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Complicated situation. What should I do?

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

There's that animalistic, primal, woo woo desire and then there's real life. Desire and real life often fight with each other. For a girl to desire you so much to discard everything in her life for you her mind has to be almost completely shut off and she has to view you as the way the truth and the life. It takes certain game, opportunity and luck. It's an ideal scenario. I know what you mean but what you say is irrelevant to this thread.

Oh but it isn't. It's quite relevant. I don't know about you, but I don't like to invest time or effort into girls that are lukewarm about me. To do otherwise goes against abundance. That was one of the first game lessons I learned when I was a teenager...I had "asked a girl out" and she said "maybe". I went and asked my mentor (I was lucky enough to have one) and he said "Forget her. You want someone who's going to say YES!".

I understand. But you're not him. OP asks us what to do in his case and you both come up and lecture him about game and stuff. He doesn't care about your lectures, theories and shit like that. Just tell him what he can do and stop judging if he's right, if he's wrong, if he's in abundance or not. You're not him.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

There's no point to compare OP's girl to an ideal scenario.

What you call an ideal scenario I call playing to win.

OP wants to win HER. He doesn't want what you want.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

of course she's lukewarm how can she not be? She is scared, massively on the fence, there's too much internal resistance and stress crippling her for that primal thing to even take place. It can blossom only once she opens up for real and allow him to "take" her.

You are speaking about this chick like you know her personally. What makes you so sure about her motivations? You’re getting way too specific here. Hank and I are speaking in general terms, based on experience that is shared by us and many others here.

OK and I speak from my experience. I can see very clearly what is happening just from what OP wrote already. I know what he can do about it and I don't lecture him about game and abundance etc. He asks about this so let's stick to the question. If he asked about how to turn lesbian into hetero I bet most guys instead of answering it would tell him to forget her and chase straight chicks. Again, irrelevant advice. Let's give answers if we have some. Look at WIA's posts, he's advanced as fuck and even when he sees not so smart question in newbie section he just give his answers without judging. That's the point right?

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

But it didn't happen and can't happen quickly now so the real question is how to get that to happen, not speculate what it should look like once it already happened.

Then we arrive at the crux of the matter. Game.

If you want to fuck/LTR/make a girl fall in love, you GAME her. This is the critical point that you and OP are missing. It's not uncommon for newbs to think their situation is unique or, in this case, "complicated". It's not.

It's a lack of game and aggression and KNOWING WHAT HE WANTS that has the OP in this spot.

Finally, something remotely relevant.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

Say what? Yes they do think long term and they do it a lot. If they didn't guys would be banging waaay more chicks waaaay quicker waaay more regularly.

Who's saying they aren't?

He does:

Quote:HankMoody Wrote:

In addition, women don't really think long term when it comes to relationships. Everything is in the moment. How many times have you met a girl and thought "Gee, I really like you, and it seems like we'd be compatible, but I'm just so worried about getting hurt that I'm going to avoid this!" Yeah, right. It's silly when you think about it. A woman who claims she's afraid to get in a relationship with you because she's scared of liking you "too much" is lying.

Armchair theory deluxe.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

And the funny thing is.. what you do it's only 50% of success. The other half is her. The girl has to be ready and open towards you to even let your charm reach her. If she's kind of closed [like OP's girl] you can game all you want and cast your desire spell on her all day and she will not give in

You are proving the above points made by others for him to move on and bang chicks who are receptive to his advances and not wrapped up in an emotional hamsterfest.

No, I break down what's going on there in general so that OP can recognize where is the real problem in his case and react to it accordingly instead of making WTF face, shrugging his shoulders and moving on without knowing what actually happened. I mean the whole process of studying game is about learning from mistakes and breaking down tough situations and social dynamics so that you can enrich your range of skills. Besides, if you read what he wrote you would know he hooks up with other girls in the meantime. He's not a hardcase newbie blindly in love with the one unicorn. Read before responding.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

Girls crave that total submission but it's risky if they choose the wrong guy, especially when there is downside already known.

It's risky if they detect beta.

It's way more risky if they choose total asshole/psycho/socio cause they can get literally hurt when he gets violent.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

This is exact case of OP. He wants to know how to make her cross that final checkpoint, not to read about theory how she should already be desiring him.

It's not likely to happen, because of the above mentioned reasons. If it does, it won't be because he doubled down on his emotional pleading I can tell you that much. Here's something I'd be willing to postulate: She fucks the next guy she dates fairly quickly. How will the OP feel then? Where will all his "shes different" and "shes marriage material" and "shes the one" nonsense have led up to at that point? Any way you slice it, OP's in for some hurtin' if he sticks around her long enough to find out what we here already know.

That's speculation too. Maybe he will maybe not. What's the point of destroying his enthusiasm? He will either win or learn, or both. Let him do his thing, stop trying to be his mom.

Quote: (06-14-2016 01:47 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

Quote:XXL Wrote:

You guys are right to some extent but again, saying "if she was into you you would have no problem" is shit advice, completely irrelevant here. How is that suppose to help? When a guy asks you about his FBW routine you don't lecture him how he should be already stronger to do 4-5 days split with many sets of tough compounds and isolation exercises.

It's not shit advice. He came to a GAME forum to ask questions about getting a girl. He received advice here that goes beyond the scope of his particular situation, whether he wishes to extrapolate the advice given to apply to ALL GIRLS (the actual endgame for those of us who see the big picture) is up to him.

That's lame. If I ask you about how to get this virgin and describe situation in details then the last thing I want to hear is "get other girls" type of responses. That's shit advice. If I ask about how to get asian virgin from conservative hell I expect answers about that, not lectures how it's not worth it. I can decide on my own whether it's worth it.

Damn it's like game version of rap battle. Beef is on? [Image: amuse.gif]

Man fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, I'm done playin' / here, tell these people something they don't know about game.

[Image: tumblr_nbjconImDq1si2bk7o1_500.gif]

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-14-2016 03:20 PM)XXL Wrote:  

Damn it's like game version of rap battle. Beef is on? [Image: amuse.gif]

Man fuck this battle, I don't wanna win, I'm done playin' / here, tell these people something they don't know about game.

[Image: tumblr_nbjconImDq1si2bk7o1_500.gif]

While there's a small chance she's actually really into him, it's more likely that she is sort of into him but not certain, and it's even more likely that nothing will ever happen because she's too into her parent's approval/rules.

So, best case she's a maybe girl with a miniscule chance of converting.

Is it any wonder guys are telling him to move the fuck on?

This is before you address any of the concerns myself and others have brought up with his weak game, his clearly putting her on a pedestal, and what these "secrets" and "past life" are all about.

While you make some relevant points, you haven't addressed half the battle (using your concept).

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Complicated situation. What should I do?


[Image: mindblown.gif]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-14-2016 03:43 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

While there's a small chance she's actually really into him, it's more likely that she is sort of into him but not certain, and it's even more likely that nothing will ever happen because she's too into her parent's approval/rules.

So, best case she's a maybe girl with a miniscule chance of converting.

Is it any wonder guys are telling him to move the fuck on?

This is before you address any of the concerns myself and others have brought up with his weak game, his clearly putting her on a pedestal, and what these "secrets" and "past life" are all about.

While you make some relevant points, you haven't addressed half the battle (using your concept).

I'm aware of that, so is OP most probably. My approach is "fuck it let's see what happens" almost like out of curiosity.

I did addressed it. It was short but so is his range of moves. All he can do is to slowly but surely do what's doing, not discourage himself and persistently try to crack that wall like water. The bond is there, attraction is hidden but it's there, they're one call away from each other, she will try to play nice but will keep seeing him, and that's when he has his chance to make the kind of an impact that WIA posted in newbie section so she can finally open up toward him. I never said it's worth it or that he's going to win. It's not my business [or maybe it is since I am OP ;D ].

Of course it's tough situation but I'm not judging. I just wanted to explain what's going on in her head and why she acts like she acts. That's it.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

XXL-- I would love to agree with you on this one but sadly, I can't.

It's almost spooky how close this was to a scenario that involved a buddy of mine. It always seems to go like this:

1) Started off friends
2) Guy gets attracted to girl
3) Girl flirts with idea (maybe a little physical/emotional tryst happens)
4) Girl doesn't get the tingles/butterflies
5) Girl wants to preserve initial friendship
6) Girl blames lack of feelings on external factors (family, friends, timing, etc.) so guy doesn't blame/hate her for it.
7) Guy takes advice similar to yours and holds on.

Fast forward a couple of weeks...

She is in a relationship with a new guy. Suddenly the external factors are no longer an issue. Dad will let her date now. Her friends approve of new relationship. The timing is so much better. Etc Etc.

Although this situation is new to OP --- it's not new to guys like us.

This isn't quite catch and release OP, it's more like hooking a fish, reeling it up close to your boat, turning around to grab your net, only to see that the fish that you snagged had already fallen off the hook.

I won't offer any advice, because OP had his mind made up long before he posted. At 23, this is a great life lesson. Be thankful for it. It will pay dividends down the road.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-12-2016 06:35 PM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Hello fellas...This might be a bit beta by your standards but here goes. Kindly take 4 mins to read. It goes pretty quick, I promise!

So basically I have been gaming (if you wanna call it that) this girl. We started out as friends and didn't have much emotional feelings. However, as I got to know her more, I found that she was a diamond hidden away in the chaos of sloots around me. Turns out, my "friend" was a very nice, feminine, modern girl. Her cooking skills are amazing. She holds traditional views of marriage, home-making, and her commitment to her man. At the same time, she is very smart and is acing her upper div Physics and Chem classes with A's, B's etc. We started to hang out a lot and I became her "best" guy friend. She started sharing her secrets, past life, and all.

Cutting to the chase--we started to become really close. We'll cuddle, become cozy while watching movies, and care for each other so on. We both knew its not a friendship anymore. In one of these moments she asked me if I liked her and I played the right game and told her that it was more than liking blah blah (which was kind of true as I was falling for her). Things escalated. Pretty quick. In next couple of meetings, we hooked up. Things got really intensely physical (sex didn't happen).

Now today, all of a sudden, she texts me and tells me that we should create some distance. She says she is confused whether she likes me or is it just temporary feeling because I care for her and all.Also, she says that doesn't want to get too involved into all this since I'll be graduating soon from college and move away. Moreover, her family is kind of religious and they would not marry outside of their certain religious creed (of which I am not a part of). She feels that becoming physically too close will only make it harder for both of us later on. She wants to be practical because she says she knows that it is not gonna work out due to various factors (I kind of know that. Her family will NEVER let her marry me). She told me not to be nice to her or treat her special because she falls weak emotionally and ends up too close to me. I told her my feelings for her a natural and I'd continue to treat her the way I did before. She said then in that case, she is clear from her side and she'll distance herself on her own (although she doesn't want to lose me as a friend).

Now, brothers and experts in the field, what should I do? I have hooked up with another girl while I was talking to this girl--but believe me, it's not the same. I have become emotionally attached to this girl and I feel like she might be the girl I'd be willing to have a LTR or even marriage. She has almost all of the qualities that a man would want in her wife and especially in an era of endless sloot supply..finding a beautiful, hot girl with wife-material personality and views is hard. I don't want to let her go.

What should I do? FTOW approach is hard here fellas. She is just special to me. I don't enjoy hooking up with girls like I used to. This is different. Don't wanna let her go.

Please help

When I answer this question, understand that I don't see it from your perspective. I've never known this woman, much less had a close intimate relationship with her.

I don't believe in abundance mentality, especially in this situation. Virgins now-a-days are in single digit percentile. A few guys are giving you advice like she's just some mid twenties sloot. I think what you have right now only happens a few times in life, so choose wisely.

You have a few options. You could either ignore her until she makes the relationship physical, or stay in her friendzone, or lie your way into her friendzone so you can sneak another move. I would suggest lying-tell her you are ready to get back into beta-ville, and then make a move on her next time you are hanging out. Make it romantic when you hang out next time, see a water view, scary movie+ candles, etc.

Do not under any circumstances stay in the pure friend zone for more than a month tops. Try getting with her a couple of times, if not, don't feed her ego by being her emotional tampon. If she misses you enough when you leave, she'll agree to your terms.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

When I was young, dumb and full of cum I probably would have taken this broad's words at face value. But not now. Having experienced (personally or vicariously) exactly the same, or similar, situations with women, I now know better. I would pay less attention to her WORDS and capitalize on weaknesses in her behavior. What I read from this situation, and knowing how women sub-communicate, leads me to the following conclusions about it:
a) Revealing your hand too early - A huge attraction killer as far as seduction is concerned. You no longer are the prize since you have already revealed your intentions and chinks to her, therefore snuffing out any embers of curiosity in her; One never wants, in any part of life, to overtly appear to be angling for something; Also, at your age and you talking about marriage? I'd suggest you read the divorced thread and read it again;
b) Some other dude is running game on her and your game pales in comparison to his. I would make a strategic withdrawal (not too long lest you are forgotten) and get on with other things in my life. This will cause her to reevaluate her behavior towards me;
c) Failing to enter action with boldness - Some hesitation, second guessing, pedestalizing, or whatever it was, where you started a fire but failed to pump more fuel in to keep it going. I will echo what others have said; you should have sealed the deal when the moment knocked on your door. Remeber the 23rd law of persuasion from The Art of Seduction; Master the art of the bold move...

I would weed out these behaviors in my next seductive encounter with females if i desired a positive outcome.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-14-2016 10:38 PM)Graft Wrote:  

I don't believe in abundance mentality, especially in this situation. Virgins now-a-days are in single digit percentile. A few guys are giving you advice like she's just some mid twenties sloot.

Is pedestalization contagious or something?

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Status update guys:

So we met again.

The first time (first time after she told me we should create 'distance' blah blah) we met was brief. She was helping our mutual friend to move out (Same friend on who's bed we hooked up the first time). I was like, I'll join. I did. Nothing much happened. I was a bit reserved (when I say bit..literally, bit. My behavior was 99.9% same as before). We helped our mutual friend move out. I showed care for her (my girl). She was tired and slept in car. Didn't wake her up and let her sleep for a while. Told her I didn't wanna wake her up. And other gestures like that.

Next day, we went on a (previously planned) trip with few of our friends. Things were fine. We made jokes, laughed, and all normal routine. I realized the she was a bit hesitant in becoming too close to me as before (as in cuddling while we were sitting, hugging etc.). However, I did my routine. Made her comfortable. Hugged her to make her feel a bit warm on the cold breezy beach and so on. Day went well. At night, she was gonna leave with her friend. I told her I want to 'talk'. She told me she didn't. I persisted but then her friend came along (her friend doesn't know we have a thing going on). So I couldn't talk much. But I gave her hints that I was mad and what not...and I REALLY wanted to talk. Couldn't talk with her and she left as her friend came and they both had to leave.

However--somehow, my sadness turned into hope when I received a call from her. She told me she is coming and we'll talk.

Cutting to the chase--She came to my apt and told me that she had to go soon because her friend was sitting in the car outside. I brought up various questions to her (Thanks to input of members here--who brought up good points!). I even told her if she has a crush on somebody or she has had sex before etc--she can tell me. I'll understand and move out of picture. She got genuinely sad/offended that I thought of her that way (She's a virgin). Basically, she told that I am still the first person in her life that she got so serious with. But same old practicality of hers--She told me that she doesn't want to get really, really attached to me because she fears she will if I keep seeing her. I told her to let the life flow and blah blah. I told her how she was making things complicated and hurting me in process. I told her I felt like a creep making moves on her when she didn't even like me. She quickly interrupted and told me that there was no such thing. She told me she is comfortable with me as before and I shouldn't think like that blah blah..

As she was leaving, we hugged. And then she just didn't let it go. This is her signature move. She always does it whenever she comes close to me. I whispered in her ear "You are back to normal"..She didn't respond. Still hugging me.

And then I hear her crying voice. Turns out, she was crying. I pulled her up and showed turned on my affectionate side "Omg, you are crying? What happened? Noooo..don't do that! blah blah"...While crying, she said that she was scared. She was scared of separation. She told me she didn't want to get hurt. And during all this, we both moved into making out with each other.

And then it continued for quite a while. Longer than we have ever done before. In between, she'll say "Promise you'll never hurt me"..or things like that. She grabbed me really tight, started breathing heavily as I was kissing all over her neck and what not, and this went on for a while.

Then she left and we had to pretend infront of her friend and make stupid excuses as to why we came out late.

Later at night, she texted me and told me how stubborn I was and also said "That's why I did not want to meet you" (She had previously told me before that she didn't want to see me and talk about distancing ourselves from each other because she falls emotional and weak infront of me etc).

In the morning, she texted me and told me that how shocked and offended she was from my questioning of her virginity and other possible reasons as to why she had talked about 'distancing' herself from me. I, offcourse, apologized and told her I didn't mean it that way and blah blah...

So here it is guys, this is where the things stand. I was thinking of inviting her to hang out with me (she lives in a different city. It's like an hour+ drive for me) and go somewhere etc. But I am waiting atleast a week or two before I say it (Good strategy or na?)

PS, thank you XXL for your encouragement.

All other members, your contributions are valuable and I really appreciate it. And will use em to improve my game. But as I've stated before, for me this girl isn't just a bang-target. She is the girl I'd be actually willing to marry if everything works out (chances of which are slim due to family issues and my current status of being a 23 year old student without a stable job).

Thank you all for reading my post (if you made it this far)!

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-13-2016 07:12 PM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2016 06:22 PM)Guitarman Wrote:  

Massive oneitus and you just friend zoned yourself . Total lost cause. Game other girls and forget her.

How did I friendzone myself when we started as friends and ended up getting physical on bed?

You do realize that getting physical on bed part comes later.

We both know its not going to work out and hence she wants me to start hanging out less with her because she knows it would end soon enough (which is correct assessment of hers btw).

Not being defensive or something---but I just want to be clear as to what do you mean when you say I friend-zoned myself?[/i]

You're in denial about your huge oneitus. You've placed this girl on such a high pedestal that you'll never be able to reach her pussy.

What you call "getting physical" was cuddling. Doesn't count. You didn't bang her, you say she is still a virgin (do you have any proof?? a Gynecologists report??).

It's likely that she isn't a virgin, and if she was you should have gamed her and banged her, took her virginity and if you wanted to marry and have a family, finish inside as well.

Too late, now, you've "cuddled and complimented" and your oneitus is incurable. Friendzoned and now she is pulling away from you.

Forget her and go and bang other girls.

It's a lost cause.

oh and one other thing :

"Genre: Informal
Female = 1594
Male = 1233
Difference = -361; 43.61%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European."

Likely oneitus [Image: troll.gif]

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:17 AM)Guitarman Wrote:  

oh and one other thing :

"Genre: Informal
Female = 1594
Male = 1233
Difference = -361; 43.61%
Verdict: Weak FEMALE

Weak emphasis could indicate European."

Likely oneitus [Image: troll.gif]

I didn't get it. What do you mean here?

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Cutting to the chase[/u]--She came to my apt and told me that she had to go soon because her friend was sitting in the car outside. I brought up various questions to her (Thanks to input of members here--who brought up good points!). I even told her if she has a crush on somebody or she has had sex before etc--she can tell me. I'll understand and move out of picture. She got genuinely sad/offended that I thought of her that way (She's a virgin). Basically, she told that I am still the first person in her life that she got so serious with. But same old practicality of hers--She told me that she doesn't want to get really, really attached to me because she fears she will if I keep seeing her. I told her to let the life flow and blah blah. I told her how she was making things complicated and hurting me in process. I told her I felt like a creep making moves on her when she didn't even like me. She quickly interrupted and told me that there was no such thing. She told me she is comfortable with me as before and I shouldn't think like that blah blah..

You're so dramatic. Good [Image: amuse.gif]

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

As she was leaving, we hugged. And then she just didn't let it go. This is her signature move. She always does it whenever she comes close to me. I whispered in her ear "You are back to normal"..She didn't respond. Still hugging me.

And then I hear her crying voice. Turns out, she was crying. I pulled her up and showed turned on my affectionate side "Omg, you are crying? What happened? Noooo..don't do that! blah blah"...While crying, she said that she was scared. She was scared of separation. She told me she didn't want to get hurt. And during all this, we both moved into making out with each other.

And then it continued for quite a while. Longer than we have ever done before. In between, she'll say "Promise you'll never hurt me"..or things like that. She grabbed me really tight, started breathing heavily as I was kissing all over her neck and what not, and this went on for a while.

Thank you very much. That pretty much ends silly speculations about no attraction or lack of desire and confirms my predictions. She digs you a lot but equally as much is afraid of bad ending to all of it. Oh well can't blame her.

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Later at night, she texted me and told me how stubborn I was and also said "That's why I did not want to meet you" (She had previously told me before that she didn't want to see me and talk about distancing ourselves from each other because she falls emotional and weak infront of me etc).

In the morning, she texted me and told me that how shocked and offended she was from my questioning of her virginity and other possible reasons as to why she had talked about 'distancing' herself from me. I, offcourse, apologized and told her I didn't mean it that way and blah blah...

That's good. She's reacting to you in a lot of different ways, you're on the right track.

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

So here it is guys, this is where the things stand. I was thinking of inviting her to hang out with me (she lives in a different city. It's like an hour+ drive for me) and go somewhere etc. But I am waiting atleast a week or two before I say it (Good strategy or na?)

Good. Give her space so that she can digest all those feelings. That's what girls do, whatever they experience in real life they then relive it in their memory in following days. Even if she's angry you a bit for you making moves it's still fine, strong emotions is all that matters. It will only get you under her skin more. You have a good chance to be the first one.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Status update guys:

So we met again.

Jesus titty fucking christ-- you and XXL are like two middle aged women in a bar talking about the washed up drummer who won't call them back and speculating as to why

The first time (first time after she told me we should create 'distance' blah blah) we met was brief. She was helping our mutual friend to move out (Same friend on who's bed we hooked up the first time). I was like, I'll join. I did. Nothing much happened. I was a bit reserved (when I say bit..literally, bit. My behavior was 99.9% same as before). We helped our mutual friend move out. I showed care for her (my girl). She was tired and slept in car. Didn't wake her up and let her sleep for a while. Told her I didn't wanna wake her up. And other gestures like that.

If she liked you, she would have been cuddling with you, not sleeping in a car. You know how uncomfortable a scene has to make me for me to voluntarily sleep in a car?...

Next day, we went on a (previously planned) trip with few of our friends. Things were fine. We made jokes, laughed, and all normal routine. I realized the she was a bit hesitant in becoming too close to me as before (as in cuddling while we were sitting, hugging etc.). However, I did my routine. Made her comfortable. Hugged her to make her feel a bit warm on the cold breezy beach and so on. Day went well. At night, she was gonna leave with her friend. I told her I want to 'talk'. She told me she didn't. I persisted but then her friend came along (her friend doesn't know we have a thing going on). So I couldn't talk much. But I gave her hints that I was mad and what not...and I REALLY wanted to talk. Couldn't talk with her and she left as her friend came and they both had to leave.

whenever a man tells a woman he "needs to talk" with her--- the roles are reversed and it sends shivers down the spine of any man sporting a working sac. It should be the women who brings up the "feels" and exclusive dating, never the man.

However--somehow, my sadness turned into hope when I received a call from her. She told me she is coming and we'll talk.

Cutting to the chase--She came to my apt and told me that she had to go soon because her friend was sitting in the car outside. I brought up various questions to her (Thanks to input of members here--who brought up good points!). I even told her if she has a crush on somebody or she has had sex before etc--she can tell me. I'll understand and move out of picture. She got genuinely sad/offended that I thought of her that way (She's a virgin). Basically, she told that I am still the first person in her life that she got so serious with. But same old practicality of hers--She told me that she doesn't want to get really, really attached to me because she fears she will if I keep seeing her. I told her to let the life flow and blah blah. I told her how she was making things complicated and hurting me in process. I told her I felt like a creep making moves on her when she didn't even like me. She quickly interrupted and told me that there was no such thing. She told me she is comfortable with me as before and I shouldn't think like that blah blah..

Funny thing about "virgins". Half of them never really are; you may be being lied to. The other half are doing everything but the actual deed and still claiming chastity. I have a hard time believing this girl.

Also, women LOVE to be overwhelmed with emotional stimulation. They love nothing more than to become "really, really attached" to something or someone. Why do most little girls dream of getting married and having babies when they grow up? Because it is hardwired in their DNA to want to become overwhelmed with love and to give it to the right person. As a little boy, I wanted to be a cowboy or an astronaut, not give my love away to someone or something. You buy this reason as a man (because it applies to you)--- but if she says she is afraid of deep feelings... I will LOL-- that is what she is designed for and what she wakes up every morning hoping for.

As she was leaving, we hugged. And then she just didn't let it go. This is her signature move. She always does it whenever she comes close to me. I whispered in her ear "You are back to normal"..She didn't respond. Still hugging me.

Hugging is her signature move... Hmmm. I've never met a woman who didn't hug me a little longer than I wanted to. That's like saying a chef's signature ingredient is salt.

And then I hear her crying voice. Turns out, she was crying. I pulled her up and showed turned on my affectionate side "Omg, you are crying? What happened? Noooo..don't do that! blah blah"...While crying, she said that she was scared. She was scared of separation. She told me she didn't want to get hurt. And during all this, we both moved into making out with each other.

She is duping you my friend. She feels guilty for not having the tingles for you so she will passive aggressively make it your fault. Cue the crying. Now, she has made you feel like her lack of feels is YOUR fault and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

PS-- making out would have led for more if she had the tingles. That's a promise.

And then it continued for quite a while. Longer than we have ever done before. In between, she'll say "Promise you'll never hurt me"..or things like that. She grabbed me really tight, started breathing heavily as I was kissing all over her neck and what not, and this went on for a while.

"Moo, I'm a goat", said the giraffe-- and OP would believe it.

Then she left and we had to pretend infront of her friend and make stupid excuses as to why we came out late.

Another sign, she's hiding you. Women who are smitten want to show off their man and their prize. Ever see a woman who just got engaged putting her left hand on her fiancee's chest to claim the man? She is doing one of two things: If the guy is worth a shit, she is claiming him. If he is a tool who fit the role in her play, she is showing off the rock he couldn't afford. Regardless, if women show the men they are interested in to the world of facebook, how could she not show you to a mutual friend. Red flag #76.

Later at night, she texted me and told me how stubborn I was and also said "That's why I did not want to meet you" (She had previously told me before that she didn't want to see me and talk about distancing ourselves from each other because she falls emotional and weak infront of me etc).

Believe the bullshit, you do. - Yoda

In the morning, she texted me and told me that how shocked and offended she was from my questioning of her virginity and other possible reasons as to why she had talked about 'distancing' herself from me. I, offcourse, apologized and told her I didn't mean it that way and blah blah...

Once again, making herself the victim because she felt bad about the truth behind her feelings or lack thereof.

So here it is guys, this is where the things stand. I was thinking of inviting her to hang out with me (she lives in a different city. It's like an hour+ drive for me) and go somewhere etc. But I am waiting atleast a week or two before I say it (Good strategy or na?)

AND NOW WE FIND OUT THIS IS A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP AS WELL! Oh, Jesus Christ on iceskates this keeps getting better. XXL will most likely tell you to buy some flowers and ride your mighty steed up to her cum smelling dormroom to deliver.

PS, thank you XXL for your encouragement.

I have enjoyed posts by XXL before but sadly, in this case, he is dead wrong. I've seen this same scene played out MULTIPLE times. I would (and will if anyone knows of a neutral third party to hold funds in escrow) bet $500 that this will end as how red pillage, Moody, and yours truly have already outlined. Anyone willing to take that bet, PM me.

All other members, your contributions are valuable and I really appreciate it. And will use em to improve my game. But as I've stated before, for me this girl isn't just a bang-target. She is the girl I'd be actually willing to marry if everything works out (chances of which are slim due to family issues and my current status of being a 23 year old student without a stable job).

Thank you all for reading my post (if you made it this far)!

OP- I am coming off as a huge A-hole right now but understand it is coming from a place of love and respect for your future. I don't post much but this thread struck a chord with me as this same situation happened to a very good friend of mine. I had given him the same advice and heedings, but giving advice to young guys like you who are in love with a unicorn (sex w/ animals is now legal in Canada too) is like giving a strobe light to an epileptic. They don't know how to handle it so they simply disregard. The sad part is, any close male friends of yours (or family) will be left picking up the pieces of your emotional aftermath and trying to piece humpty dumpty back together.

At this point-- advice from anyone here won't matter. It's like nailing a piece of jello to cardboard; you'll see it, but eventually it'll fall off and won't matter.

Waiting for this chick to warm up is like staying up late on christmas eve waiting for Santa Clause; ill advised.

This is going to get messier than feeding a meatball sub to a billygoat [Image: sad.gif]

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-16-2016 09:07 AM)XXL Wrote:  

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Cutting to the chase[/u]--She came to my apt and told me that she had to go soon because her friend was sitting in the car outside. I brought up various questions to her (Thanks to input of members here--who brought up good points!). I even told her if she has a crush on somebody or she has had sex before etc--she can tell me. I'll understand and move out of picture. She got genuinely sad/offended that I thought of her that way (She's a virgin). Basically, she told that I am still the first person in her life that she got so serious with. But same old practicality of hers--She told me that she doesn't want to get really, really attached to me because she fears she will if I keep seeing her. I told her to let the life flow and blah blah. I told her how she was making things complicated and hurting me in process. I told her I felt like a creep making moves on her when she didn't even like me. She quickly interrupted and told me that there was no such thing. She told me she is comfortable with me as before and I shouldn't think like that blah blah..

You're so dramatic. Good [Image: amuse.gif]

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

As she was leaving, we hugged. And then she just didn't let it go. This is her signature move. She always does it whenever she comes close to me. I whispered in her ear "You are back to normal"..She didn't respond. Still hugging me.

And then I hear her crying voice. Turns out, she was crying. I pulled her up and showed turned on my affectionate side "Omg, you are crying? What happened? Noooo..don't do that! blah blah"...While crying, she said that she was scared. She was scared of separation. She told me she didn't want to get hurt. And during all this, we both moved into making out with each other.

And then it continued for quite a while. Longer than we have ever done before. In between, she'll say "Promise you'll never hurt me"..or things like that. She grabbed me really tight, started breathing heavily as I was kissing all over her neck and what not, and this went on for a while.

Thank you very much. That pretty much ends silly speculations about no attraction or lack of desire and confirms my predictions. She digs you a lot but equally as much is afraid of bad ending to all of it. Oh well can't blame her.

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Later at night, she texted me and told me how stubborn I was and also said "That's why I did not want to meet you" (She had previously told me before that she didn't want to see me and talk about distancing ourselves from each other because she falls emotional and weak infront of me etc).

In the morning, she texted me and told me that how shocked and offended she was from my questioning of her virginity and other possible reasons as to why she had talked about 'distancing' herself from me. I, offcourse, apologized and told her I didn't mean it that way and blah blah...

That's good. She's reacting to you in a lot of different ways, you're on the right track.

Quote: (06-16-2016 05:06 AM)Tyrion Wrote:  

So here it is guys, this is where the things stand. I was thinking of inviting her to hang out with me (she lives in a different city. It's like an hour+ drive for me) and go somewhere etc. But I am waiting atleast a week or two before I say it (Good strategy or na?)

Good. Give her space so that she can digest all those feelings. That's what girls do, whatever they experience in real life they then relive it in their memory in following days. Even if she's angry you a bit for you making moves it's still fine, strong emotions is all that matters. It will only get you under her skin more. You have a good chance to be the first one.

Thank you!

Your posts actually pushed me to continue doing what I was doing and it kind of worked really well (Offcourse some members here would disagree because I didn't 'bang' her. lol).

Btw, I was surfing this forum and I stumbled upon couple of threads that made me realize that I have missed a huge detail out of my story. Sorry for that.

The girl is a Muslim girl (I know...f*ck me!!!).

There have been various threads on this forum regarding how Muslim girls are the 'best girls' in the world or how to game em and members sharing their experiences of successes/failures with Muslim girls. Although there is a lot of diversity in terms of experiences and stories--there is one common theme running across all these threads..which is that Muslim girls are literally the hardest girls out there to get--even in Western World (Due to their culture, upbringing, family pressure, threat of violence, religious commitment, valuing their virginity, and what not).

Many senior members wrote about how you need patience and what not, and even do beta game alot (emotions, care, blah blah).And then their familial ties will make sure you won't get em even if they like you.

Reading some of these posts made me go "Tell me about it..."


My girl isn't super religious however she does care about her religion/culture and family expectations a lot. I kind of admire that in her tbh..

I'll continue this experience of mine and see what happens. In either case, I will end up learning a lot I believe (even if learn it 'the hard way').

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-16-2016 11:23 AM)Cruisen_Chubby Wrote:  

If she liked you, she would have been cuddling with you, not sleeping in a car. You know how uncomfortable a scene has to make me for me to voluntarily sleep in a car?...

I was driving her somewhere. She was tired and fell asleep in the car.

But yeah, she should have been cuddling with me while I was driving even though there was no romantic/close moment between us at that time and her friend was sitting there too.

Easier said than done, I believe.


Funny thing about "virgins". Half of them never really are; you may be being lied to. The other half are doing everything but the actual deed and still claiming chastity. I have a hard time believing this girl.

I don't care if she's a virgin or if she's lying (there is no need for her to do that but still...)

All I know for a fact that she isn't the average college sloot of yours and has strong morals/values.

Read my post above to XXL.

She is a Muslim girl. So chances of her being "actually" a virgin are pretty good. Tbh, I don't care much about it...but I do respect her self-respect and class. She doesn't drink at parties or let any guy touch her unless she is doing Salsa or something (observed that about her even before we started talking).


She is duping you my friend. She feels guilty for not having the tingles for you so she will passive aggressively make it your fault. Cue the crying. Now, she has made you feel like her lack of feels is YOUR fault and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.


May be you are right, may be you are wrong. Anybody can say anything based on assumptions and have a 50% chance of being correct.

However, my experience and actual time observing her behavior with everybody makes me think she is better than that.

May be I am wrong. So what? You learn by trial and error.


PS-- making out would have led for more if she had the tingles. That's a promise.

She isn't your average American girl. You think a girl coming from traditional Muslim family would show same 'acceptance' to having sex before marriage than average college girls of yours?

As XXL puts it, there are theories and then there's [b]real life with consequences of your actions, your social upbringing, and conflicting desires.

I know what you are saying but it's not as easy as it might look from here..


Another sign, she's hiding you. Women who are smitten want to show off their man and their prize.

She is hiding me. I know. May be you are right that she doesn't think me worthy enough to 'show me off'.

However, even if she was the hottest guy in down, she would hide it. This is just a fact of her life, culture, and surrounding. Muslim communities are very close knitted. You think a traditional Muslim chick will go around 'showing off' her gains while there is an actual threat of severe social, familial, and even physical repercussions for her and even for the guy?

I don't think so.


OP- I am coming off as a huge A-hole right now but understand it is coming from a place of love and respect for your future

I understand that, sir.

That's why I appreciate all the posts. And I do know that I am not being a beta or whatever you wanna call it.

But then again, the feelings like these I have never felt before for anyone. I haven't found any girl to be this complete in every way. Like how I'd imagine my wife to be.

So I am willingly letting myself slide into it...because it does feel good to be with her.

I am young and naive..and may be I have to go through this to be "resistant" to emotional self-destruction in the future.

I don't know. But thanks again for your honest posts.

I appreciate em. They'll definitely help me in my future endeavors.[/i]

Complicated situation. What should I do?

[Image: nqHIavF.gif]

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Complicated situation. What should I do?

If you think there's basically no chance of long-term with this girl, yet you think she's such a good candidate for long-term, you're being a hypocrite and fucking up your own life.

Why don't you pursue a girl that you have a chance with?

If you want to bang your head against the wall, feel free, but don't expect us to give you that advice.

Read My Old Blog - Subscribe To My Old Blog
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"Failure is just practice for success"

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-16-2016 12:31 PM)Tyrion Wrote:  

Your posts actually pushed me to continue doing what I was doing and it kind of worked really well (Off course some members here would disagree because I didn't 'bang' her. lol).

Keep doing what you're doing and you will win or learn, or both. They don't understand slow play / long game or they've never experienced a situation where you point at a girl you like and you go after her relentlessly. That's fine. After all our natural instinct is to turn stones, notice opportunities and focus on women who reciprocated our advances. That's the standard. However since we talk about actual game here and game is a tool used for CREATING opportunities proactively often against the current I got interested in your situation. I think it's cool. Unless you obsess over the girl or that the chase makes you become lame/weird/weak/desperate I think it's good experience and challenge overall.

Guys often get butthurt when want to get hard to get girl. She's fucking someone else, she doesn't like me, she's playing me, she's using me, I'm better than this, she's not worth it, she wastes my time, I like her so if she liked me too she would xyz, etc. They just can't detach their ego from the seduction process like it's this big thing like a big project. Yet all it takes is to stay chill, shoot some game and pay attention to reactions without wasting your mental energy, time and effort. Just like you do. You game that girl, play around with others, live your life, all is good. What's the big deal?

Quote: (06-16-2016 12:31 PM)Tyrion Wrote:  

There have been various threads on this forum regarding how Muslim girls are the 'best girls' in the world or how to game em and members sharing their experiences of successes/failures with Muslim girls. Although there is a lot of diversity in terms of experiences and stories--there is one common theme running across all these threads..which is that Muslim girls are literally the hardest girls out there to get--even in Western World (Due to their culture, upbringing, family pressure, threat of violence, religious commitment, valuing their virginity, and what not).

Many senior members wrote about how you need patience and what not, and even do beta game a lot (emotions, care, blah blah). And then their familial ties will make sure you won't get em even if they like you.

That's exactly what stands in between you and her. It's not her lack of attraction/desire/feeling/tingles/etc it's that social conditioning in her head talking to her at all times about the rules and stuff. That's what stops her. This is real for her.

Those idealistic ideas like 'if she was really into she would do anything you want" is [to quote the classic] "white ivory tower armchair theorism from eggheads who couldn't put any of their theory into practice if you gave them 10 years to preparation". It's exactly the same as saying "if you had good game you would get every girl you want". Real life is not black and white like that.

Quote:Cruisen_Chubby Wrote:

She is duping you my friend. She feels guilty for not having the tingles for you so she will passive aggressively make it your fault. Cue the crying. Now, she has made you feel like her lack of feels is YOUR fault and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.

That's one of the most absurd thing I read recently. So what, she doesn't feel it making out with him so she stops, cries and blames it on him for not feeling it. KJ shit to the max. You know what a girl who doesn't feel it with you? She leaves and becomes indifferent.

Quote:Cruisen_Chubby Wrote:

PS-- making out would have led for more if she had the tingles. That's a promise.

In a perfect world, sure. What planet are you from?

Quote:Cruisen_Chubby Wrote:

Another sign, she's hiding you. Women who are smitten want to show off their man and their prize.

Of course she's hiding him. If you read the thread you would know why. Now I know you have absolutely no idea what's going on there. Zero. You're just wrong. That's from me to you...

[Image: bF6Cp.jpg]

Complicated situation. What should I do?

You suck bro. You haven't banged her, just done some cuddling, watched films and got oneitis over her which is beta as fuck. You should actually read and try to put into action: all of Roosh's blog posts on game, bang, day bang, and all of heartiste's blog posts on game before you post questions here. Then you would have known all that already. We can't help you until you stop being a pussy.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Part of game is lifestyle.

Reminds me of a buddy of mine. I taught him some game, he started banging chicks pretty regularly, and then decided to settle down with one he likes. In my opinion, she's too old, not hot enough, and he's making a mistake by jumping in head first just because a decent girl gives him blowjobs at the drop of a dime.

But hey, if he's happy, I'm happy.

My personal opinion is that this is simply a case of bread and butter Oneitis, involving a woman with low interest who enjoys all the Dawson's Creek type drama.

Chances are, even if they end up in a real sexual relationship, it's going to be filled with ups and downs, with Tyrion always wondering if she's "really" into him, or staring at that tall guy with the beard. In turn, Tyrion will seek to please, further putting her on a pedestal, thereby driving her away.

That's my opinion, and it's derived from experience. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt:


And just remember - sometimes the prize for winning the pie eating contest is more pie.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-17-2016 08:37 AM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

You suck bro. You haven't banged her, just done some cuddling, watched films and got oneitis over her which is beta as fuck. You should actually read and try to put into action: all of Roosh's blog posts on game, bang, day bang, and all of heartiste's blog posts on game before you post questions here. Then you would have known all that already. We can't help you until you stop being a pussy.

No, I don't "suck" bro.

You think I haven't gamed random chicks and got into their panties before?

You think I find it super challenging to get laid at bars, parties, and so on if I really try to on consistent basis? That too, while in freakin college?!

C'mon be reasonable.

Banging sluts, down-to-fuck-but-playing-hard girls is one thing--but challenging yourself against one of the hardest stonewalls (Muslim girls) out there for one in Western World is another.

As XXL said "... stay chill, shoot some game and pay attention to reactions without wasting your mental energy, time and effort. Just like you do. You game that girl, play around with others, live your life, all is good. What's the big deal?"

Again..what's the big deal?

As I said before as well--I'll rather challenge myself and learn by going after one of the hardest possible cases for me (uptil now) rather than keep banging your average college sloots. It's not like I haven't been seeing other chicks during my time with this girl.

It's just that I find her far superior quality than anything i've came across college till now. So why not try as hard as you can and see the limit you can reach to (Even if it's not sex). It's all a learning curve, isn't it?

Btw, a serious question...

Wouldn't you have a problem marrying a girl who has been sucking dicks, getting cum in her mouth, and banging all sort of different guys before she met you? (And might continue to do so even after she has met you)

You'll either not marry and keep banging chicks
or you'll have to accept the above fact and settle down with it.

I was just curious..

Others are welcome to answer/give insights as well!

Complicated situation. What should I do?

OP: "I'm having trouble with this gir...."
Wise man: "Next her."
OP: "But see the thing is..."
Wise man: "Next her."
OP: It's just that...
Wise man: "Fucking. Next. Her!"
OP: Y'know. I think I'm going to run the hamster wheel a bit longer.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

Christ on a crutch. It's like watching a train-wreck in slow motion.

Detestably it took me 'til my early twenties to come to the realisation that my dick was not the cure for mental illness in women. Here's my advice from personal experience. If you haven't mentally shut down from butthurt yet then I suggest you heed it.

If you think that locking down a woman for an LTR is supposed to involve a thousand layers of bullshit as you carefully reel in her fragile and skittish heart, thereafter for her to bask in the warm, gentle glow of your love like a rehabilitated street mutt then you are out of your fucking mind.

Women of substance that are ready to settle do not fuck around with these games. They look for a man of substance, and the two do not have much difficulty finding each other.

Aaaaaaaaaaalllllllll of the bullshit in these fields can be attributed to assholes of either gender who THINK they want to settle down but in reality don't, people who think their LTR value is way higher than it actually is, and narcissists who think that the world revolves around them.

Translation. Either she doesn't want an LTR or she finds you lacking in some unknown quantity, but like most women is addicted to the attention of hamster wheel applicants where and when alpha applicants are in short supply.

Best case scenario, this traditionalist muslim chick (are you out of fucking mind?) strings you along until you get some sense, because trust me, if you manage to lock her down then you will be unpleasantly surprised to find that her behaviour doesn't get better but MUCH MUCH WORSE, because then and forever she will remind you that YOU CHASED HER, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND."

That is the brimstone pedestal, friend, the base of which you will be fucking chained to.

edit: Happily married with two sons, so no, I'm not a "never get married" zealot either.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

The biggest mistake guys make is the mistake of self-deception. Even though a guy may
know how he should game a girl, he still sometimes does what “feels right.” This usually means:
•Texting or calling a girl too much
•Paying her gushing compliments
•Telling her exactly how he feels

Guys don’t consciously think they’re doing anything wrong or incorrect when they act like this. Instead they usually rationalize things like, “Telling her that I really enjoyed meeting her and that I think she’s really special is a great way to spark her emotions and make a connection. Any guy who knows game knows that merely telling a girl “how you feel” does not spark an emotion or make a connection. Yet, when a guy’s feelings overwhelm him, his subjective view of the situations deceives him into seeing the situation diferently. If you find yourself saying, “This girl’s different—I need to do something different with her” then you’re probably falling into the self-deception trap. Every guy will have these thoughts at some point. Just learn to recognize them.

GAME works on every girl—no matter how attractive, special, or “different” she is. The methods and techniques in game appeal to women—all women. Moreover, once you see the success for yourself, don’t second-guess it. The same game you use to seduce that “cute” girl will work exactly the same when you apply it to the “perfect 10” girl. A more attractive (or "special") girl does not require a diferent set of skills.

What works works. Period.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

Quote: (06-18-2016 03:54 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

OP: "I'm having trouble with this gir...."
Wise man: "Next her."
OP: "But see the thing is..."
Wise man: "Next her."
OP: It's just that...
Wise man: "Fucking. Next. Her!"
OP: Y'know. I think I'm going to run the hamster wheel a bit longer.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

Christ on a crutch. It's like watching a train-wreck in slow motion.

Detestably it took me 'til my early twenties to come to the realisation that my dick was not the cure for mental illness in women. Here's my advice from personal experience. If you haven't mentally shut down from butthurt yet then I suggest you heed it.

If you think that locking down a woman for an LTR is supposed to involve a thousand layers of bullshit as you carefully reel in her fragile and skittish heart, thereafter for her to bask in the warm, gentle glow of your love like a rehabilitated street mutt then you are out of your fucking mind.

Women of substance that are ready to settle do not fuck around with these games. They look for a man of substance, and the two do not have much difficulty finding each other.

Aaaaaaaaaaalllllllll of the bullshit in these fields can be attributed to assholes of either gender who THINK they want to settle down but in reality don't, people who think their LTR value is way higher than it actually is, and narcissists who think that the world revolves around them.

Translation. Either she doesn't want an LTR or she finds you lacking in some unknown quantity, but like most women is addicted to the attention of hamster wheel applicants where and when alpha applicants are in short supply.

Best case scenario, this traditionalist muslim chick (are you out of fucking mind?) strings you along until you get some sense, because trust me, if you manage to lock her down then you will be unpleasantly surprised to find that her behaviour doesn't get better but MUCH MUCH WORSE, because then and forever she will remind you that YOU CHASED HER, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND."

That is the brimstone pedestal, friend, the base of which you will be fucking chained to.

edit: Happily married with two sons, so no, I'm not a "never get married" zealot either.


Women of substance that are ready to settle do not fuck around with these games. They look for a man of substance, and the two do not have much difficulty finding each other.

Aaaaaaaaaaalllllllll of the bullshit in these fields can be attributed to assholes of either gender who THINK they want to settle down but in reality don't, people who think their LTR value is way higher than it actually is, and narcissists who think that the world revolves around them.

Amazing set of wisdom here. Enough to close the entire thread IMO.

Complicated situation. What should I do?

I'm not going to coddle you. This will be harsh, but you need to hear it.

You are inexperienced with women and haven't learnt how to Speak Girl. Their need to maintain social status by remaining likeable to everyone gets them into situations like yours, when their inability to send out clear signals of sexual and emotional disinterest strings a clueless guy along and eventually forces them into the awkward situation of telling him that they only think of him as a friend.

I believe girls decide within the first 5 seconds of meeting you if they'd potentially fuck you or not. Nothing you can do will make a girl who isn't interested in fucking you want to fuck you - if it happens it's a combination of pity / guilt by feeling they 'owe' the man something, which will only lead to shame and the complete collapse of the 'friendship'.

However, if a woman is interested in fucking you, everything you do risks making her lose interest in fucking you. Classic examples: Compliment. Cuddle. Profess your love. Cling. Suffocate. See her as an idealised phantasm of who you wish she was, not who she actually is. Not listen to her clear signals of disinterest.

I've been alive for 45 years, and women's behaviour when it comes to guys they don't want to fuck is as constant as ever.

Let me clearly spell this out for you:

Quote: (06-12-2016 06:35 PM)Tyrion Wrote:  

We started to hang out a lot and I became her "best" guy friend.

That because she doesn't want to fuck you.


She started sharing her secrets, past life, and all.

She doesn't need to hide anything from you, because she's not trying to inflate her status around you so you want to girlfriend her up, since she doesn't want to fuck you.


Cutting to the chase--we started to become really close. We'll cuddle, become cozy while watching movies, and care for each other so on.

She'll take your affection and attention when it's offered, but it doesn't change the fact that she doesn't want to fuck you.


We both knew its not a friendship anymore.

You're projecting, because she doesn't want to fuck you, and this is where she started becoming uncomfortable around you.


In one of these moments she asked me if I liked her and I played the right game and told her that it was more than liking blah blah (which was kind of true as I was falling for her).

Which was when she clearly-realised she was caught in the standard female bind of enjoying the attention and affection from you, and not wanting to risk losing that supply by being honest about the fact she doesn't want to fuck you.


Things escalated. Pretty quick. In next couple of meetings, we hooked up.

She doesn't want to fuck you, but now she's feeling obligated to give you a chance, because she feels guilty that she's led you on.


Things got really intensely physical (sex didn't happen).

Because she doesn't want to fuck you, and attempting to get intimate with you only strengthened her initial decision.


Now today, all of a sudden, she texts me and tells me that we should create some distance.

Because she doesn't want to fuck you enough to have thought of a logical excuse, and is trying to let you down gently.


She says she is confused whether she likes me or is it just temporary feeling because I care for her and all.

Because she doesn't want to fuck you enough to have thought of a second excuse, and is trying to let you down gently.


Also, she says that doesn't want to get too involved into all this since I'll be graduating soon from college and move away.

Because she doesn't want to fuck you enough to have thought of a third excuse, and is trying to let you down gently.


Moreover, her family is kind of religious and they would not marry outside of their certain religious creed (of which I am not a part of).

Because she doesn't want to fuck you enough to have thought of a fourth excuse, and is trying to let you down gently.


She feels that becoming physically too close will only make it harder for both of us later on.

Because she doesn't want to fuck you enough to have thought of a fifth excuse, doesn't even you want you touching her, and is trying to let you down gently.


She wants to be practical because she says she knows that it is not gonna work out due to various factors (I kind of know that. Her family will NEVER let her marry me).

Because she doesn't want to fuck you enough to have thought of a sixth excuse, is telling you she doesn't want an emotional relationship with you, and is trying to let you down gently.


She told me not to be nice to her or treat her special because she falls weak emotionally and ends up too close to me.

She doesn't want to fuck you or have an emotional relationship with you, and doesn't even want you thinking of her a romantic prospect in the future, but is trying to let you down gently so you don't think she's a bitch.


I told her my feelings for her a natural and I'd continue to treat her the way I did before.

Why would you say this? She just told you in multiple girlspeak rationalisations that she doesn't want to fuck you, or have an emotional relationship with you and wants you to move on and find someone else.


She said then in that case, she is clear from her side and she'll distance herself on her own

Which called her bluff, forcing her to admit she doesn't want to fuck you or have an emotional relationship with you, and is trying to let you down gently so you don't think she's a bitch.


(although she doesn't want to lose me as a friend).

Huh. Imagine if female behaviour had been observed and discussed at great lengths enough that there was a name for being exiled to No Pussy Land by a woman using this exact phrasing...

Your update only makes matters worse. You just compounded her discomfort then - seemingly by accident - made the first alpha move of your relationship and negged her about her virginity, which made her play wounded fawn and get intimate with you, so you see how rare and precious and frightened she is, so as you don't think she's that kind of girl.

She still doesn't want to fuck you or have an emotional relationship with you. She just wants you to think she's struggling with her feelings for you - that it's a real battle for her - so you don't think she's easy. Which won't stop the Fadeaway, but will just extend it a little longer, to the discomfort of all concerned.

It was enough of a Nuclear Neg, that she's still looking for validation from you the next morning;


she texted me and told me that how shocked and offended she was from my questioning of her virginity

Powerful stuff. This kind of passive aggression should be expected from a woman from a traditional religious background who could suffer social ramifications for being thought of as a 'slut' or one who 'leads boys on'.


I, offcourse, apologized and told her I didn't mean it that way and blah blah...

And you immediately blow it. Having freely-offered her validation, you're back to being the guy she doesn't want to fuck or have an emotional relationship with.

If you keep guilting and bullying her into a relationship, she will grow to hate you a little more, day by day. I once saw a girl break into a violent, sobbing rage and attack her friendzoned orbiter of 15+ years, who just always refused to accept the reality that she wasn't, and would never be interested. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

That's the kind of bitter hate you're planting in her day after day with your refusal to hear.

I know enough about women and their behaviour to be able to predict it. I know what qualities attract them in a man, and can put myself in their shoes easily enough. You are making statement after statement that repels me and makes my Theoretical Pussy dry up, because it sounds creepy, delusional and borderline abusive. This is going beyond beta behaviour: you're crossing into the delusional reality of the Gamma Male, where you're living out some grand romantic fantasy in your head where she's the actress in your movie, not paying attention to her disinterest in taking part to the extent that she'll sleep in a car to shield herself from you.

Do you know how many girls at school would laugh about the clueless guys they'd friendzoned? Do you know how many girlfriends have described their Orbiters to me over the years, completely creeped out? Do you know how many women write about this exact behaviour in a mocking, disgusted way? Do you know just how standard your story is?

Stop wasting your time and find a girl who doesn't see you 'that way'.

Do you know how I know when a girl doesn't think of me as 'just a friend'?

- When she doesn't stop me fingerbanging her hard in an alley across from an alfresco restaurant.

- When she goes down on me under a doona when her 'date' for the evening is in the same room, cluelessly playing video games.

- When I overhear her bragging to her friends about our sex life and I grin hearing how much she's exaggerating my size.

- When I get that drowsy, warm rush of pleasure as I shake off the night's sleep to discover that she's decided to wake me up with a BJ

- When she comes to my office to get fucked whilst her clueless husband is waiting with the car downstairs.

- When her foot is rubbing my crotch under the dinner table as I talk to her family.

- When she walks up to me at a concert and opens with "You're coming home with me."

- When shes lifts her skirt in a public stairwell to allow me entry from behind, because she can't wait.

- When she's pretending to be asleep on my shoulder on a plane, but is giving me a slow, gentle handjob under the blanket.

- When she never hesitates to swallow.

Note the complete lack of logical excuses she's offering up for why she shouldn't do these things. She just does them, regardless.

Female passion is voracious, and doesn't care about propriety and social convention. Once you've experienced it, you will never again question where you stand with a woman.

This 'i'm not sure of my feelings for you' bullshit you're going through now - and it is bullshit - just doesn't happen in a passionate relationship.

I've never had a girl ask me if 'I liked them or not' since mid-High School. Women always know if I'm interested or not very quickly in our interactions. Life's too short to fuck around with hesitation. Take the bull by the horns early, and a woman is more likely to respect you by taking the coward's route of being her best friend in the hopes of transitioning it into a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. If she shoots you down, so what? You didn't waste your time or hers.

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