the time displayed on Snapchat.

You can take a screenshot of a pic from six months ago, and on Snapchat it will show up as "X minutes ago from camera roll".

Edit: Upload the screenshot to Snapchat, not the original.
Another trick (works elsewhere, and I assume on SC) that will let you keep the original resolution and avoid having to crop out the edges showing your phone screen is to bring up the image, click "edit" and adjust brightness, tint or contrast just the slightest bit, then save the image. Rests timestamp to present time.

Snapchat Game

I just got this app and this shit is gold. Easy way to show off your personality or just flat out pretend like you're doing something cool when you're not. A lot of girls who were rotting away on my contact list from online dating started to hit me up.

I regret not getting into this app sooner, it's so pointless but it's pretty cool. I hear that this app might die out soon because Instagram copied it? Is there truth to this, or is this not happening any time soon?

Snapchat Game

Quote: (01-10-2017 11:19 PM)Heart Break Kid Wrote:  

I just got this app and this shit is gold. Easy way to show off your personality or just flat out pretend like you're doing something cool when you're not. A lot of girls who were rotting away on my contact list from online dating started to hit me up.

I regret not getting into this app sooner, it's so pointless but it's pretty cool. I hear that this app might die out soon because Instagram copied it? Is there truth to this, or is this not happening any time soon?

Nah man, Instagram tried copying their "stories" feature. But it fell flat and nobody even uses that feature of the app. Snapchat isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Neither is Instagram, but they are two different apps with two different purposes.
Instagram was trying to step on snapchat's toes and copy their features. But it went the through the same path of Google+ trying to be a "facebook killer" and falling flat on it's face.

Grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference

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