Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
There's that animalistic, primal, woo woo desire and then there's real life. Desire and real life often fight with each other. For a girl to desire you so much to discard everything in her life for you her mind has to be almost completely shut off and she has to view you as the way the truth and the life. It takes certain game, opportunity and luck. It's an ideal scenario. I know what you mean but what you say is irrelevant to this thread.
Oh but it isn't. It's quite relevant. I don't know about you, but I don't like to invest time or effort into girls that are lukewarm about me. To do otherwise goes against abundance. That was one of the first game lessons I learned when I was a teenager...I had "asked a girl out" and she said "maybe". I went and asked my mentor (I was lucky enough to have one) and he said "Forget her. You want someone who's going to say YES!".
I understand. But you're not him. OP asks us what to do in his case and you both come up and lecture him about game and stuff. He doesn't care about your lectures, theories and shit like that. Just tell him what he can do and stop judging if he's right, if he's wrong, if he's in abundance or not. You're not him.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
There's no point to compare OP's girl to an ideal scenario.
What you call an ideal scenario I call playing to win.
OP wants to win HER. He doesn't want what you want.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
of course she's lukewarm how can she not be? She is scared, massively on the fence, there's too much internal resistance and stress crippling her for that primal thing to even take place. It can blossom only once she opens up for real and allow him to "take" her.
You are speaking about this chick like you know her personally. What makes you so sure about her motivations? You’re getting way too specific here. Hank and I are speaking in general terms, based on experience that is shared by us and many others here.
OK and I speak from my experience. I can see very clearly what is happening just from what OP wrote already. I know what he can do about it and I don't lecture him about game and abundance etc. He asks about this so let's stick to the question. If he asked about how to turn lesbian into hetero I bet most guys instead of answering it would tell him to forget her and chase straight chicks. Again, irrelevant advice. Let's give answers if we have some. Look at WIA's posts, he's advanced as fuck and even when he sees not so smart question in newbie section he just give his answers without judging. That's the point right?
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
But it didn't happen and can't happen quickly now so the real question is how to get that to happen, not speculate what it should look like once it already happened.
Then we arrive at the crux of the matter. Game.
If you want to fuck/LTR/make a girl fall in love, you GAME her. This is the critical point that you and OP are missing. It's not uncommon for newbs to think their situation is unique or, in this case, "complicated". It's not.
It's a lack of game and aggression and KNOWING WHAT HE WANTS that has the OP in this spot.
Finally, something remotely relevant.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
Say what? Yes they do think long term and they do it a lot. If they didn't guys would be banging waaay more chicks waaaay quicker waaay more regularly.
Who's saying they aren't?
He does:
Quote:HankMoody Wrote:
In addition, women don't really think long term when it comes to relationships. Everything is in the moment. How many times have you met a girl and thought "Gee, I really like you, and it seems like we'd be compatible, but I'm just so worried about getting hurt that I'm going to avoid this!" Yeah, right. It's silly when you think about it. A woman who claims she's afraid to get in a relationship with you because she's scared of liking you "too much" is lying.
Armchair theory deluxe.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
And the funny thing is.. what you do it's only 50% of success. The other half is her. The girl has to be ready and open towards you to even let your charm reach her. If she's kind of closed [like OP's girl] you can game all you want and cast your desire spell on her all day and she will not give in
You are proving the above points made by others for him to move on and bang chicks who are receptive to his advances and not wrapped up in an emotional hamsterfest.
No, I break down what's going on there in general so that OP can recognize where is the real problem in his case and react to it accordingly instead of making WTF face, shrugging his shoulders and moving on without knowing what actually happened. I mean the whole process of studying game is about learning from mistakes and breaking down tough situations and social dynamics so that you can enrich your range of skills. Besides, if you read what he wrote you would know he hooks up with other girls in the meantime. He's not a hardcase newbie blindly in love with the one unicorn. Read before responding.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
Girls crave that total submission but it's risky if they choose the wrong guy, especially when there is downside already known.
It's risky if they detect beta.
It's way more risky if they choose total asshole/psycho/socio cause they can get literally hurt when he gets violent.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
This is exact case of OP. He wants to know how to make her cross that final checkpoint, not to read about theory how she should already be desiring him.
It's not likely to happen, because of the above mentioned reasons. If it does, it won't be because he doubled down on his emotional pleading I can tell you that much. Here's something I'd be willing to postulate: She fucks the next guy she dates fairly quickly. How will the OP feel then? Where will all his "shes different" and "shes marriage material" and "shes the one" nonsense have led up to at that point? Any way you slice it, OP's in for some hurtin' if he sticks around her long enough to find out what we here already know.
That's speculation too. Maybe he will maybe not. What's the point of destroying his enthusiasm? He will either win or learn, or both. Let him do his thing, stop trying to be his mom.
Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:
Quote:XXL Wrote:
You guys are right to some extent but again, saying "if she was into you you would have no problem" is shit advice, completely irrelevant here. How is that suppose to help? When a guy asks you about his FBW routine you don't lecture him how he should be already stronger to do 4-5 days split with many sets of tough compounds and isolation exercises.
It's not shit advice. He came to a GAME forum to ask questions about getting a girl. He received advice here that goes beyond the scope of his particular situation, whether he wishes to extrapolate the advice given to apply to ALL GIRLS (the actual endgame for those of us who see the big picture) is up to him.
That's lame. If I ask you about how to get this virgin and describe situation in details then the last thing I want to hear is "get other girls" type of responses. That's shit advice. If I ask about how to get asian virgin from conservative hell I expect answers about that, not lectures how it's not worth it. I can decide on my own whether it's worth it.
Damn it's like game version of rap battle. Beef is on?
![[Image: amuse.gif]](https://rooshvforum.network/images/smilies/new/amuse.gif)
Man fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, I'm done playin' / here, tell these people something they don't know about game.
![[Image: tumblr_nbjconImDq1si2bk7o1_500.gif]](https://49.media.tumblr.com/58cff46e50eda285a026d0049e163e81/tumblr_nbjconImDq1si2bk7o1_500.gif)