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opener idea - ball cap adjustment

opener idea - ball cap adjustment

Saturday night at the club, I observed 'target girl' grabbing ball caps off random guys, putting them on, dancing around and returning them a short while later.

I'm an 'old' guy (37) and (no offense) get a laugh out of the pants falling off and the 'crooked' cap style some 'young' guys try to pull off.

Anyway, I played up the crooked cap thing -- I put a my hand up to her as to indicate stop... I did manage to say and have her hear me "hold on a minute"... I then adjusted the ball cap she was wearing... a bit of a twist to the side, and crooked it on an angle..

She gave me this stupid look, and pretty much a 'dont touch me asshole' look that followed.

I stood back a second, mouthed to her "I have to fix this" and went in to adjust again... ever so slightly the angle and degree of turn... I did this a couple times making it seem like I knew the perfect 'setup' for the crooked ball cap style.

She turned around from her intial look, laughed, guys around me got a laugh, a few high fives from those around me, including the guy she took the cap from. Some conversation followed despite the loud music.. .some dancing, and had I been interested in her, perhaps I could have gotten more!

This was a simple exercise in becoming more social for me, an approach idea, and a way to put a smile on my face (as well as a few others).

I know similar things have been done before, but for some guys that are shy to approach (like me)... give it a shot... I had fun with it for a few minutes and it momentarily built up some 'social proof' around me with a group high fiving me, along with the smiles and laughs we all had from it.

opener idea - ball cap adjustment

That sounds like a good way to loosen up and get into the 'vibe'. Feels pretty good to not be shy doesn't it?

opener idea - ball cap adjustment

It felt really good.. and as the night progressed, I had one girl all over me (no kissing, but she was touching & rubbing), and she proceeded to flash me her breasts. Awesome feeling - and she was pretty good looking too. Too bad her pissed off boyfriend dragged her away, lol.

I did miss a shot at a number though - I had a girl checking me out extensively thru the night, but was dancing with other guys.. we left the bar and I was joking with her about all those guys trying to pick her up and how they just don't get 'no'. I asked for her number, and she said "she doesn't pickup in bars and is hard to get"... my response was simply that it was too bad she didn't want me to have her number and I walked (no big deal on the loss, but I'm sure she would've been fun).

My night out did help my 'one-itis' I'm going thru right now (thread titled 2.5 months no sex)... My brain says I had a great time the other night and with some work it can only get better, but my heart still yearns for the girl standing me up, lol.

opener idea - ball cap adjustment

The whole Hat thing for me is a very touchy subject. See I really dont like girls to take my hats because
1. Sometimes they steal your hat
2. They get makeup on the inside
3. You become just another face in the croud

To explain number 3 im talking about how the girl was probably taking every guys hat and doing the same thing at the party, club, bar, whatever. So if you let her take it then your just like everyother guy that did nothing while she takes something of yours off your head. I've found this to be an easy way to start talking to the girl to get the number or to get to know her a
little bit more than everyother idiot there.

Personal experience: So I'm at this party and when me and the boys get there we see a cute girl that is acting like a typical drunk girl, you know kind of annoying people, hitting guys, being loud, and most important TAKING HATS!!! Now we were there for a while now and she made her way over to our group of friends we were all talking to. I had a hat on and like the annoying girl she was being she goes to grab my hat. I block and say "What do you think your doing??" She tells me "I wanna see your hat." I respond with "Your cute, but not that cute". Now a little insulted she starts to argue with me and i get to turn on the charm now that i have her full attention. Long story short i got the number that night and the next weekend i was showing up to parties with her and meeting my friends there. Sex started happening about 3 weeks into talking and hanging out with her.


Hey baby lets go get some BBQ and get busy!
[Image: banana.gif]

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