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Best time of the year to go to London?

Best time of the year to go to London?

I currently live in NYC and have been to Miami and LA so far. I'm planning an international trip next. When is a good time to go to London? Early spring okay? March/April? Looking to spend a week there.

Best time of the year to go to London?

During the warmer months (June-September) when more people are out and about and you can enjoy outdoor activities. April, and especially March, can be hit or miss unless you're main focus is nightlife and you're use to gloomy, miserable weather.

Best time of the year to go to London?

November is the worst month and June/July is the best month.

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Best time of the year to go to London?

Problem with peak season (may aug) is the billions of tourists that clog the streets, pubs, tube and attractionss.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Quote: (12-22-2015 08:53 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

Problem with peak season (may aug) is the billions of tourists that clog the streets, pubs, tube and attractionss.

And that is a problem, why?

Have you forgotten which forum you're on [Image: biggrin.gif]

Best time of the year to go to London?

Is there really a "bad" time to go to major global city?

Unless there is some kind of unpredictable weather disaster; its always a good time.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Quote: (12-22-2015 09:36 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

Is there really a "bad" time to go to major global city?

Unless there is some kind of unpredictable weather disaster; its always a good time.

Have you been to London when it's raining??

Best time of the year to go to London?

I have. In November. The lack of sunlight sucks. It always ideal to go anywhere in the summer. But is it bad time? I don't think so. I had a lot of fun.

It rains and its cloudy in Bogota almost all year round. Doesn't seem to stop anyone on the forum.

Best time of the year to go to London?


or, never

Best time of the year to go to London?

Summer is definitely your best bet. Alternatively, try September when the universities go back. Universities here have a 'Freshers Week', when new and returning students go out and get wild most nights. Alcohol flows and things can get pretty crazy.

Definitely try to stay in Zone 1 if you can afford it.

Just interested, what made you choose London?

Best time of the year to go to London?

The only problem with visiting London in the Summer, if you live in NYC, is that NYC is better for just about everything non-cultural (in my opinion).

Best time of the year to go to London?

Late spring / early autumn are the best for general touristing. The weather is less dark&dour than in winter, attractions are less crowded than in Summer, and hotel/accom costs are lower.

If your main goal when going is mostly to party though then summer is the way to go. Drinking Pimms in a park in summertime is one of the more enjoyable aspects of life in London. Plus there are always lots of tourists to hit on in the summer months, which is nice.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Looking for another major city like Manhattan

But yes, in the summer I'd prefer staying in NYC

Best time of the year to go to London?

Manhattan is a city? who would have known.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Lol. You know what I mean

Best time of the year to go to London?

Wimbledon - August

Best time of the year to go to London?

Quote: (12-23-2015 02:14 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Wimbledon - August


Wimbledon is always on in late June.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Do spring or early summer.

If you go in the late fall or winter the sun starts setting around 3pm and is dark by 4:30ish. After living in the snow belt and New England for the majority of my life England is a tropical snow free paradise in comparison. Sure you get the pissy drizzle but the air is mostly mild and moist.

I'll take an English winter over one in New England any day. It just gets dark so early.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Where would you recommend staying? Looking for an 18-25 crowd and a place with many bars in walking distance.

something similar to East Village in NYC.

Best time of the year to go to London?

Quote: (12-24-2015 09:28 PM)NextStop100 Wrote:  

Where would you recommend staying? Looking for an 18-25 crowd and a place with many bars in walking distance.

something similar to East Village in NYC.

Soho, Shoreditch or Camden are your best bets for that.

"I have failed over, and over, and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed".

Best time of the year to go to London?

Added Angel and Clerkenwell

Best time of the year to go to London?

What are your thoughts on Clapham for this?

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