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Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen [video]

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen [video]

At first, I didn't like Sasha. This is back when I only had ~50 approaches under my belt and I thought he looked weird and supplicating. Now, ~100 more approaches later, I see his brilliance. He sees openings that many beginners wouldn't.

It's not really what he's saying. Look at his body language and eye contact. They're pristine. He has a couple of bad tendencies, such as the goofy double hand-wave he pulls when approaching some of the women in the video.

If Sasha put more time into cultivating his body image, he'd be a monster.

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen [video]

Quote: (12-11-2011 11:53 PM)Sasha_Pua Wrote:  

I'm very much shocked at the amount of trolling on this thread.


If anything, I think you're the one trolling. Trolling would be if we were to say, for instance, that you look like a homeless version of Jimmy Fallon:

[Image: attachment.jpg3845]   

But, none of us are saying that, so it's not trolling.

Quote: (12-11-2011 11:53 PM)Sasha_Pua Wrote:  

Clearly you guys don't know me, or what I do, or what I'm trying to accomplish. In fact, most of you are so ignorant I don't see the point in explaining it.

You're right, we don't know you. Part of the reason why is that you just jumped on the scene and wrote these TL/DR tomes about your accomplishments. If you'd studied the culture of the board instead of (figuratively) popping out in front us and saying, "I'm not crazy," we could have gotten to know you. I'm sure you're a nice guy. That's the word on the street, anyway.

Quote: (12-11-2011 11:53 PM)Sasha_Pua Wrote:  

What the fuck? Not ONE person even messaged me to ask me shit... nothing. Ya'll just hate.

People didn't just hate. In fact, most people didn't hate at all. People simply unpacked your game, analyzed it, and then took exception to your methods. You don't seem to take criticism well. Yeah, people talked shit about your look, but that's a central part of game--you know this. When you go out in cargo shorts and a pot-belly-emphasizing t-shirt--and videotape that shit, in HD--a group of guys interested in game are going to notice. You must know that when you put videos up, you're not just going to get praise and up-votes from newbies who are afraid to even say "hi" to a girl and are simply impressed with your "fearlessness." Some of us have been doing this too, in different ways than you, and seeing success.

Instead of taking offense, you could have defended your school-of-thought.

Quote: (12-11-2011 11:53 PM)Sasha_Pua Wrote:  

In my experience, it's the KJ's who sit around and troll, like most of you guys - that aren't getting laid. Dozens of my lays are fully documented on my blog, and my home lair with pics etc. I've been getting mine for quite some time now.

It might make you feel better to think that anyone who criticizes your methods is a computer nerd who never gets laid, but I'm afraid that's a fiction that exists only in your own head. I don't doubt that you've managed to get laid using your methods--even a broken clock is right twice a day--I'm just saying that your style isn't what most guys on here revere or use (at least not since the early 2000s, when it was more in vogue). That style simply doesn't suit the vast majority of guys and situations out there. It may work for you, an over-the-top theatrical person, but that's a tiny minority of the population. (Though I'm not convinced you wouldn't be doing better with some of the stuff guys on here use.) I'm an outgoing guy, with tons of public speaking ability and zero fear, but I choose to take a different route--a tamer, more strategic, organic approach, with some occasional verve and tasteful theatrics. I have, within this community, a sizeable group that shares this general philosophy.

Just the fact that you're using language like "lair" here tells me you're totally just jumping into a community that you never tried to understand or respect. You just wanted to hit us over the head with your game the same way you do these unsuspecting broads on the street.

Why would you expect anything less than the same level of disrespect?

Quote: (12-11-2011 11:53 PM)Sasha_Pua Wrote:  

If the forum rules were being enforced, specifically:
Half the people on that thread would have been suspended.

Actually, I've found that this is one of the best moderated game forums on the web. Our mod is on top of things and we do a fair share of self-policing. You have a-la-carted out the rule that you find most convenient. But, if you'd followed the rule below, we wouldn't even having this conversation.


5. Defer to the senior members, who helped make the forum what it is. Don't come out guns blazing trying to start petty arguments with everyone to show you're a baller who can get laid no matter the time, place, etc. Take it easy after you register until you get a feel for the flow of the forum.

Quote: (12-11-2011 11:53 PM)Sasha_Pua Wrote:  

On a forum where I'd expect sane, logical, helpful advice - from guys that are ACTUALLY getting laid - i'm really disappointed. I joined this forum to share info, tips, and talk about all things PU. Not to have a bunch of KJ's to talk shit. It's because of this kind of trolling that I stopped posting on most other forums.

I expected more from you guys. Guess this forum is just like all the rest....

Look, man, no one here has any personal animus against you. In fact, like I said before, you're known to be a nice guy in person. It'd be great to have you as part of this community--speaking simply as another humble member of it. If nothing else, you could bring an opposing view on some of our assumptions about game and enrich our discussions. We would hope to extend you the same courtesy.

Going by your previous reaction, my sense is that you won't accept that invitation; you seem genuinely offended. I don't think that's merited, but you're entitled to that reaction.

In either case, I wish you continued success at, as you put it, "getting yours."

--Tuthmosis (not PUA)

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen [video]

I met the guy in Montreal and gave him my copy of Pimp by Icebergslim.
The guy is legit and has the biggest balls when it comes to doing street approaches, kinda like krauser.
His approach is different than roosh given that being a standup comedian his personality is quite extrovert.

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen [video]

It's great wandering through these old threads. Posts from Kona, Tuth, Giovonny, Mechanico, Mixx etc great stuff.

Americans are dreamers too

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen [video]

Not bad daygame clips..


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