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Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Over 80% of the major execs at Hollywood studios happen to be Jews. I don't want to sound like I have a chip on my shoulder but those are the facts. They control it just like they do every other industry. A lot of the stars in Hollywood are half breed, usually with a jewish mom. I don't think this is just a case of power abuse. This is Talmudic teachings of hate combined with Kabbalah sex rituals. These documents ( Talmud and Zohar) should be examined closely for a better understanding of the globalist elites treatment of the population.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

My theory: The government controls Hollywood. The government pays or manipulates actors to push liberal agenda to turn idiots and sheeple into democratic voters. Celebrities are the ultimate trend setters. If Jennifer Lawrence says something about how planned parenthood is a good thing, stupid people will adopt that mind set and forced opinion. Fat shaming, racism, politics, feminism, all spread quickly through celebrities' social media accounts.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat provide access to multiple viewpoints that morons love to read because they have nothing better to do with their lives. Some people enjoy it because they live vicariously through their "idols" or "sources of inspiration." Because of that mentality, they want to think and act like these people who post nonsense on these multiple accounts.

The government has brainwashed these celebrities to feel guilty about their success and therefore conform to a liberal viewpoint. A good deal of these celebrities feel entitled to change mindsets since they all have a large cult following. One tweet or post could begin a new trend or challenge that regular people mindlessly do because they enjoy attention. This could be Emma Watson and feminism, George Clooney and his Darfur rant, Amy Schumer and gun control.

Since liberalism is based on emotion rather than logic, celebrities take advantage of this fact and have the ability to spew nonsense with conviction. Therefore, these ass-jockeys can post one thing and it will be sent out to millions of Americans. If millions of Americans see these messages that are spread out through multiple media outlets, then most will develop a common opinion.

In a way, Hollywood is a Satanic Cult because of their strong influence of liberal ideals. Some of the celebrities who are in the outlier (i.e. Vince Vaughn), will not be heard due to the liberal overload that is being spewed by celebrities and swallowed by the common people. Unfortunately, it seems like this will not change any time soon.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Quite possibly.

Let me sum it up as best I can without revealing any personal details.

I have a good friend who lives out there in LA. He in turn, has a good friend who works on movie scripts. I've been told through them that Hollywood is effectively controlled by a secret society and that you have to join in order to get very far. I don't know much more than that and that apparently the first steps are when you begin to get invited to their parties and social events as they scope out what kind of person you are. Sounds a bit dodgy but the person in question is one of very friends I have who I have never known to bullshit about anything.

If true it would explain why "Illuminati" symbolism is rampant in Hollywood productions but virtually absent from other media: because they're not actually what they claim to be but are merely Hollywood's dominant secret society.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

This thread is mind blowing.

Although the skeptic in me requests those who say there are a crazy amount of reports of Hollywood casting couches and underage orgies to at least provide some proof. I did many searches and couldn't find anything documented or written about this, specifically.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

One man, Stanley Kubrick.

He was telling all of us something about the elite. Their decadence, depravity, behind door parties. Eyes Wide Shut, was looked upon as a sexual odyssey movie. Which it is. But there is so much iconography and subtlety in that movie that it keeps giving out more and more information.

He was probably in one of these elite's societies, maybe even the one with the Rothchilds in that creepy deer head picture. Maybe he got sick of it in his old age, found his conscious. He died shortly after the "final cut". But some think he had even more imagery that got cut out by the studio.

Interesting man overall. The greatest movie director of all time. Jewish. He was even reported as saying that "Hitler was right about everything" in his final years.

Who knows what he saw or heard. But there can be no doubt that he participated, if only at the fringes of some of these organizations. He certainly had the fame, prominence and standing to be involved in these societies if they do in-fact exist. Which I certainly think they do. We've known that they have in the past, what has changed now? The rich aren't any poorer and the control of levers, seemingly are getting ever further consolidated.

edit* I just wanted to add that not all those that are consider elites would be apart or even invited into these societies. There have been many Men and women of principle, morals and god that would never of been candidates or ask to be involved. The difficulty of course is figuring out who is and isn't. But I don't think they need them all. If they have enough people in various fields (media, Hollywood, academics, politics, CEOs, billionaires, even religious figures) then they can still retain the control they desire. What's the control they desire? Im still figuring it out. But Roosh has pointed out several things like the depopulation theory, feminism, break of the family, destruction of western Christianity etc.. I don't know what it leads to, if anything. But I will admit the more I think about it, the more freaked out I get and in a strange way I become closer to god if that makes sense.

One last heads up. Check out the movie Kill List. A great little thriller that turns into a horror cult flick. Doesn't have the iconography or message of eyes wide shut. But explores the satanic rituals of the elite.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

This is VERY sensationalized but it's about the Jack Parsons/Ron Hubbard/Aleister Crowley OTO that is becoming popular again.

They cover a black magic spell that is supposed to usher in an antichrist-type figure called the "Moonchild". Moonchild comes from a book Crowley wrote (and it's the inspiration for Iron Maiden's song). The spell is called Babylon Working.

Incidentally, the place where they did the final part of the spell, which involved impregnating a woman, is now Area 51.


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

I was talking to a man about Eyes Wide Shut. I asked him why they would allow Kubrick to reveal details of their secret club. His answer: "Because the masses are so stupid that they'll miss it anyway."

If you made a million dollars right now, your instinct is to tell someone about it, not necessarily to brag, but just to share it. They can't help but share details of their little club, especially when they think we're too stupid to figure it out anyway. And even if we did, what could we do about it?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Ah the old mighty all seeing Eye. Although I'm far from being a specialist in this field, I've listen to a bit of Bill Cooper ( RIP... and if there's one " truther" that will make you reflect on your beliefs it's him) and the significance of the all seing eyes goes way back from the Pagan religion and is all related in part to the Egyptians Gods, and the tale of Horus, Osiris and Isis (heard of that name anyone!!).

This is some deep deep stuff that I couldn't really grasp, and just had mild interest in. I believe his Radio show that was called Hour of the time lives on thanks to YouTube. Once he was talking about the appearance of a skilled man (who could do things that no one had ever seen, such as Hunting extremely well, and other crazy stuff, and called himself

Nimrod... and right there is when I lost it!! I'm a Christian and that shit sounded exactly like the tale of the fallen Angels from the Garden of Heaven. Believed the Devil is Real ever since.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

"Eating feces is not optional."

So I guess we know where the Saudi's learned it from. [Image: shudder.gif]

[Image: the-x-files-i-want-to-believe-print.jpg]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Yeah it is connected to eye of Horus son of Osiris and Isis. It is said Osiris parallels babylonian tammunz son of nimrod and his wife. The all seeing eye is likely also connected to the third eye. The third eye or the Ajna chakra located at the pineal gland is said to give psychic ability and allowing to see spirits and be more sensitive. By opening the third eye, you become enlightened and your senses become like all seeing.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

If nothing else. Let's take 'Hollywoods' material as a whole & gauge the end result.

Does the material from Hollywood advance society & civilization?
Does the material from Hollywood come across as righteous & thought provoking?
Does the material from Hollywood actually benefit mankind?

Or is the material from Hollywood largely trash, that on many occasions does more to corrupt the soul & spoil the mind?

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Relevant to the last video posted by Roosh, from the Talmud:

Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.

Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."

Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

Defecation is another popular theme in other passages, obsessively so.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Nothing about this was leaked during the iphone db leak ("the fappening").

I am very skeptical.

If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It's the only good fight there is.

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if it happened to you it’s your fault, I got no sympathy and I don’t believe your version of events.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

The left Eye of Horus is also known as the Eye of Thoth. The Egyptian god Thoth and Greek god Hermes are one in the same. Hermes/Thoth = Hermeticism. Hence the connections to the occult and why emphasis is usually placed on the left eye.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

I'd like to know the extent of Freemasonry's reach in Hollywood, if any.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Alan Watt has had some very interesting things to say about Hollywood. One argument he makes is that movie/television scripts all undergo a revising process before they are finished so that they follow the Illuminati agenda. This explains why so much subversive stuff has come out, and as AnnoymousBosch discussed in a series of posts how it all happens gradually. The thing is once you start to see the agenda for what it is and open your eyes to the subtle brainwashing and subliminal messages you will look at the media you consume very differently. I think you can still enjoy some media as there are still entertaining movies and TV shows being made, but its much harder once you see how most of what you are watching is propaganda meant to poison your thoughts and ideology.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

[Image: mi5logo.gif]

The play list of all the episodes of The Prisoner (1960s) is on youtube:


[Image: 180206prisoner4.JPG]

Michael Tsarion on "The Prisoner" Symbolism

[Image: lawpxctryq4byozt2qie.gif]

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

I worked at a hotel in West Hollywood (I've written about it extensively here) We often catered to A listers. We hosted the CAA party a few times. Here's a list of who's represented by CAA:


I can't speak for any of the actors but the owner was a complete deviant. At one point I wanted to get into that circle, it genuinely seemed like a bunch of offbeat types that took a bunch of drugs and banged hot ass girls. But then I started hearing stories about midgets and bestiality, which were confirmed by more than one person.

Hollywood really is a cesspool of deviance. The thing is, is I think people just get drawn to that life out of boredom.

The average guy fantasizes about being rich and banging 9s. Well, for a select, exclusive group of people out there that got old, so they constantly need new and weird shit to keep them stimulated. Satanism, bloodletting, cropophilia, pedophilia, you name if. Pretty sure that if you can imagine it, it's been done, and is probably par for the course for some of these sick fucks.

The lyrics to Tool's Aenema come to mind:


Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your Prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.

It's a bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will cause
I sure could use a vacation from this

Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...

One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

Learn to swim. [3x]

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

Learn to swim.

Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all these gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.

Learn to swim.

Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory.

Learn to swim.

Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.

Learn to swim.

Cause I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom, please flush it all away.
I wanna see it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.

I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.

I wanna see it all come down.
Bring it down
Suck it down.
Flush it down.

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

I think most of Hollywood is definitely on a lower shelf than the Rothschilds etc ....the Jay Z's etc might think there are the top of the food chain but they are doing the dirty work of the Elite.

And "not to have a chip on my shoulder" [Image: biggrin.gif].....but look at the background of Tech companies/Wall Street/Hollywood/Porn producers/Record Companies/Media
Its all there in plain sight.

Look what happens when you speak out ....eg Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen etc

Eyes wide shut is a killer movie and its worthwhile reading up on some of the deeper symbology of scenes on various website. I remember at the time it was passed off by the media as some "crazy weird sex film" ...no surprise Stanley died ..I was also curious why Tom Cruise of all people signed up for it given Scientology is considered a cult by many.

Quite a few of the child actors like Corey Haim spoke out about sexual abuse in Hollywood.....I'm sure there are some Led Zep fans here but Jimmy Page would be in jail for 10 lifetimes if he was an ordinary man.
A look who he hung with.

Something I found interesting was Lady Gaga visiting Julien Assange who I consider the complete opposite of the spectrum....Clooney another Hollywood puppet started banging the Lawyer that was representing Julien

This guy has some interesting books on the illuminati (I've only skimmed) but some seem to have a hardcore Christian slant
He was also the guy that did the "male privilege tax" video

I didn't think it was a great film but it had some unnerving scenes, but this was a recent film A hopeful young starlet uncovers the ominous origins of the Hollywood elite and enters into a deadly agreement in exchange for fame and fortune.


Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Danny Carey [Image: youtheman.gif]

"...so I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Quote: (01-22-2016 08:57 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Keep moving along guys, nothing to see here.

Rothschild Party

[Image: Rothschild-wearing-mask1.jpg]

OK, this is creepy as fuck.

I was actually in contact with a laveyan satanist for about a month, he had taken me to the point of drawing sigils and how to reach out to the demons that would help me/proper meditation. The final step was for me to write a blood contract, but I never got that far. I haven't seen him since, but with a little work I could reach him again.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Conspiracy theories are fun, but I personally don't see any truth to any of this other than the usual powerful people doing stuff that only powerful people can get away with. As for all the covering one eye, "OK" sign stuff? Most of those are promotional photos for magazines and stuff. Probably just the photographer asking for a variety of poses to break up the monotony of taking hundreds or thousands of pictures of celebrities. That's certainly more credible to me than the idea that Justin Bieber is giving a secret coded signal to his Satanic overlords from the cover of US Weekly.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Quote: (01-23-2016 02:29 AM)etwsake Wrote:  

Conspiracy theories are fun, but I personally don't see any truth to any of this other than the usual powerful people doing stuff that only powerful people can get away with. As for all the covering one eye, "OK" sign stuff? Most of those are promotional photos for magazines and stuff. Probably just the photographer asking for a variety of poses to break up the monotony of taking hundreds or thousands of pictures of celebrities. That's certainly more credible to me than the idea that Justin Bieber is giving a secret coded signal to his Satanic overlords from the cover of US Weekly.

Yeah. One of the primary rules of composition for photography is an imbalance: a short figure next to tall, two smaller figures balancing out one larger, and so on. The covered half of the face is simply part of that principle.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?

Hollywood has always been degenerate, and some of the tales from the Golden Age are no more shocking than what's going around today. The Jazz babies were fond of quoting Edna Millay's poem, that I roughly remember is something like this:

My candle's burning at both ends
It will not last the night
But oh my foes, and ah my friends
It gives a lovely light

which is basically the 1920's YOLO.

They were fucking kids then and they're fucking kids now.

As for the Illuminati:

If you wanted to manipulate very gullible idiots into sex, pretending there's a secret club that offers them untold wealth and power from the devil / occult forces by sucking your dick is an easy enough con to run.

If you make the trappings and codings and paraphernalia as seen to be 'cool', the con will perpetuate itself. It's Street Branding. You get both the ones who think they're in the Inner Circle flashing the symbolism, and the Wanna-Be's trying to signal that they're in the Cool Kids Club, strengthening the brand.

As for Actual Occult Power, the great depression took Crowley's fortune and he died in boarding house, in poverty.

David Bowie, a very famous fan of Crowley and the Golden Dawn, didn't achieve any noticeable increase in fame via the occult mass of 'Station to Station'. What did increase his fame: selling out and making shit dance-pop records in the 80's for the lowest common denominator instead of twitchy art rock. His last Platinum record in America was 1984's 'Tonight'. His last Gold Record, 1987's 'Never Let Me Down'.

This means for the final twenty-eight years of recording, he never sold more than 500,000 records in America, and only had gold certifications in England after that, (100,000) and was only earning Silver certs for three of his 90's albums (60,000). This was before file sharing. Whilst he was famous, he wasn't really selling many records, given his fame.

Or take Will Smith, with gay rumours floating around him since 'Six Degrees Of Seperation' in the early 90's.

His last few films:

Men In Black 3

Budget $225,000,000
Gross $179,000,000

After Earth

Budget $130,000,000
Gross $60,000,000


Budget $50,000,000
Gross $53,000,000


Budget $35,000,000
Gross $32,000,000

Once again, he's famous, but he's not popular. He doesn't put bums in seats.

Johnny Depp

Dark Shadows

B $100,000,000
G $80,000,000

Lone Ranger

B $215,000,000
G $89,000,000


B $100,000,000
G $23,000,000

Into The Woods (not the lead, barely a cameo by him)

B $50,000,000
G $128,000,000


See the pattern again? People who are hugely famous but audiences seem largely-disinterested in.

Lady Gaga's is all about the Occult Signalling lately.

Born This Way

2,326,000 US

Art Pop

746,000 (!)

Cheek To Cheek (the 'sings the Great American Songbook' styl of album usually the providence of Aged Pop Divas)


That's ok, she's transitioning to acting, her career will be alright. Surely her huge popularity has increased the Viewership of American Horror Story...


In Live +3 ratings, FX’s measurement of choice, “Hotel” is averaging a 3.7 rating in adults 18-49 (up 7 percent from last year’s “Freak Show”) and 6.9 million viewers (up 1 percent vs. “Freak Show”). Same-day ratings have been in the mid-1s in recent weeks.

Her presence only added 69,000 viewers.

Once again, very famous, but not that popular, so you have to stop and ask, how much of the population are these people actively-repelling if this is all they can muster? What sizeable chunk of the population is being ignored by Hollywood to generate such widespread public disinterest in their celebrities.

If I was going to sell my soul for success, I'd expect a greater return than that.

Somewhat related:

Who was that idiotic singer who attacked Roosh recently? Charlie XCX? Since her 2013 album only charted in the UK, (a meagre 6,000 copies, 12,000 US) I never understood why she was getting such a big push from the media and record company when it was obvious the public wasn't hugely-interested.

Why was such a huge promotional opportunity of getting the feature soundtrack song for a movie as teen specific as 'The Fault In Our Stars' handed to a virtual nobody, whose first three albums didn't chart at all?

And even with the huge push, the follow up single does ok, but the next two start vanishing from the radar. There's no audience being cultivated. Is it being actively-repulsed? You have to wonder how many more copies she would sell if she STFU about trying to ram Marxist Feminism down teenage throats.

Is Hollywood run like a Satanic cult?



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