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When an RVF poster gives a girl a rating, how many points do you take her down?

When an RVF poster gives a girl a rating, how many points do you take her down?

What is the right correction on the forum for the general 1-10 rating for a girl in XYZ story?

Should the default be rating cited -1? -2?

Sorta like asking a girl how many guys have you slept with (mutiply by 3), etc.


When an RVF poster gives a girl a rating, how many points do you take her down?


A newbie describing his amazing 8/9 in the Phils? Go -4 at minimum.

Americans are dreamers too

When an RVF poster gives a girl a rating, how many points do you take her down?

I think it depends on the poster and what rating they give girls. If a guy has a consistent history of being real in his ratings saying he bangs some 6's, 7s and the occasional 8 or 9 in there I'm more likely to believe them.

If there always banging 8 and 9's and that hasn't been verified by other members I smell bullshit.

Plus you have to take personal preference into account. That will be +/- atleast one point based on that.

It's really the wrong question. The most important question is Would You Hit It?

When an RVF poster gives a girl a rating, how many points do you take her down?

7 day ban for starting forum drama. It's not your role to hate on other people's ratings.

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