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"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

[Image: threesomes.jpg?w=720&h=480&crop=1]

There are no two ways about it: This dating app was built for threesomes.

London-based startup 3nder — the name can be pronounced “Thrinder” to rhyme with “Tinder,” according to its founder — said it has raised $500,000 in seed capital from a pair of unnamed angel investors.

Since 3nder’s mid-2014 launch, nearly 1 million users have downloaded the iOS app in search of kinky hookups — whether “straight, bisexual, gay, poly- or pansexual,” says founder and CEO Dimo Trifonov.

The torrid growth has spilled into the US, where New York is 3nder’s second-biggest market behind California. Worldwide, users are sending about 1.2 million messages a month on 3nder while logging
around 4 million swipes.

That falls sorely short of the 1 billion swipes per day seen on Tinder, the hookup app whose viral growth is boosting billionaire Barry Diller’s IAC/Interactive.

Still, 3nder’s smallish subscriber base is a motivated one that’s willing to pay its monthly fee of nearly $13. Revenue is up 500 percent this year, and “it’s all organic, we haven’t done any marketing or advertising,” Trifonov told The Post.

Nearly a third of the accounts created on 3nder are couples, and most are millennials, according to Trifonov.

Indeed, old-school swingers have balked at 3nder’s Facebook log-in requirement, which is intended to verify identities.

Despite 3nder’s privacy guarantees, “People were saying, ‘I can’t log in with Facebook — I’m gonna lose my job,’ ” according to Trifonov. “But people between 18 and 34 are not so affected by imaginary moral values.”

The soft-spoken, 25-year-old techie admits his own tastes run vanilla. He got the idea when his longtime girlfriend confessed an attraction to a woman.


"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

How many of you have tried this and had it work out?

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

This is a cucks dream. They can use tinder to find a guy to fuck their wife.

I bet a lot of guys will get catfished for a MMF threesome instead of a FFM one.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

There is no way this is going to work out. Women don't want to take any action that would directly lead to this kind of thing. They want plausible deniability. This is the same as with the Ashley Madison fiasco. No woman is going to sign up for a website for cheaters because that makes them a cheater. They want it to happen organically.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 08:48 AM)n0000 Wrote:  

There is no way this is going to work out. Women don't want to take any action that would directly lead to this kind of thing. They want plausible deniability. This is the same as with the Ashley Madison fiasco. No woman is going to sign up for a website for cheaters because that makes them a cheater. They want it to happen organically.

I agree, the best these business owners can hope for is that it turns into 3rinder for the gays.

Women need a 3some app called something like "I was drunk" or "it just happened" or "you smell so good"

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

100:1 ratio with the 1 being composed of 80% fake female account incoming. Ashley Madison sends their best regards!

also about 80% of those couples will be a faggot dude wanting to creep on you while his gf waits in the corner. This'll be Grindr with plausible deniability "Oh no no bro I'm not gay look this app is for threesomes. Yes I let the dudes caress my buttcheek and suck me off, why do you ask?"

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

I predict this app will get overrun with LGBT, cuckolds, huge fatties prevalent at swinger parties, fake bots, and even more by thirsty dudes.

Can imagine a single female, a 5 or 6, getting on the app and getting 100 crassly sexual messages within an hour. App FAIL.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 10:52 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I predict this app will get overrun with LGBT, cuckolds, huge fatties prevalent at swinger parties, fake bots, and even more by thirsty dudes.

Can imagine a single female, a 5 or 6, getting on the app and getting 100 crassly sexual messages within an hour. App FAIL.

^^^ LGBTs have no money. Faggots can go to a park, they don't need this app for that shit, they have grindr other fag apps for that stuff.

Capitalist economics and sexual economics paint a clear picture how this app will function. It won't be the cease pool of LGBTs that many would think. Money is always a barrier of entry to fags/LGBTs because they are all mostly broke, especially the most radical of the bunch, they wont have the funds to afford the membership.

Yet in me saying all that above, don't drink this Apps kool-aid (it is a scam to siphon money from single men) but there will be some movement with it...

Women will use this app, just not at the scale or mass to get any traction.

There a lot of couples who want to do this sort of thing. For reasons of either weak frame (Cucks), or top dogs really just laying the ground that he wants to fuck other women and the middle ground is that she is in on it too.

This will be popular because couples can use this as a smoke screen as many are timid and aren't actually serious about bringing in somebody new. There will be a few aggressive couples who will use this the right way and reap a bounty of threesomes.

The App though will make money off the hordes of thirsty men who will sign up and pay.

The ratios of these types of things usually go like this:

30% couples (of that 30% only half are serious, the rest get cold feet)
60% Single males
10% Single females

The irony is that most of the females who do take that plunge are usually 100% down.

If a female is willing to pay that monthly fee it will be for a quick 30 day "exploration" type situation (then they cancel since women are cheap), but they likely want a couple/female and not a single dude, so if your advanced at a level in swooping threesomes you can use this as a fish in a barrel type set-up before it gets to busy and jammed up with dregs.

If you have a solid harem or FWB situation I would set up a profile and just game the new women who sign up. Get the prospect on your team then work backwards selling it to your FWB and then move forward from there.

The key for the app is how it is set-up. They must have very detailed filter setting, as you don't want a free-for-all of weirdo demi-glazed-sexual, pan-fried-freaks, homo-non-homo-non-monogamous losers clogging up the swipes. Also do they need to link to both a female and male FB to validate as a couple? If so then start now making a fake female profile to bypass that.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Sounds like a AshleyMadison 2.0 composed of all bots / spam profiles / fake ones / dupes. All thirsty men wanting 3somes with those profiles.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 07:30 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

How many of you have tried this and had it work out?

I haven't used '3nder' but my girlfriend set up a threesome on Tinder. It was shockingly easy, she actually got more than one offer in the space of a week. All hotties as well, the girl who turned up eventually was absolutely gorgeous.

So yeah, there's a lot of slutty millennial women who are up for fucking a couple, as long as its no one they know.

Anyone expecting to find two attractive strangers on an app willing to have group sex is probably dreaming.

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 11:53 AM)Kristoph Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2015 07:30 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

How many of you have tried this and had it work out?

I haven't used '3nder' but my girlfriend set up a threesome on Tinder. It was shockingly easy, she actually got more than one offer in the space of a week. All hotties as well, the girl who turned up eventually was absolutely gorgeous.

So yeah, there's a lot of slutty millennial women who are up for fucking a couple, as long as its no one they know.

Anyone expecting to find two attractive strangers on an app willing to have group sex is probably dreaming.
I salute you! [Image: Strip.gif]

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 11:53 AM)Kristoph Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2015 07:30 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

How many of you have tried this and had it work out?

I haven't used '3nder' but my girlfriend set up a threesome on Tinder. It was shockingly easy, she actually got more than one offer in the space of a week. All hotties as well, the girl who turned up eventually was absolutely gorgeous.

So yeah, there's a lot of slutty millennial women who are up for fucking a couple, as long as its no one they know.

Anyone expecting to find two attractive strangers on an app willing to have group sex is probably dreaming.

sidebar theory: With the decline of both marriage and serious LTR partnerships, might it be easier to swing FFM threesome's like this in the future, because the husband/wife will be more rare in the future and like a 'notch' on a chick's belt much like the yellow fever of the 80s and 90s?

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

There will be almost no women on this site because women can and do easily use free dating sites like Tinder, OKC and POF to find girls for threesomes and bi/lesbo action. I've been told plenty of times by women who do online dating that they get hit up by women fairly regularly and some of them are really attractive. No doubt some are fake profiles run by guys looking for nude pics but I bet a good many are real. Women are much more effective than guys at recruiting a girl for a threesome as anyone who has ever done it knows. Also, I can't prove it but I believe that there are likely quite a lot of women who are bi on the downlow or who are straight but looking to experiment who hookup with girls using the normal dating sites.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

It largely depends on your geo-graphical area.

However Tinder and dare I say it..fabswingers (website, type it in) covers this base remarkably well. My experience of women and couples who participate in swinging is that they will keep to what they know.

Cities in the UK such as Leeds, Manchester (greater), Liverpool, Birmingham and London have large markets for this app but as usual it will be inundated with single men or men who are after a bit on the side without permission.

With tinder, a married woman can say to others that she is looking but in fact she is fucking a new guy every week behind her husbands back. Its easy to do but this app is like hanging a sign outside your house declaring "free slut inside". It won't work. Plausible deniability.

Swingers are on Tinder but they desire several things;

1: Confidentiality. Not every woman wants it known she fucks others outside her relationship with or without her other half's permission

2: Most want some form of accountability, safety and feedback. Believe it or not you have more chances of random sex on Tinder with a girl you have never met than getting a lay off the fabswingers website. This is all down to how you're vetted.

Neither of these apps offer that unless they are out in town on the night and hunting for strange and you so happen to be within a mile of them. I've had it a couple of times. Meet them in a bar/pub and off you go back to a hotel to fuck.

Like Tinder the top percentage of men will clean it up but thats a fallacy because not many will be taking it up and the men who pull it off could do so easily outside of an app.

In short; stick to Tinder and game face-to-face.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

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"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 02:49 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech 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You're wrong. It is a hookup app bubble.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

This looks like a bullshit app. Scamulus.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Good luck with that - Tinder's going downhill and you expect this to be any better ?

Give me a break.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

I read some kind of op ed from the guy who invented it. He said he hasn't gotten any threesomes yet.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Fuuuucccckkkkk! I think we RVF members need to start brainstorming some new apps to throw at VC's. 500K for this?

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

The RVF membership needs to put its collective brainpower together and invent the perfect (for men) hook up app.
I strongly suspect that the membership consists of the right resumes to put this all together without outside interference.

Then we all get rich.

I'm the King of Beijing!

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

One of the recurring phrases that I see over and over again on dating profiles is "I'm not interested in having a threesome with you and your girlfriend."

I don't think women are writing this as a means of reverse psychology or underhanded "signaling." I think threesomes are pretty unpopular, unless they come about spontaneously, as others have said here.

So in that light, I don't see how this app is ever going to catch on. And I'm wondering who put up the money for the investment. It's clearly someone who hasn't looked at an actual woman's dating profile in a long, long time.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

When the sexual market place is further liberalised, the sex supply becomes even more constricted to the very top tier of men. More so online when the average woman's value is inflated to at least 2 times that of the average man.

However, my prediction is that the majority threesomes will not involve these high-level men but they will be lead by 'polyamourous, ethical sluts'.

The average heterosexual man still hasn't accepted that the sexual revolution is for every other sexual group except him and that is reduced provision power means that he will be faced with the prospect of sharing a woman either consensually (cuckoldry) or by being cheated on.

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-25-2015 01:22 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

When the sexual market place is further liberalised, the sex supply becomes even more constricted to the very top tier of men. More so online when the average woman's value is inflated to at least 2 times that of the average man.

I'd say at least five times.


I'm the King of Beijing!

"3nder", Tinder For Threesomes, Gets 500K Investment

Quote: (10-24-2015 02:58 PM)PolymathGuru Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2015 02:49 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech bubble tech

You're wrong. It is a hookup app bubble.

HC-Eel's right. Here's where I go all INTJ and probably will sound absolutely-insane, but to my eyes:

Tech is currently-being attacked by Authoritarian Marxism on one side (Cultural Marxists, Feminists) and Anti-Authoritarian Marxism on the other (Mental Environmentalists).

The AM's want the structure and hiring policies of the tech company to serve socialism before Capitalism, and as such, they infiltrate, subvert and strangle the private companies by forcing more and more government influence upon them. The AM's think by elevating marginalised population to gain control over the corporation rather than the bosses, these populations become their Authentic Selves.

Of course, this just makes a company dysfunctional and unprofitable.

The AAM's take this further: they want to the messages / products the company produces to attack Advanced Capitalism: the transaction between the consumer and the corporation needs to be subverted, with the resulting Situationist-style confusion making the consumer question their relationship to the product, and, best case scenario, unplug from the process entirely, thus becoming what ME's would consider their Authentic Selves.

Of course, this also just makes a company dysfunctional and unprofitable.

Whilst Cultural Marxist subversion is fairly-obvious to a large percentage of the population, Mental Environmentalist subversion is usually taken as an artistic statement, and, as such, its much more insidious. This is why I've lost interest in gaming since Gamergate: the bastards subverted my expectations as a player and made me question why I play games. I'm an intelligent man who understands the culture jamming process and they still got to me.

This is why I keep saying GTFO out of tech investment. There's another crash coming, either from CM incompetence or ME consumer erosion.

EDIT: A further thought: their goals can appear very similar at times. Whilst CM's want to censor free speech on the internet so their narrative can't be challenged, ME's would play along, wanting to censor free speech on the internet so people drift away from the internet entirely. This would explain the recent push to close comments and silence speech: the internet is becoming increasingly-controlled by advertising and corporate interests... Advanced Capitalism, the ME enemy. Restrict speech and feedback, destroy consumer engagement and conversation.

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