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Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

A very good and insightful post from http://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comme...st_weapon/

The Red Pill is a comprehensive guide on how to achieve whatever sexual/relationship goals you have. It equips the man who chooses the path with the tools in navigation to allow him to get from point A to point wherever-he-wants-to-be. We do this by educating misled men on how the female psyche works, and, more importantly, how you can maximise your own results by knowing how the game is played.

One area we rarely talk about,however, is the trump card in a woman's arsenal, her preferred tool of exploitation of the man and control of the outcomes of the relationship: Emotional Manipulation.

Here is a metaphor for you: In the movie Signs, the aliens are defeated because they are allergic to water. Despite being technologically superior to the humans, they falter and collapse because of something as mundane as water. To the humans, water is nothing. It's something they've lived with their entire lives and they harness and use it to their means. For the aliens, however, water is something completely new. They may know of its existence, but they certainly do not have the means to counteract and overcome it the way the humans do. They simply lack the experience necessary to do so. Putting the story's questionable credentials aside, it presents us with a clear distinction about the dynamic at play. You are the aliens in this scenario; the woman is the humans; and emotions/emotional manipulation is the water.

Women have spent their entire lives bending men to their will by recognising just how much sway they can hold over a man by pushing the right buttons. By passing the logical framework of a man's frame, they access the most primal and visceral reactions of the man and direct them as they will. The poor sap, unaccustomed to emotional warfare, fares no better than aliens who are allergic to water.

This is why used up sluts can somewhat easily find a beta to settle down with them and provide for them when their partying days are done. They identify the beta's emotional need for validation -- which he never got all those years when he was overlooked in favour of far more attractive men -- and position themselves in such a way as to be his primary source of validation.

Forget that he's pulled himself up by the bootstraps while lacking any significant role models. Having a post-wall bar slut should be the sole source of his pride. He doesn't know how to handle himself and his emotions, and for that reason they're putty in the woman's hands.

Another example: "If you did more of X, we would have more sex/be happier/have fewer problems" This is a sneaky statement that does a few things. First off, it goes straight to the ego. The premise here is that the man is failing in some way, and is therefore inadequate. In order to right this inadequacy, he has to do something for her. It sets the woman up as a prize, and positions whatever little favours she may grant as being not only consolation, but the reward for his obedience. This is how men end up with starfish sex once every equinox after months of servitude and walking on eggshells so as not to anger her majesty. It's the underlying mechanisms, reinforced by emotional manipulation, that result in all this.

The upper echelon of this applied manipulation is emotional brinksmanship. This is where the woman forces a decision out of you--always to her favour--based on negative emotional fallout if you don't. Think of the men who have been strong-armed into marriage based on fear of the woman leaving them otherwise, and you wil start to gain an appreciation of how this works. Those significant "either or" standoffs are determinant of where the relationship goes. Once you allow her to shift you based on emotions such as fear and sadness, you've allowed her to hack even deeper into your mainframe and pull her strings with greater ease.

This principle applies to all women, but is doubly true for those who are outliers of attractiveness. The more beautiful a woman is, the more you can be certain that she know just how to work a man's emotions and how to direct the outcome.

The Alpha and His Emotions

This is the heart of the matter. You as a man must learn to understand precisely what your buttons are. For instance, because of my family situation growing up--I have a tendency to be a lone wolf because I know just how fleeting human relationships can be. The way to manipulate that would be to give me a false sense of family and belonging. Gradually, my sense of aloofness and independence would be worn down and replaced by a dependency on the feelings of acceptance that my woman provides for me. And once that happens...good luck.

Know yourself, as the saying goes. Recognise which experiences from your past resulted in what; identify the emotional anchors and triggers that exist in your life. Once you know them, begin to take away their power over you by realising just how fickle emotions are.

To paraphrase a popular character, when you embrace your weaknesses and shortcomings, no one can use them against you.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Defending yourself against emotional manipulation?

Easy: Abundance mentality.

That is all.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Quote: (06-17-2016 12:31 PM)Herr Lucifer Wrote:  

Defending yourself against emotional manipulation?

Easy: Abundance mentality.

That is all.

Fear of losing the girl is just one game among many.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Quote: (06-17-2016 12:31 PM)Herr Lucifer Wrote:  

Defending yourself against emotional manipulation?

Easy: Abundance mentality.

That is all.

No . It's not that easy . Many guys have successfully emotionally manipulated by that one girl that knows how to push the right buttons despite having side chicks.

They often think they're are the players when in many cases they are being played .

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

this post is gold >

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu

sun tzu was talking about women

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Quote: (06-17-2016 11:56 AM)seniol Wrote:  

Know yourself, as the saying goes. Recognise which experiences from your past resulted in what; identify the emotional anchors and triggers that exist in your life. Once you know them, begin to take away their power over you by realising just how fickle emotions are.

To paraphrase a popular character, when you embrace your weaknesses and shortcomings, no one can use them against you.

Awesome stuff. Emotional honesty with yourself is really the key to self-actualization and being secure with yourself. Denying how you really feel about something doesn't make the feeling go away, it just makes it simmer under the surface. It's like when you hear some dude spoutin off about some girl he doesn't give a shit about. Yes he does, or else he wouldn't be spoutin off. Recognize how you feel, why you feel that way, what (if anything) you can do about it in the future, then move on.

I've trained martial arts for several years and the guys who stick with it typically aren't guys with false bravado, it's guys who have the humility to recognize that they could be better at fighting and therefore need to take the journey. I can't tell you the number of dudes who "can't wait to spar", then spar, then never show up again or only show up a few more times. The guys who have a more of a cautious (read: realistic) idea about sparring end up staying longer.

The truth of truths is that not everyone can be number one, but you don't have to get screwed over either. The guys that end up being the safety nets for women who clearly didn't have an interest in them 5 years ago are allowing themselves to get screwed over.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

If you put in to practice Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now you can become totally nonreactive. They key is paying attention to your inner state, acknowledging your emotions, but not letting them take you over.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Quote: (06-17-2016 12:47 PM)Sensei Creation Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2016 12:31 PM)Herr Lucifer Wrote:  

Defending yourself against emotional manipulation?

Easy: Abundance mentality.

That is all.

No . It's not that easy . Many guys have successfully emotionally manipulated by that one girl that knows how to push the right buttons despite having side chicks.

They often think they're are the players when in many cases they are being played .

Sensei is right in a sense that some game vets might get "that one chick" who pushes all the right buttons.

The advantage is a vets experiences and game knowledge knows how to handles this, downside is they might be blinded. I tend to think most vets aren't fooled by this.

Abundance mentality is a great start, knowing how to deal with shit tests and manipulation can make you down right bullet proof.

My ex was very blunt about seeing where things were going with us, aka kids and marriage, she wanted kids in a few years, she wanted her father (who was slowly dying) to see these kids and the kids have memories of him.

This is a pretty intense situation, some may see as a manipulation of her trying to lock me down, others might see this are her just being blunt in what she wants (aka biological clock ticking).

You should always trust your gut. Pull back emotionally and view through a logical game mind set.

Always question things like that, why is she saying it, how is she saying it.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Thank you very much


@ nek

for your appreciation and kind words

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Quote: (06-17-2016 01:42 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Always trust your gut

Always question things like that, why is she saying it, how is she saying it.

I like this. One thing I've always disagreed with is how some guys will say "women aren't rational, so do read too much into xyz". While they may not be conscientiously rational and mindful of what they're doing, the underlying mechanics are usually following some sort of logic.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

A good book dedicated to defending yourself from emotional manipulation from women,
is about 10 years old now: "Sex-Ploytation: How Women Use Their Bodies to Extort Money from Men"

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

[Image: 3vZHaOP.png]

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

One of the biggest problems I've had in mini and LTR is emotional manipulation. It seems after a period of time girls will test you and push as much as they can to get their way.

It comes to a point where I decide to drop the girls completely because it's too much work keeping up with the power games. At this stage I'm keeping girls around for 6 months at most and moving on. Anyone have good strategies on dealing with this?

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Remember your frame, always. Any quality woman is an addition, a contributor to your frame, but She.Is.Not.The.Frame. Never, ever. Never.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда

...life begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Defending yourself Against a woman's most powerful weapon: Emotional Manipulation

Quote: (07-15-2016 04:37 PM)xxMarco Wrote:  

One of the biggest problems I've had in mini and LTR is emotional manipulation. It seems after a period of time girls will test you and push as much as they can to get their way.

It comes to a point where I decide to drop the girls completely because it's too much work keeping up with the power games. At this stage I'm keeping girls around for 6 months at most and moving on. Anyone have good strategies on dealing with this?

I would say that in the moment that you do not see your girlfriend trying hard
to please you and to make you a happy anymore,
it is time to dump her.

The best time to dump her is when you have other good prospects
on the side, and you see that her passion level started to drop

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