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How much stuff do you own?

How much stuff do you own?

I'm currently in the process of moving house. I'm just packing my stuff up into boxes and it turns out I have more stuff than I think. Only to the extent that it's about 6 ikea moving boxes or so.

I like to think of myself as the sort of guy who owns a couple of pairs of skis, his faithful dog and could just walk out of the door like that and I try to apply the 6 month rule every time I move (if you haven't touched it for 6 months, it goes).

Begs the question though, how much stuff is too much? How does everyone else do it?

How much stuff do you own?

"if you haven't touched it for 6 months, it goes"

I like this.

I moved into a small room in Manhattan recently. I've always desired a low-stuff lifestyle and I believe that living in a small area helps to foster that.

My biggest thing is clothes. I've been working on that for a few years. Even now I still feel like I have a few too many things that I never wear.

My mom, dad, and sister are insane packrats when it comes to clothing. their closets are bursting with crap they think they need but they don't. The bars that hold the clothes up even fell a few times. That's when I vowed never to be like them and be better at getting rid of crap that I don't use.

How much stuff do you own?

The six-month rule is great advice. I had a basement which was the collector for old shit. Found a variety of PC parts from the stone ages down there, literally threw away 90% when cleaning and prepping for my move.

- RS232/Serial cables and dial-up modems (56k anyone?)
- A dot matrix printer
- Paper for said printer
- A cassette player

I'm downsizing from a ~1000 sq foot house to the tiniest apartment I can find (500 sq foot would be ideal). If you're living in a place bigger than what you'll ever need, move right away. All that extra space somehow gets filled by accident, with crap usually.

Also instituting a spring cleaning schedule helps. I toss things in April, and again in fall in October. It really helps.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

How much stuff do you own?

I have a moderate amount of clothes and shoes, a computer, a desk, associated equipment, and around 3.5-4 large book-cases of books. The books are a moving problem but many of them are for professional purpose. I also have a small cat, some art supplies, and some family photo albums and heirlooms. It's a lot in sum, but I don't regret much of it. Though, I'd have issues in the average lower rent Manhattan apartment. The only other item that I want is a bike.

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-20-2016 01:36 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

If you're living in a place bigger than what you'll ever need, move right away. All that extra space somehow gets filled by accident, with crap usually.

^This x 100...I saw firsthand how this happens while growing up. The amount of junk my family had just because they had space for it was astonishing. I also really like the 6 month rule.

Admittedly I'm sort of sentimental, so I hang on to things that I probably shouldn't, and certainly don't need, just because they hold some sort of meaning to me. I'm trying to get over this because I'm moving soon and I don't want to spend a ton of money to haul junk across the country. Getting rid of some of this stuff sure feels liberating.

How much stuff do you own?

Not much stuff. A bed, mattress sheets and a down comforter, which is great for sleeping. I have a guitar, amp, a stereo. I wear a few different suits to work, a few pairs of shoes. I have a used Toyota.

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-20-2016 10:12 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

I'd have issues in the average lower rent Manhattan apartment. The only other item that I want is a bike.

I'm picking up my bike from my parents house next week so I can ride it to work. I'm just gonna leave it locked on the street and buy a weatherproof cover for it.

How much stuff do you own?

I have 7 outfits (1 for each day) and 3 suits, 3-4 pairs of trainers and 2 pairs of shoes. If I was in a pinch and had to move quick the only thing that would stop me would be my studio desk which weighs in around 60KG and my studio monitor stands / speakers. Besides the musical equipment I own I could live out of a very large suitcase.

“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains.” Thomas Henry Huxley

The Drum & Bass Music Thread
The Dubstep Music Thread

How much stuff do you own?

I forgot to add one thing, check your local news paper, message board, etc. for notices from the City you live in. Mine does a free spring cleanup every year where they will take almost ANYTHING. This is extremely handy and money saving if you are trying to get rid of large items like old beds or couches or TVs or dressers. I just stacked that junk outside Friday and it was gone when they picked up Saturday morning.

I solved the "sentimental items" problem by giving those things to my parents who have room and usually want to hold onto that stuff anyway.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-26-2016 10:10 AM)WalkingMan Wrote:  

I'm picking up my bike from my parents house next week so I can ride it to work. I'm just gonna leave it locked on the street and buy a weatherproof cover for it.

You must live in a high trust area.

How much stuff do you own?

Too much/Not enough (delete depending upon mood)

How much stuff do you own?

I collect stuff.

Own or collect? You know a rolling stone gathers less moss?

How much stuff do you own?

I'm of the strong belief that "stuff" costs you three times. It costs you money to buy it (usually), it costs you a place to store it and it costs you to get rid of it. Therefore, I take the stuff I own very seriously.

If I haven't used it in over a year, I sell it, give it away, or toss it.

If I haven't used it in over a month, I do an analysis on whether or not having it when I need it beats not having it at all. Guns fall into the "I keep it" category, whereas a whisk or a potato masher does not. Same with tool kits and general survival equipment. Certain books have their place here, too.

If I use it once or twice a week, but it's similar to something else that can do the same thing in about the same time, I toss it. Redundant shit like multiple variations of the same thing fit in this category so if you have two blenders, get rid of one.

Same with spare rooms with spare beds, you only want these if you entertain guests regularly or you're making money on it with Air BnB or something.

Depending on how serious you get, modern conveniences like coffeemakers, dryers, and microwaves fit in this category because they can be replaced by more durable things such as a cooking pot, a clothes line, and the stove.

If I use it every day, that's a no brainer, it stays. I try to make these items functionally indestructible or repairable.

A cast iron skillet fits in this category, a teflon fry pan doesn't.

A safety razor provides a functionally unlimited amount of shaves, whereas a Gillete razor does not.

A fountain pen fits the category, a disposable pen does not. I don't fuck around with disposable goods.

Everything else outside of these categories, especially dumb hobby shit that you bought once and never used, goes.

Unsurprisingly, it only takes me one leisurely afternoon to move from one place to the next.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

How much stuff do you own?

I also collect things. I have some type of Craigslist addiction.

I picked up a free nonworking curved Samsung TV yesterday. Its sitting right next to the dozen other ones I have, on top of the nonworking washers and dryers.

There are two major military installations near my house, and those people are always giving stuff away either free or really cheap.

Someday I will fix and sell all of it I tell myself.

The worst was when someone was giving away beehives. They looked empty and i just forgot about them out in the garage. Its almost like overnight those things took off and a had a massive swarm. It was terrible.


How much stuff do you own?

Ive moved residences 17 times and states 7 times in the past 15 years. I do every sport/outside activity under the sun and have top flight gear to do so. I just moved from east to west coast and I had a Penske truck with a load rating of 4300 lbs, when I weighed in at my final destination I had 7280 lbs loaded in that thing. How do I do it? I don't know, but it fucking sucks.

How much stuff do you own?

Not much. I can pack up all the important things I own in 5 minutes and be out the door.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-26-2016 04:43 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2016 10:10 AM)WalkingMan Wrote:  

I'm picking up my bike from my parents house next week so I can ride it to work. I'm just gonna leave it locked on the street and buy a weatherproof cover for it.

You must live in a high trust area.

Apparently my area is so safe that girls walk alone on Saturday nights with skimpy clothes on lol

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-26-2016 06:36 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

I'm of the strong belief that "stuff" costs you three times. It costs you money to buy it (usually), it costs you a place to store it and it costs you to get rid of it. Therefore, I take the stuff I own very seriously.

If I haven't used it in over a year, I sell it, give it away, or toss it.

If I haven't used it in over a month, I do an analysis on whether or not having it when I need it beats not having it at all. Guns fall into the "I keep it" category, whereas a whisk or a potato masher does not. Same with tool kits and general survival equipment. Certain books have their place here, too.

If I use it once or twice a week, but it's similar to something else that can do the same thing in about the same time, I toss it. Redundant shit like multiple variations of the same thing fit in this category so if you have two blenders, get rid of one.

Same with spare rooms with spare beds, you only want these if you entertain guests regularly or you're making money on it with Air BnB or something.

Depending on how serious you get, modern conveniences like coffeemakers, dryers, and microwaves fit in this category because they can be replaced by more durable things such as a cooking pot, a clothes line, and the stove.

If I use it every day, that's a no brainer, it stays. I try to make these items functionally indestructible or repairable.

A cast iron skillet fits in this category, a teflon fry pan doesn't.

A safety razor provides a functionally unlimited amount of shaves, whereas a Gillete razor does not.

A fountain pen fits the category, a disposable pen does not. I don't fuck around with disposable goods.

Everything else outside of these categories, especially dumb hobby shit that you bought once and never used, goes.

Unsurprisingly, it only takes me one leisurely afternoon to move from one place to the next.

^^This post I really like.

I've now just moved all my stuff into my new place. Literally took two hours BUT I'll definitely be moving towards this model. I move towards quality over disposable cheap shit.

How much stuff do you own?

I recently relocated and was able to move everything from the truck to inside the apartment in 1 hour and 5 minutes, taking just two trips up the elevator. Reducing my possessions over the last decade and keeping it minimal has really enhanced life, either at home or while travelling. Most things are either multipurpose or become so and it helps strengthen the skill of resourcefulness. I never feel cluttered and there are some side "game" benefits as well (ie, using it as an opportunity to borrow something from a cute neighbor or a sending a girl's hamster into overdrive when can't comprehend how you have such few things and you're now "mysterious").

Luckily, some great things to own (ie, money, equity in small businesses, stocks, real estate) usually don't need to be stored on-site but can still be yours. [Image: banana.gif]

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-26-2016 04:25 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

I forgot to add one thing, check your local news paper, message board, etc. for notices from the City you live in. Mine does a free spring cleanup every year where they will take almost ANYTHING. This is extremely handy and money saving if you are trying to get rid of large items like old beds or couches or TVs or dressers. I just stacked that junk outside Friday and it was gone when they picked up Saturday morning.

I solved the "sentimental items" problem by giving those things to my parents who have room and usually want to hold onto that stuff anyway.

I've also found that certain charitable organizations will come and pick up large, unwieldy items that you don't want to deal with. I've had several occasions when I was moving and needed to get rid of large pieces of furniture that I couldn't find quick buyers for. A call to Goodwill/Salvation Army/local church and you should be able to find someone to come get it.

How much stuff do you own?

Too much. I often do not apply the 6-month rule, and when I move in a new house with an empty room, I gotta fill the room so it looks less empty.

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-26-2016 09:43 PM)P Bateman Wrote:  

Ive moved residences 17 times and states 7 times in the past 15 years. I do every sport/outside activity under the sun and have top flight gear to do so. I just moved from east to west coast and I had a Penske truck with a load rating of 4300 lbs, when I weighed in at my final destination I had 7280 lbs loaded in that thing. How do I do it? I don't know, but it fucking sucks.

Man, I can only imagine your gas mileage on that thing.....especially 3000 lbs overloaded.

Don't hit a bump.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

How much stuff do you own?

I think of all possessions as anchors. Therefore I get real pleasure from owning as little as possible (following the Fight Club mantra of "the things you own end up owning you").

My place has an awesome storage cupboard which will fit all of my worldly possessions in when I decamp from the anti-fun that is the UK (I'm leaving next year, and am counting the days).

How much stuff do you own?

I KonMari'd my stuff and got rid of a ton.

How much stuff do you own?

Quote: (04-26-2016 06:36 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

I'm of the strong belief that "stuff" costs you three times. It costs you money to buy it (usually), it costs you a place to store it and it costs you to get rid of it. Therefore, I take the stuff I own very seriously.

Great philosophy.

Here's all my stuff: keyboard (piano), suitcase, too many books. Can move in two Uber trips.
[Image: ONtCc9o.png]

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